p. 8


was BILE TI attachad VIE Club at the Clubhouse a just cor mi red to Cand wood 95.
race of Classy Races di tacu furiots hun.
123, exact was the Contra Crespo impose ble yards Teacher ording an accident ployees To Morrow Races Canal Zone Notes Last Sunday Races 1b1 31 Krım Surrender Neis of Abd el Krim sur Flowing list Sunday excel(Continued from page 5)
The Panama Juck y Ciut reader to the combined foers len tace program offered by the the Star Herald for the week program of nines to the French and Spaniarde in Porta Jockey Club. here is ending Mav 21st, 1926. Mr. Sewell Cuplapo the crack thorou. bb ea Morocco received here to ber stappy card which wil is a resident here ard member of and a couple of ol. er innerud diy before yesterday with in.
be carried through tomorrow the staff of Canal Zoe teachers borses taking part in the rature tense sympathy for the able COOL to the event of One mile for a tour Rifan lauerfron nearly all La Boca Colored bundred dollar purse and the JUAN FRANCO TRACK Fe furlongs. Purse 125. Se ool. Mr. Sewell also quarters took the Balboa Cup. drew thousands of Although it s certain that he Gier a 96. Resules 104, Worm comedy drama which was so suc.
sports to the popular Juan could not for long withatand the TO MORROW wiod 94, Gran Senor ic4, Fire cessfully staged by the Orpheus Frace Park on Sunday a ternoon combined pres ure from Spain one Fis 90 Musical last. The program is considered world greatest power, and the presented by one of the best ever ur furlings Purse 150. fortnight ago, and was picked out Sunday, May 30th 1926 French, the Club for some time.
from active practice 126, Zap 114, Zapo 104, by many as possessed of great in the battlefield of the Worid War, Dhe Quora, 20 Fen meno 99, possibilities se a successful dramaAfter bringing home Dictador: bis surrender or defeat was doi tist. He is an amateur phototo win second money in the expected at this date.
Five forlogs Purse 300. grapher and tiles great delikbt in four furlong, Jockey The rebel leader refusal to Capoel 126 Col. Arango 121, the art.
Casas mounted on Burlesco in the third ce of five farlongs few weeks ago, must have been Madona 113, Malwi ada 113. ven furlor ge Purse 300 and led bin to the fore as winner preceded by his firm conviction The Path Across the Hill RO 126, Rerteria 115.
Poncho over Cicero and Bolt. Burlesco that right is might. However, it is Rice For Imported horses Pullera 113, Dnele 107, Dandy supporters drew the biggest pocl 0t so, as the modern world would 109. mby 107 In last week see it was in this race, they having received have it. When the great powers of and for Native bred Ponies returns amounting to 15. 90 00 the modern ve furlongs Pursə. 300; In published that the comedy drama r!
demand certain conditions, human rights are fante 126. Juro 13 Colones Ihe Path Across the Hill. whicla 122, Tow llo 110 almost In tbe feur rac. a mile and totally disregarded.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Asinose 107, was so effectively presented at the Peticu na 90.
Krm carried an a wayfare under Sice: an eighth, Burla, with Cases the most difficult conditions for Purse 8400, Bolt moath was to be Clubhouse on the 15th of this at repeated the again up, spring a surprisa when the 126, laddon 123. Builsco 120 same place for the cero 117, la 49 sbe beat Meddler, Dhole and the preservation of his country rghts. He AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT the was silenced by Dandy, and paid 13 50, the Five forlot 25. Purse S250, dreds of people who lost the first Doe de fire from modern machineries of second biggest opportunity of seeing it and pool for Santa many Cecila 126.
day Now cia 124, others who have signified their in laugo In the cayo classic, Carabobo destructioa ad other methods Juroe 122, Billetention to again have the pleasure gave Copiapo a little running in developed by a highly devele ped Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Sauvage 109, na 105, Elia of such a rare enjoy meat.
