
Closer Touch With Colonies in Sugar Industry In The West Indies.
00and signature of States, Dobarlllloon Ooies very in the Col but the of colonies. In the GovernChesterfield not onls the bid Wag who groog Up to date Jewelry GARETTES.
that In spite of bave research.
the we bad gar frio San THE BEER post largely from American Fuller Jewelry Stora CLOSER COOPERATION.
PREFERENCE IS GI VEN The New YORK publishes a The London TIMEs pubishes cable despatch, dated Londoa the following letter over the sigApril 16, as foilows:nature of Mr. ALBERT JACOB does more to drive away The brief official announceariety and a higher of the House of Commons:pains and aches than any other known remedy, that is ment is made today that reprequality of tobaccos. here why thousands of people the sentatives To the Editor of the Timas.
of Great Britai and here clone is the secret world over call it pain West Indian colonies and of of Chesterfield distinctive Sir. As one of the members enemy.
British Guiana and British Honof the Emp. re Parliametary Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff duras bave been invited to attend neck, sore and tired muscles, Delegation to the West Todis, a conference at London in May.
OME EXOKERS like the spicy tang of have recently bad unique lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, Bebind this lies a bighly signiopportunites straight Turkish tobacco. Others preof hearing vi ws sprains and bruises are inthe of Government officials and mem. ficant plan of the Imperial Gove stantly relieved by fer the full flavored North American vabars of the local Parliaments, ernment to effect closer SLOAN LINIMENT None legitimate without portrait operation between the several rieties.
ci y councils, chambers of compossessions contiguous to the merce, and agriculural sceietie United thus in some But it is only in such a blend as Chesand of lospecting plantations measure to meet the menace of terfield that smokers can enjoy in one sugar factories and other indus At all drurite and dealers American penetration and trade The tries.
cigarette both the piquant zest of one copandetably expansion SLOAN As already indicated in recent tobacco type and the smooth mellowness question uppermost in the u inds dispatches special investigations LINIMENT of the others.
of most people whom we met CPAIN ENEMY)
have been undertaken by expert was the depressed state of the For in Chesterfield these tobaccos are trade advisers, all which principal agricultural industries pointed to the development of an ingeniously blended to yield in fullest American trade begemony in preference in the British market measure the varied charm that no single these As the subj ct of Empire prefer.
secolo tobacco can ever give.
ence is too wide to be dealt with ment was asked whether it was Commons yesterday the in this letter, am confining my aware of negotiations now being self to the case of sugar.
conducted by an an American group The sugar crop s of vital imwhich is seeking to purchase a portance to British Guiana, Jacertain island in the Bahainas.
maica, Trinidad, Barbados St.
Mr. Leopold Amery, Secretary Lucia, Antigua and Kitts, and large numbers of State for Dominion and Colot onial Affairs, replied that be people on but also many thousands already in communication with the Governor of the Bahamas in CIGARETTES of small farmers regard to terms under which a to on their own holdirgs and sales portion ot (seglell the outlying islands the factories. There was a sene might be leased to persons of ral agreement ibat this importe in every form can be seen British or foreign pationality, tant industry is passing here at its best See our period through of but added emphatically extreme de pression the fact that the pro neither the lease nor sale of Wrist Watches land in British territory to foreign priessibly could done Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
everything they to indiwiduals will in any way alter make Bracelets the tae nationalitylof that territory.
industry efficient by central fac.
According to a report made by Diamond Rings toriesei dabou. saving machine and scientific an official investigator, an Amewe realised too late, rican concern, the Nilson, Bul SS SS SS SS SS SS SS mistake, and a hundred other adorn.
800XSXSS SC SDXoco lock and Nelson Company, has fed beet sugar to oust Colonial su why this is the LEADING made in allowing bounty ments and you ll recognize purchased twelve miles of ocean from the British market. ás front including the western end of island of New Providence the although the Colonies patriotica. JEWELRY HOUSE in town ly placed all their supplies at the ask prices and you ll find still in the Bahamas. Some memberg of Parliament who have lately service of the Empire, the area under cultivation bad decreased another reason. visited the West Indies have SUPPLIED BY to such an extent tbat asserted that the Americanizition on these British possessions sources ad to pay is proceeding at at a menacing rate 1or doing so.
