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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Further Relief Forwarded British Soldier Gives Warning in Parliament circus to be those been closed will be our CHARLESTON WEST INDIA BARRED COMMITTEE To American Red Cross In Big Hotels in Nico Is Visit Logation in Honour Called Circus Act of King Birthday.
Ву Panama Canal West Indian Paris. Dancing mastºrs of two In honour of the Birthday of His Says Whites are not Dealing with of largest hotels in Britannie. King George Employees Association To be Nice have barred the Charleston was the members of the Brition Five Million Defenceless Natives from their floore West Indian Committee in Panama Applied to Sufferers of Retorentea botel dining room is no place where are wed at the British Legn But with Millions of Trained tion in this by. cent Titanic Fire at Ghorrilio.
The Charleston was practicalls His Britannie Majesty Minister Major Charles Black Men Wide Awake.
unknown on the Rivirra until the Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraaround the world cruisers to The CAPETOWN TIMES of April 17 publishes the followThe following correspondence is self explanatory. As disembark devo ees of the new ordinary to Panama and Cost Rica.
at 11:30 dance. The dancing masters. de yesterday morning an organization of slow but steady and healthy growth, the pite iheir evident dislike of the new ing debate which took place at a recent Session of the South o clock Panama Canal West Indian Employeess Association did dance and the loudly voiced dig The health of the King war pro African Parliament and which makes interesting reading. Bridgadier General Byron: People may say that after not really see its way to contribute at once to the relief of gust of the older generation, could posed by Major Wallis and Chambuilding in Chorrillo. but have now come forward with a fere until 1a, American woman delivered by forme Mopechote avere selected Defence as the subject of my speech because victims of the recent fire which destroyed the Titanic find no reasonable rxcuse to interesowas drunk to the bappy the Great War defence matters are not at all urgent, at have respectable amount for their relief, if still necessary. It will fainted while dancing and had to delivered by the Major and a few be carried from the floor.
of the mbers of the Committee. am persuaded of its utmost importance and great urgency.
also be seen that the offiecrs of the Association is well One daneing master then barred Major Wallis said, inter alia, that The policy of the Government is bringing us more and more informed as to the the relief given West Indians from time the dance, saying that it appears is Majesty exceptional know, into conflict with the outer world am not going to to time, by the American Red Cross, and they are of the to be a most dangerous form of ledge of the colonial possessions of discuss the wisdom of certain recent and impending legis.
the. in ay mnaeium exercise, not an aesthe. of sympathetic relationship with view. We have definitely thrown down the gauntlet to the the Red Cross: tie exbibition, his and that on the occasion of his black and the colored races of the world. That is our policy: throughout Miss INQUIST, Secretory, Canal Zone Branch, American Red Cross Society, Balben Heights, z, last visit to the Mother country, whether it is wise or not am not discassing, but the only MadsmGovernor Walker Car in the King assured him of his great means of putting the policy into effect if it is disputed by Ou behalf of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees AssociaCollision interest in the affairs of British the others is armed strength. The last word in diplomacy is subjects here in Panama tion, am forwarding you berewith, by Money Order, the Sum rf war. We have in this country definitely entered on a policy 72. 00, to be applied, it still necessary, to the relief of sufferers from The Major, in a glow of patri: of denying, or at all events delaying, the advancement of There was a slight rollision be.
the Ctorr. llo litanie Fire of a few montis ago tween the car of Governor otic fervour, stated that he was here This contribution is admittedly very much delaved. This is due to Walker, of the Canal Zone, and to do everything that ceme withio the black races. However you like to describe it, it is the the fact that our Association was not in a positiva to vote any respect another automobile near the corner the proper sphere of his diplomataie policy of repression.
able butus from the funds at its command, and the Districts of the of 4th of July Avenue aud influence for the efficient represen Colonel Creswell: When have we done so?
Abeoeiation the matter in hand and solicited voluntary subscrie. Street on Wednesday eiening date and Emperer in these parts and tation of the subjects of the King Brigadier General Byron: Through the Color Bar Bill.
tion. is with machine, cases of this kind from time to time, and further, because it is believed owned by cue Husted of Baibbs urged the Committee to continue Colonel Creswell: Nonsense!
that there is suffering still to be relieved by particular individuals was siehtly damaged. The Gov. its loyal co operation with the Brigadier General Byron: The Wage Bill, the Electoral named, we feel that we are still in time. It, however, this bus already ernor car suerwed or damaged, us Consulate and the Legation in all Bill and the Class Areas Bill.
