
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 19. PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres you party The God they. How often must to and ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES The Path Across The Trip to Nombre de Hill Tonight Dios.
CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR There was a dess rehearsal of The Path Across the Hill at the (BY A GASKIN)
Clubhouse last nignt and this day in last week Me. Da (PANAMA. COLON)
PANAMA morning the Auditorium of that Vesax blew to the office with popular community center is pre Say, Gaskin, am jiit from the TODAY, Saturday May 15th and SATURDAY, May 15th SUNDAY, May 16th senting a new garb; the seating Governor office, and he has inTOMORROW Sunday May 16th George Brien in arrangement is much improved Betty Bronson in vited me to mike that excursion upon while the stage represents Colleen Moore in THE PAINTED LADY do umbre what KISS FOR CINDERELLA neatly furu. ished apartment, the think of it Capital, let us get up WE MODERNS SUNDAY May, 16th setting for the play, To all appear.
take it io.
ances the Clubhouse is slated be MONDAY, May 17th was gotten up. gang of about 10. party MONDAY, May 17th Pola Negri in Herbert Rawlinson in the scene of bu dreds of people ten strong agreed to go FLOWER OF THE NIGHT tonight. Music for the occasion only thing that did not like Special Cast in THE PRIRIE VIFE will be furnished by an up to date hal about it was, the boys said that DANTE INFERNO MONDAY, May 17th orchestra The following is the cast we must make it a stag. bate All Star Cast in TUESDAY, May 13th of Characters of The Path Acro to have a party of all men. The TUESDAY, May 18th the Hill. THE FOLLY OF YOUTH Pete Morrison in thing don look right. have Lew Cody in CAST OF CHARACTERS always held that the only infalli DESPERATE GASE TUESDAY, May 18th MAN AND MAID Samuel Crawford, Grandpa ble statement in the Biole was William Jump the one that said, It is not good Jack Pickford in WEDNESDAY, May 19. for the man to be alone. And WEDNESDAY, May 19th Robert Post, the Visitor. THE GOOSE WOMAN Sewell this is from the very lips of Dustin Farnum in Rudolph Valentino in Himself. Be that as it may, and YOSEMITE TRAIL WEDNESDAY, Moy 19th Walter Conrad, Ruth Brother COBRA It may be as it is, we were to said Lorenzo Johnson Collen Moore in on the morning of the 26: April.
THURSDAY May 20th WE MODERNS THURSDAY May 20th Dr. Jimmie Reed, with ambitia.
From about 30 of the Downes 25th, fellows started to drop into Pola Negri in THURSDAY May 20th Norma Shearer in Salamander Joned the office, all seemed to FLOWER OF THE NIGHT Special Cast in EXCUSE ME Zuzu choice Henry Hall have the same tune. Hello Mrs. Davis, Grandma Mrs.
Gaskin, Where is Mr. De Veaux. DANTE INFERNO FRIDAY May 21st FRIDAY, May 21st Olga King Sorry man, but can make All Star Cast in that trip FRIDAY May 21st And the party that Ruth Coorad, Nicknamed Bob.
Tom Mix in THE FOLLY OF YOUTH was to be ten strong, boiled bie. Miss Doris Evans Lew Cody in THE LAST OF THE DUANES down to four weak, Every one Flo Gray, Ruth Cousin, Miss MAN AND MAID had some excuse about work atd SATURDAY May 22nd and SATURDAY May 22nd Doris Camptel bis boss. When a fellow beging SUNDAY May, 23rd SATURDAY, May 22nd Lutie, Neighbor, Miss Jaanita to put work between himself and Carol Dempster in Evelyn Brent in Dustia Farnum in Arms rong his pleasure it is bigb time to THAT ROYLE GIRL.
CYCLONE RIDEL place hiin under medical obser YOSEMITE TRAIL Zudu, the Co k, Miss Gwendolyn Clarks vation How often must tell Directed by King.
these boys that hedonisin is the goal of life they be tola that, The Rght be lazy, should be the Credo of Addi ess By Athenaeum evory man?
When the Governo the welcome address, a group All things have rest, and ripen President.
stepped on board the Parquise including the Gov, Mayor toward the grave in silence, ripon the morning of the 26th, there THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED Conte. Cotes of Cotes garage Luis en, fall, and cease.
were only messes, Frank Finlas.
Fernandez, Louis De Veaux and We got back to the village Boca Athenaeum announced at last President DeSouza of the La son, Small, Louis De Veax others was taken by the two about halt past five.
and the writer.
