p. 8


PAGE EIG IT TLE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1923 OUR PAGE more a he was boys may how there is Workman Stationery Store Other wiam Races! Races!
renderse dress up La Boca Lucero 125, Capoul 115.
evening into The Ree or and 84 40 Exciting Races from Six Abel 132, SPORTING Sparklets To Morrow Races Last Sunday Race: Ur าช าไป ibri ibilitrilibriberriiiiiii) Hibility (Continued from page 1)
The Jocky Club innovation THE ATTENTION sum total of NoalrWebster ecmTornorrow afternoon proof racing horses on a Suadaj pilation or carry behind his asme gran at Juan Franco Park Orier instead of the alienoit one or abreviations frin pro nises to be a drawing rd; es has always been the rule, met OFthe University of Edinburgh to the Jockey Club hiving with th apprl of an equal make bimself thoroughly unde. arranged for an eight rac ptotumber of fals as racing in the erdoos; bene. Juan Fraic stood, inasmuch as one does not gram featuring som: good Friendly Societies and secret Orders have to owo millit. ns of moaey 10 bets and including at least Park was the scene of a be genuinely happy. The fear of kathering on Sunday mornin last to take in the seven rece IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF ope ability to write should be one lass imported hors ranged by the Club.
made to disappear as the wist te which will be matched with For be sports the experiment fore the muruug sun be ever had Abel, Bolsheviki and Pereque the distinction of having success over seven furlongs for was not a bad one, as many wen! MINUTE BOOKS AND fully passed one of an use Jamaica purse of four hundred dollars.
a way in best of spirite, esprcially elementary schools of ihe old type, those wuo win the seven furlong, in which supported Clo Clo to and the grand privilege to have This new one is Baladron matched with Capt.
LEDGERS touched anything higher. Fortified who will take up 132 while tana, Belle Sauvage, Tango and thusly, he has kas only to select bis tha others will carry 132, Ga zona. Jock y Muniz tool bia frm the of course, at vinmes uno de los seres 115 and90 lbs. respectiva? among over the field in the lead, which Suitable for odge Business resulted in the return of 12 40 develop a tendeney to teli you respectively.
The curtain raiser will le one. ch invested on but much of the King English they win.
command, or to chastise by over six furlongs wita Dir.
mandibent well knowneditatie danela, Chiqui, Zapa and CanGoria, rith or up, took the. AT THE method. But by such as oia ion dlewood taki Ig the start; first race paying 70 and is no bard and fast rule while Argentino, Infante.
The two biggest purses were which compels you to have your paid in the fifth and last race, six views of lite conform to their3, as Burla, Fachando and Zambu and one half furoogs and one the poet clearly states: Knowledge are booked to run over one mile, respectively. In the forme dwells in heads replete with milé for the last event.
Dandy, with Hildago up won a 70 and 320, while Infante una gran quan. ypgogogogogogogogradan tanpa do aparato na may nad Togo Tonga Parbatoare apa beads Tatteativeet to their own.
thoughts of Here is the card: with Codel in the saddle took the Manipulati. words is to me as Six furlongs purse 50 other at 40 and 10 be results.
easy as eating soup. And the to Dardanela 126, Chipi 119, CHURCH SERVICES know that am able to think faster Zapa 106, Candlewood Five turləngs purse 175.
than can write down my thonghts. Five furlungs purse 125.
Gloria (Moore) Wormwood either in longhand or Pitman Barba Roja 128. Fenomeno (Martinez) Gran Señr (Jime.
nez. Time 12 Pool paid 70 For To morrow Sunday, May 16th phonography Should be taken to 116 Dictador 114, Almirante attempt and on the winner and 60 on the second borse.
praise? Gen 10 if there 109, Repule 14, Gran sen!
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE exists in your mend the slightest Six furlongs purse 150. 101.
Canule wood (Casas) Almirante (Anglican Catholie)
shadow of doubt as to my ability, Five furlongs purse Munoz) Repluse (Schultz Sunday After Ascension Day in your Sundry go to Col Arango 126, Madena 12. Time 27 5. Pool paid 40 and JUAN FRANCO TRACK St. Paul Church, Panama the church and Visi 20 on the winner and 20 and Clubhouse at o clock this 84. 60 on Nhe second and third the Four furlongs purse 300 TO MORROW horses, respectively.
Rev, Nightengale, Rector auditorian and receiye, Seven furlongs. purse 275 6 a Hely Communion program of the comedy drama Fachendo 106, Bomba 90.