Cclonel Creswell: Nonsense!
re established in their ortivery aud tual devine condition, taking a ride. Continued on Page 8)
the applicafoelly sat18 actory of this annouit, by your society, to general Brigadier General Byron: am not entering into the purposes to We shall be please Association wisdom or otherwise of these measures, but this Governbe perfect to be advised us the purpose to which the mount has been appl ed THE PATH TO PEACE ment has entered upon a poli:y of repression.
It might be of interest to you to state that our Associatiou msi Colonel Cresweil: No, certainly not.
comtemplatiom tbe matter of permanently supporting your OrganizaBrigadier General Byron That is how the people most Liou. The accompanyiog copy of letter from one of the District Secre (BY BELL)
intimately concerned regard it. The natives and the Inwurs will serve to give you a clear idea of what we intend.
There is no questi in so momen. years the religion of Christ as dians so regard it, and that is the thing that matters. We Very respectfully tous, so vital io tb future welfare practiced by his followers has will not split straws over whether it is intended to be W, ELLIS. Cor. Secretary. of the huma a ra ce as that of peace. proved a failure, defeatine the very repression or not. Granted that it is necessary in the best It would be amusing were it not ends it advocated And beleive that his re interests of the natives themselves to have this policy, my May 7, 1926.
and new papers the world plans ion contained in the single text: point is that you can only enforce this policy if you had the MR W, Ellis, Corresponding Secretary, for disarmameut.
Do voto others as you would that necessary physical force behind you. That is the history Box 658. Balboa Z.
they should do unto you will some Sir: At out February meeting, the question of encouraging mem The world is not civilized enough day rule tie world, shall is time of the world.
bers of the District and the association as a whole, an eventually all despite its wuduk buasts, mau trecome the basis of CHALLENGE TO WHITE SUPREMACY of every relationWest Indian employees of the Panama Caual and Railroad, to become kind no: educated enough, despite Issip There is another fact. The chancellories and the kuowledge not tation and nation and man members of the local Branch of the American Red Cross, was in its pursuit of and man civilized people of Europe tuday are obsessed by the rise of troduced by Presideot Whyte who in attendance. The question humane en ugh, to win for bimself a lasting peace, Not long ago heard a clergyman race consciousness amongst the biack and colored races of (Continued on page 8)
of the present Education along the most im tion indiference to religion de the world. The supremacy of the white race no longer portant lines Viz: the brother hood clare ti at the cler, y could no goes unchallenged in any part of the world. It may be SPARKLETS of man tas been sauly neglected. longer blind it elf to the fact that: what we may feel the first brunt of it.
Countless radical changes, won The religion of Jesus Christ was We are not alone dealing with 4, 000, 000 or 5, 000, 000 ihrough agony and blod shed, not the religioa of tbe 40 in the colored and black people here. We must deal with Africa (BY mu come to pass eie the children street!
as a whole. There are 120, 000, 000 of the Bantu race in of men shall be chas eued cuough, Ro. Myself and Others. Aerica. The teprimto Donna con experienced enougl 10 appreciate a condition the petty bickering, and are almost marching with the boundaries of certain EuroHe advanced as a reason for this this continent, and many of them are trained to arms. We more to our who understand, is booked to sing enmity existing between War is. Our esteemed author of Scatter songs of joy and baslado ito a erupting volcano must burst forth offered a remedv. the walga for their military strength, and very well trained they were.
ed from crowded huse that occasion.
sects; and pean powers which have relied largely en trained natives for a little while, the lady inforin Brother Myers, my esteem 10 awful fury as long a certain mation of the enurches So we are not dealing alone with a handtul of natives, if ed me yesterday. Mrs Liuda ed and learned contemporaneous When Capital shall give to Labour of th fact that each is sure that he eventually deal with their backing of 120, 000, 000, conditions tuw existing inst.
