
THE WORKMAN FATURDAY MAY 29 1926 TIGI TIN Interesting West. just as the about to toro El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 fares VIGOR TONIC pline JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cider Champagne a way t le boy some where in back room came towards (Coatinus fron pige 2) screen and the Inspec.
tor noticea tuat the child was Henderson on the west for it waved back. Toe child appeared was reasoned that a jy rider on to be suffering from alastrim JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP pleasure bent with a faire laide and the Sanitary Inspector left may have taken as an act of and wrang up his office on the Corner 12 Street East Avenue emergency the Inspeetor res lephone, but he had to go some pectatle Ford but all to no avail. distance to do so. The Medical. AND We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Up to last night the missing Oficer of Health arrived on the Ford car had not been located scere also the Medical lospector watches. Our prices are the lowest and our and Kingston will wake up this of Health and Caiet Sanitary li.
Workmanship is guaranteed.
morning to read about the latest spetor Lack, but no sick child crook in our midst the motor was to be seen, and the houseA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you car thief.
bolders tried to make the Health Authorities believe that the Sanimay keep the pledge pawned as long as you may New Rules For Taxis Babb was, however, certain that tary drsire, provided the monthly payments of Summary of Contents: interest are duly met.
And Busses the child he had seen at the History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years use was tot present now the WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Health Authorities were Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, th JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
The GLEARER understands that him and they left battled. This Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, the new regulations affecting cccurred on Toursday morning.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, taxicabs and backney carriages About 30. Lui Moline.
Dim plying for hire in Kingston bave chaufieur is charge of a bired Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual be pleased.
been drafted, and as soon as they car, went to the Dutcive Otice Players are approved will be subaitted and wale a complaint in conseto the Kingston and St. Andrew quence of which they kot in Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Corpiration wuch with the Health Author:Lies; Interesting From what can be gathered, there will be revision of the Mine ha was engar and told According to the story of in certain respects whilst to bring bis car to the head of Price 50cts.
The best Tonic in the World there will be a Lore effectual control over motor propelled and Ox ord Street. Toere be waited borse drawn vehicles which plyward, an indivic u. said to be ble with two men and aburt. y after for bire on the public thorough local sclicitor came from the Secure yours now there will be a great rush fares. It is also hoped to exe to exercise for them, cise direcion of Dry ver with a This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. greater disc over drivers, and an important provisthe child which he put into the car ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN izn will be that no driver wil. bad drove to Woodb ok. The car Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up granted a licence unless he fur was stopped at the corner of Ane Panama a run down constitntion nishes a medical certificate that Street and Aria;ia Av. nve and It promotes digestion, impruves the appethat he is in a tit state of health the child carried in to driv It was not suspected that the tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Generally, the new regulations transfer of the sick child had will be an improvement on the beau Loticed. bar to the surDOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or exis ing ones and it is baped hous. De JR Dickson. Mediprise of the inmates of the EL GAITERO times a day.
tt at they will soon be put into cal Inspector of Health: operation o Healih THE ONLY ELABORATED and Cniel Sanitary laspector The Institute Of Lack called at the use occupied by Felx de Grasse, and Jamaica.
Spanish Cider with its demanded to see a sick ch ld which way there, The Services of the Bethlehem Inmates be:itated, but when own Carbonic Acid Additional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness The HERALD states that thirty informed of the penalty which tive years ago the Institute re they incurred it ceived, as a gift from the late bouring a case of fectious they were har Se venth Day dventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. Mr. Alexander Turnbull of diseases they indicated a roon STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL London, six water colour drawing where the Health Authorities (asar Iotbminn Park. PANAMA.
of Jamaica scenery which bad found a bwy, Lloyd McKiy, about been executed nearly a hundred seven years old, well marked with Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting. years before.
alastrim infection and it is stated, URETIC AND REFRESHING!
bath Sobool; 11. 15 Genera! Worship 10 a. Children Service; 11 am. Four of these pictures. e. that he must bave bad the disease 30 Spanish Class; Divine Service, Preseber, Supplied. The Bridge crossing the Rio for roughly three weeks. The Trade Mark 30 Society, meeting p. Sunday School, Superinten Cobre near Spanish Town. 1796; child was immed ately despatched 30 Junior and Senior Stendard dent 6p. 30 m. Go. The Bridge crossing the Cabarit to the Colonial Hospital and th3 VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Service, der Francis ta River and the bridge crossing house was fumigated.
Sunday ever ing 30 StereThe usual weekly services will be the Raring River in the Paris The contacts at both pinte were S, optican Lecture. The general public is conducted on Tuesday and Thursday of Westmoreland, 1796, The Fall vacc. nated, cluding the chaut VILLAVICIOSA cordially invited to turn out in large pight, at 45 of the Rio Cobre, in the parish hof feur numbers.
SPAIN BEULAII 30 sm Prayer Meeting Inedtical in suhj ct with four of Health, Aotuurities to tend to take St. Thomas ya Vale, 1796) are It is understood that the 11 a. vine Service Supplied.
the six well known engraving. jadical action in the matter. 80 m. Sunday School, Superinten after Robertsoc. the faste!
