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ing and enriching the BLOOD. tbe bade his Worship Appearance before His police.
caught and in that eventuality there would be no water to extirgulsh the codagration that might ensue, Defendant: Still they bave tio reason to be afraid. was there for the whole time until the fire went out. It only took three or four minutes Inspector Ed monds poloted out that ia addi.
tion to the Staоdard rumshop and Mebler furulture warehouse which were situated opposite to each other in the alley la question there was a gasoline filling station belonging to the Central Garage in the viciaity.
Thu defendant replied that there was mud at the sot and the fire could not spread through the wud.
Bis Worsblp to de endant: Were they your own private papers. Defendant: Yes, brought them out after using them in wasbing my dik. use newspapers to dry him. collected some of these papers in that Alley and burnt them. They were insanitary and It they were left there they would tend to spread small pox.
His Worship: My Advice to you is to report it to a Sanitary Offic and have them removed if you are concerned about their being iosanitary. But still must ask you, tell you, not to let this occur again.
Io reply to His Worship the Inspector said it was not a large fire and the costs incurred were 20 His Worsbip (to defendant. Will you undertake to the Conrt not to do it again.
Defendant: Well, will undertake to the Court not to do it again, His Worship: accept that. reprimand you and order you to pay 20 coole.
Defendant: Well the polle ought to pay that. Laughter. His Worsblp: Not at all. ReDewed laughter)
The amount was pald immediately, For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT and Irish Limb, with Message Rev. cha go.
BRITISH GUIANA Defendant. The whole thing is wrong. They ought to be banged. Laughter)
CHARGE OF DISORDERLY BEThe Rev. Hadgi Living. Hie Worship then told the deHAVIOUR WITHDRAWN.
stone Before Bench. fendant that there was another charge against him, which was that be (del ndanu) did on the CHARGE WITH MAKING FIRE 8th last, in the guard room of IN PUBLIC STREET IN the Town Hall Police Station beDEMERARA.
baved disorderly.
Defendant pleaded not guilty to this charge KISSE GUINEA PIG. Inspector Edmunds; ask to Strats to Leave the Court But His Worsblp: You withdraw it Is Recal ed and Pays Costs.
Inspector Edmunds: Well ll do so after this one is finisbed.
His Worship: No! No. You The Demerara Chronicle of must bare things in order: April 11 pabliebes the following The charge was then withabout the Rev. Hadg! Living drawn.
stone, who is well known in FATRER HADGI TO CHARGE Jamica: POLICE.
Yesterday morning the City The defendant then asked leave Police Court was again the scene of the Court to Institute a of much comedy when Rov.
Bagdi William Livingstone counter charge against Mr, McCowan, His Worabip: Not bere. You to answer two charge of caa lay it downstairs to the office volawfully making a Gre in a lif you like. You can summon the public place and disorderly be whole Police Force it you like.
bavleur instituted against bim by Laughter. the police.
The laughter was increased The Court room was crowded when the defendant took one of with interested spectator eager the golpea pigs out of the bag to enjoy the fun wbich they and giving it a kiss prepared to knew was in store for them, for leave the Court.
the defendant bad during the in. His Worship (to the defendterval of his receiving the sun ant. Wait, you are not Anished Court is sued bandbills under the amended and it when that charge is caption Pulicemen, Fire Alarm is laid you wish postponement a sub on the ground that you think it head Exster Police. will prej id ce you, you can have which were spread about the city it. They (the Police) will substiin connection with the matter. tute another charge. correct Yesterday morning Father Hadgi appeared on his After an laterval of twenty ewa bebelt but unlike the last minutes new ebargo which was his canine pet Plato, but by was read to the defendant that occasion he was not instructed by subtltuted for the first charge Pote. his guinea pig, whose be on the 1st Instant at Georgebetter ball the Rav. gentleman town did make a fire in a public alleges did a few weeks ago. way, to wit, Mebler. Alley.
Sub Inspector Edmonds Ap His Worship repeated the sug.
peared to prosecute on bebalt of gestion be previously made that the police.
the defendant could have a postOn the case being called His onement owing to the fact that Worsbip said: Rev. Father the the charge was then an entirely complaint agolost you is that you new one.
did on the 1st April at George. Defendant elected to plead at town make a fire in a yard in once.
