
PAGE TWO THE WORLMAN FAILIAJ, YAY E2, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Soosse BARBADOS The Need of a City Engineer Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD subject.
JAMAICA Companies Agree to Arrangement Engine Drivers Have We goders and, says the a Grievance, GLEANER, that an arrangement has been arrived at between the The GLEANER understands Jamaica Public Service Com that the Engine Drivers as the paay ard the Telephone comJimatca Government Railway pary, whereby the former will are dissatisfied with the present put up extension tops on their arrangement by which they are Sweet from Hanover Street to electric poles along East Queen paid for over:ime work, and Biletson Road. This will enable bave been to communication with the telephone wires to be transthe Director of the Railway on ported and prevent the laying the down of extra pales along this From what can be gatbered, it la portant thoroughfare.
bas been arranged that a deputation from the Engloe Drivers The Public Service Company should wait on the Hon. are now constructin a line to Jell, Colonial Secretary on Mon operate the St. Catherine Ice oay next to discuss the matter Company. plant at Spanish with bim; by electric power. As this The old system under which licensed Area, Nr.
factory is outside the company the drivers were paid was changed some time ago. Uader had to obtain permission for the the head of the Ice Company that arrangement a man who went into work at 6p. started poles to pass over the Chemical to draw over il me rigbt oft Works and Mr. Craig proalthough he had not been wor perties to enable the current be.
ing ing obtained Mr. Minott pay.
Just what view the Colonial ing the entire cost of construcduring the day Secretary will take after beariogon tion.
the views of the men remains to It is also learnt that the Ja.
be seen.
malca Public Service Company 1414 sent in estimates to the Kiogston and St. Andrew Cor.
Peaka. Peow Once pəraiton for (a) electrifying the More.
pumps at the Ferry and (b) for lighting Woodford Park.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. Minott.
Excelappre ling For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT The Weekly Herald whils discussing an infringement of the Building regu ation by Capt.
Selby of Bay Sreet at a meeting of the Highways Commissioners, the Chairman of the Board reWarked that His Excellency the Governor bad loformed him that intendent of Public Works for. copy of the Building Regulatior. and surprised to that the only Building Regula: tions in existence were those of the Board. Mr. Wilkinson had istimated to His Excellency that those regulations could be easily il slipped through and His leccy said that that wb! le he clated the public spirit of persons in this colony in undertakto do the work of the parisbus without revberation, be thought the time had come wbep they thould bave a City giteer to look after Buildir Rgulations. air age. Sanita.
tion and Rads. His Excellency boped th. they their way to britg that matter before the Vestry and the Putlic.
Tbe that it there was a Chy Engineer on to or some similar officer, Silby would not bave been put to double expense in building his house. Some time aro be gave amendments to the Building Regulations, and the reason why he did not press those amendments was the they called for the of City Building etc. came before the Engineer. Plins of Board at times for approval, but they had no Engineer to direct then. Later, he was going to ask the Board to pass a solotion to be placed before tto Vesty, asking them to take ibe Decelsary steps to appoint a City Engineer. To his mind, they had got suificient evidence to prove that the money of the public was being wanted at the Board.
The motion was eventually moved and carried.
would cer. Capt.
To Manufacture Beer, notice of certain to ext more.
beer, Dores.
House Rent Receipt Books Taking Precaution Against Alastrim.
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books To signalize the advent of His The GLEANER understands that Excellency Sir Edward Stabbs, Messrs. Desnoes acd Geddes a. Governor of Jamaica, the Ltd. bave purchased the Gore Ice Chinese after a brief period of Factory and Cola Storage in inactivity bave restarted the West Street, and from what can nefarious Peaka Peow (robbery) game in full blast once construct the plant in order to gambling be be gathered they intend to reMatthews Laue, Barry make it into an up to date Street (Chinatown end)
thronged at at stated periods of are brewery for the manufacture of the day with the deluded Jamaica victims while John rakes The plant and building will be in the cast, and can drive in his entirely remodelled and recon motor car ar. sport to his full structed and exports brought ent. The Kingston Police, it is out to launch out in the many said, following their time hon faeture of Beer, on red custom fold their hands avert their eyes, and fail to see the outrageous law breaking ANTIGUA that goes on under their very Sequel: the burden cast on the taxpayers of Kingston Bountiful Philan.