ESTEBAN DURAN Seventh Day Adventist Church dent. p. Gorpel ervice. Bro. Small. wb im William ck ord broug wan Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON SOLE AGENT NEN STEAMER LINE Thursday night, Bible readit ge and to Jamaica in 1773 with a view Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Prayer, Bro. J, Webley.
to illustrating bis proposed his.
For the Republic of Panama bocl; 11. 15 am. General Worship GAMBOA MISSION 11. m, and tory of the islandThe otter Menthly Service Betwɔɔn India 30 pm. Young people meeting p. a, Sapplied.
two pictures by Belargir were probably copi trom unengraved And Trinidad, 30 pm Vespero Elder FRANCIS, pictures by Robertso as there Sunday evening 7, 30 Preacbing Pastor in charge. is no evidence that iar gar ever The Wekly Guardia alates Bervior. You are cordially invited to vi ited Jamaica.
that infor:nation has been reattend these services and bring your Ebenezer Church of God Belangor six picturrs were led fro. a commerci house friends Holiness engravea in aquatint by Moricotta India that arrangements bave in 1800. These prints are seldon been completed for the inauuThe Church of God No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD met with. For some years the ra ion for a new steansbi line Institute owned only two or the between that country ant the Regular Assortment of Sund y 5o clock, Prayer Meetio ix. Last year it acquired two West Indies, calling at nida!
118. Panama, Aroaemena Street, Hour 25, Divine Service Preacher. The from a collection which was and Barbados.
being exhibited at the Jimaics Tb The Li wh e is non con Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Supplied Court at Wembley, and it has terence, will, it is stated malomueting and Gospel meetings at 11 am. p. Sunday School Superintendent. recently been fortunate enough tain a regular monthly service and 30 Sunray School at 6 Programme Monday at 30 Teetimony Meeting 730 Gospel Service, Preacher that it now has a complete set of Indian Sundries ll be bouch o acquire the renaining two; so accepting carg at rates. SUCH AS Tuesday m. Young People supplied.
these very rare prints.
to Trinidad froin India at Meetin. Wedncaday at 30 Tuesday 30 pm. Grepel Service Tonics, 61. pern less than the existUsnel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm Note her Se vicce for the week Open air meeting. Friday at 30 m. will be given from the pulpit.
log fieight rates Cargo will also TRINIDAD be shipped to Trinidad and Bir Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Prayer Meeting.
Elder ODLE nados or tranship nent to other BRO, Pessoa. ia charge) ablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Pateor in West Iaidan ports.
charge Red Tapk, Canal Zone, Sunday Schos Alastrim Control p. to. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 The Salvation rmy etc. etc. etc.
11. 30 am and 80 Bunday Bnboo Coming West Indian Services are follows. p. Wednesday at 30 Gərpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer 53. Early Prayer Meeting. Activa Measures by Sanllary Parley in London Meeting 10 a. Children Directory Meeting Department.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bro. McDONALD Bad Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11 a. Holiness Meeting to be con Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings VIEWS OF THE BARBADOS AD ducted CHILD TAKEN TO HOSPITAL by Commandant Martin, Panama City.
at 11. 30a. and 39 m; Runday p. Company meeting and VOCA. ON THE SUBJECT: School at p Wednesday 30p. Brigades Open air.
THE PROBLEMS OF THE Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 The Trindad Guardian in a p. Junior Open Air.
Pra Meeting leading article on Friday COLONIES. 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air instant urged the cou munity in Bro. GEORGE C, GRIFFITH Moeting.
Colon, and Streets. Gospel meet 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
their interests to co ope ate TASK (F THE DELEGATES.
with the Health Authorities in logs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Other notices for the week will be the measures taken to. cbeck School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 given from the pulpit.
the spread of Alastrim. That The arbados Adyocate in a B. Gospel Mooting. Priday at 30 MARTIN. Cum wandeat warning was issued on account recent issue says:p. m, Prayer Meeting. We publish in Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON of a certain class who potject tain information about the West Why throw away your old, but no Notice to Correspondents. bealth measures undertakea for Indiau Conference which opens doubt interesting, books when you the general welfare and a case on May 17th next in London.
Contributors and correspondente Selvation Army Hall, are asked to send in their contribu.
wbich bas subseq lently to For this information we are can have them neatly bound at tions not later than Thursdays to light has revealed that we were indebted to the West India Cominsure publication. This is impera.
In our mittee Circular which is fittingly our LA BOCA CORPS tive apd must be adhered. In carrying out the house to taking the keanest interest meetig 30. Knee Drill.
bouse comb in the Fast Dry in the forthcoming River district Sanitary Inspector of the West lad an de legate.
11 sim. Holine Meeting, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE 6006 Bluod Tablets safer than Babb went to No. 19 óservatory Every clony in the Carit. p. Sunday School.
606 Money back 30 Open Air.
guarantee Street. He irquired whelber bean is represented and the Opposite Cecilia Theatre 30 Salvation meeting. Price Particulars free. Welsh everyone was well and ived principal aim of the meeting. 18 We extend. cordial ir vitaton to all Medicin. Dept. Atlanta, Ga, a reply in the aftirmative but Contioued on page Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products to. 15 Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Workman Printery Book Binding!
and perversity to come ies THE WORKMAN


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