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PRICE Cts. Cy.
STEAMER THE NAME FAGILITIES marketi or be left ancestry practical The Path ACH ар little a For British West Indies Will Not Appear in Questioned In Commons Negro Who Who Time Limits Within which Claims to In the British Hous of Com. The New York Tribune of a Between Two Thousand and Three Disablility Pension Must be Made gons recently Alu Jacob asked the recent da te published the fcli. wº Secretary of State for the Colonies ing Thousand Slaves to be Set Free whether he was a war that there is Pushkin, Dumas, ColeridgeThe Command Paymaster at Kingston, Jamaica re: Leeward and Windward groups of other figures of mportance in a to Advancement of Colored People. 69 Fifth Avenue, has considerable dissatisfection in the Taylor, Sir Conrad Reeves and New York, May 13. The National Association for the quests publicity of the following in regard to the time limit the West Indiin islands with re and letters will be included in the during which claims to Disability Pension must be made. gard to the steamer communica: Negro Vbo Wh, which is to received a report of a lecture in Bristol, England, by John CLAIMS by Officers, Nurses, Non Commissioned of course. betwee for home in uers and be publisted soon with Roscoe Harris, Secretary of the Anti Slavery and Aborigines ficers and Men to any pension, grant, gratuity or allowance srode Beter anhosen laerd he will Conkling Bruce as editor in o iet. Protection Society, in which Mr. Harris pointed out that in Great Britain and whither he wil it was announced yesterday by a number of tropical regions slavery was still practiced, in respect of DISABLEMENT incurred in the Great War recommend thut ome of thel Bruce at his office, 250 West 125th there being between 2, 000, 000 and 2, 000, 000 slaves still to (including claims by pensioners for additional disabilities) 1, 000, 000 allotted for improving Street.
can only be considered if made.
communications and Within seven years after the Date of Discharge, Colonial produce shall be devoted.
The career of no person will be be set free: Mr. Harris said a report made by the League of better steamboat servies to include morstrable, he said. Frus, in o the purpose of subsidising a treated in the book unless the fact Nations had shown 19 areas of the world in which slave bs Negro cescent is clearly de raiding and slave trading were in operation.
Within seven years after the termination of the war the island of St Vincent, Grenada, xil probability, Robert Browning increasingly to depend upon the products of the tropical Mr. Harris pointed out that civilization was coming Saint Lucia, Dominca, Montserrat. 31st August, 1921. Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevi, will be out, since his WHICHEVER DATE IS THE EARLIER is a matter of moral tradition As countries, 450. 000 tons of rubber being used annually, Ir must be clearly understood that no claim can be con that improvements in stcamship er dge Taylor and Sir Conruu huge quantities. cocoa, came sugar, as well as precious Mr. Amery: have no doubt to others, Pushkin; Dumas, Col whil. th world drank 25, 000, 000 bags of coffee and used sidered in cases where a previous claim for disability has com munitation would be debe come ever, to name a few and shall alw. y be glad to there is on been received and rejected, before 5th May 1925.
stones and metals coming from the tropics.
to coupse, controversy der any suggestions Claims will be sent to the Command Paymaster, Army with ibai end in view, Mr. Harris clare that the duties of civilization bat The name of Marcus Garvey will it Pay Office, Jamalca, and must be accompanied by: would seem disst able to await the not appear. The editors seek to toward the backward races were, first, to give to natives (1) medical certiticate from the claimants own doca de content creport lange ting and everyone else budou propalu freedume du produce in their own interests the raw matoday, Committee before takitge. America tor, stating the present condition of his health and up the question of improving the Wheatley, Negro poet, is on the ple that there should be no legislative or industrial barrier Phillis terial by. any facts known to such doctor relating to his facilities for marketing West Radion title page of the volume, and the based on race or color or creed; third, that the relation of medical history.
produce. Crntinued on page 8) civilized to backward races should be that of trustee to (2) Written evidence from his employer or other res.
Wald; and fourth, that slavery in all its torms should be ponsible person as to his health before and since SPARKLETS the Great War, abolished in this generation. 3) Claimants must invariably state in their applica.
tions full particulars of their service, e. regi. BY K. PANAMA ATHLETES MEET mental number, rank and regiment in which they served.
least given the debaters a week FIRST DEFEAT (Signed) HUGHES, Captain, fiend confidentially informed re five contributors to the subnotice. Be that as it may, there Command Paymaster. me that Ms. William Jump of La jeet, plus the Jamic. Critic. at In International Cyclo Road Race at Jamaica.
