
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY MAY 22, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres With Play Wag world has has she in women, useful well exist Mirrors or Reflectors the The Modern Girl 1777 སཝ ས ས བ CANAL ZONE NOTES (As a shinlag hɔpe of a bigher The Path Across The civilization)
TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Hill Sir: In your issue of May first appeared a very interesting CECILIA article on Why was Womai AMERICA AMADOR The Orpheus Musical Club Created. by Miss nd: Smart, sprang, pleasant surprise on the public on Saturday evening followed on the 8th by an at (COLON)
last when the Club tempt on the part of one presented, at the Clubhouse, the three act Smith to advance his views up at TODAY, Saturday May 22nd and TODAY. Saturday May 22nd comedy drama, SATURDAY, May 22nd na, The Path Across tbe subj ct; taking it for granted TOMORROW Sunday May 23rd that the last mentioned is a man Dustin Farnum in Evelyn Breat in the Hill to a full house, the unders! goed begs your in THE CYCLONE RIDER YOSEMITE TRAIL Carol Dempster in the very modest afterdulgence while she takes up the movies practices which tha cudgel in behalf of her sex. HAT ROYLE GIRL SUDAY May, 23rd SUNDAY, May 23rd troupe had during the past few Milton Sills in Anna Nillson in months, little was Was it known that Much has been said and MONDAY, May 24th THE UNGUARDED HOUR THE SPLENDID ROAD a splendid written about modern the woman carrying with it Viola Dana in an and girl (mostly by the older equally good moral, had been MONDAY, May 24th MONDAY, May 24 prepared. The ALONG CAME RUTH public given keceration. often the goes in arices: What wrong with her?
Special Cast in treat which was worth every Jack Holt in The answer is Nothing. She is TUESDAY, May 25th nickel spent, and more, as from FOLLY OF YOUTH THE ANCIENT HIGHWAY the raising of the curtain followabsolutely alright. At no time in Buck Jones in the history of the number, all the TUESDAY, May 25th THE DESERT OUTLAW.
ing an orchestral TUESDAY, May 25th way througb until little Miss been truer to the instincts of her Faire Binney in Hoot Gibson in Aminta Jump said to be the sex. Man as a rule does not WEDNESDAY, May 26th ap WHAT FOOLS MEN youngest member of the Club, prove ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKE of the Special Cast in new independent woman who has seased to lean presented boquets to the five THE BRASS BOWL WEDNESDAY, May 26th female WEDNESDAY, May 26th players, 23 it were Carol Dempeter in upon him, trusting Implicitly to placing roses on a most pleasing his judgement, but prefers to do THURSDAY May 27th TUAT ROYLE GIRL Dorothy MacKail in climax, the big audience was her own thicking and deciding, Milton Sills in JOANNA kept in the best humor.
to stand shoulder to aboulder THURSDAY May 27th with him in the game of lite.
There was, however, some THE UNGUARDED HOUR THURSDAY May 27th Viola Dana in inaud bility the first part of This is because consciously or Eleanor Boardman in the first act; apparently this was not they (the men) cling to the FRIDAY May 28th ALONG CAME KUTH THE WAY OF GIRL quickly noticed by the Director old belief tbat their wine should Special Cast in and remedied before the close of be strong but tbeir women weak FRIDAY May 28th the FRIDAY, May 28th the Act. FOLLY OF YOUTH aud yielding And but for a few Buick Jones in Douglas MacLean in other minor mistakes bere The present day woman start SATURDAY May 29th and THE DESERT OUTLAW and there which did not in SEVEN KEYS TO BALPATE the least detract from the ted life with a greater advantage SUNDAY May, 30th than was offered her mother or SATURDAY, May 29th SATURDAY May 29th effective Play. the author thoughts tive presentation of the grandmother. Duriog its briet Anita Stewart in Special Cast in George Brien in were well represented.
quarter of ceutury, th NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET THE BRASS BOWL THE PAINTED LADY iwentieth, she bas showo more The behavior represelled the best advancement in religion, educthat had ever been experienced tion, invention and sc. enca, than 98 at any entertainment of its kind the whole of the ninteenth wi.
at the Clubhouse; it was exnessed. It is only natural tha emplary bave It could hardly women should progress with th been otherwise, as the dram times to bitter humiliation and indig jars is an ideal vnion. The bear. was appealing, the comedy nities even separation from her ing and rearing of children is amusing and the players seemed The modern girl given egus! THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED family in order to ensure their woman finest achievoment to be at at home in In their parts. Educational advantages with the maintenance. Morals of the past moulding their plastic minds tew mother eyes were wet with brother, like him looks forward were as loose as the present but with move and example; making tears, but everybody went home to making her way in the wo:ld vice thrived under cover; prudery of and professionally or otherwise a If you have any trouble with your tourisbed and the self righteou them upright hogest men cellpg good under the strains of citizens her music furnished by the termination of a high school convinced themselves that it did most brilliant career, her incom balanced orchestra.
or college course. Marriage has now a popular demand the parable to. But not ceased to be only courst mother of yesterday, her sacri every woman can reach such on the Club for the repitition of open to her, and is it to be wonfices and devotion, and yet that she may be a beter lawyer, it Its anderstood that this will be The Path Across the Hill and dered at wben marriage as an send them to No. building, 12th same mother was unable to instititution for the masses ha her daughter from the snares doctor teacher or scientist; why complied with fand the Play proved itself a failure?
