
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1926 מי light you GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY SexS03438 MOSCOXSSSSSSSS459 sos Our Henrietta. THE WORKMAN OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT Under the Caption Barrios Notes. the BELIZE INDEPENDENT IS British Honduras publi hes the Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen or applica following tribute to Lady Hen.
WALROND, 4t the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER rietta Vinton Davis by devoted Avenue, Paris, de of public interest invited.
members of the on her PO Box 74, Panama RP.
All copy for publication must be NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that recent visit to that place in con.
written on one side of paper only, and nection with the famous Morter Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Will Case when she was a promiOne Year 40 S. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publicathey please the customer, Several NOGAR nent witness for the organization, Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus The Negroes of Puerto Barrios, Three e.
We do not undertake to return reGuatemala, hed the distinguished Озе 25 jected correspondence.
and every customer is pleased.
honour of having in their midst Lady Henrietta Vinton Davis 4th The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS Assistant Presi lent Gereral of the Orders have doubled during the past month and many SATURDAY MAY 15, 1926, through the indefatigablo repeat orders are coming in, If you need. general efforts of Dr Drummond, Mr.
Linçelot Davis and hers, the utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of divisions Guatemala were CAPITAL AND LABOUR pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark brought back up to their usual you want to get.
stand. Lady Divis addressed at The colossal, industrial strike which invaded Great meetings of all the divisions, and Write for samples and information and we will ve certainly did put the cause over Britain during the past week and a half and kept the pulse the top of that great nation beating abnormally for nine days, ended a representative call if you say so.
On the eve of the departure of on Wednesday last and Greater Britain, and indeed the NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
Lady Davis, she was the recipient world at large, experienced a sense of relief.
of many pres. nts and the following memorials: Historically speaking, Capital, after having got fat and of Reading, Pa.
opulent went on a bed of silk while labour stood on the May it please your Ladyship to CARTER receive from elements piling up more money into the sleeping miser our hands these presents, as a token of the honour, coffers.
Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone Listrict love and deep appreciation in which But labour commenced to think and felt that some of you are held by us, the negroes of BCX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE Puerto Barrios, the money in the miser bag was really his and he was We entertained this high esteem right. Labour got a big stick and hit on capital a a hack and 85:93:55 0:00 60 exsexsexskissko for you since first we became said wake up and shell out, but capital being stunned at acquainted with you, and we hupe the resolution of things is answering in a half dazed sort to keep same ever, here or wherever of way.
we may be. SWS1363 CCESS When Capital is fully awake labour will get its just We odmire you as the bacon deserts and the mines will hum, and the factories will ol negro womanhood as a whistle and the corn mill will squeak, and the earth will first sta in the galaxy of our nationhood; and, we bumbly resmile, and the books will grow fat; poverty will vanish qust, that when you are far away and nature will laugh and sing and men will be happy from these shores, you some times and heaven will rejoice.
think of us who will ever be thinking of as guiding light during this our Ricial Night.
The Doctor Trade Union.
Oh Afries noble daughter from over the sea Our Henrietta. case of personal hardship will often impress the Sons of Congo, Bantu and Coropublic mind when a broad question of principle has failed mantes acclaim thee with cheers, to move it at all. There his just died in London an eighty.
Our Henrietta We acclaim thee with songs, we ac.
year old doctor who had been struck off the official medical claim thee with cheers, list years ago because he had given anaesthetics to patients Our Henrietta under treatment by a well known manipulative surgeon, who ATFirst Lady recoward of Afric has since been honoured with a title by the King. Manifame pulative surgeons are sometimes known familiarly as boneEsteemed ever amongst shall be setters and tney have a peculiar faculty for dealing with the dear name, many surgical cases that havº completely defied the skill Our Henrieta of the professional surgeon. But the professional surgeon Thy presence amongst us a joy hath been; and the professional physician guards his interests jealously.
Our Henrietta, The body which con rols the profession keeps what is Into thy hani our eifts we place, known as the Medical Register, and no one can get his Most honoured daughter of name on the Register unless he has qualitied in the regular our Race and prescribed methods. If he is not on the register or Our Henrietta.
having been once on has been struck off for what is techAn Revoir, nically known as infamous conduct, no other doctor may SSSSSE 1954 SOOS NEGROES OF PUERTO BARRIOS ever work with him. The manipulative surgeon in ques.
March 10th 1926.
tion, Sir Herbert Barker, was not on the register because he had never qualified in the ordinary way, and the doctor who has just died, Dr. Axham, ought therefore not to have ADVERTISE NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Heroic Negro Spy given anaesthetics for him. Dr. Axham, however, was satisfied as to the value and efficacy of Sir Herbert Barker (From Our Correspondent. Continued from page 1)
work and deliberately broke the statutes of the British IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS There was a change of the and every nipht was told the counMedical Council, which accordingly struck him off the regis.
wea her here o Sunday last thi tersign which would provide him ter. As he has been slowly dying this has preyed gravely between and o clock in entrance on the following evening.
on his mind and public sympathy for him has been prothe afternoon a beavy shower or In this manger, the Negro foundly stirred, with the result that some reclamation of the rain fell; tacks and water bar. learned that the countersign on regulations of the British Medical Council will almost cer London Traffic Problems.
rs secured a goodly portion of the night of the proposed attack this the best of all liquids, and bv Wayne was to be The tainly be insisted on, though it is of course essential that man, animals and plants lifted Fort Our Own. He not only re.
the maintenance of high professional standards shall remain their heads up to thankfulness ported the password the chlef aim of the Council.