Boca shed tears when Mr Clifford the call Jamaica, of Sewell. playing the role of Rostands, there is no alternative but time. the debute new 5th May, 1926 BERT Post in the comedy drama to vote in favour of the ladies, the 21 inst gives the following de from Dry River. It said. Battista The Jamaica GLEANER of the first cable (by motor cycle) came Boca Clubhouse on the 15th inst. having ov balnnced that of the the Program of the Athletic Sports Another cable about a quarter of GRIEVANCE THE Acros. the Hill at La arguments adduced in their favour ti ed report of the first event on leading by two hundred yards.
WORKMAN howed a disposition to whose con Smule Of course, the to take place between Athletes of bed his father bank whichotut Jahren sican Crime is bothered amefar test ich und and the Panama craeko tiste ostina ahoaded and we dulder Jamaica afterwards showed Bat To THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN The WORKMAN newspaper is Mr. William Jump played the role as those roming up of the arguments who le there wo weeks ago for tester till report perhaps a Dear Mr. Editor. read with now bei ghandled at La Boca by of Grandpu Crawford whose nele in concerned. Liis to be hoped the lle springs :interese pour crowning words on an energetic ind wide awake lad all about the Sbbery. was not as a constant contributer to scated stated that he reached Cane. When a number of our best River a half mile ahead of his field.
Setelit origter of Last week. and do Prudo, and may be had on door story of the tears touch upon subjects for the upl. ft Brown rightoehtyresterday afternoon and club enclosure at Kensington there Eteros Femit ine in your Master Griffiths, of Jamaica disposed to give credence to the tered leaveso nwlour continue to wheel. nen, in company with five of The during the from. The bereby early as 15 Saturday another lady in the the audien cengratulating you on the ar mornings This is a great improve who used her it. eir faces turned notice that our indispensable struggle between ea eastwards, the delike interim were enjoying some jazz stated yours ideas. Those were paper which is anxiouly looked for very tnse moments of the dramatic weekly is running an ad. for a new Datens gathered from early really Words in season. red by its numerous readers there scenes Bui a most unusual thing traod of weed called the Marlboro un, Thousands of JA SANS of the cornet and the and re read them nostre yond and especially as it carries a splendid Hool toes place. the Rey, John Cigarettes, for which Mr Valen oon to see the start of ihe road tippling of the banjos were soon the philosophy of mother and the section of local news, could not be Wulcare remained through the en cia is agent. As there are no grea race for the Opuroy loving cup drowned by cheers when it was world was the dominart thought, obtained until Saturday afternoon. ire play and took active part in ter users of cigarettes tran 1th which was senedaled to take place known that Teacher had arrived, But Sir, have a grievance. You the merited applauses!
mian West Indians. predict a at four o clock, tor cars, motor Foaming from his mouth Battiste have deprived me of the of answering a few straight for British Consulate Notice friend was unable to explain ty of As was expected, my incorrigible Kreat future for the Marlboro. venicle came along, crowded with until he had weld and it was not tramcars and evry kind of came on to the an independent and therefore unward questions put to me hy the depend ble of weeds at: tors. Both sides of the road third of a article, feriter tof man which appeared in Connegan, Braban, The British Consulate General thing about. The Vie im of Love liach my taste to most any brand from Brown Town to Purtland Walsh the red about one.
Franeis Pilotive your last issue.
Variedades which certainly satisfied me while people. while at the Rockfort Gear. Warson, smith. and two Well, Mr Editor, since you haey Kilm caapenterly taide who was Theatre. Rather, he was in was at them, have now mide deos and at Var. ous other places others. Then the Hooded Ter to render some cri. icisms on the the Lucky Strike. vas along the route of the race, there ror came along and by passing the decided to draw the curtain on progrum of The this little act, what can do? feel SMART ones may IN Path lencia Il send me the Across the He were consider able gatherings to see two men who had entered before confident, however, that our ern Bell of ambitioul rected me by poiating out that the without ch o. aud the cracks dash past.
him finished next to Smith The there that lady who played the leading role ing Editor, one of the victims of an o clock, with the exception of troversey would not in care of. our limpI suppose it was time taken over the distance was 45 The The race started at about 4, 40 minutes.
