
PAGE FOUR THE WORKJAN, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1926 The Open Forum THE WORKMAN We do not Holt ou sel es respon.
sible for views expressed in these Columns EZ MARLBORO MARLBOROS MARLBORO OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT to Waso can May 14, 1926.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen ou applica VALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tien. Correspondence on all mattes THE EDITOR, THE WORKMAN: Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Sir: PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be CIGARETTES written on one side of paper only, and NOW for a We have been hoping to give you a sort of corcrete idea of the Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of THE MILDNESS OF feelings or anticipations among One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaAMERICA BEST real working people of the it Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
isb West Indies and it sh Gul Three Ble.
We do not undertake to return reana on what hae already become Ose 25.
jected correspondence.
country, hoping that our letter on the topic of much interest in this The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS he said subj et would have been dispatched in time to hive foard SATURDAY MAY 22, 1926, space in current issue of the. Волкмах, viz: what a local THE ETERNAL FEMININE editorial cotem has already christened Labɔr And the Gold Rush.
While we have the head line in In view of the voluminous controversy that has been question before us, we way as occupying the columns of this paper during the past few well qoute from its observations issues, anent the very important issue Why was Woman as not. It is just as cheap (9)
Created and being apprehensive of the sacrilegious propor.
to be optimistic about a gold rush tions to which this may lead, we deem it wise to call a halt Recommended by VALENCIA in Parama as it is to be pession this particular topic, and beg leave to have the closing mistic, but at the same time the word in connection therewith.
optimism need ed not be of the It is sometimes held that three things contributed to PHILIP MORRIS bited variety so well knowo, and Agent often so disastrous ete.
the fall of the Grecian Empire, WAR WINE and WOMEN, The way in which the the editorial We do not hold that Woman is a necessary evil. Rather do in question bas put the above we adhere to the old world idea that led the knights of old quotation, and other things under the to do deeds of valor for the ladies of their choice. We are make it asonable to enclude borrowed bead line, well aware that in the world economy Woman plays a dos SeKSSSSSSEKOSS SS SS SS SS SEXSSSSSSSSSS that the editor is somewhat in vital part, for the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand the know regarding the Dthat rules the world.
pects of a gold boon in Paname, Woman influence has at all times affected the most especially as he has so son momentous issues in the world history, sometimes beneIS started bis boost for latin labor in preference of others. And volent; often malevolent.
boost, where he makes reference Samson sacrificed his manhood in a woman lap, and SATISFIED CUSTOMER to Wes: Indian labor at all, his Anthony threw away the world sceptre for a woman 8 preference is for Porto Ricans it smile.
NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that would hardly be History is replete with the deeds of women, useful and question that in cas case tapes otherwise. Yet the word Woman suggests to us the word they please the customer. Several NOGAR are wanted at all, bte preference would be for St Tomlans, North Mother the dearest word in the English languagesuits have recently arrived on the Isthmus American and then then Jamie nourisher of youth, prop and stay of our later years; bearer of our Kings to be.
extractions fron the English and every customer is pleased.
Colombian Archipelagoes. Of It seems then that our women supply the foundation and settled question of foremost course natives are an u derstood stones of the race. Given good women we have assured Orders have doubled during the past month and many importance tu us the future of the race.
repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general On the surface, what the The greatest, the most virile nations of history, preutility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of editorial under comment is say.
served the sanctity of the hearthstone, and it is interesting ing would appear to be in disto note that their fall was primarily due to profligacy and pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark favor of further immigration you want to get.
from the British West Indian prostitution.
colonies. But there are many of Making a practical application of these truths, it seems Write for samples and information and we will have us who can think ow enough as to us that cur women, big and small, are not assuring to us a representative call if you say so.
to feel that if the ditor ras their vision of a future worthy of the race to which we forced to a more frank stalement be would come out like a on belong. They are not exercising a benevolent influence on NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
time famous Chief of Pelce, our men and youths. They are not setting up an ideal to be cherished, but are rather raising up the standard of the of Reading, Pa.
Alcalde, Municipal ca custodian et al of like breeding (breed)
vicious age in which we live an age that deliberately erases the not from every law of God and man. CARTER who, since the successful con.
struction of the biggest and best We need good women. As Charles Kingsley wrote, Local Representative, Param Canal Zone District job Uncle Sam has ever done such is our advice to our young women:with West Indian hards and 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE Be good sweet maid, brains as material considerations in the achievement as a fact of And let who will be clever, sesse 9945048 8000 Como og history, bave hatched the idea that we are a bunch of undestrables, who ought to be fred out State Aid For Poor Litigants.
