
THE VORKMI. SATUR AY MAY. 9, 1926 ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres their What Is Your Fortune?
collir Could a case world hon The Open Forum We do not hol! ou sel es respons ble for views expressed in these Colemas.
CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR Color, May 21, 1928 Dear Mr. Editor in your ediPANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
torial of May 22nd you state that you are apprebepsive of the TUD Y, Saturday May 29th and SATURDAY, May 29th TODAY Saturday May 29th sacrilegious proportions wbich TOMORR. Sunday May 30th Edmund Lowe in George Brien in the voluminous controversy oa THE PAINTED LADY on the feminine question may lolphe Menjou in THE BRASS BOWL 288ume. THE KING ON MAIN STREET SUNDAY, May 30th SUNDAY May, 30th The more read your remarks Pola Negri in Thomas Meighaa in (and have read them reMONDAY, May 31st FLOWER OF THE NIGHT IRISH LUCK reatedly so as to understand Anita Stewart in fully, the more amicthem clined to think that they did not MONDAY, My 31st NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET MONDAY, May 31st Hobart Boswerth in come direct from your pen. Your Rex (Horse) in attitude has always been to en TUESDAY, June 1st THE KING OF WILD HORSES HEARTS OF OAK sota courage any expressions or movements which would tend Ton. Mix in TUESDAY, June 1st TUESDAY, June 1st to develop self con siousness in OH YOU TONY Jack Pickford in women and which are concerned Reginal Denny in THE GOOSE WOMAN with trakior them real their WEDNESDAY, June 2nd WHERE WAS abilities and widen the rarge of Charlie Chaplin in WEDNESDAY, June 2nd possibilites.
WEDNESDAY, June 2nd cannot, Sir, Colleen Moore in e scape the feeling that, either THE GOLD RUSH Adolph Menjou in your whole attitude towards THE KING ON MAIN STREET WE MODERNS this sphere of the social question THURSDAY June 3rd THURSD June 3rd has altered overnight; or that Thomas Meighan in THURSDAY June 3rd you bave permitted yourself to Anita Stewart in Special Cust in IRISH LUCK be Intluenced by some timid NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET DANTE INFERNO gentleman, who may have FRIDAY June 4th approached you rep ating the FRIDAY June 4th FRIDAY, June 4th words of Cato when he advised Rex (Horse) in Tom. Mix in Lew Cody in the Romans to keep their women KING OF WILD HORSES folk in proper servility in OH YOU TONY. MAN AND MAID order that they may not become SATURDAY June 5th public muisances.
SATURDAY, June 5th SATURDAY June 5th Carol Dempster in do not consider that the sub Charlie Chaplin in Dustin Farnum in ject under discussion has been SALLY OF THE SAWDUST THE GOLD RUSH YOSEMITE TRAIL nearly as voluminous as the controverey on journalism, which you calmly pirmitted to exhaust itsel. can see ro iisk of it becoming sacrilegious, as was tte case of the argument on this time, would be unpardonable you talk of prostitution. No virile journals of personal attacks Feminism is no, as some think nation has ever fallen or could on individual may be regarded a war between the sexes, but a ever fall throuzh prostitution.
as such The real reason for study of the proper status of Profligacs is a wid word and can a hali would, therefore, women ad bas occupied the be made to meaa much in the Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs app ar to be fair. It nobody is minds of the best thinkers amorg care, but it afraid that women will become men and women, Here is a bug primary cause of a vation fall.
never be too wise or too independent or gestion: feminism is a social defy be you each week for Readers of this paper to cite me too over bearing (as someone ha problem which all should face, from the writings of a us and the mal.
a reputable WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE supporters of feminism haver ur desire to wasb your bands, why could not be made of even BabyBay.
SMAN not treat this suti e got allow the matter to air itself lon or Rome. will admit that May 21 27 cious and found of company, an with the same the which in the Open Forum of sour things are not as rice as we will always be sought as an adjana by Governor of The Cusp of Taurus, Colon during it. e recent Terapants paper where you say. We do wouli like them to be, but this to any social gathering not bold Gemini Strike? His attitude appeared to for viws expressed in the best that this Alexander Pope, Ralph Wald these have ea to let each individua optic bas seen. And no amount Brilliani e of wit and versatility Emerson, Nathaniel Green and columns. have his say, convinced that frut tid pants men or short tkirts of takent are the birth rights of Thomas Hood were governed speech is a great exhaust, and Yours for fair play, women can wreck it. No more those born under the sign of the influence of his cusp. oil ivor LINDA SMART CHUBB will we see a procession such as Gemini, but fortunate indeed are is the clor of your soul portrayini that harmony would be better Babylon, Rome, Ethiopia, Grece you who are born in the cusp. The richess of personality and abilit secured than if he hai shut. some because th:y had disagreed and E25 pt passing off the age: influnce of Taurus is still high in to acquire lasting fame. The stal with the views of som body else.