Things photographers.
ter. The two first mentioned gentlemen are camera were in full swing: Tuesday evening meeting that he There was If you have any trouble with your After the addresses the bard music in the air. We washed up will deliver an address before the men, so you see that their pleas.
vre was not analloyed. The plank broke loose. Talking about shak and prepared for the night society at its meeting next Mirrors or Reflectors was hauled in, the Municipal ing a mean hoof, see the boys procession. It started at 30 Tuesday evening on the whole Band struck up a tune and we and girls at Fato. It was night, m, and was througb at a little that date. Among the visitors at good program is being arranged for Dand Beside the were on our way to Nombre. found myself in the village after eleven o clock.
send them to No. building, 12th Following the custom cf those church. This is twice tbet have officials of the Republic, there Harrison and Farrell Julien the last Tuesday meeting were Messrs who kcow and love the sea, October Street, Guachapali, where they been within a church in one year. was Captain Johnson of the bope some one would brake took with me a book to read, me Army in the Then the procession Pen. Pencil, and Poison, by Oscar out of this growing babit. Just came the religious party: women will be carefully and substantially repaired Mrs. Velez on Vacation, now the news will be Wilde.
oing and children, more women and plague on the poets around that bave recanted. toor men. They did look fine, and writers who speak of the also new ones made to order at moderate could not understand the service, each with a lighted candle. Th Mrs Turibio Velez vife of Turiglory of the seas; say a plague neither could keep pace with Baint was burne on high, on an bio Velez of the Balboa Quarantir19 on all of them from the Palmist prices. If you want to have an estimate the galety of the village, so down to Perre Loti If that is took to the bay. At about 30, Acer carried by eight men. At Station goes on a well earoed vaca.
o clock we started to tion which she expects to spend the way the sea is going to treat of work to be done, send a card to was playing and me in July when am dance, the hall was packed; every with her family in Old Providence, the.
to the States for my vacation, the boys and the girls were sing: one trying to shake a viler boot Colombia. Mrs. Velez hopese to My BROWN call it oft right here was read than the other. At four o clock return in abuut six weeks swet tietura me d)wn.
ing for about an hour when all Tuesday, this is the grand day. stole away to get at once the words seemed to be Ancon Box 1223 this is the day of the procession bands were on board the Pan running into one another.
of Saint Thuriby. At about 10. 30 qulaco at eight o clock.
placed that book into my pocket Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United we got the news that the Gov. the return trip to Colon in four Concert by the Atlan.
sd started to could not make the trip aback. boure.
look around Let me say parting States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Every thing on board was quiet tic Orchestra Our supply party started about word to Fato.
an hcur abead. Dry? No sir, little friend, you are a credit to and orderly, far too orderly for We had as much stuff as make the Republic. Threea credit my reb llious nature. The musi cians were not playing, neither Colon look like Cristobal. Our merriment and not a Police to AT CHRIST CHURCH BY THE destination was Mr Deveaux say a word to you. Your conduct SEA.
did they look playable.
Parm. We started to hit that has manifested to what wil The landscape was tilting into trial good and bat have always thought that only a plenty; we put an down the ship. Then said unto my plece of walking that very small percentage of any An Exceptional programme is self: So this is the trip. And would make Clifford Bolt boys population violates the law. Next of ered by this talented orchestra my mind went back to the boys Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs scouts look like to morrow May 16, at 3, 30 of year will be with you again.
who remained on land and or The time is about an rich treat is in store for all who their jobs. There was De Veaux each week for Readers of this paper bour walk. We dia it in thirty; Golon Boys Institute others will be at their best and attend, Mr. Cyril Lawrence and lounging in a deck chair: Fiolayone Stepping?
son sitting at his feet upon a WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE should say we were. At the have promised to make it a red rain coat: Small no where in plantation. This place looked ANNIVERES ARY FUNCTION day for everyone presight, and there was standing May 13 panions, good to us. An area of land. JAVO DABLY POSTPONED. been prepared and one and all sent, fine programme bas lonesome, as sick as a dog. To The Sign of Taurus, the Florence Nightingale is an out. foar bucdred hectares; with just my right there was the can be assured of a fine time.
Governo Bull.
under stonding character among those cultivation, party. member of this party born this week. The destinies of Tbere was ta atas all around us Commander Watson of the The programme follows.
was a priest who kept up While you are not a rapid or bril. Robert Browning, the romantic Ccoca nuts trees running into Colon Boys Institute begs Organ Prelude The Bridal ratoling. thousands through this mediom to motify Wreath Mr. Samuels, was casting envious and conscientious and the conclu. shrewd statesman, were also guided We camped at the slope of a the puble in general and his well Anthems The Sun shall be eyes at the chair that priest was sions which you draw are accurate. by this star.
bill, a rlver tippling stealthily by wishers in particular that the no more. Christ Church Choir: celebration diy nasty sex took the Pacquiaco by thoughts often enable you to Serenade Orpheu The stone which brings you for At the sighi of this water as celeb the Institute clear as crystal, every man took Anniversary of and defiantly in the face of the stern and shook it violently reach your goal long before it is ture is the etnerald and the flower. to it. His bands were bis natural which was to take place tomor. Gluck. Atlantic Orchestra.