Rrave aspect you feesume the bu Socrates met Reason, and Aris. in the comedy the odostama, may mertebe after Juan Franeo street car crash. agreed WHAT HAPPENED ON which iodividuale in te may, no doubt, after receiving Nimbley (Panama)
who found bis THE WAY munity should interchange the Foulton solved the mystery of with me that according to ihe con from Mr Kent Gardner a suitable rear wheel cked when he was views, and il level headed people methods of manufacture and trae tended The Path Across the Hill. or Lucky Serikes. per ke kena perfect; 40 poefield imobody meat of the picture were many and varicensus of opinion at um for 200 ready to stirt, the push off was empty packages use it judiciously and do not suortation There Marconi, abuse its privileges, nothing serious ing his pinions for a daring flight, was presented porary change, at least, over to the sell, al hough it everely handi Pur instance Bill Johnson got cornered and even Nimbley him.
um: ed Misfortune overtook not a few.
can occur; on the coatrary great By the way, among those who Marlboro brand.
good nay accrue from such a plunged into the clouds and west sent me and the troupe congratula.
capped him, attended to his rear iwo nasty falls one going and one ed from invisible Ether the secret tious on our successful staking of with residence at La Boca, informed Those who starte were. Bob Pate the Antillian trader: whe and went after the others. while coming back and strange procedure.
of Wireless Telegraphy. There but The Path Across the Hill was me that when the La Bocaus learnt I, naturally, exp et:d the ques. must discontinue mentioning Mr. Milton Garvey, author, play tnat Governor Wal er of the Cant Watson; Buckland; on the outward journey he fell to say at very nearly the same spot Messrs. L, Burn; Walsh: While going through Cane River tion referred to, and am using these characters. or you may sny writer and play. wright of our capithis letter to express to the lady am pla jarising, and also say am tal city, and ope tiine leader of the Zone bad modified a previous ra Simpsou; Eme; Prevost; just behind Williams (Panama) the Davis; liot having the extended privilege one more. The Great Republic of Me o Dra natie Association. Mil. again enter the silver city, there Nimbley; Sunith, second time he fell all alone. Teacher the winner rode three of using your columns to that end, the United States is the realisatioa ton is as popular on the Isthmus joy; and that if the few goats kep: Omorov; Atherton; G, Wil bicycles in all. The wheel he was an uprosrous manifestation of snall. of the dreams of Washington and on and as name at B:ow. Alford; o. on Tweer tiem by any other practicable Jefferson. All these names will live four corners of the globe. me have to himsel tende Othere were not the Farlane, fu ord; Barker: tock charge of al Gentle mas very soon till planets are dust and suns are dietate la reply to Milton e letter mits they would all have through Branam; Gent es, Báttiste; 08. got punetured, but Teach suepastured outside of li Ergus. Cannegan; Benjaminon. This also Bet Mr. Editor, speaking of solve his problems in the land of which are entrasted in the carefu Bob is famous for the veracity of dead. Yes, man has the ght to the preparation and transmittal of fright, taken flight to the woods burne; Gentles.
things in generai, what a glorious Dreams, whether these problems hands of the Club high salaried his statements, ceded in getting another cycle to land is the Land of Dreams! be social, political, industrial ou Secretary, Miss Ethelyn Thomas.
HOW THEY FARED finish with. But be seemed pretty There all are entitled to recome there whether ebey affect the questioa or SAs the pistol went the Hooded jubilaut at the fact that all three cannot say that fully agree Terror (Davis) who was in the bicycles which berode Were La conclusion, Mr. Editor my bate on Why was womaa created. with our Editor in closing the de Triumpbs.
front row, made a most spectacular Gentles, the Road King, ran into Correction with wings of imapipation which ash and the crowd cheered wildly, warry the soul on endless excursions sincerewishamMay our dreams which, for the past few weeks, salas curlyover the boundless seas, down come truene and may every dreamer been drawing the men attention but when the gathering from Barker just at the 10 miles while In our lesding Eltorial, first Rockford Gardens arrived at ken. turning. Those who saw the pro into the fathomlese gulfs and up profit at the dawn closer to the dear ones in view of paragraph in last line Yours for the future, but one, sington Park they reported that cess of turning said it was a miracle ward beyond myriad worlds and their sound and logical argument please read TIRADES for Battiste, better known as Teacher, bow anyone escaped an accident L, SMITH glittering suns! Ah! there the for equal rights; wculd have at TRADES. was merrily leading the boys. The (Continued on Page 8)
exaggerat: a wires were were silent of ment of our women bor her handk rehief of the in really begun.
after pportuni any smoker pectators.
the next man, made his (Panamr)
ast heard of Panama, ring Hill.
however, cor couple packa: Kes of bis bis Marlboro, classed as plum. Obe started means.
the human intelleet is equipped mortal equalty.


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