October Street, Guachapali, where they aad pitfalls of life: felt herself in such cases, should she be a repeated here on the 19th of next Let us look without prejudice Volure on ber part to instruct if through ignoranc. and square peg in a rouod bole?
month. It is also understood will be carefully and substantially repaired Upon a picture of yesterday Woun an bave not yet attained that arrangements are being ber girl the simple facts of lite)
woman and today and the fair equality in all thiago with men, made to stage it somewhere in she slipped by the way side to turn but they will in miud will be bound to admit also new ones made to order at moderate time. Coming Panama as well as at the other that the latter is far superior ber back upon her and help th prices. If you want to have an estimate vicious social system that trammistakes of the present, out of tre former. To begin with, tak generations will profit by the Silver Clubhouses on the Zone.
the clothes of the past century pled her in the dust, evil will come forth good; the hopelessly impractical and unof work to be done, send a card to While landing and gazirg to giddy tlapper of today will be in Woman Life Problem Club comfortable Health, andermined fond contemplation of yester a pos a position to guide her daughter Celebrate Mothers Day by lack of exercise and tight BROWN day mother with a dozen chilover the pitfalls that her.
corsets, was poor. Educatior was Tex izent; consisting mostly is Ancon Box 1223 Mothers Day was fittingly member first, that life yesterday dren round her knees, let us re ened by experince grown the wiles by which to secure a was easier; second, that many of wise by example, rule the world celebrated by the Woman Life mite when placed on the mar Sixteen years experience in the West Indies United those children came into the then shall the hollow mockery: Problem Club on Sunday last the riage market. Condi ions of that world not because mother wanted Peace on earth become a 16th inst. Mrs. Monroe, Pres.
era made woman sly and InsinStates, Costa Rica, and Panama.
them, but in spite of the fact reality. Then only shall every dent of the Club, presided over cer; she said things she did not sers. that she bitterly resented their man of every creed and race the evening exercises.
advent, mean; played her game in thpursulife, liberty and happi. The Influence of Mother in the rotten social system that existed Marriage is, as it ever włº, al Dess on an equality basis. Home was the priccipal address, It and more often than not lied and gamble; it is no more a ilure s a long, bard; up bill road it was delievered by Mrs cheated; stooplog even to trickery today than from its foundation, that earnet consciente di mo much food for thought and re Walters, the speaker leaving in order to secure a husband, one Secur The increase in divorce records women of today are climbing Hection on the attantion that is had for whom probably sh bad neither affection nor respec.
simply go to preve that many who towards a fioer civilization be due mothers and the part they Can you imagine anything worse Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs for rearwiony for various retuonis fruit al ver presistent endea tour. are expected to play: mis coming have Mr. Reynolds also deto acknow. So have you sense man that day by day becomes each week for Readers of this paper ledge their mistak, to dissolve a and remeber that the girl of to lievered a well seasoned address irritatingly bonoxiou a?
WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE partnership tha: cesses to be day is not as bad as she is painted on the Day.
Nine causes out of ten she de.
cou Renial. Women nol og bave. and to, she more sinned The musical part of the proveloped into a sharp torgued to mak the best of a bad bar against than sinning. Too much gram was taken care of by Miases shren, perpetual Dag, ber May 14 20 death. You will never b; lonely or gain. Yesterday we had grass preaching and nagging is tending Claris Elie, Lila Pate, Unica Simand Master Granville desolate for you have that divine widows and widowers; today we to make ber have the game ai mons hu band a neek ben pecked it The Sign of Taurus, the well as the mame.
Walkes, who contributed plano dividu Or if the cale member Bull.
power of healing the hurts of have divorcé 9, selections. Miss Lilias Grag well of the partnerebip was better at others.