grows daily heavier through non support of children wbose lathers gamble away the bread thropist.
to feed their young ones, Petty theft, shop breakitg and bare The following paragraph from pocketing are faced bag grabbing and pick the MAGNET should be of interrampant, while est to douguans here: the wily John waxes daily more opulent and takes another forIt is very regrettable that Mr.
ward step toward the land of Macaul. who bas always proved the lotus təwer, the laod of his and who through the instra bimself a true friend of Dominica dreams, the land of China.
and Commercial Society reprementality of our Agricultural Trickster Tricked sented the Colony with distinction at the recent Ottawa Conference, was prevented by an An Interesting story has bern excess of precaution and ques going the round in Kingston for tionable local quarantine rulings the past few days, and has af from landing and addressing forded some amusement wbere a public meeting as bad been originally arranged in ever it has been discussed. says Domithe GLEANER of the 5tb Inst.
The story is that one nie last ac rhain young man invited de Mr. Macaulay, Prestof the Sun Life Assurance a young lady to accompany him on a motor car drive. The desti dent of the Canada. West bim Company of Canada, and Presto nation was somewbere in the League, has been spen ding viciety of the 11 miles on the holiday here at Clarence House road to St. Thomas. The drive, to in the Eoglist Harbour District.
all intents and purposes, was Our visitor addressed a meeting pleasant; and when the excur ot the Agricultural and Camsionists reach a certain location nercial Society yesterday and they engaged in friendly conver the close of bis address made sation for some time. Then a certain generous propositions storm cloud suddenly shot across with a view to assisting to imtheir blue sky. It is rumoured prove our backward economic dump the lady on the road, and the young man threatened to condition. Mr. Macaulay has contribut his likes Coed sun of 75 to the Holberton having to walk eleven miles back purchasing asy surgical equip: Hospital for the purpose of 10 Kingston caused her to resortment that the authorities might to stratery, She suggested a select and he bas also givea bath, and pointed to a spot where 250 to build recreation room she would joln him. In other and dining room for the words they were to prepare for nurses. It was also announced the bath apart. The youngua that Mr. Macaulay Intended to wended his way in the direction re of the sea believing that bis spital at Dominica guest would soon join him. No ours. We beg to record our as gen, rously as he has treated sooner had he gone some dis gratitude to Mr. Macaulay for tance away than the lady (who can drive faltly well) Jumped bis gitts and to thank bim very.
into the moter car and drove at a ed very much for his philantrophy.
fast pace into Kings on. When she reached one of the principal thoroughfares she Parked the car near the side walk with the Have you tried the lights burning and the engine going and went home. How the new Boor gentleman got home our informant does not know, but bis feel Kronen Brau ing cap better be imagined than describe.
Dica: week Lodles Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies at The Barbados Standard of April 17 says: Alastrim, a form ostailpox, is on the increasin Tricidad. It was impored there from the neighbouring country of Venezuela, and is taking the skill and efforto te Health Authorities of Trinidad to limit its spread. It is obvious hat Barbadoes and utaer neignbours of Trinidad must protect themselves by quarantine, and we understand that our Port Doctor carefully scrutilizes arrivals from the infected Colony and is striving to make our first line of defecce against tbe invasion of discease from abroad as efficient as possible. It is of of course obvious that ibat line may be pierced and we find ibat the board of bealth has been ecquiring of the commissioners of health for St. Michael wbether the Isolation Hospital for that parish is ready for occupation. It turns out that it has been allowed to fall into disrepair and the Medical Officers for St Micbael who have examined it report that it is in a dilapidated condition. The Board of health of cuurse is within its rights in preparing for the worse, but we public will not be alarmed at the preparations of the Health Authorities, merely doing the routine duty expected of them The Medical Oncers of St. Michael who have reported on the condition of the Isolation Hospital did not contine their remarks to that subject, dealt also in their at some letigtb with the unvaccinated condition of the inbabitsots of Barbados. They say. At present Barbados should be regarded as 10 uovaccinated community for since the epidemic in 1902, except for a few children whose parents failed to protest as conscientious obje tors and the small number of people who had to be vaccinate n order to be able to travel, vaccination became a dead let (Continue on page 7)
tearing that he wouldeenhood at CAN BE HAD AT trust that the who are The Workman treat the report Stationery Store ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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