Au absurd it possibility in view 4, 000, 000 or 000, 000 can be called a handful, but we must acceded tu the collaborator of Lilliputiai blood, request of the Partido Nacional politely accuses me out furul. bing oquare dealWhen powermes heir is right and the other only is Already emissaries from Central Africa are down here.
Feminista reorganize column chang with wroue will oil and water inix? What story will they take back? do not think it will be a Branch and to form a Provincial over difty percent of pure wind promoting teir own economic How could Seventh Day AdDireetorate, This is cerest regardless of the cost 10, nud ventist be reconciled to a Roman story that will tend to the peace of Africa. If we are going be named in an eztraodinary issue exactly in weltore of a weaker peoyle Cebolice would the Methonists to carry out a policy we must provide the necessary means.
acerdance with an Whoo an who cun of the at merican of crisy and bat edWhen rubteriuge ble to the. illetaeu. Dawuists? own of Women to be beld in cou. my noble works by our lady wields to bobler sentiments in inter and vice versa unction with the Bolivarian Con the fairs of our ago are being wbite mau, and more so the Anglo.
member, it is highly complimentary stical relatiotships the gress in Panama this month, Mirs, administered by a far greater per Saxon, las a just regard for the disfavour? Simply because its Why is Christianity falling into JAMAICA NEW GOVERNOR Searni chubb will also prepare for centage of bunk, and there we alti riebts of colourea aces, when bace light on the go preacher who was it Against Government Engaging in Commercial advocates do not the rethe occasiou a epocial thesis on on loods we teminism. It will be interesting to working up our civilization bare in 1914 1918?
know that the lady has been co.
for the purpose having the io of small satioas by powerful wear forela to war Enterprises Lected with the Partido Nacional distinction of recording the beavi ones in order to extract wealth for Christian nations all with the rx.
Feminista for the past four Yon est drop from the greatest beight, in past beu jealousy among alliance with God of which he was Stubbs made it quite clear at the milk to be purchased and conden His Excellency Sir Edwaru equipment so as to cope with the themselves shall become a thing of ceptiou of Turkey. lo spite of his of the National Under La Activities the case is Congress which they he. in this last week issue of this paper, educated boasting. the of the producers capital two years ago. aan listed to present to the users oca educated enough in brother hood prethod. There warfare was more ment of the Jamaica Agr cultural requirem. additional en dituld to recoguize of. to brutish of his səldliers more suciety rece tly that he was of 800, Mr. Clarence Lopez ofIf the world remains intact from Albena cum poner the 23rd of this site, of atrocious the little Dow on to the 27th of the present month icon paper or Etnies of happiness; when he refuses to go Turks and when these christians meat engaging in comunero al euter. the expenses provided the plant against the practice of the Govern fered to contribute 400 towards month, and not destroyed by Journ lism. According to a local against his kind to decided to go forth in ba tle against was removed to Grove Place; and the greed or of his each other what did their religious pride of it was in respect to the proposal to fire or some of those ober tbio bumorist in the making, who reticularbation, when be. to leaders do? Did they try of which the prophets svoke, referred to me as a success.
co This pronouncement wis made continue the undertaking that the and. on the flimsy longer thinks in terms of war, in the wholesale slaughter? Only the when a discussion arise over a pro Govereore pronouncement expect to age ainder om Istumus pretext of my successfully direct does whick mau ceases to be su Pop cried out against t; as for posal to transfer the Government male pad hand cross ihe to Colon where, among otner ing, for directions, a little Play, enemy to man, and last, but not the others condensed milk plast from Hope They prayed the God of justice Gardeas to Grove Place in Maurou should wait on the Governor, It was proposed that a deputatthings, will coafer with other am expecting to wake up one of least, when we have a new religion, Altantic side scribes on some these mornings and find that am then and then ouly shall we have a to aid them in the wrong! For four chester. Tue plant has cost the questions of the moment and being serenaded on the occasion of stable peace loug. ears the world reeled in an Goveroment fully 1, 00. and its and it wae decided that the thotter attend an A1 Concert at the (Continued on page 8) After awo thousand and ood (Continued on page 8)
transference to Grove Place and its (Continued ou page 8)
Ppt between ious SO to iu will whose numbers is wule unacho bunk.
then we we have no armed force that would enable us to hold our. When com ceases of of of and the than liberty those of fortu iu prises.
stop my pencil was


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