The date, the first balt of the prescrited scientific ape. He deserves, and it 97, Translate 96. Colombina 90. was, however, meant to be tenmile, after which the Crack is certain ihat he receiving, the First Race Starts p. Sharp six and ore half furlongs lative, as the Club intended to Copiapo bad it all his way. Car admiration of all nations and Purse 350 Asgentis 128, Risa stage the Play at another Club rills brought up Ri aplan at a peoples, creat and small ca 124, Perequ128, Pertiles house on that date. The territe pace in the last furlong 126, Dandy 107, Facbendo 98. date is not yet fixed for repeating and in time to snatch second Panama Athletec ADMISSION the Play bere, but at all events it money from Carabobo.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
will be some time in June. Continued from page 1) Board Casas, although tined for dis cbying orders in the first race, there. Some turned to the right, Meets Tonight. Cristobal Silver Club star jcky of the others to the left, while some were ternoon, winning three racas, still coming on the outward jourWith the listinction of been house.
led his mount is for second in ney. Gentles front wheel was comthe headquarters of West Indian one race, and for third three etely smashed and with it his chat ces in the race.
employees organization work mes, for many years, La Boca, the will be held at the Cristobal Mother and Daughter Scal Tue Jockeys who rode in the On nearing the 10 miles on the Pacific side Canal ne silver Slver Clubhouse on Tuesday leature event were: Gor Ziles outward journey, it is said that a settlement, is to be honoured this Jane h. a: 7:30 Every Girl and Copipo; Carrillo Rataplan; motor car and a motor cycle dashed evening with the presence of Chal Carabobo, past the racers at high speed, kick. THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER repre. Mber invited but to Girl will sentatives from every Caual badmitted unless she wears ing up a sheet of dust which made town who will take part in discus Wher uniform and bring a Mother.
CO OPERATION it for them to see ten sione for the promotion of the ahead.
WITHOUT AN EQUAL Fortunately they suc.
Uader the Girls Roserre.
ceeded in avo general welfare of West Indian Continued from page Canal and Railroad has certainly pat one Don fail to try it This meeting will be conducted employees.
Birthday Party houses get together, get an ideal over everybody. Bill absolutely by the Board of Directors of the locality and their erect a build refused to believe at the mika Panama Canal West Indian Em The Wlkins home put on its fes.
ing wherein their scred and that Battiste had gone ahald, Associ tion.
tive apparel on the evening of the secret rites may be performed! Geotlus said he had gone ahead and u re initiation and tbe confer dashed away to make sure. Ho No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
With the steady but healthy 22 ad inst when Mr. Pilgrim ring of degress would nt mean caught.
une of business coming before the his 61st. birth Anniversary.
growth of the Association, the vo Wilkins surrounded by his family and near acquaintances, celebrated perpetual disturbance to the FLEETING GLIMPSES Board froin ime to time is Jeigubours who have no interest of Battiste far away shoving for in these societies? All this we all he was worth; but it was not inerens ias in importance and tonight believe can be accomplished until Teacher passed tnam on Interesting West. William Chandler and Mr. meeting promises to be one of the Salvation Army Officers most important sessions of the through co operation.
Austin, but we thiok that the Board since the re crganization of his way back that a good many Farewelling Ba. apart from these irregu: knew someone was ahead of them, Gyerme it would have acted the Association some three years larities, w: must say hats of to svidently a myster:ous aftar (Continued fron page 7)
more in accordance with puplie The Wi Fraternal organiza to Williams (Panama) At Adjutant and Mrs. Wiggan opinion by appointing ano her ago the to discuss the setting up of a member of the House of A:sem. Officers of the Association who, Salvation Army work at La loc The following are the Executive who have been in charge of the organ s have any main any man to have got away from the p:05les of the failed, the 1dges taxe en vived them like that; but when tochet he peeliminary conterence will concerned with planting nban hala Color Gatun, Paraiso, Red sailing orders and will be leaving he is more with their responsibilities bu bound, geba eneet in the atmosphere charged with politics and his prolonged Tank Gamboa, cant La Bocathe Isthmus for Jamaica this com ing their dead and paying out sick continually realised the position and forged with tops.
