
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands SDXCx50 Sociolosseoses JAMAICA Bad Drought Hits Mid Clarendon.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD of Mid Clarendonding diatricis inches.
Tae Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
Bring and enriching the BLOOD. The GLEANER Correspondent writing from May Pen on April 26, states that drought conditions have reached a most acute in this At Danbeigh estate the rainfall for the last nine months has been only eigbt appearance of the Delds is as is it bre bad passed through them. The attorney at Sevens estate bas shut down work entirely owing to lack of water. Farmers cane already cut has to remain in the fields to spoil with the estates closing down and cot a vestige of growing crop The condition of the small colti vations can be imagined, Toere is unemployment and distress on all sides.
At a meeting of the MidClarendon Agricultural Society on Saturday the matter was seriously discussed and a com mittee appointed to keep per petgally before the Government the imperative necessity of doing something to save Mid Clarendon.
of Miss was For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT ber duty, colony.
in th BARBADOS Miss Crawford, who was arrested and subsequently released on bail, on a personal bond of 200 Schoolmistress Exoner and a surety of 200.
On Wednesday 17th March ated On Charge of Miss awford was placed before Mr. Mabon, Police Magistrate of District on Manslaughter.
a charge of unlawfuly and felon.
iously slaying Esmay Sealy.
DOCTORS ALARMIST EVIMr. o. Henderson Clarke, A. barrister at law, instructed DENCE, by Mr. Stanley Patterson, Solicitor appeared on behalf of Flogging Had Nothing What her defence, whilst Captain ever to Do With Pupils Death G ddard Inspector of Police, prosecuted on bhall of the Crown FELLOW CITIZENS APPLAUD MAGISTRATE DECISION.
The other little girl, who was flogged by Miss Crawlord at the same time as the deceased child, The considerable fury and ex. Crown and testified to the fact was called on bebalf of the citement into which the custom that both the deceased and berary quiet of Speigh to wp was sell bad been sogged in the stirred by the arrest 188 usual way and that the lashes had Crawford, The Headmistress of St. Peters Girls School on the the not done her any harm. h Dr. Matthews who had stated slaughter, bas now subsided fol at the Coroner inqnirs that the 30 March, on a charge of manlowing her complete exoneration contusions found on the child or the very serious charge. on body were the result of some Wednesday, in the Pablic Court force, admitted to the Court that of District very little force would be required to produce them as there were Miss Crawford is a popular no external abrasions. H: fur.
figure in middle class society ther stated that death in the northern parish and has indirectly due to these coatus been Headmistress of the St. ions. The ogging he said had Peter Girls School for fifteen produced an inflamation of the years. She bears an exemplary tonsils which in turn had cccacharacter and is much admired sioned fatal bemorrhage.
by th Inspectors of the Elucation Board for her devotion to Uader croos examination by Mr. Clark, De. Mathews stated that the leather strap was Her arrest was sbock to all St. Peters, and on the day of her child of tea years but not a child proper instrument for llogging a trial the Courthouse was packed of nine years such as the dewith OF deeply sympathetic ceased. He admited that bete gathering composed of persous not absolutely swear as a drawn from every section of society in that part of the that death was either directly or indirectly due to the flogging He further admitted tbat he had Hamnen His exoneration on the charge not made a couple post mortem ex was warmly applauded by ber amination as he omited to open fellow cikls and the nerve the brain of the deceased, and it rorking strain under which she was possible, had he opened the laboured whilst the sword of deceased child brain, that he Damocles was suspended over might bave discovered another her unfortunate head, has now cause of death, ben bappily removed.
Mr. Clarke submitted there The facts which led up to her was no case fo Miss Cawford arreet are as follows: to answer.
Nit nerely on any Tuesday, 23rd February been completely exscerated, but techinical legal point had she las. Ms. Crawford had occasion on fact, as there was absolutely to flng Emay Saly and another girl, both nine years of age and tween the moderate flogging no connection established beof the same standard for talking administered to the child and the during the morning prayers. To child deatb. He wanted it to each ch la three lashes on the be clearly usderstood that while rixbt shoulder wer were administered with a leather strap (produced the child deserved svmpathy for strap ber natural had been used by Miss Crawford age Miss Crawford deserved daily for the last seven yeare.
greater sympathy for the The girl, Esmay Sealy. went was placed. But even assuming unnatural position in which she and returned in the that Blade tbal had been the afternoon to schoel She iso direct or cause of the attended schon on the. his day, Thursday and Friday follow have to be discharged to in a schoolhealth. No complaint was made cause, under the last, kesebben tu diiss Crawford on anyone else tisement which was not excessive mistress who administered chas with regard to the flogging of with an instrument, which was the child, or of her being ill. Oa Sunday the 21st, February, the not in any way be held respon reasonable and moderate, could child fell IN at home and Dr. sible for any death which enused Matthews was called in to see berShe did not attend school is a result of that chastisement.
