
The Labour Conditions In Cuba Just Now General Booth Talks About Army Gains.
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And it is for this suave and satisfying flavor, so distinctive among cigarettes, that so many discriminating smokers are turning to Chesterfield, Chesterfield CIGARETTES Up to date Jewelry Tour BARETTES Commentiog on tbe labour condition and the West India migration to Cuba; an editorial writer in the Havana Post of a recent issue, bas the following to say. The Native Labour Bill which was recently passed by the Cuban House of Representatives aud met its defeat in the Sanate did not provide that those engaged in work that migbt produca sweat should be native of Daturalised Cubans. However, the bil is ded, and as yet we have not heard of any of the white collard elements call ing a strike because foreigners were employed in offices where less than 70 per cent of the belp was native. Strange as it must appear to those who were excited over what the results of the passage of the proposed native labour law would be, the Havana stevedores, or that part of them that are employed by the United Fruit Company, threaten to strike because the company employs Jamaicans and Gallegos to do actual work instead of native sons. We never expected adything of the kind to happen, but since it bas our sympathy goes out to the native stevedores, for after all the stevedoros loading and unloading the ships of the United Fruit Company in Havaoa bay have the priv. lege of living in Havana. It is probable that the United Fruit Gompany has reached the conclusion that native labour was not available, and from past events the Cuban Government bas agreed to their view, for we every year official permission is a few thousand Jamaicans and granted the company to bring in other West Indian Datives that tbe labour demand of their plantations and sugar mills in Cuba can be supplied. Unfortunately for Cuban labour which we admit that we were not aware existed to any great extent, many of these Jamaicans and West Indians brought to Cuba by the United Fruit Company find way into Havana and the other more desirable centres of Cuban ion, and thus we find that some of these wbo, perhaps, were originally intended for plantation labour by the United Company, are crowd the natives out of the very able and well paid privilege of being stevedores in Havana bay. We always like to ođer remedy for any ailment in the body politic that takes our attention and we sball not deviate in this instance. We would suggest to the Cuban Government to forbid the importation of West Indian labour on the ground that it is unnecessary, and that they con vince the Government of their that the ON position by seeing United Fruit Compan. ald other companies using labor in Cuba, are provided with suffi.
Cieat number of native workers.
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know more about it. All that can say now is that reports to me BOX 36 PANAMA CITY from 200 service centres indiTELEPHONE No. 1377 cate that it bas produced in Practicing before all the courts of mense advantages.
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TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL Mining Concessions In Panama socios British Consulate Notic; Dentist Howell The JOB. PRINTING in 1911.
Of every description The following is taken from a London newspaper:We bave referred to a forthcomiog issue in connection with mining concessions in Panama, and futher details are now availadle.
Panama Corporation, Ltd. will have a capital of 2, 000 000, divided into two million shares of each, 500, 000 of which will be offered for subscription at The directors. Bennett, General tbe Bil of Cavan, St. Clair Matthey, Henry Ludwig Mood and Reed.
This is an Interesting board Mr. Alves is Chairman of the Central American Exploration Ltd. Mr Bennett was formeriy British Minister to the Republic of Panama, Costa Rica and VeneMr, Perey Marlbey ie Phairman o! Joboson, Matthlay and Co: Mr, Mond is a director of the Mond Nickel Company, and Mr. Reed is Chairman of Kerr, Stuart and The British Consul at Colon would be glad of information as HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA to the present whereabouts of the following individuals: CANAL ZONE, INEZ WEEKS, a native of Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, Barbados, last heard of in Colon to pm DAILY JOHN SHAKESPEARE, a native of Falmouth, Jamaica, who PHONE 1941 BALBOA was living in Colon about twenty years ago.
Specializes in all the branches of Dentistry.
JAMES HENRY, a native of Jamaica. last heard of in Cristobal in 1920 DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY DR. HOFFMANN has transferred his clinic to 37 Central Ave. upper floor of Le Mascota in front of the Alcalde Entrance between La Mascota and Preciado Book Store. TELEPHONE 991, Why pay double price for Interior imported Boer when you can buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for half the price.


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