The delegates are ab Hencs from the island hardly sessions. Whyte, President Panama, will ernduct tonight ing must be som tbing in FRA TER back Williams was running a close co operation and when the soirit delegate.
We are sorry to think up in West Indian cq? him for duties of (presiding. Waiters, first băm and Mrs. Wiggan will at La Boca tomor: AUTY bas du weet ooreet. Puhe second to none forte de son of co opirstoals so trong that one of our legates will not seconda parte este ident: Wie Schelles night and it is expected Ldges therefore emerge into chance. Those who saw his perfor possible that Rol should not have that close and intimate Corresponding Secretary: c. to take leave of the genial olncers.
tures we would succeedafter fell and his Vice President; that there will be a large turn out koo sledge of our desire and our some inter prise; let them set the WATCH US hard rider and that our men will mance think that wiltains is a very He has been in work on the IsthWe have already ex ressed our needs that a delegate should King, Recording Secretary, v. rrison Treasurer; V. Dalby, mus for the past threº years being GROW, but among them all, do well watch him on Monday, hopes and convictions about the have. Perkins and Alexander, stationed at Colon for two years the square and Compass be ex The priz for the race, which conferenca. That these island Toe die is cast and we must be Trustees.
Pork to his taking up the La Boea emplified.
was really a great sucess, will be have maintained thelr isolation content. In the hands of those men Weile we dwell upon co presented on Monday at the lu for so long h3 al ways been to us lies the future of those loyal coloperation let us listen to the ternational mee ing.
a matter of wonder. We are, as onies. What our future shall be Farewell Gathering Jamaica and has been absent from Adjuts nt Wiggan is a native of reverberation voice, The Hot Tamales Orchestra distances 89 nowadays near depends on how much tac, his ostive home for the past twenty as God said, some det us Produkte attracted a great deal of attention: neighbours. ive have a ho noge courage and foresight theseart. coming from the Garden of Eden, neo. presenta. We expect Miss Findley was two be man in our own imasai Here we av tine combinstion and spen Moreover anden mot enese poros do this wensball have bestearthrom an informal but quite enjoyable abroad in various West Indian leraake they fully merited it. The area culture and similar problem them to kivesPibeir be one that charming and gracious hostess at has been in Salvation Army work even the ALMIGATY co operation Jazz. It would be exceedingly di dual eforts of single coloaies, 100 per cant American summoned insoluble by the indivi the future.
party at her home on East an of the other constituents of the ificult to decide between them and The Workmun takes this CENTRAL POARD OF HEILTH Street last Tuesday evening in the w08 ble TRINITY when bs Owing to the honor of her cousin Mr, Norman opportunity to bid Adjutant and SMALL Pox who MAN; St.
accordingly we see that our owa Palcae Orenestra where sailed on Mrs. Wiggan God speed and wish the as indigenously in Jazz playids is concerned. The Dr the truit, and sugar tride to ving to the ocearrens. cu operation fing Thursday for the United States them a long and happy sojourn in public, howevehave a chance for of scale alustrim which is snall pix, where he intends to take the Isle of Springs us. Every muscle. every tissue the buman organism must work of hearing then at the Palace badealt with on the small studies. Delicioua sandin unicon one with the other, Theatre to night when they will that the old methods demanded. vaccination or re vaccination is wiches and home made ice cream Admir: have an opportunity of deciding te we are to create an industry compulsory in this area otherw we cease to be Take notic that the gulation were cerved, the evening being CHURCH SERVICES In fruit, sugar, run and other for themselves.
ting therefore that co opera tropical products motters of of 23rd Septe aber, 192. pre see it ia merry chat and buzhter.
tion with us, bealth, sanitation, customs, police scriba the following penulis. Those and Mrs en world is die oog our beloven: THE NAME OF and education o name but a few Williams ir of the PENALTY.