old of Neptul de bus the good ship was wit. You must cling persistently CONSTANCbright red denoting months no matter; unconsciously absence of His Excellency the Violin Solo Berceuse more nimble the historic fleur de lis. Your soul cont.
the our row, 16:h Inst. bas been postfrom our poned owing to the unavoidable (Joelyp. Mr. Matteucci. Trio Bleeding Hearts waves at their own game. Some ing to be discouraged by small back to the charge beating the to whatever you undertake, reful. CONSTANCY, bearing in mind the dictum of If you mate with the Aries peo Dr. Young, In that same stream Governor of Colon. Levy. Violin, Cello and gan)oce called the priest away, and failures. If wise you will use fail. ple, those born during the first half no one hath bathed bim twice, Why was Woman Cre and P, Lawson.
Messrs. A, Prado, Lawrence a he was back. victory.
lead dull, uneventful lives, because he asked me not to ated? Cboras joice tbe Lord Are you sick. He asked in is King (Berwald) Atlantic some bat The health strength of of the fact that own the forelgn accent. Yes. Tauras born people are usually come toward stubbornness is opposed to river there is a lock and dam, Glee Singers: replied, Hold my bat?
and take ceptional and for that reason tbey the of your partner. seventy feet long by four feet This article by EL. Smith Prelude The Deluge (Saint this paper and put it wo der your last issue, The Saens. Atlantic Orchestra.
Dewbat putkindl Mather! are able to give themselves to the more barmonious union would high. This was planned and con appeared in our took the copy of Tag STAR service of others without materially result if you chose a mate born the structed by Dr. o Welsh. ue following are a few corrections Organ Solo Selected Mr.
gentleman who is is charge of which the Printers Devil has C: Inple.
HERALD placed it under my head depleting their own resources. They arst part of November. Copyrighted 1925 by Hense and came back in time for dinner; We roamed around, made necessary :VESPERS.
as advised, and covered my ta se are generous, fond of music, danc.
Column (1) Man and woman with bis hat. From the depth of ing, poetry and out door sports Adıms Syndicate. which was served on palm leaves POBSESS Magnifica in by Semper my heart. asked God to forgive and therefore make very good comAs fine as the farm, as fine as (2)
me of all the uokind things that By those ancients, Cello Solo Romance Column (1) It is an Axiom.
the river, even as fine as the day. bad ever said against the Priest. down came Mr. priest. As sick Jo clock. The little town was all there was a tree that was to me (2. equal in all RESPECTS. Rentsch) Mr. Lawrence. to incompatible with the Cornet Solo On Guard this one on board the Panquiaco. as was looked him in the face agor. It was happy and as merry somewbat tiner. Standing lo7 and leugh outright. You cant as a masquerade. At about tive ty, 1y, and model maj stic, venerable with qualites or certain persons. Dierig. Mr. Lambert AcColumn the idea that women comp.
benediction when felt a slightme. said to myself, this fellow that the Governor was coming on ness. said, Surely Vet in its had not qulte finished my queer a man of God, he smiled at o clock the news went around age, nct a leat to hide its nakedthis was 10 Trio Memories of Hom. Ambrosio. Violin, Cello and tap on my knee. It was the is a Jesuit, for there is casuistry the Presedente. It was true, a giant of its British Consulate Notice.
the same foreign in the very smile, lo as bour the camera men got busy, nd apnearance it looked like some Organ) Messrs. Juseph, priest. In accent, he said: Please for my time we were at the mouth of the Finlayson snapped bin just as athlete ready to start in bun The British Consulat Colon Lawrence and Lawson chair. cursed the man in the Fato rive. The balance of the he was stepping on the Fato died yards dash. Then my mind would be glad of information as to 11 Violin Solo. Nocturne name of the Lord, came out of trip was done by Mr. De Veaux bridge This bridge is about 200 went back to the days when this the present whereabouts of Mr. Chopin. Mr. Prado.
his rickety chair, and went be launch, Kaitear. The Fato is not it. long and about ft wide There plant was in its prime of tree. Vurgis Samuel Lawrence, a naive 12 Grand Selection. Caval alde Finlayson. In taking his seat navigable in certain parts for bis are two large lamps at either end hoor. To day ite course is run of Jamaica, who was living in Iloria Rusticana (Mascagni)
the chair clipped anctcb, and boats. We landed about two that are used at nights. Before and it reminds us of Tendyson s, Colon in Marob, 1919, Atlantic Orchestra.
twelve The band Jam going Cotton can in a nap. All We did Farewell my days of What Is Your Fortune?
me an army snally letter quarter of the Sixth obtained by those cup dripplings few minutes quick temper the farin.


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