p. 8


JAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE edo do do donio od do does Workman Stationery Store of America shops. Women Races! Races!
gen and of 40 Good Races whose Birls our organized borge.
SCATTERED LEAVES you noworo sono divendres votre nom cast Sunday Races Canal Zone Notes (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
THE ATTENTION Tirterfering oftew the did not interfere in the eventually atrophied their physical least with racing si Juan Franco Girl Guides Empire abilit es. OFLa og before the splendour of on Sunday afternoon last, the only reverse being the upsets in Day Program Rome and Athens the Egyptian, prognosticasion to wipners, Babylonian and Assyrian empires saw their days At the flower of the Friendly Societies and Secret Orders which is consquent upons wil track and looked for by race Gaid have prepared for the The first LA ca trcop of Egyptian rule, one which had done goers.
much for womaobuod, women beld IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF bigh and fine offices. At its decay, sports, including a far supply of nounced in these columns, The usual large guhering general public a splndid Pro Rram, which, as bas bern omen were made to carry overthe geatler sex, was on the they will carry out, in view of whelming burdens, and sent te grandstand, MINUTE BOOKS AND wh le work in te mines to expiate the the more Empire Day, Saturday evenit, crime of a brother, husband, or anxious rooters uld be seen the 22nd Inst, at the La Bar father wedding their way on ad off the simbol lobe Teleserybod would try to grounds.
Nearer to our times, we find LEDGERS Juicy draws co oponated those partic pate in the celebration and the Isthmus Macaulay, describing the condition who supported the winner out aj the Big Program which of women among the pious Scottish sidore, and 89 Ninet in Dollars follows:Highl»nders. He shows them at Suitable for Lodge Business anddelghty cents for each 2heavy manual work, while athletic investment, was the returo mad introducing 1, Welcoming the audien se ard men bask in the sun, He tells of the Cta to the backers of Cal Arango io Chaplain.
aged mothers and pregnant wives tha tira rac. wbile Argentino aid tendranghters reaping onts. AT THEinh last race paid 16. 80 for Address Mr. Walters wile the men angle for salmon and and Twells 116) for in (Chairman)
takes aim at grouse.
ne ti th. Song Rockabye, Lulaby The heavy work that is done pontigo, with ekry Qui. Brownies. ga in the saddl. captured by women is often of such a nature tbe Explanation of cbe Uolon ni e race, th last von tbe Jack Captain Elith Cole and as to conceal its strenousne lake program; wbile Grzales rode Guides.
for instance the story of the origin of The National League of Consumers wynago pagod nogoongan agangatan mange gange gange manage to go aroga gago. Ahla splendid race beating the crack Blairon our sevene love. Mrs. twich. Solo To bare, To bold, To started in 1891 in the Uuited States It was brought about furlongs in the feature event.
Se The five furlongs distice because of the sufferings of the Address Vr. Clifford well Sparklets women employed in stores and which was given Lucera, Coronel Address Selected Mr.
are the greatest Arago, Capoul and Madona, Naely.
with a four huodred dollars purse Recitation Suppose suprorters of shops and stores and yet they have been made for on(Continued from page 1) attached, was won by Coronel Mrs. Lilian Gibson.
juries the victims of rise and fall in for accomplishing a common cause, Arango with Jimenez up. Solo Happy Birds M5 pnces. The League explained that consciousness of This is the way they ran, Gladys Rance a this commuaity be was a matter which could furlong lase 150. regulated scientifically and systemreul responsibilities, ability 10. Comedy Sketch Mr.
to Dirdarela (Jim nºz) Cardel. Dudley.
atically, and they began by black accomplish along reasonable lines, wood (Moore) Z10. Martinez. listing those 11. Salo (Salected) V: Nei JUAN FRANCO TRACK prestige and how to respect it and Time 31 5. Pool paid 20 and stores whose intern build upon it, abil ty to see our 83. 70 on the winner, and 50 on regime was not satisfactory to the elves as others see us, ete. ete the second horse.
employees urged women not to 12. Recitation Seven times TO MORROW hese are, apparently, not writte parronte them. It was a great in their business curriculum. There meno (J n z) Dctador arl Ue 125. tour Miss Maud Richards.
fight and lasted for four years.