Yurs truly, brow, determined to of Servers of humanity, ministers Contrast with he past today The purity and warmth of the splendid, por pa. heal. by, tode. BELL, Red Tank gave an elocutionprova to the world in general to those in nee 1, help ars in turning sunlight concentrate in ary item entitled Rock me to Bleep Mother. Another recitathat he was master to his own the wheel of progress, you who are color, a gol ten yelow. The same perd at young woman; et cient tion was given by Miss Ethelyn dies house; there was nothing for the born under this sign are the most quity is exprezsed in the shades in emergencies where her grandwomen to mo bat submit; she be nece:sary type in this world of Sf yellow in your stone the topaz Teplice helpes y how see head is mother would have or Thomas. Secretary of the Club; wbile Mrg: St. Hill sang beauticame timid, apolegetic afraid to many disappointed and sorrowing To wa ur this stone will bring you in the right pichouder her call her soul ber own. people. Without you the suffering happiness and comfort wh. ch will scante Mother, hear you callwould be greater, the obsticle: radiate from you to others who cont Correction scint leaveless blus; whose It is amusing to har some make more headway and trouble have less fortunate dispositions, keen brala under a part bob is There was a fairly good attenhər earning wortby bewailing the dear go ae and distress would reach a higher ova ani oftea the You will be contented in almost livelihood of an entire family.
Against a public rumour con dance.
days, wbich, thank God, are degree.
dead forever viewing through any marriage, but you should not ler outlook upon life is saner, cerning the death of Mrs. Irene the glamorous memory of a saintAlthough it is not prohible that allow yourself to become complete sounder; ber ju igements mr Buchanan and the and Emp. Association Board ed mother or sister who most you will rise to great fame, you will ly effaced by your mate. Be firm charitable than ever her grand. C. in Bocas del Toro, Meets, The Oricers of the abovelikely was one of the very for have a quiet peace and happiness with your kindness and it will bel mother were.
tunate few of their who were bappily me. Seneration that come from good work well better for you as well as for your named Association beg to inform and done, and friends, who are sincere companion, Some of tha sex, Igrant you, the public that the Copyrighted 1923 by Hense bave gone to extrein in Bocas del Toro, have no Canal West Indian Employees Secretary Ellis of the Panama denouncing the present day girl in their affection for ycu, will sur thiags: either in a mad desire o Lodge of Secrecy attached to Association announced that the sbe becauses and a useful busy prefers single round you from early youth untill Adams Syndicate. drink the cup of freedom to its their Association as yet, so that President of the Association has dregå or because pit wits and lite to harnessed drudgery and unbappiness.
Remember tenets of their age. Thare bas triated with pity and contempt, scattar brains a plenty of both the ramour moving around that called a meeting of the Board of this is who are so fond recalling the been indifte e Gənerally, sh ones and they will continues to be scandallam posing cha first meeting of the board adept at sexes are to by found in every for th death of Mrs. Irene Since. Or Saturday the 29th.
is as worla needle kept a sheik of today; the little flirt against and is no alter oative but to marry, for last. After all it is only the gcoi sharp tongue, a cat, parrot or saamed so coy and helpless ia tythe N. and je intended to important business which wiH the lot of a spinster was than that of an ill sorted ones that married woman.
catary; and simpered folishly It is a human Spinsterbood accepted cheer iu tha pesence of the past his beco ne the cigaret:e do barm to the UNIA.
The make this meeting one of the Sne had no idea of smoking, drink 5afuddiad lo s9 deceast. ch was once a member most important since the organi High Executive weakness (call it kindness it you fully even deliberately chosen oppɔsite sex.
ficer of zition of the Association.
Ladies the today was the bugaboo of yestar: what was taking place in the moraled woman of the present and unheint the will. Continued on page 8)
but had ceased her hier te human being cor an era of enter thraldom frm which methods, uable, to earn her extreme to another, we have yet membership since Marche 1925 virtues of the dead, whether day that caused many women to wərld; was ignorant of business Most of us have swung fron one heiglen to st burying with them their vices there was no escape but death. livlihud.
so the Public is warned against the Matherhood of God and the over over th past An of the past Marriage What is goin the continuation of this scandal otherhood of Man.
all and that thes, there worthy of them. confary became harsh bitter and era vas the widow left pannileor solals for love, based upon antud uus romanu and using the UN We are respectfully yours, Turn back the pages of history withered at thirty, the butt at with a brood of child ren, it davol respet and for bearance, tinved A FU namas OFFICERS BOCAS No. 44, and you will find that women course, crul jokes th Innocant ved upɔn her parents or relatives with a sympathetic understand Associitin stands for Improvefundamentally is the same, they victim of te married ste to support her and her off sping in and a nse of humor that ment, ita to: 01 Gd. One Boeis I Toro, simply adapted themselvee to the barbed thrusts a tiog to baad many atima sbe uad to submi. will stand the daily discordant Aim, se Destiny, beviog in May 5, 1926.
When woman, a What Is Your Fortune?
the your you terday lieping who and wicked even worse Connt, when


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