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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Chivas Again Allowed To Enter Town Of La Boca WAR IS LET MEN RESUMED HAVE ONE Maraculous Cures At Revival Gatherings in England Lady own right.
Ine There dy Astor decared dignity of the The gifts. The tence In Morrocco Editorial Placo Whore They Can Now York World Livo in Peaco Residents Rejoicing Over Decision. To say that the breakdown in London, Apr 23th. Twthous: Thousand People Hold up Hands the Riffian peace conference is due and women at a meeting day By Ganal Governor.
mainly to a difference ia ing the word autonomy is to say tion adopted a resolution, imterpreteben Wamena Unicode contatto and Testify to Being Healed.
The residents of La Baca are rejoicing over the late monteres diferent company to bare that be duced by in the Home of Calling for of Lords for in its practical application in lies in decision of Governor Walker of the Panama Canadbuch fields as taxation. Prade, arma the vote was not unanimous and a subject of yesterday afternoon Another with a skin disease that re ent London cable despatch fore healing and certified as cured afterwards.
Zone, for having permitted route busses to again enter the Pactic side Canal Zone town for Canal Silver employees, French have cleary interpreted it ments and tribal authority. ehested debate preceeded it. gathering of the Elimites, who are had persisted in his family for 100 According to the Governor Circular, these busses are to maan something near complete one of the peeresses who would be Gospel co. vention in the Alberting he had been at once cured, and The movement was initiated by holding a two day Four Square years stated that at a recent meetpermitted to enter the town of La Boca at the junction of submission; the Riffs have inter eutitled to a seat, Viscountess Hall.
La Boca Road and Martinique preted it to mean something near Rhondda, and she brought the found on going home his child of Bofwilowe remembered that in December of last year a ter edence. Each de accuse the matter before the Lords, only to after the stirring sermon op maro, cured at the same time.
Believers. eiger and hopeful three, similarly diseased, had been of being worse than inflex McPherson, and the Californian Ohers asserted they had been every concession with stand. Lad Balboa Roads which run parallel with the tramcar lines. further route busses were ruled off certain sections of La Boca and of beerpands. At this distance!
are only about twenty gathered in still eather aumbers rh evaagelist, the night before, had healed of dropsy, lumbago and This ruling worked some hardships on the residents of the it is impossible to apportion the peeresses in their own right, and yesterday.
umatism of thirty five year La Boca who used the busses both for business and plea blaine for the breakdown. But it is seven hundred peers, so doa standing. St. Vitus dance, and a So many needed to be healed host ot other troubles.
sure, the busses being able to render service which was inexcusable that each the think the peers need worry about French with their dread of the being Women that hey could not be dealt with There were fervent emotional more convenient to them and the expenses of which they mounting costs of war in an really do away with what is called individually They stood up whua scenes all the afternoon, could better meet, considering the economic condition. normously dificult terrain, the the and solemnity of on and the healing power pastor held forth at length They immediately petitioned the Governor through the Rffs with their knowledge that Upper Huse, but if they did it was invoked. Mury averrel that. the question of healing and Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association, for a ultimate defeats is sure must soon would be a very good thing. Tan they at ouce felt better. other modification of the Circular so as to allow the busses to be ready to reopen negotiation au tulking about the solemnity.
not talking about the dignity; A thousand pople be up their of the Church? he asked. Worldli What has shut these gifts out Simmon declares has enter La Boca, Governor Walker had, apparently, been hands testifying to cure, and a that new overtures will shortly b2 taking the master under advisement and has now come to made. Both the Europears and the the principal English army post, while Pastor George Jeffreys, show. You will find it easy to draw Mrs. Lily Pierson of Aldershot, long trin passed the platform ness, higher criticism in the puloit, mordernismold the cor. clusion that the welfare of hundreds of his Silver Rifts may have thought eich other protested crying: principil overseer of the Elim employess and their families residing in this town demands bluting, now that they know For beaven sake let man have Pentecostal Alliance, and their cburch for a sale of work when a few cultured people together in a a rnodification of his previous ruling.
better they may soon be ready for one place in the country where statemeats and give them out to It would appear, too, as if the Silver employees, have a real cempromise. they can live in peace Waen the assembly. Here ara some of you can get more than half a dozen to a prayer meeting, began to place very much confidence in the fairminded preresses represent the views of them: working women which they do not ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO to day, then there might be some and with one leg shorter than went to a sale of work. Yes, He But Mr. Jeffries. Someone Governor. At the same time, there is no gainsaying the fact, woman paralysed in the right said to me once, the Lord once the Panamna anal West Indian Employees Association is THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF reason for their sitting in the the other. Cured, the snd miracı proving to be the sapest and most intelligent medium JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. House of Lords.
lously. and the shorter leg grow of work with a whip in his haad did, agree. He went to the sale through which the employees may place their grievance on two inches. She walked briskly to and He whipped them out.
before the Government.
and fro to reveal the result.
