
Three Ose.
By our eyes of observatiin and a sense of apprec a ior, we Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies have been observing the freWALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes quency of the word Co opera Avenue, Panams, de of public interest invited Lion both in print and in in cover PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publieation must be CIGARETTES written on one side NOW for a sation; and, takirg it by our paper only, and sense of deduction for a pathol. Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of examination, we have been 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicaforced, after due consideration, 20 Six Months.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
to the conclusion that tb word We do not undertake to return reCO OPERATION amore than 25 more jected correspondence. beenme, as it war, a carrot ilke expression The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS Co operation. the inevitable work together. is the armaSATURDAY MAY 29, 1926, ent by which nations and peoples obtain greatnese. It is THE CHALLENGE REFUSED.
the foundation of SUCCESS.
Organizations, many ard varied have come on the sger Cour theatre of We readily give publicty to the letters appearing on tre of operations) seem page of tnis issue by two esteemed contributors who ing very luminous at arst, but within short periods after their presume on taking us to task for closing the feminine inaug ra ion they bave dwicdled question under discussion in this paper for the past month Com merelal While we anticipated protest in some quarters for our Recommended by doings so, we felt sure that the parties concerned VALENCIA but these too have disappearance Literary and social clubs in the discussion were sufficiently acquainted with the ethics of journalism to concede us the undisputed privilege PHILIP MORRIS appeared, reappeared and disAgent appes red. Magoanimous ventares of closing controversy on any particular subject when we te. steamship corporations, etc.
thought fit and indeed when we consider it to the best have bren launches, with optimistic views and these too interest of all concerned, without the necessity for explana.
have failed. Labour organization tion, or being suject to the trades aimed at us by disaptoo have come on the scene, and pointed contributors.
035SEXSEXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS these, like the others have earned We however admire our two esteemed Atlantic for of themselves prominence side correspondents for the artful way in which they OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT among the list of failares in undertakings, exrept maybe, tempt us to re open the subject, by indirectly drawing with one rate exception, which us into discussion thereon, but we refuse the challange IS though not a failure is a labor and would inform the lady thit while she has truly organ zation) up to the present admitted our flexibility as far as the gentler sex are conA SATISFIED CUSTOMER cannot be in toto pronoun :d a cerned, we, like all mortals, have a limit and will bend to a given point but cannot be broken, Neither are we bur NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that These failures may be attributed to pessimism, antagonism, dened with any puritanical robes, brother Gaskin, but are ingularism, a vold of the sense of as free a nonconfor. nist, as you have repeatedly declared they please the customer, Several NOGAR observation and appreciation.
yourself to be, and that we control the exclusive right to and an entire disregard for the suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus direct the policy of this jpur nal.
greatness of the word Co Opar We again beg to state that further controversy on this and every customer is pleased.
ation, which we so frequently use.
topic is closed, and will ask all concerned to accept the decision in good grace as no further comment thereon can Orders have doubled during the past month and many Among the only organizations by us that may be given excepbe countenanced.
repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general too are the from the catagory of failutility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of FRÁTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS Yet, while Its Me O! Lord pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark here we do not desire to regard you want to get.
them as SOCCESS or as exemptions, we may with cercala It is said that great minds think alike, and while we deWrite for samples and information and we will have gree of safety grant them the do not apply this truism to ourselves, we cannot help but a representative call if you say so.
latitude of exception Toes reproducing the following excerp taken from the editori al aevertheless are not immune tu columns of the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE which caught our NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
the indictment of being among eyes while about to comment editorially along the sa me those organizitions lacking la Of Reading, Pa.
lines. The excerp runs thus: spirit olc. iperation.
and the proverb house divid There is a type of person who believes that nobody else on God earth is sincere except himself. Every act of CARTER ed against itselt cannot stand brings this forcibly to our everybody else is prompted by impuree motives. If you Local Representative, Param Canal Zone Listrict minds eye.
don agree with him you are a liar and a cheat.
Ag we scin the list of sister not see how anybody else can be sincere. He places himB. 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE lodges operating in the same disself on a pedestal and expects everybody else to fall down trict or territory this p:overb and worship him. And, if, you don you are a fool and a des XXX2DYS: kekesat keeps resounding in our ears.