Puncho Roto (Casas) Novicia Sunday, May 16th, 1926 10. 15 a. to, Matins the The Path Across the (Martinez) Col. Arango (Car.
Five furlongs purse 25.
10. 30 am. Holy Eucba iet sermonHill, You will be directed to a Tulo. Time 28 5, Pool paid seat which you should up for Belle Sauvage 126, Altanera occupy for 30 and 80 on the winner 12. 300. Holy Baptism, alou: tivee hours with a minimun 124, Capitana 122, Marcela 40 on the second borse. p. Church School.
of noise during which time a story 117, Translate 114, Towello and one half furlong7. 30 in. Cboral Eversong, term. stagelund interspersed, 110 purse 200. Cuiqui (Casas) The Rey, Melcher, with orchestral selections, wil be? Seven furlongs purse 400 Dardanela (Jinin zi Zora (Bil.
told to you and make you picture Baladron St, Altan Church, Paraiso life as a ser ous stuly be dar) Time 33 5 Pool wil 132, paid Races For Imported horses 50 and 4, 40 on the winner CANAL ZONE.
Bolsheviki 115, Pereque 90.
directing the show. 30 on the second and 40 on and for Native bred Ponies (Rev. P. NIGH TENGALE, the third borse, feel everything lik entering Five furlongs purse 250 the field and, like my brother in Jingoe 126, Novicia Priest in Cherge.
Mr. Gaskin, fight alongside Garzona 124, Dhole 126, Six and one nalt fu longs12. 300, Dandy (Hildag) Bu la WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE 11 am. Vstins and addres: Mr. Our lady member not in defe. ce of Sister Cecilia 117, Galineta heir demand for (Casas) Justice (C. del. Time in their Oehorne, Catechist. 23. Puol paid 70 ard 20 p. Church Seb rol and Confirma rucognition in their att inpt to spe, 117, Oran 106.
op the wioner and 10 Nion instruction.
One the inen, but for the sake of balpe mile purse 300.
second horse.
AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT 30 Choral Eventong sermon) ing our to be real represen Argentino 132. Infante ni Seven furlongs purse 275 womanbood Rev. F, Nigbtengile.
But! Clo Co (Munez) Capitan the puzzle to the solution of the Burla 110, Fachendo 103. Schultz) Belle Sauvage (Casas. 80 Zambo 106.
St, Mathias Mission big question lies in the fact that so Everybody will be there. Don miss it. me 31 5, Pool paid 12. 40 LAS SABANAS our women the news and 29 on the winger and (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, D) broadcast from the Press fail to First Race Starts p. Sharp. and educational matters on the second borse.
Priest in Charge One mile purse 300 11 tinte reach most of those whom Leagues Activities they (Code) 2 Silver King (Hildugo) 45 am, Holy Communion. intended for, can very well Fac endo (C Gonzile. Tim ADMISSION p. Ghurch School tolerate the ladies in their labour The Isthmian League of 42 5. Pool paid 40 and 10 30 Evensong for their rights as well as the hold. British West Indians will on the winner and 83. 30 on the Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
ing of a few Mr. Ricbard etchist.
La few fancy positions along Becond borse.
the side men; but as reivold them hold its regular meeting this so closely and dearly, and know evening at Geddes Hall, 15th Off On Vacation St. Peter by thu Sea, La boca we cannot bear to step aside and quested to attend on time as that biologically they are delicate Street East. Members are rethein commit suicide Among the passengers who siil ed fro. a Cristobal last Thursday Wowanhoud, true womanhood, is the amendments to the Bye Amarioan Epi te pal (Anglican Com what inspires min to noblest deeds; Laws will be discussed.
on the Co S, Sixaola was and we must poi fail in our efforts On Sunday the 23 inst. the Mrs. Paul Alexander Taylor, Sunday. After Ascensi Day to help them reaca and maiatuit League will give a Pleasant senior member ef the dressmaking that standard, Sunday Afternoon Entertainand llinery establishment on THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER 30 Holy Bap iem ment at the Paraiso Silver Street of this city known as L18 10. 45. the Lit. ny, Holy Euchari Clubhouse. An excellent proTres Hermanas, who goes to the and sermon Tbp Retor.