SCATTERED LEAVES The Governor Circular modifying his previous deAppendicitis cure claimed. Can you see Mrs. Thon is, Broksa bone.
who had brought sjme of her fine cision reads as follows. BY LINDA SMART CHUBB)
silk work along, rathering it all up Stammering for twerty years. At and clearing out?
a recent ssion it was stated that congregation visualised the Effective at once, Crircular No. 717 10 of December 12, 1925. Is Woman Physically should be subject to har bu band, the sufferer could not frame a sea. soene and broke forth in ecstatio probiting the operation over certain roads in tue Canal Zone of the type of mutor vehicle known as route bus or route jitney. is Inferior To Min? la the sam paragrap under Say John iii. 16 to the people, The hereby dified so as to permit suih vehicles to enter the town of La Four quar e Gosple rey. es it is von:luded test man commanded the pastor. The man Elimites believe in an almost im Boca, prov. ded that eatrance and exit shall be made at the junction of La Boca Road and Martinique Avenue comes first in order of seniority. gave out the well known passage mediate Second Comming. should not be a bit surprised The restrictions contained in Circular No. 717 10 against the Very much in line with my e. If ua derstand the gentlein a cor: in clear, unhesitating tones and operation of such vehicles over certain other sections of La Boca Road Was Woman Created? has un mio and worn in were created with consump jo stat that he was some here to day who will never pectations, my recent arvi le Way rectly, he means that, grauted that went down shou. ing: Hallelujaht announced the pastor, amid a glad man said to have suffered from chorus of shouts, if there are and Balboa Road remain in effect except as above modified, the Pubject of discussion. Although equal attri sutes, man by his pri medically certified 18 aff. icted be go to the grave. Walker, on did not or ty, is the superior, the writer of the opposi must this ingerous argume. it, Governor.
Following Mr perhaps expect a request his kind endeavour to convert him from the birds of the ar and the beasts induldgence while Smith, would you conclude that SPARKLETS certain ideas. As the subj et em of the field, beanse re IF braces is points, each of which created before man, are first in could be developed in:o volumes, order of seniority? If the reverse (BY If you can keep your head when all about you shall confine myself on this o ca holds true, and you attempt to clearing ths Undərbrush. hiving our mind eyes focussed on Are losing theirs and blaiming it on you; sica on the matter of the physical explain that, after creating the such things If you can trust yourself wl. en all men doubt you, lower animals, the Creator devoted lew days ago a local contem, taught that, in nearly every case we are not being quality of the sexos; whicha Mr Hinself to a fuer piece of work in porary took up the ques ia of the But make allowance for their doubting, too.
Smith denied, are achievements which were If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, To arrive at the print have encativa de los molde het beste urte horis par le boje bo hilo la linea preceded by Or being lied about, don deal in lies, chosen, however find that cannot finest piece yet in th, production nad already touched up o ia may to deduce that He left West lodi sus; subject which we Or bring hated don give way to hating, And yet don look too good, nor talk too wise. are left in bewilderment, and a Mr Smith article, in whic. the fol sa before, it is not say intentia The sub, ect is a most importent such things after wa shall have many o us expect to acqu re If you can dream and not make dreams your mister; lowing seutence: pppe rs we find to rate either sex above the other. one, as our existance as a respecal cleaned up a few thousand dol.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim, that Woman was created as a belp meet for man. It was because If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster such And now to arive at the physical upon our sa bilar oigo dando la com eno lottery mas Idependa And treat those two impostors just the same: nan should have the companion. epuality: You my Physically ability to ship of another. bot because he woman is inferior to man unlºdirect Outreace mond way of thinking our efforts to study If you can bear to hear the truth you ve spoken cəmnunding our Twisted by kna yes to make a trap for fools, someone to lead im Veying th: idea, believe that she purchasing power is not even is an all importante secondary consid aration, let alone given Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and dictate to him. May ask was created physically inferior. Yo subieg power. But while the best port ince of now seems to me, after some reflec And stoop and build em with woru out tools; ing of the term Help meet, and will ments to prove this contention: high standard of attainment, taking possible for us to leara to hat is the mean have not, however given a lyution, to be disode that is of a day thought of clearing away the If you can make one heap of all your winnings me the reason Yuu to the that into which has consideration the led men as a whole to obtained and Rome attitu le of the in And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss, general proper value on such msad.