The number of lodges opereting traitor to your race and everything else. Regardless of what 18 entirely out of proportiva of other men accomplish or attempt to do this self appointed SseXXSCOXSESSES SSSS osso the aggregate or is a magiman who did it. Besides me there is no other. Look on festation of a non co operative me, am all that is loyal and true. Everybody else is a spirit. Let all members FRATERNITY wbo obj. ct to cheat and a fraud.
this statement examine themAs a man thinketh in his heart so is he. When a man selves lo foro conscientiae (at 10 reaches the point where he believes everybody else is the tribunal of conscience. and crooked the public had better watch out for that man.
convict or acquit themselves.
When a man impugns the motives of all the rest of the keeping in mind the axiom Fiat jnstitia ruat coelum (let jastice people there is something wrong with him. man can be done though the heavens may not be sincere if he thinks everybody else is a fake.
As was said many years ago still it must be said: We know, little religious budies. you can fool some of the people some of the time but FRATE INITY is denominayou can fool all the people all the time. And the inan tional, so to speak; and for this who tries is exceedingly foolish. In your own estimation reason, we grant it that there you may be the only person living, but God in His infinite should be at least one working wisdom made millions of other folk.
lodge representative of each ORDER, and as our reasons cry out to us, we grant for a waxiMother.
mom of three lodges in a district to function under the same ritualistie rites, but we surely The word mother causes the heart to beat a little disagree with the influx which faster. All that is high and noble, honourable and pure is we now bave.
tied up in mother. Mother is synonymous with the finest When we consider the number ideals of human nature, It approaches the divine. Mother of fraternal organizations we have the highest of God creations. She stands as an angel in this Republic, our reason tells us that by a deeper making smooth the rugged pathway. She opens a rift in co operation they should be a the dark cloulds of despair giving inspiration to her sons potential factor here; but to the and daughters. When all the rest of the world doubts you CONNECKSEX contrary, we find them located she retains absolute confidence. Because of mother love bere inted and toere working in some men achieve greatness, Out of respect for mother, men obscure localities too remote for honourable mention.
keep in the straight and narrow pathway.
Paraiso Crubhouse mauy Because of becomes a sorehaed, plauged with suspicions, harborings and lodges of the same ORDER each mother faith men ride triumphantly over obstinate bar complaints, whose injured vanity and smarting wounds working in their own corner. Is it riers. And with her love and constant devotion as a back obstruct his usefulness by crowding out every other con The Gol: Reserre held their capitalized in becoming a beca 19e there is a desire to be ground men resolve with newer heart and better hope to sideration.
Roll y at the or a P, or some such, aɔcomplish more in the future than they have in the past. To brood over one wrong is to fall into one of the day. There in. Rulir house, last Satur overnight? Is it not a Paraiso God help us to be worthy of mother. Idem. worst mental diseases, a disease which does more than citive audience present to listen localities that really are far from Manliness Under Race Prejudice.
simply put an ashen pall over God fair sky, but barms us to Remodelcare who gave an in. being the best for the purpose?
most by making us pity ourselves, and robs us of two of bresting address on Mother Lodges working or occupying the greatest things in the world, namely, th capacity to Day.
The first duty of the genuine man, to my mind. is not to love mankind and the joy of service. Let us not permit Miss Mac Gillivray was also houses cannot be credited for few appartments in dwelling whine, but to ACT One subtle harm that prejudice may do the consciousness of prejudice to blur our sight and en met een tand gave the girls a being able to function with that.
is to create a chronic sense of wrong which gives rise to venom our hearts: let us fight with ourselves to preserve pfal address and also taught amount of freedom they should an exaggerated, mobid sensitiveness. The victim of pre our moral balance, our sense of proportion, our objective, than several new songs. have; nor is there any safety At four o clock a voll y ball about the secret operations there judice if he be a weakling, is too apt to ascribe every incon unbiased judgment, our wholesome instincts of fellowship. came was played bet wren the of being properly guarded. The venience and every failure to that source; to become thin Do not allow the little cloud on the sunlit horizon to be Frances Harper Girls of Colən dwellers in the next appartments skinned and defiant, to lose his clear, unbiased judgment; to magnified by the jaundiced eyes of fear and sensitiveness and the Fanny Cor. in Gi is of are always ready to se znany Sakinan eictim to the mania ef persecution. He minimizes until to the mobid fancy it overcoats the sky and eclipses favor of the fraciones Hasper Chitys Whyrediyi bebe carved: Red Tark. in chance for relieving their curlthe abundant good will that surrounds him on all hands; he the sunlight. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE.
Girls. Continued on page 8)
He can individual mem: of ot GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATS ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply regard for Top


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