Hincks Street other than a His Worship: Well, are you kitchen whereby hours in the guilty or not?
Ito mediate vicinity might be Defendant: Guilty!
endangered: Are you guilty or Stating the facts of the C180 Inspector Edmonds sald that the HINCK STREET OR AN ALLEY Pulice received a telephone mes.
sage on the day in question statthat the ing Defendant: Nit guilty The making a fire in Mebler alley.
dofeudant was statement is inaccurate. did It was not the Arst time they nothing in Hinck Street. bad received such a message.
Hie Worship t) Insp ctor E1 police nan was sent to the monds: Where was this offence sce he found the defedant buraing some paper. The first Inspector Edmonds: Aback of time the defendant was found Hinck Street It is the continua doing this be was told by Sergt tion of Black Street Major Dodson not to burn papers Defendant: It is an slley ran there but to send them to the ning out of Regent Screet. That Market Station and be the fire. have allev running out of Regent burat for him. The objection to Street nd parallel Hinck the things being burat the Street Valley was owing to the dry Inspector Edmonds then weather and the scarcity of turned to Sergt. Major Dodson water and the danger from who was standing next to him fire which might occar in the acd erquired of bim the exact area In question location.
His Worship to the defendent: Sergt. Major Dodson: It is Have you got anything to say?
just aback of the Grand Central Defendant: should like to say, Hotel.
Sir, firstly, that there was no His Worship: You mean the danger whatevat; secondly, there Alleyway batween the Standard was good reason for barning rumshop and Mebler s? those evil smel ling papers and Sergt. Major Dodeon: Just rage wbich the Town Council in about there, mere slackness allowed to a Inspector Edmudds (to the mulate at that spot. Thirdly, Court) think it was in part of am not aware of any enactment in yard there.
the British Guiana legislation Bis Worship: You must get a against a fire in a public highdefinite place.
The defendant: It was not a His worship: Well, ll jastread yard at alle it to you, Sir, If you wish to be His Worship: Was it a yard or informed on that subject.
an alleg?
His Worship then referred to Inspector Edmonds: It was la Ordinance 17 of 1898 sub section the alley.
31 and read the provisions to the His Worobip: Then it is in the effect that any person who withpublle highway. It a public out the written permission of the road isn it?
Police was found to light a fire in The Iosp. ctor said he believed Any public way in any town was liable to a penalty of 25 Worshi; to the charge Big That, concluded His Worship You see you use the is the chapter and verse.
words other than a kitchen. And stands to reason that Ithink the whole thing is wrong, though you might think there Edmɔnds. mend it it you waz no danger still, whether wish it, and shall then consider there is danger or not, it was an it You must consider your come offənce against the law.
plaint before bringing it you Continuing. His Worship said know because the whole of it is that owing to the fact that there wrong. You state other than a were several buildings in the kitchen but think no question vicinity in question there was of a kitchen can come in at all! the possibility of their being House Rent Receipt Books JAMAICA City Thieves Turn Attention to Motor Cars Cot?
scene and be Was Parked In Front of Jamaica Club Monday Night Widespread Search Frultless.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies o accaCentral CAN BE HAD AT o For years bicycle stealing has been pretty rampant in Kingston says the GLEANER of the 12 inst. but in the last day or two this city bas been brought into line with the leading world capitals by the motor car thieft.
And for nerve and daring the Jamaica Automobile snatcber bas established sometbing of a record, for the first recorded theft of a motor car in Jamaica is that from an officer of the Police Force.
On Monday night Inspector Dignan attached to the Metropolitan Police Force drove in bis Pord car to the Jamaica Club (which as every one knows is in Hanover Street and within a stone throw from the Police Station)
The time was around o clock. The Inspector parked his car outside the Club had mo before and entered the building was there for some little time and on returning outside saw vacant space where he had left his good old service charlot.
Inspector Dignan looked up the street and he looked down the street, but dear old Lizzie had Aled. And, as be bad authorized no one to use it for a call or to go riding the thought came with is stolen. few quick strides and the Inspector was at the Detective Office. The theft was reported and the unravellers of crime and mystery got busy. The dragnet of justice was spread. Its wide tlung mesbes took in from the famous Cable Hut on the east, to the cold saline bath of Port (Continued on page 7)
The Workman Stationery dollars.
It was.


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