00 Mouday March 1st, and her Halsbury, sind Archbold and Slone, 2001 It was laid down most clearly by in all of the authori: father tben, for the first time wag made a a complaint to Miss Craw ihanah tord. The next day Tuesday, the that such a death was smply galn attended school, sal that should have been the finding death by misadventure. And con the annual xamination and pass of the Coroner jary. There was that day she was of again detained at home through upon which he wanted to com.
feature of the case was a matter of first day, March time she was under treatment by the medical man who attended importance to to the public.
Dr. Matthews. Os the day be the deceased privately was the fore the examination, when she be had been detained at home, warn very one who performed the past poultices had been applied to her: improper and dangerous state of. examination: more On Saturday March, Ensay was difficult to conceive was ordered by Mr. Matthews and and be to be taken to the was quite sure that had general hos the Coroner been aware of the Oa arrival there she was fact he would not have permitted examined by Dr. Gu llanme, one it.
of the Resident Surgeons, and Instructions issued for her deten. His Honour in discha ging the tion on the ground that her defendant informed her that she throat was in a very ulcerated left the Court without the slightcondition, and ber temperature est reflection on her character, abnormal, but her sister who was and advised her not to let her in charge of her insisted on tak unbappy experience prevent ber ing her back home. The danger from administering chastisement of adopting such a measure was when necessary in the perforpolnted out both by the Doctor Wance of her datis. Exchange.
and a nurse to the sister au who, bowever, insisted on removing ber, Tuesday, 9:March, an quiry was held into the circumstances of her death and a post mort examination of her body was Have you tried the made by Dr. Matthews. Oa the new Beer strength of the medical testimony offered by the Doctor in Kronen Brau the Coroner jury returned a serdict of manslaughter against bakers House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH The Banana Fig Industry Here.
TA special Correspendent writing to the GLEANER states that at one time immediately precedICR the war years, there was a excellent trade. being done in Ja malca, in the preparatiou of banana tige, or evaporated bana.
bas. large puit of the output was sent to Germany where there was a good demand for this product. The war brcke out and this trade was stopped; but whether the war had broken cut or not, the me result would bave obtained As was vers usual Would of colon owing to the lack ntrol Dick and He port every Tou.
was butting in on the trade and there were bananas being dried in ovens and shipped in soap boxes and kerosene boxes.
This trade, it is now learnt, is being re commenced, and there are several factories at work.
This promising Industry will great deal bere when there is a glut of bananas. The Angers of the small bunches make quite as good Ggs as those of the larger bunches. One in the trade is that at F, Sharpe. of Trout Hall, Frankfield. The United Fruit Company has a factory at Port Antonio, and the Serge Island Estates of Seaforth near Morant Bay bave this business as an adjunct to the other opera tions that are carried on by The banana fig, or evaporated banana industry could be well extended with profit to the Is.
land. It can, however, not be done by everybody, for there has quality of the trut: must be of high standard to appeal to the market. If the Produce Proteetion Law is up into force, this bigh standard of bacana bigg might be obtained in Court. help even to lunch of the first Jon still Bood Order Books them.
sauneties chuid Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies During that ment. rate mortem things Bahamas will Permit our Cigars Free if we will Admit Their Salt it CAN BE HAD AT pital.
The Workman sembly Stationery Store The Jamaica Imperial Association learns that a Bill has been introduced into the House of Ag.
in the Bahamas, and bas passed its second reading, to admit Jamaica cigars frea into the Bahamas on condition that salt from Babamas is admitted free into Jamalca. This matter of a preference to Jamaica cigars was.
taken up with the Bahamas Gov.
ernment and Chamber of Com merce some time ago, as well as with other neighbouring British colonies, by the Jamaica Imperial Association. Doubtless the JAmaica Government will be communicated with in the matter at no distant date. Od the average, Jamaica imports about 5, 000 worth of salt yearly from the Babamas. Continued on page 7)
On the day of beredarne ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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