19 SENSEXS As we look around bowever, we fail to lccate some of such Litigation in most countries is generally an expensive smart ans; whilst it would business, and the case of Great Britain is no exception seem that, like the poor in the Lord day and eartbly career, to the rule. Theoretically, every person, rich or poor, is Panama will always have its assured of equal justice in the English Courts, but there West Indian brood and breed can be no doubt that a man involved in legal proceedings And since (despite news who cannot pay for the services of a lawyer starts with a paper bunk in the Latin tongue heavy handicap. Provision has already been made by the on who will be wha among the State for poor prisoners charged with certain classes of working forces of the British gold concessionists in Panama)
offence to be given free legal aid, and this assistance has the many of us have not yet rejust been extended by a new law. so as to cover poor alized what we have been boping persons cases that are brought before the civil courts.
and proying for the shape of under this new system a litigant unable to pay for legal something happening in help can obtain a certificate en itling him to receive free with gold and diamonds old advice. He has, of course, to comply with certain condiBritish Guiana to effeci to effect a whole: tions the chief being thal he must prove that he is genuine ATMajesty loyal subjects now sale repartriation of His Britanic ly unable to pay for the services of a lawyer, and that he domiciled in Panams out to the has reasonable grounds for taking his case to the Courts.
said colony, and Britishers are The possibility of unnecessary litigation being to dig gold in Panama instead, May we not (and especially as encouraged by this State aid has not been overlooked there are lots of Guiana goldand a Government Committee that is at present investigat.
diggers on the Isthmus) hope to ing the whole question of legal aid for poor persons, is be given the chance to serve the endeavouring to devise some system of helping litigants with advice before their cases are actually brought before sons and descendants of John Bull in the same measure and the Courts. Some interesting evidence on this point is pleasure as we have and are yet forthcoming from several of the big cities where there has serving Uncle Sam and the legion interests fostered and in been formed a panel of solicitors who are willing to devote one night a week to giving free advice pro perity in this country at the poor people in 3:xas SXSESSE. SKOKOS SOMOS present time, contributing in no legal difficulties. It has been found that as a result cf this petty measure to make Parama what it is simply because we are advice most of the cases are settled without being referred Dr Austin to Lecture at the bere. to the Court. Litigation of any kind rarely adds to good their contents. Often the destruction has been so complete Colon Baptist Chu. ch, Just one more favour (in Enge fellowship, and if the Commitiee now sitting can draw up that it has not been possible to discover the cause of the lish this time) Mr Editor: Please some scheme so as to extend this system of free legal fires, number of theories have been advanced, the most to find out and let US know when advice throughout the whole country, they will have earned startling being that the fires are due to arson. But th re is 01 Monday May 124th Dr. Mr. Engineer Calderwood is the thanks of every peace loving citizen.
no evidence in support of this, and indeed there appears to Aus in of the Balboa Heights Bap ready for the boy. Shall add be a much more simple explanation. These old houses, tist Church will give an address that have a mastermind a National Loss.
built centuries ago, have been adopted to suit modern ru ch on My IDEA OF GUD. asset in getting thing done by at th: Calon Cristobal Baptist recruiter of Negro labo. and an requirements. Most of them have been fitted with up to hre will be no charge for ad: them, at hand reach just at the date heating and lighting apparatus, and adequate precau nision but a collection will be present time as ready and eager The first three months of 1926 have been remarkable tions against fire were not taken at the time the installa akon. Lecture to begin at p. as myself and the other hun for a series of disastrous fires inyolving the destruction of tions were made The fusing of an electric wire is suffi Sharp. Austin will repeat in dreds of us to serve the mining many historic English Mansions. In several cases these cient to kindle a wooden beam hundreds of years old, and abatance the sermon he deliver. company?
recently at the Balboa houses were the traditional country seats of noble families that coupled with the fact that generally there has been no Baptis Church.
Obediently yours, and dated almost as far back as their owners family trees. efficient fires extinguishing appliances, would seem to (9. PILGRIM WILKINS)
In the course of centuries, art treasures of every description account, for the fires that have occurred. But whether this were collected in these old mansions, and one of the sad is the correct explanation or not, the loss of such treasures, ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Rent Receipt Books in Span dest features of the fires has been that they have generally often irreplaceable, is a source of real grief not only to the TAE POPULAR HIPODROME OF ish and English for sale at the resulted in the loss not only of the buildings but also of owners but to the country as a whole.
JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. Work. nan Printery of the country: GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZ. LAUNDRY rich Only First Class Ones Need Apply


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