
TÅE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 15, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. The Costmoplitan. El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 would Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
aringer VIGOR TONIC small80. The a tree with Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama men an pounds EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
a occupatiowie engaged Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid as Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHINC Trade Mark (Continued from page2. Costmopolitan is the name given to the new saloon, situated on 23rd JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Drought at Alligator Street, West, Chourillo, and Pond.
opened up on Saturday eveCorner 12 Street East Avenue ning last. The proprietor for the new business is Mr.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Alligator Pond. April 21Since January, we bave not bad George Eastman well known watches. Our prices are the lowest and our time sbower of rain here which w, in this city and one call Workmanship is guaranteed. pond rain. employee of the Panama Vegetation is parched withio Canal.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you radius of from ten to ifteen miles. In the district of Marlie The Costmopolitan has may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Hill alone there are not less than filled a long felt want as a drsire, provided the monthly payments of between fifty and sixty ponds Negro enterprise in the Chorinterest are duly met.
and tanks and almost every one rillo Section, and with the re.
is dry. Apart from the Govern. ception given it when the WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED men tank there is only one man doors were thrown open on JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
in the district that has about two feet of water in his, and that is Saturday, and with the con Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall because he lives io an isolated tinued patronages since, there be pleased.
place, where neighbours do not is every indication that it will trouble bim often The Govern. continue to be supported ment tank is the only resort for everybody, and as stocks are not by the community, especially allowed to be watered there the by West Indians.
Denis venienced, this beirg a stock relates the proprietor in his THE WORKMAN congratupeople are very much incon district.
The chief occuThe best Tonic in the World pation of the people at present is commendable business venwatercarrying and breadnut ture.
cutting. There is no fodder for or large stock save bread nut wbich grows in deep and difThis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
ficult ravines. is ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, evergreen leaves which cows and Mexican Labor To Dishorses relish very much if they Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up can gut water regularly as this place the Negro.
kind of food creates a thirst. The a run down constitution man and boys cut this stuff and It promotes digestion, impruves the appe put it in bundles of between recent cable despatch tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system twenty five and thirty and sell at sixpence par bundle. labor economists have latels from Washington states that DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or They sometimes carry it to been studying geograpby and times a day.
distance of six to eight miles for climate, with the result tlmat the sale. The proprietors cart it from have concluded that the same one property to another to keep that made perpetual sunshine their stocke slive.
April is the last month for withstand the instense heat of planting corn is these parts, and the bu up to now not Brain bas been in burning as plapted. few persons ran the ting grapes of cotton, or topping CHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness when the soil was moister, but at effect upon the swathy sons of no one can tell where Mexico, many of whom have (Continued from page 4)
bas been planted and where has entered this country, both legally Seventh Day dventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. not been, as there is just one and illegally, and are now in STR ET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL barren waste. Corn and peas menacing competition with Ane generaily come in from May to rican labor both black and white (near Lothmian Park. PANAMA.
June to solve the food problem, Not satisfied with stimulating Babbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Bab Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting, but this year they wili rot appear a barmful labor competition bath School; 11. 15 General Worship 10 a. Children Service; 11. There will be a very beavy crop important agricultural pursuits 30 Spanish Clase; Divine Service, Preacher, Supplied.
of mangoes in these parts, but not few greedy employers. 30 Y. MY. Society, meeting p. Sunday School, Superinten that will not be until tween absorbed in saving the wage and 30 Juniot and Senior Standard dent. p. 30 pm. Go. June and July, and at most the not the American laborer, bay of stainment Class D. Vespers. pel Service, Elder Francis. crop lasts only for three months diverted Mexican labor into some The usual weekly services will be Taking all this into consideration of the country leading steel dig.
Sundus evet ing 30 Stereoptions Lecture. The general public is conducted Tuesday and Thursday the future looks dark.
cordially invited to turn out in large pight, at 45 again work is scarce arourd the With Chinese, Japanese and Dumbers.
BEULAN 30 am Prayer Meeting properties, especially as the log Hindus already barred, it is no 11 a. Divine Service Supplied.
wood factory at Spauisb Town, it economic puzzle as to why cer 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten time being.
le sald, is closed to buying for the tain American employers hav Seventh Day dventist Church dent. p. Goepel service. Bro. Small.
turned to Mexican labour as th Ord STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readings and solvent of their employmer They Babbath (Saturday) 46 a. Babbath Prayer. Bro. Webley, Mexican has many virtues; the Sobool; 11. 15 am. General Worship TRINIDAD GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and be does well in ra lroad occupa4 30 Young people meeting p. Bupplied tions; that be is docile and 30 Vespers Elder FRANCIS, obedient as a track hand; and Bunday evening 30 pm. Preaching Pastor in charge.