Wattity m189es of our regard woman as an inferior colla when the glory of And lose, and start again at y ur beginnings Considering the lack of prepara.
world is much older people here. To be able to appre tion of the misses, controlling our And never breathe a word about your lose: borator because she is hlp marihan the Grecian or Rom in civiliably more preparation; there re purchasing power is to us as the strength. This The fact is, If you can force your heart and serve and sinew is, if ciate such any should we need consider To serve your turn loog after they are gone, conceited over the teran help mert, zations. We still have it should be the woman, as it might the world primitive And so hold on when there is nothing in you Semains a large amouut of under: preseat time almöst higher mathe: among brusb to clear out of the way.
tribes og be easily interrpr ted to mean that whom we Except the Will which says to them: Hold on!
that women retin upon us a radical change.
man in himself aloue was not traves of the esrly strength of the If we are willing to admit, there But we have to learn higher If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, suficient for the tasks of this race and who are capable of eu are but few Isthmiao West Indians mathematics. and so bring about Or walk with Kings oor lose the commoa touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can burt vou, world it am, however, aiming at during er at und ships who enjoy who are able to see thibelight the the change if we are to stand up If all men count with you but none too much: equality of the srxes and, there an almost otel inmunity from necessity of brag able to com a na intelligent and progressiva fore, leadership or dictatorship by suffering and diseuse, and who mund our purct asing powar; and community. spoke to som. Oanal If you can fill the unfurgiven minute With sixty fecond worth of distance run, man over woman, or by vom in labour side by side with men in within that precious few, there emplayees who are not mbers of over man is cut of the argument. ideutical occupatiou8. Turning our are but few who are only vewing the Panama Canal West Indian Yours is the Earth and everything that in it, the history of earliest the ques ion from an academic And which is more you ll be a Man, my son!
woman was created in order that Perhaps Mr. Smith thinks that liese find that the further standpoint; it passes before their employses Ass veiatio on the inRUDYARD KIPLING map mght have someone to lead boken per tening to hea me tasks were, in a trance, but disappears underbrush. and from many the stronger we find nind eyes when they are, as it with the members to help clear the to regrettable dollar Ia busines affairs, men enter into as the men of the corresponding before the natural light.
pertnership with other, with We are being taught by many of and a hali would give me turee An Old Timer Heard From. Stenographer in the law otion, or any hargumente care to who is to aspect of the early time, we are our leaders to look are the looking she told usando de la resta de pieces of the lottery and my 03. rue, an old timer of the Isth. Montgomery Street San Francisco. then, in a paatnership of two lives oppression of women The my friends of folytometry Street Hendron at 617 obey or whose is to dictate. Why able to see each step leading to the and to concentrate on the bigcent peudent. andiose ideas! Hallu The mus who left here some tim ago for California will be glad to monthly paper published in Sau baould presume to demand entire had not alwa, any reference to people sailing in and owaing luxuri of the ability to think wustrue.
abaphed in bi expresely for happiness, one rex opposite sex, for reasons which before ourselves the picture of our casting and delusi sus! Stagnati, a te how that he hus been heard from Francisco contains, bust size control oven the otheter Why, their physical nature, but wbichous ocean liners; living is places, tively! Che question of proand is doing well in the City of the picture of Osie which shows up where, did the idea originate that drawing fat salaries; clad in the dution, pular opinion as a lever good advantage Golden Gate. He is employed as a wife, however good or intelligent. Continued on page 8) buat custom made. suits. ter (Continue sa pgae 8)
they Various of the underbrusheligent clearing had io have the gentleman, up is to make it the he tell peculiar Greece man us thing matics. we find on th into the social period. Searcniaga


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