13 Chorus Song of the is it hard to conclude that with thi12) R pos (Gorzal Brownies. Brownies.
Congress eventually appointed a Sunday, May 23rd 1926 state of affa rs we, tens of thous To commission to study the matter.
ands strong must be classed as a une 116. Di 816) and 14. Address Mr. De Souza.
Sowe the discoveries made was Guliver in the land of Lillipur? 80 on the sec id and third Austin Connell.
on the wisner, 82, 50 and 15 Piano Slection that one woman bad to do lking daily which was equivulent to To be able to control our pur cor. 8, raspect vels.
ervering 160 blocks of stretts; chasing power needs more than Five arlons 10739 340. 1; 16 Solo The temposto the hotel maids carried daily dishes passiog mention. It is a subject COL. Arung Jimen z) Cap a heart Mrs. Adella Headle weight totalled 2, 000 pounds; which needs belaboring by Press Od 1) Madona (Mon Tim 17. Recitation The Village Races For Imported horses and and Pulpit, by ewed during 10 hours on Jas. Bas105. Puil pod 1980 a 5. 00 Blacksmith. Mr.
machines whose velocity was 9, 000 groups, as it is our life blood on th: winner and 00 va the combe, stitches per minute, e o The result and for Native bred Ponies which, while we sit by ur.
concerned, Pechad 18 Piano Sliction. Miss was that the law favovr the others are quietly and efficiently Four furlong. Jurse 300. Cydia Holder.
League, and it was considered an receiving from our own hands. Bu Fiched. Essib. Barlesc 19 Recitation My Captain es ential factor in the mechanism WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE we will continue giving Charity (Casa) Bumbi (Moore. Tim Miss Doris Campbell.
of society. Today, the National unless we start right now to think 51 5. Po paid 350 and 60 20, Song To in the right rection by League of Consuiners is admitted camp ou the as a scientific study in indystrial As long as we continue to bave second hower and 40 ou to Demond Side Guides.
any thinking person, visions of the biggest things and ve fu fongs purse 250. Sarah Williams.
after considering the fiqures given for that reason must be expert To wollo (Casa. Bille auvag above, and, knowing that most of builders of tremendous air cas le 22. Address Mr. Rey. Hildag. Translate (Sehal. those women were compelled after leuveing alone quest ons of im Time 05 5 Poul paid 11 nolds work to do their owa domestic Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
23. Drills Guides portance, sueh as, to know our and on the wioder and 4, 40 duties, fail to exclaim: The sex First Race Starts p. Sharp 24. Song We are the Browa ic elves as the Chinese, Japauese, on the secord horse.
that can do this and preservere Syrians ad Hindus know then. Seven fu loogs purse 401 ies. Browoles do ug it, should not be called (G) zıl z)
selves, so long will we vem vin Abel Baladron 25 Soio.(Selected. Mr.
weak. Gulliver in Liliput. As long as (Cn tiz) Pereque (Moore. Time Dudley.
In Europe, have seen women ADMISSION afraid to trust our ow. 33 5 Poul paid 00 and 3, 40 16. Song. Beautiful Spring.
of the agricultural class toil side after we Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
pr ved them capable oa the winer and 40 on the Guides.
by side with men in the fields, and of administering our asi second hurse.
27. Spog. Taps Brownies Five furbing purse 250. 60. when they return to their homes in long as the itelligent amouetu: Daola (C Go las) Gallineta and Guides the eveniog, the men turtoff auc remain intolerant and haughty; as long as we Martin enjoy a pipe, while the women 28. God Saya the King.
up z) Sister cilia (Jimbusile about getting the meals when we get it into our heads thallen Te 06 5. Puel paid after which it is me to do the we have a grain of educatio 89 90 and 70 on the winner and family laundry or mending. In the more thau the ordinery fellows. 30 and 10 on the second and Cristobal Clubhouse West Indies the picture is often is long as we remain in cliques thi dhe respectively more dra wo, for after a strenuous and petty groups, segregated 02 e mile purse, 8400 Argen On Thursday evening. May day in the merciless sum, the men ccording to the island from tino (Odloka) 12 Intante Codel) 20th, will be a May Pole drill by often de away on donkeys woite the women trot with heavy loads THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER which we dimr; so long will we mo Cheld ago. The 50 Paol the Girl Reserves from to at remain as Gulliver in the land of 1 1680 and 20 on the the Cristobal Clubhouse. All are on their heads for miles to market Lillipt. These are but few of winner and 20 on the second iavited.
or to the home. Arriving at the WITHOUT AN EQUAL horse.
