
PREFERS CHURCH UNIONS taste unique among the world cigarettes gather THE WORKNAM SATURDAY MAY 15, 1926.
Cricket Incident in Be Prepared Trinidad. for that Pain RULE AGAINST You can stop excre CAPTAIN DECISION IN ciating pain instantly RECENT (GAME.
if you will only apply SLOAN LINIMENT From the Trinidad Sporting Chronicle Sloan Liniment is Port of Spain, Tuesday. All pain greatest enemy, and is backed by 40 years West Indies followers of Cricket of success the world over.
have not forgotton the iccident Only the best in tobacco in the second Test Matco which It is an invaluable remcould give Chesterfield that was played at the Oval bere ody for faale distinction shich smoke wheb Constantine was deprived Rheumatism Sciatica en enjoy the world over.
of runs on the ground of some Sore Throat Bacche claim for obstruction by HamSprins Bruises, e mond when he failed to Chest Pains Stil Nedi ball from a throw in and which went to the boundary. The incIt penetrates right to dent bappened in the afternoor, the seat of trouble, TOT ard on the morrow it was, warms and soothes the you realize how completely different, given out that the runs bad nerves and tissues, banishing pain.
how fully satisfying is the blend of tobacbeen deducted as the result of Try it now.
cos from which Chesterfields are made.
an agreement on the part of both captains, with the result that the At all druggists and For Chesterfields have a rich appetizfollowing ruling has been issued dealers.
ing quality which borrows both from its by that body: Turkish and its North American tobaccos, The anrounce that: SLOAN case has been repared from the yet improves upon each. AW st Indi where an umpire LINIMENT (PAIN ENEM And you get them at their best in allowed himself to be overruled by the ma caplain. This deChesterfield a the mellow smoothness, prived the bome side of runs all the spicy fragrance of these fine tofor an overthrow. The ball after baccos in this cne unusual cigarette.
being thrown in by a fieldsman accidently hit the batsman and went to the boundary. The umpire should bave instructed the scorer to add the runs actually made from the overtbrow.
Lord Hurris informed us during his interview at this office, that he proposed laying the matter before the and CIGARETTES of the Sporting Chronicle in which this matter was given con In every form can be seen prominence at the time of the here at its best See our Interview be sent him for that purpose. We observe as a result Wrist Watches that quotations almost verbatim Manufactuad by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. US were made fron our publication Bracelets by the Sporting Life and SportsDiamond Rings SPORTING LIFE AND SPORTSMAN and a hundred other adornwo Buss SEXOS exos The incident which gave rise ments and you ll recognize to the ruling of the re why this is the LEADING ported in The Sporting Life JEWELRY HOUSE in town recently, occurred during the Test watch of the cc. team ask prices and you ll lind stil ve. West Indies at Port uf Spain, another reason. Trinidad Paris. April 11. More poetry and less legal parchment, 18 Cardinal Dubois remedy for the marriage crisis, through which many people believe France, if not the whole world, is passiog The Cardinal is Archb sbop of Paris and naturally be would like to see a more religious spirit in matrimony But wben asked to take part in a consulta ion of the nation leaders relative to the dwindling prestige oi mir rlage, he does not hesitate to attack the problem from an objective viewpoint.
HE DEFEND3 SHORT SK RT3 The humanness of this Prince of the Churcb was demonstrated recently when be declared his approval of modern women fashions even short skirts. France listens to him attentively The Cardinal warns his country that our way o! living his deteriorated, our moral flbie He asserts four fathers were better than the present generation Complalo ing that modern ideas have strip ped marriage of its poetry a romance, Cardinal Dubois critcizes the civil law.
In his opinion it has love ad wedded union conditions te mere contract, thereby taking from it its divine nobility and rendering its obligations irksome.
FINDS MARRIAGE PROSA, 1C No wonder many basbands and wives ind marriage boring.
he thinke; it is too prosaic.