Few people in Great Britain envy the Minister of ink in a shower of rain.
to God for sending us His bless Anthony but also offered to be The his guide on that eventful night.
Transport in the efforts he is making to solve London thirsty earth also shows signs of In the morning of July 15 all the British Hotels and Others.
Traftic problems, The gvratory system and the one rejoicing Massachusetts light infantry Way streets which he introduced in some of the most marched to join Wayne forces at congested areas in the town have come to stay. But The public (Spanish) schoo Sundy Beach, fourteen miles from British hotel proprietors, a little gloomy about the pros measures of this kind, while thy may affect some relief, was re opened on Monday the Stony Point. The day was exceedp cts of their own profession, are hard at work at the cannot overcɔme the real difficulty which is that many of eachers bas been changed, and sweltering body was moving for311 inst. the enti e stått o ingly warm and at noon the entire moment making the best of it for the benefit of a party of London arterial streets are not large enough to take the during the past week one did no ward, elimbing in. their most eminent American colleagues who have gone to ever incresing number of vehicles that use them If any!
wading the England to see if England has anything to teach them. real improvement is to be made it is obvious that the nise isning from the the rugh crags and file uver vietor y olina sriwol bouse dur muddy swamps. The hardy men Their English hosts doubt whether it has, but the Ameri streets must either be widened or the volume of traffic provement which it is hoped so clock in the evening, at are iru recess. at general will continue They began well, at any rate, for the train which carried cable, and the Minister of Transport has decided to adopt other improvement would be the below Stony Point.
itely: An dezvous about a mile and a There the them from Plymouth, where they landed. to London the second. As a first step he has issued an order limiting at vit up of a cluck to the turni main body waited until the leaders covered the distance of 227 miles in 224 minutes six the number of motor omnibuses that may run on certain to of the school so that th had returned from reconnoitring distance is about the same as that from Nw York to Wash belong to ex soldiers who have invested all their capital ur til 30 and p. as they do advanced et half past eleven (all minutes under four hours. As one of the guest observed the routes. Many of the omnibuses thus ordered off the roau children would not have to re the conditions at the fort.
in school unnecessarily The soldiers, then in ington, and the fastest train running cannot do that under in these vehicl. s, and naturally they are protesting against now.
five hours. As a matter of fact though the Great Western the Minister decision, Their protest has taken the form dogs in the neighbourhood had Railway, which serwes the Plymouth district, was trying to of defying the order by continuing to run on the forbidden previously been killed) and Pom.
show what it could do its performance was not so much routes, and as a result they will probably be summoned phone communications between was leading the way. The counterIt is a wonder that the tele pey, the keen witted Negro spy.
out of the ordinary. The run from London is done every by the police, Meanwhile, the sympathy of the public is clən and Providence is not sign The Fort Our Own beday in 247 minutes, and two days after the Americans with them and more than a million people have signed a interrupted it is now the fourth came the watch word of the men travelled two heavy boat trains ran up from Plymouth in petition to Parliament to allow the buses to run. While website bibele ise on the when ustedes they made their wild 233 and 235 minutes respectively. At times the speed the Minister of Cransport is endeavouring to reduce telephone posts a no great dis Anthony name is not likely to be grand by the fall of one of and successful onslaught reached was 85 miles an hour, an achievement only made London traffic. another Minister, the Home Secre tance from this village, and men forgotton but pon. per name has possible by the excellent construction of the line. One tary, has just taken a step which can only result in increas and horses have to walk over it not even been known by most feature of English hotels, as compared with American, that ing it. He believes that Londoners want cheaper taxicabs, instead of passing underneath it Americans.
appears to have impressed the visitors from New York and and has for some time been trying to induce the owners We were right wben we stated in rints who laid their offering upon at the curve where the post fell, Thus, to the list of Negro pat.
elsewhere is their restfulness, while another that aroused of the present four seater cabs to reduce their tariffs. This the WORKMAN some months ago the altar for American Freedom, unqualified admiration is the toastmaster. that majestic they steadfastly refuse to do, and so the Home Sec at some of the posts were to we now add the name of Pompey, official who at public dinners announces the speeches retary has now agreed to the introduction of a new type of operly put un, especially at the slave.
in a commanding and resonant voice with the time hon two seater cab with a lower scale of fares. It is estimated the curves, and would soouer or oured formula Your Royal Highness, Your Excellencies, that in six months time five hundred of the smaller cabsous to both man and beast travellater My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, pray silence for the Right will be on the London streets. They will be welcomed by ling that way.
the Church of Gud building bere, Honourable the Prime Minister. with variations appropriate aid roone has as yet been cured; Is it a lack of faith? er is it to the character of the company and the personelity of the the general public, but it is doubtful if the Minister of The time limit is passed singe ex nerimenting on the Christian speaker Transport will be equally pleased to see them.
the healing meeting tuuk Ilica at rel glut?
Only First Class Ones Need Apply to Mad tbis an did a half


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