Isle of Springs on a well earned pm. Church shool.
gram of vocal and instrumen7 30p. Cbstal Evensong, sermon.
tal music is being prepared for Mrs. Taylor takes this medium Don fail to try it The Roctor (Continued from page 1)
the occasion, of biddi good bye to her many J, MULCARE, Rector.
what God said to Eve our first Doors open at 3, friends and pitrons hopes to be Admission Adults 25 cent St. Barnabas Church, Empre mother: will greatlv multiply thy at their service ann after a sbert test, In her a breace the busi.
sorrow and thy conception, in sor Children 10 cents.
Matins and address Il a.
nesswill be in charge of her sisters No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
row thou shalt bring forth children, La Render ere. This text may not be true, but and patrons are aserured they will get the same prompt and satisface p. Church Schuol and Co firm is the only way that women are few days after maternity, to go and tory service.
bria ing forth children. quote this slave tor twelve or fourteen hours Her friends wish ber a pleasant Choral Evrosong end ress p. passage because, know that the a day for a paltry sut. have Lay Reader.
stay in the beautiful Island of Ja. Reminder To The Public Encampment Meeting Presmajority of Anti feminists, take seen women with babies in their MULCARE Peitin their conception of woman s, in arms and a coal sket upon their ton Unity feriority from the The Hon, heads going to Imitate man. This is to remind you of St. Bartholomow s, Churc1 gentleman says tnat: Women for suppose the Hon gentleman will Mrs Evans Taken to Hospitaj the Competition Rally which of the home in say that those women were clothed Regular meeting of the St order to go into the Mrs Rooda Evans, wife of take place tonight at the Pa John Past Master Con Lay Reader world and in dignity And as long as woman Matins and ddress 11 a. imitate man. Is this statement keeps herself in this position men Evans of the Commissary Division, name Capital hall 22nd Street. cleave, and Grand Christian was taken to Ancon Hospital en Qauchapali under the aus Encampment, will take place true? tbink not am sure that will always bonour and adore har Church School 230 it was an economiei drive But let her say, want to catch Thursday morning last in a. pices of the on Sunday May 16th at p. 5p. Evening Prayer and address women from the horre.
unconscious state. After deciding Doors open at p. Come at the Lnyal Progress, Lodge But more the Speaker eye, chorus of (The Lay Reader will officiate) of this anon. Dors the Hon gentle protestations are gone ap. Oh ste to do some ironing, she thought of having her morning bath, first, and have some good fun. MULCARE, Priest in charge man think that it was to imitate fs. nanjeb, she has left her home :o This she did and after she had room for the purpose of Con St. Simon Mission, Gambos field to take her seat in the British learn to regard the man that caus Margaret Bond imitate us. Whea will some mer ferring of Sir Knight Degrees.
Jifference be ironed the first piece she felt sick and was thereafter uncon. Club All Members are requested Choral Matins, and addrese 11 a. Parliament? Is it true that the tween men and wo. Dan as ne of Lay Reader, women that were forced into the degree and not of kind? The tak.
scious for several hours. Her reto attend.
open to fight for a living in mills ing ofi hats, and the giving of removal to Church Echool 30 Hospital The Woman Life Problem Club imitate proved beneficial as it was reported will observe Mothers Day at the Community Night women T MULCARE Priest in Charus man are the teemingo milioite seats were the price that paid to be kept in a low and yesterday, that she bad improved Clubhouse tomorrow afternoon.
The 27th of this moath has been who work in mio s, on farms and secondary position. It was not the and would probably by discharged Several mothers of the community decided on by the La Boer Panama do all kinds of jot that call for respect to the sex, it was the price today, have been invited to speak, and Listrict of the Panama Canal West what is called muscular strength of position. Equal rights far and there will be music and also read. Indian Employees Association for Have you tried tho did that to imitate man?
a way transreas the surrendering of BIRTH ings appropriate for the oecasion. their moothly commun ty night new Beer Dont tell me your bourgeios a seat, or the raising of a hat.
Black a baby boy on Thursday mothers and daughters and a gener. of the Entertainment Conmittee Boro to Mr and Mrs. Clauke special invitation is extended to meeting and Chairman A. Reed philosophy about the dignity of al and cordial invitation to every instructed to prepare a programa last. Mother and babeare doing body. Kronen Brau labour. There is no dignity in a ALL ROADS WILL LEAD woman getting out of her berl at THE POFULAR HIPODROME OF well.
for the occasion, five o clock in the morning, justo JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
arms, the ladies.
on the tatives of true reid appers Men watch Contra Crespo Vacation again to tion Clas.
sake the duties Accon TO


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