Mr. and Mrs. St. Peter by tha Sea, La Boca it be evolved. Continued from page united effort will be far more 16 Any person acting in con Mr. Gordon, Mrs. Shaw, the Lindo, Mr and Mrs. DeDier it from its state of leth corporation publishing it is named et scious than the isolated effort travention of any of the fore Misses Lesling Ledgerwood, American Epitoopal (Anglican Comargy, put in into action on this for her. The board of editors con of individual communities.
going regal tions or fusing Daniels, Marius, and Hol.
theatre of operation. It is our sists of Mary McLeo Bethune, There is however, one fly in munion)
or neglecting to obey ans cr Hyat. Messrs, indispensable weapon with which Coralie Franklin Cook, B: the ointment as far as barbados der or direction given to him and Thomas Before TRINITY SUNDAY to combat failure.
Let it be used Debois, Jessie Fauset, Charles is concerned. In all the other under the provisions thereof leaving two short farewell addresses munion 30 The Rector Choral celebration of the Holy Comeffectively, let every vibration of Johnson, Alan Locke, Kelly islands the fullest imformation or our heart remind us of the in: Miller Helen Watta, Laura has been given to the press and Messrs.
the carrying out of any or Dier and Boyke, the whole party any way obstructirg were delivered by by 30 m. Holy Bap ism OpeD sabi. ity of the word. We Wheeler and Williams.
th: publ. by the local authorities the provisions of these regu joining in the singing of a verse of sh Litany, Holy Eucharist and ser.
at big enough numerically, and Morton, Negro The Colon al Secretary Office by co opera in smalt pooliox Tammany leader and Civil Service has not, however, considered it lations shall be liable to a God be with you till we meet mon 10. 45. Rev. Muloare fiue not exdeeding 180, or again. p. Church School.
will brug og capital and we can Commissioner is chairman of the necessary to vouchsafe even the to imprisonment with or 30 Choral Evensong, sermon.
put a y prog a over board of directors and principal names of the Barbadian del. without hari labour for a Mrs. Evans Convalescing stockholder of the publistegre mai bune press and the publice have con courtesy towards period of not exceeding six MULCARE, Rector, Removal Notice months.
of fame the votes sent in thus far knowa ia Barbados. We have Mrs. Evans, mother of to wia election bei dependent for our inforJ. DICKSON, Miss Doris Evans, who recently St. Barnabas Church, Emp to of a lon ma lon upon our Colonial exMedical Inspector, played the leading role in the Patrons of Bullea, tbe Robert Moton principal changes and upon the West In. Ang cretary Central Board comedy drama The Path Across popular Clubhouse of Now, of Healıb.
so successfully, returned Matins, and addrese 11 a. Lay Parais, are hereby advised fessor from Ancon and however, that we have obtained that he will in a few days be re Hayes, Tuesday Reader, morning last, where she had p. Church School and Co. firmsmoving to Panama City, where be William. Those already decided our information in this roundwill await their orders in house upon are Booker Washington. about way we must express our Rent Receipt Books in Span confined for twelve days following tion Clase.
unconsciousness after a morning Choral Evensong and address p.
No. 96. Central Avenue, upstairs, Frederick Douglas and Paul surprise at the appointment of Mrs. Evans is almost fully Lay Reader.
overlook. ng the entrance to the Laureace Dunbar. The book will Mr. Lurie Pile. No one will Ish and English for sala at the bath.
be published early in the full, cavili at the appointment of Sir Workman Printery MULCARE Priat in Char furoiture factory.
It is the result Peace and say OL tbe blems are 17th on or follow. an like potentialities, let arouse it in Ferdinand The Rector.
iddicate as likely. Oarver pro tailor sed Tesker Georgesculture Roland Ospital e been Stuart ang De


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