There is very Ittle chance of the heavens so that your eleverne swart jonquil with its brilliant and Sir; at this ona trom Nex alad is not hampered by the fiekleness inspiring colors is the flower mos Men are ver ro keivt settla a or from any where the taking ond ek of system found among fitting to tl ose born during thi time, when a Beatrice Hs1. pp question rights as when they discuss s stand on a broken arch of those born the first of June. Tie week. MACAULAY.
bas made occasional appearances, and an Bell has come like a THE EDITOR, THE WORKMAN: ruins of St Paul. Mac ulay) are the attributes of Taurus should If ynu would find permanen long awaited planet of great bil Dear Sir:Therlistey; you should spesis of th are no Barbarians on cursorce you to develop your talent love, marry one born under Sagit have always held to the wie borders who cun wreck our civi until it amounts to genius.
tarius wnich is the first of Decem ber Gemini people are usually wis remarks under reply. The edito feel that would not be true to We ourselves cannot it. protest against You can adapt yourself to any in their choice of companions and tial ends with: circumstances with little effort ro happy in their home I:fe.
sex in the way you did in your dom of the above quotation. get omnisciecce, Jour!
myself and true to the convic ion Be good sweet maid gious that bold on the Rghts of that whatever misfortune overtakes proportions to which this (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense And let who will be clever.
Woman if allow your El torial controversy may lead. Bere sou you will always be able to Does there really exist in th 84 of May 22ad to go by unp otesiyou bave adopted the role of adjust yourself You are genial, viva Adams Syndicate. and here, anyo e who stil. ed. protest against the use o a the nursery tales.
thinks that a cultivated brain ard Canon ng sley in an Editorial of There has ever be i sabj ci goodness cannot be assembled in that sort. Such a qayta ton would that was too sacred for contro woman and still leave ter a crea give the dawa y to bilete that bersy. Ila woman believes that ture full dignity and usefulness, Kingsley wou bave agreed with she was created; should not THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED truly feminine and lovable. My you. What would sour readers she ask, Was? Pois talk retort to such a man, who finds it think of suca an action when 1 Il gous la poesible to be both things at tell them at the few B96 the Wiat sticle, and the Editor of that Charles Kingsley strange the people in Jamnica ak for a reprint of the Hon. If you have any trouble with your clergymen who fought Be clever brave man social and political equality. the reputable Paper canot bear And let who will be good sex. Yes, Sir whilet Kingsley the argument for the other side. Mirrors or Reflectors The charge laid on our women was fighting for the e emancipa:ion The fact is the Blls and the big and small is certainly un or woman, Newspapers such as swart Chubbs are to uch for send them to No. building, 12th jast, as a higher standard has sonrs were talking of, sacr. the Smiths and the Wents. There been required of the majority of legious. protest against your not a man on the Isthmus who October Street, Guachapali, where they our women than is met with in sweeping condemnation of wo is able to pick tlaws in the argusimilar groop in other countries men. Biz and small.
you say.
of these etwo ladies. To and other races. In any case, it Even the Prince only spoke of a pette controversy was very will be carefully and substantially repaired it would be interesting to know certain class. But for yeu that interesting, especially when also new ones made to order at moderate what has been done the is not enougb, you must take in saw a strange lady came out and au roubo cher. Bedster scu have all the right ca prices. If you want to have an estimate our women hen to justify the exercising a benevolent it fluence reproach that our bat our women have on our men and youths. aa and might to call balt at of work to be done, send a card to not assured us the vision of a pow tem na now tempted to ask, Why were time. But maintain that your Mature worthy of the race to itey created. Want fiere world white bat maily tar production article was the which we belong; but are rather we would bara bra dnia chore te te that have seen in your columns BROWN raising of vicious. How age in which live; have been, if it were good robes do not sit well upon you.
would a year puritanical Ancon Box 1223 If we want a genuine step for the man to be Tbe towards human justice let us be cowardly words of the first Adam It looke as though Panama is Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United honest and give to each indivt. are still upon the lips of these bis soon becoming part of the hati Bible Belt.
States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
that dual, class and race its chance to rightful sons The You bave not only be heard. Thousands of men may thou gavest to be with me. Are stopped this controversy, but you 46240 bave decided that women have the words of every at eministhave banned it also. We love TAE all they want, all they ned, and it did not lieve in the quali: Workman, let us respect it.
all they will ever get. However, ty of the sexes, the way how Yours truly, they are not women, and no these antis arvue. would think Colon Boys Institute Con Electric Co. and his laws GASKIN less. going matter how much they may be that men are the weaker. ex.
turtber let me ask Mr. Muschelt moved by a kindly feeling, oply Now Mr. Editor. Lei me put this what hay be done for the good accurately know question Commander Watson Appeals to and welfare of the republic in up to you straight. If what women sbould have. you say that the women are not the Intelligent Public. which he has lived from boyhood am hoping, Mr, Editor, tbat, exercising a benovolent it Auence Why pay double prico until the present day, you have in justice to your women readers on the men, cant th: women say grown up in this republic, you for inferior imported Watson, founder and got your bread and butter from wbo am sure you consider are the same of the mer? You say Com mat der of the Colon Boys the peaceful government under Beer when you can entitled to the same consideration that the fall o! the most vir. la as the others, you will think this Dations of history was due priInstitute hereby makes a bold which you live.
buy a superior Beer It would not be marily to prostitution and prcfliappeal to the general public for N) man or woma with a Its sentiments in connection with undignified for you to change gacy, if you use the two words in such as BALBOA for the brutal and malicious plot sound mind would dare to offend your mind on second thought their o:dinary sence Iprotest. In half the price. that has been hatched by in the last the gioijus work of while on the other hand, to close your mad endeavour to bricg ilue Machett, an the canal of puclic utterance at women in the dɔxntali of nations employee of the thé Colon Boys Insitute. Why ver Es Esie in ܗܟ ܝܐ. 14.
why of sacri: all hokum, Vera is way one obels: 1or ments much better it in women can matter over.


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