122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 while the mother country is neglecting them.
AMEERICAN METHODS Wilson Goode, Trade The preference in the Uaited Commissioner for the West InStates market enjoyed by Cuba WILKINSON dies in a special says frankly The degree of American in enormously developed their proContractor fluence differs in various colonies, duction, and large central sugar but it is strikingly is evidence in is brewed from the best factories have been installed Jamaica. British Honduras, Berwith American machinery in and Builder muda and the Bahamas. Uoless materials obtainable of British.
Protectionist something is done, the British la gives free entry to the West Indies will become more. Houso No. 20 and more dependent on AmeriIt is specially suited for this climate Great Britain, under so called ca.
28th NOV. STREET, It is the desire of the Imperial but SAN MIGUEL Government at the forthcomicg is superior to all imported beers sold. parley the first of its kind to here and it sells to the public at rum; in fact all the principal set up a stanping conference Box 411, Panama, P.
West Indian products except with a permanent secretariat to fresh fruit. The fact that Ameri deal with matters of common HALF the price.
cau colonies are f1 urishing while plans and Specifications Free ters concern to all the colonies.
are steking to rengthen a very serious object lesson to imperial ties, it is undoubtedly the Empire.
TRY OUR NEW BE. First Class Workmanship the purpose of the Imperial GovOur trade with tropical Colernment in co operation with onies is complementary, not Satisfaction Guaranteed the colonial governments to give competitive and our fiscal policy a great impetus to British trade.
oy diminisbing our purchases thereby meet American comfrom them automatically reduces their orders for cur maJ. FLOWERS chinery and other manufacturers.
The preference British Consulate Notice Culonial sugar of one balfpenny any Abogado. Attorney at Law rer pouod has insufficient to meet the crisi quite The British Consul at Colon OFFICE: No. 46 sr.
would be glad of information assises 50stes and the West Icdians are appeal BOX 36 PANAMA CITY 30. sexos de to the present whereabouts of icg to the Mother Countpeale TELEPHONE No. 1377 the following individuals: treat them as liberally as Ameri ca treats her colosial subjects. Practicing before all the courts of INEZ WEEKS, a native of Barbados, last beard of in Colɔn by removing tte remaining duty of about tbree farthings per the Republic since April 1914 in 1911.
pound. They would be willing JOHN SHAKESPEARE, a nalimit the concession to sugar pot tive of Falmouth, Jamaica, wbo exceeding 96 degrees polarizawas living in Colon about twenty 1993 tion so as to safeguard the interyears ago.
els of British ruga retiners. Dentist Howell JAMES HENRY, a native of revenue involved only Jamaica, last heard of in Cristoa small fraction of our bal in 1920.
taxation and could be balanced HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Of every description by duties on foreign luxury CANAL ZONE.
goods or by extended safeguard. Office Hours: a. to p. ing duties.
DR. to pm HOFFMNN The repeal of the sngar duty would not violate aby pledge, as DAILY has transferred his clinic to 37 it would be a reductior, not an Central Ave. upper floor of La increase, in food taxatioc; on the PHONE 1941 BALBOA Mascota in front of the Alcalde contrary, it would be an import. Specializes in all the branches Entrance between La Mascota ant step forward in Empire preand Preciado Book Store. of Dentistry.
Terence, which in the ConservaTELEPHONE 991.
AT THE one of the most important planks tive platform at the last formed election. The Chancellor of the live in the chain of Inperi. Bcbequer, ip bis forthcomiig uity and prosperity.
has a unique opportunity Yours faithfully Rent Receipt Books In Span of leasing the colonies, saying a ALBERT JA. 03.
ish and English for sale at the great industry, relieving memWorkman Printery ployment at home and in the House of Commons, Wes is.
Colontes, atid thus forging a new ter. 3rd Marcb. 1626, The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co. free trade, taxes also cocoa colfees molasses. tobaccomand heavily not Wbile KRONEN BRAU Petition.
on SUPERIOR TO ALL present fror be crisis.


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