Alastrim Cured that he will put up with alios Service. You are cordially invited to any sort of living quarters.
attend these services and bring your cable despatch states that The fact remaing, however.
friende, Ebenezer Church of God Holiness recent bulletin iseped by the chat, discounting all other phases a Surgeon Gneral discloses of the question, the shrewed that siace Jaouary 18 tbeer economists bave seiz upon the The Church of God No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD have fiften cases of skin tints and climatic disposiSunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin Alastrim, four have been dis tion shaped by the warm sundischarged cured and eleven shine as reasons why the MexlPapams, Arosemens Street, Hour 25, 11 Divine Service Preacher. remain in Isolation. Ten bave can laborer might be used sucSan Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer supplied occurred in Purt of Spain, two Sunc ay School Superintendent. at San Juan Barataria. one upon us, from Pennsylvania cts: fully to displace Ngro labor; meeting and Gcapel meetings at 11 am.
and the Mxican menace is and 730 Sunday School at p. p. Programie Santa Cruz and one at Caron California.
Moday at 30 Tootimɔoy Meeting 730 Gospel Service, Preacher Village. All were infected in Tuesday 15 pm. Young People Supplied.
Purt of Spain. One further case Meetin. Wednceday at 30 Tuesday 30 zn. Grepel Service of alastrim reported from Port Cisnel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm Open air meeting, Friday at 30 will be given from the pulpit.
Note. Other Se vices for the week of Spain. Jackson Hill. One case British Consulate Notice.
discharged leaviug eleven in Prayer Meeting isolation BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. Elder ODLE The British Consul at Color Pateor in charge would be glad of information Red Tank, Csoal Zoub, Sunday Sobos! Po Gompel meeting on Thursday Conference Into the present whereabouts of The Salvation rmy the following individuals: at 30 Bio. GRAY London This Month.
INEZ WEEKS, a native o Barbados, last heard of io Colon Now Providence. Geapel Meeting at PANAMA CITY CORPS.
in 1911.
11. 80a. and 30 Sunday Sobool Services are as follows: The flowing is taken from JOHN SHAKESPEARE, a nast pm. Wodnedav at 30 Gthe Loni on Spectator, of April tive of Falmouth, Jamaica, wbo pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer m. Early Prayer Meeting.
10 Children. Directory Meeting 17. The West Indies have too was living in Coron about twent Meeting Cinderella of years ago.
Bro. McDONALD and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 100 been the 11. Halinese Meeting to be con the itish Empire. It is JAMES HENRY, native o Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mootine: ducted by Commandant Martin.
news, therefore, that a West Inat 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday din Conference is to be held in Jamaica, slast heard of In Cristo3p. Company meeting and London in May, when Mr Amery School at pm. Wedeceday 7, 30 Brigade Open air.
1920 Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 pm p. Junior Open Air. ill open the first meeting, All Prs Meeting 45 pm, Separate Brigade open air the British West Iudian Colonies Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH azd British Hooduras have acColon. and Streets. Gospel meet 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeing.
cepted the invitation. Eighteen Ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bupday Other notices for the week wi be sears ago the federatio of all Bobool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 given from the pulpit.
the British islanda was being dis Why pay double pr ce pm. Gospel Mooting. Friday at 30 LA MARTIN. Commandent other dificulties have prevented cussed, but local jealousies and for inferior importid Prayer Meeting.
progress. Well wishers of the Boer when you can Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Notice to Correspondents.
British West that some method of bringing buy a superior Boer Contributors and correspondents the various colonies together. fede such as BALBOA for Salyation Army Hall, tions not later than Thursdays to ration would exercise much half the price.
insure publication. This is impera. greater influence in Imperial LA BOCA CORPS tive ard must be adhered. affairs tban number of isolated 30 a. mo. Knee Drill islands and dependencies. Apart 11 tum. Holine Meeting, from the question of coperation, p. Sunday School.
6006 Blwod Tablets safer than the West Indian Islands should 80p. Open Air.
606 Money back guarantee bave a High Commissioner in Rent Receipt Books In Span 30 Salvation meeting. Price Particulars free. Welsh London to represent their intel Ish and English to: alo at the rnd co dis) ir vitaton o all Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga este.
Worxman Printery Then VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama difficulties, claim that thi Take Notice been Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products SUCH AS Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
The Workman Printery 93. CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
good Mooting, Book Binding!
Indies must hope Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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