He believed unless civil narriage is modified church wedi. iage still hold Ou greater advi. tegas, if for no cther reason chan their indissolubility the tigures show.
ing lewer anoul pents divorces.
To this lay psycbologists reply. Yes, but it divorce did not exis as a loopt. ole of escape, per haps people wouldn marry at all nowadayo.
The author, Marcel Prevost, tributes the marriar e crisis the fact that men are at a remium owing to the numerical superiority of women fle says marriage was inrented woman interest as celibacy bas fewer baconveniences for men.
Marcelle Tinayre, one of the best known woman writers in Frar. ce, accuses her sex of cheapening themselvag by try.
ing to imitate men, she advises women to cease manaish customs ayd cultivato certain charning feminine defects.
Chesterfield Up to date Jewelry man.
than Do the third afternoon, shortly Fuller Jewelry Store ia men on being there wn in, ana M. WILKINSON o appeal THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
before the close of play, a over 122 Cetnral Ave.
throw was added to a single by Phone 629 Constantine in the home side second innings th ball accione of the batstravelling to the boundary, an that tbere bad been Contractor obstruction which caused Ham mond to misfield the return and Builder being disallowed When play was resumed, how House No. 20 ever, on the last morning of the match, it was announced that the 28th NOV, STREET, captains had matually agreed upon reducting the four allowed SAN MIGUEL for the overthrow.
AGAINST THE LAWS. Box 411, Panama, R, Lord Harris stated at the time Says Wets Will Win Prohibition Fight and that the rival captains were plans and Specifications Free TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAÜ wilfal er SUPERIOR TO ALL SEXO Koka Washington, April 18. The greatest agitation since slavery is sweeping the couniry as result ef the prohibition bearings now before the Senate Judiciary Cemmittee.
It is only a question of tim ebefore modification of the Volstead act will be secured. The law has been tried and found wanting.
The people are thoroughly aroused. This issue reaches down into the very roots of personal berty.
The two high spots of the Qocio01. 03 u bola case were the statements of General Lincoln Andrews and Federal Attorney Emroy Buckner. Both of these officials have been doing their best to inprobibition Attornes Buckner conclusien the various Stutes should be allowed to determine the percentage of beer was a mighty significant admission coming from bim.
Equally significant was the statement of General Andrews that only five per cent of smuggled liquors are seized and only ten per cent of stills destroyed, The testimony of the drys has been confusing. Why go beyond the tables and figures of the Metropolitan Life Assuracce Company which show Steady increase under probibltion of deaths from alcocholism? Insurance companies have no motive in publshing mortality tables except to tell the truth, force that not empowered by law, principle, or precedent, to eome to any such agreement.
First class Workmanship Under Law 3, the umpires Satisfaction Guaranteed.
were the sole judg of fair or Notair play, and since it was not or intentional, no cbange in the umpire original decision FLOWERS ought to have been made.
He expressed bis intention of submitting the point to the Abogado. Attorney at Law who, ai seen, bave OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
thoroughly upbeld his view. SPORTING CHRONICLE BOX 36 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 His Lord:hip was solidly against the decision which de prived the West Indies side of Practicing before all the courts of runs as the result of an over the Republic since April 1914 throw in the second innings, and stated that the captains of the two sides were not empowered to come to any as to the reduction of the score lo cobsequence As His Lordship observed, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Law 43 states that the Umpires CANAL ZONE, shall be the sole judges of fair Office Hours: a. to p. m, and unfair play, and since it was not wilful or inter tional it needed to p. no further question that the runs DAILY were fairly obtained.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA Specializes in all the branches of Dentistry, What everyone saying DR. HOFFMANN has transferred his clinic to 637 Central Ave. upper floor of La Mascota in front of the Alcalde superior to all Entrance between La Mascota imported beers and Preciado Book Store. TELEPHONE 991, bir araw, principles ret merecedent. Dentist Howell JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE KRONEN BRAU WORKMAN PRINTERY Rent Receipt Books In Span Ish and nglish for sale at the Workman Printery


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