he sprigs of u derbrush we have latter, they find their bouse duties to clear away be ore we will be awaiting their untired hands Don fail to try it able to appreciate what is really British Consulate Notice. To Morrow Races In our daily experience do we meot by commanding our purcot see all arround us women, the «basi, power, Then and only thep will we begin to know our ot Ponana would like to know of The British Consulate Genera frail, spending their early youth in There are nine races on sacrifices and self denials and suf.
selves, then and only then will our tb whereabouts of Franeis Pil the card for Juan Franco ferings without muimur, their No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
presence we feli; Then and only grim caapenterly taide who was Park tomorrow then will we be fully respected,. ast beard of Panama.
afternoon, midule aged to, and in their de.
clining years often turn around and this aggregation of native and lave for a married daughter and imported horses promises and her children?
Rent Reca. pt Books in Spin Pleasent Sunday After one of the best Sunday afterThese observations should lead take exercises with the idea of not people but at producing pro, er ish and English for sale at the noon.
noon sports for many months, one to conclude that as a sex wogrowing too fat.
and healthy proportions by system workman Printery There will be the Balboa men, are not weak, and that any Not so long ago it was the habitatised exercises and mode of living.
The Isthmian League of Brit Cup which is affered in the deterioration much overdeveloped ish st dians will give a fifth event which will bring strength and resistance has been years or thereabouts, to develop a man is not attractive. Does ayusceptible to sickness; they make bileasant Sunday afternoon Senter. stop about to an brought about not from natural, double chin and take on general eser ise, to wonder whether at the them less 6t for the greatest trioment at the Paraiso Clube out three recently imported but through unnatural causes. signs of obesity. Now, with proper exercises, those who like the slender conclusion of it he will be more demand of nature and thereby. house tomorrow, Sunday 23rd thorough breds to try concal development is woman beyond difficult to Mr. Smith further says: Physi, figure can retain it, and it is often charming to the feavale of the tard the development of the race int. The ladies of the league clusions with Copiapo and bave hrepared an excell nt pro: Abel. This competitirn will a certain maximum limit varies from the fact which maleng man van of vocal and Instrumental be over a mile, mother and daughter moet weea a species? It is not a small vanity in general.
think that The fact that most women inversely with grace and charm 40 10 or the occasion, woman is not retained her Dors 0 at m Admission Then there is a mile andlook at, should like Mr. Smith appearance. ithful lines and, her activites to suit his taste, indicate tht they acknowled e by any means a pleasant parson to to de And yet a fat woman man which, often only arquired by their ability as bring beyond the Adults 25 ceats Children 10 an eighth race for a 400.
to inform me what is the standard is a matter of preference with some trajning and is prequently narrow att vinment of the female sex cuts purse, with five entries to king Women almive strength in men complete.
and charm. invited to by Community Night persons it consists in mathematical ambassador of the white race and the comparative inability to stand however, when each girl wae supThe lack of an upright figure, from training. The day is. past.
Ib. LA Bica District of the The Curtain raiser will calculations sondern niaches foren he was seat at table beside the for a long time or do much walk posed to have an aristocratie little E will hold their bring out six native ponies. the stroulders, In each wear wraps when noge were monthly countr unity night mect for a four furlong competition uifferent, in each race the charac country the standard of beauty is ambassador wife, who was a ſing running or climbing, excesiv ded, or accept a gentlemi ing at the Clubhuse on Thure and seven imported horses is slender pink lady. During the din sensibility, loss of control over the teristies differ, and among each set ner, the African king remarked to nerves, which are som) of the arm to step over a plank afw duy next the 27th. This is in will travel over six furtongs of people the standard is altered the hostess: Madame, if you marks of the physical degeneracy inches wide. They are developing a tend to be resariting met fequently with time and circum were only black and fat, you would among women, may make the sex tine will grow stronger in the sex membership drive at the zext seli sufficiency which in doint of ing is it is planned to ke a big in the ninth.
This attractive card will stances will a general the Dis over developed woman? Is it a fat Io acy cise, phvsical culture reader women incapable of living womanhood, and incidentaliy ra khich takes place early next certaivly not fail to draw a woman? Nowadays women all does not aiun at overdeveloping individual lives, and make them healtheir humaa raca.
record cr. wj.
we are have affairs; a us Contra Crespo u of grace and What is meant to be irresistible.


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