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JAMAICA Improvements in Lower St Andrew.
Government Loan Is Over Subscribed The residents of several district in lower Andrew bave xrom time to tim: applied to the THIRD ISSUE OF 105, 000 BEING Kingston and St Andrew CorRAISED LOCALLY HAS MET WITB poration for improvements to be SATISFACTORY RESPONSE. carried out in their areas. The latest petition is from the inFOR WATER SEWERAGE, babitants o. Woodford Park, and the matter came up before the Public Works Committee on monDesirability of Raising Loan of day afternoon. The petitioners 0, 000 For Street Work in are asking that concrete water Jamaica Market tables be laid down and that they sbould be furnished with lighting facilities. Eaumates have ben The GLEANER states that th prepared showiog that it will tenders to the third issue of require au outlay of fully 2, 500 100, 000 of Jamaica Dar cert to lay down concrete drains and Local Tescribed Stoch, 1914 the Jamale Public Servic Com 1974, closed to tbe Island Treas. Dany ll provide a certain nam urer on Saturday afternoon last, ber of lamps at a cost of 250 and from wbat a reporter of the per GLEANER learot yosterday after The whole matter was discuss.
annum noon, the luan has been overed and it was decide toat the sub crloed. The Island Treas. Colet Bagineer should be directed to the Government and within what it will cost to effect linurer is now preparing bis report to prepared as es inate showing in next cupie ul days the suc provewints in certain Wards in cesatul tenderers will be infribe Subucuas area. The idea is ed as to accepta ce of their tend that the improvements to the ers.
districts will be taken up 004 This third issue of 100 000 is after the other and when the part of a general loan of 128 000 estimates bave been obtained the wbich it bas been decided to Corporation will decide bow the naise locally for the purpose o improve nents will be carried out obtaining an increa ed water and to arrange for the cost of supply within the Corporate area of Kingston and St. Andrew, special rate might be imposed and for improving and extenditg in tae suburbin wards to meet the sewerage system in the cor the cost of improvements a rate clude the establi hment of a ratepayer porate area, with extension to in which will not tall heavily on the sewerage farm or farms.
werke The amount to be expended is Serious Fire At as follows: 198, 000 on the for witage schem: and 230, 000 ir Frankfield.
respect to the sewerage scheine With the third izsue oi 100. 000, the total of 300 000 would bav been subcribd so far, and the to the GLEANER writing on the The Frankfield correspondent remaloing portion of 128, 000. 20. M. y says; It was at about the loan will be raised in due a. in. on Wednesday when cries course. The Government have, of Fle! For! were heard in the so far, beeo satistied at the res bioana village of Fraoktela.
ponse of the public to the loans Men and women rush:d from and it will be the means of neir ds some in their niet additional loans being placed on clothes. some to other clothes the local market.
but nearly all balf dressed, to LOAN FOR STREETS WORK.
see the fice build mg Dewly With regard to the loan for the orected by Mr. A, Dyke in a streets reconstruction work, the mass of times Toe die d its Government have not yet called tell work so quickly that the tor tendere. Under law 25 ot of building wis completely gatved 1923, power is given to raise the and all efforts to save it were sum of 400, 000 for the street enuirely useless. There was no in urovement works All along breeze at the time and this the Government bare been nelprd to save that portion of the making advances to the King village. small dispensary kupt ston and St. Andrew Corpora. by Mr P. Smith tok tire tion, but the line will soon arrive and practically whes it will be ou cessary to stock of drugs was consumed. raise the loan or the major por kitchen and an old building a tion of it.
which some shoemakers work. Aconservative estimate shows and which contained some thousthat the street reconstruction ands of ft. of native lumber beworks will ex:end over a period longlig to William Lloyd Buuof another three years and so it gick were also burnt Strenusus is cl ar that the loan will be efforts were made by a number raised ia instalments.
of people to save the shapot Mr.
The law provides that the E1 zxoath Martia the shop of e.
Altamonu Dolphy the bouse of amount should be raised in Εας: land, but there is good. Elliot.
believe that the Government will The building is less than six be urged to amend the enactment mouths old and was a distinct so that tho loan can be raised acquisition to the towa.
staits dry goods and haberIt is to the intrest of the ratedashery were stocked while the payers that this latter course upstairs rooms were used as should be adopted the expenses that the stock ouries an insurliving apartments. It is reported of raising aljan in England works out at anything like 31 per cent ance 01 700 and that the build whilst in Jamatua the expenses lag is also icsured.
are in the region of a quarter per Mach sympathy is felt for Mr.
Smithwbose whole stuck has As stated above, if the loan for been lost aud a subscription list the Street construction is to 1s being passed around to enable be raised locally then it will be him to start up again. op:c necessary to have the existing was in consultation with his men.
tor Field motored up early and law amended.
No development has taken place and it is believed that this will Cars Held up Nearbe another of the gres whica will.
The Rock River.
who threw bottles and missiles at it. When the buffeur pulled May Pen, May 19. The road ap he was attacked and beaten.
between this town and Rock Mrs. Whitehorn who was seated River is becoming noto ious on in the car, tearing that the account of the holding up or chauffeur might be murdered.
motor cars by a group of young came out and seized one of the men. Some few days ago the who had a large stone with motor car of Mrs. Thomp which he was about to indict son returning from Rock River further injuries while the others was attacked at a place called were mauling the chauffeur.
Sheep Pen Hill. The chauffeur She shouted murder! while was badly bandled. After a long she held on to the man. For struggle he was only able to beat tunately a man who was living off his assailants by resorting near heard the shouts and cams to ruse.
up to the scene and the culprits On Sunday evening last the decamped. The matter was motor car of Mr, Whitehorn reported to the police and there was coming from Rock River and is every reason to believe that on arriving at the same place the the men will be brought up for House Rent Receipt Books IXQUEST ADJOURNED.
Bridgetown was all ag og on Wednesday afternoon when it was reported that yourg police man. PC 21 Cyril Worrell, bad taken seriously ill at the house of Laura Griffith, a washerwoman of Mahogany Lane, and so had died about one o clock the hoor scheduled for his marriage to Evelyn Griffith of Westbury Road at Speightstown Church.
On et quiring it was found that Worrell bad been on leave since Monday and was to be married on Wednesday at 1p. after which a reception was to bsve been beld at Reck Duodo, James He visited this washer woman house in the morning left and returned shortly after midday complaining of feeling badly. He grew worse and the matter was reported to the Oertral Station. Dr. Skeete, Police Medical Officer was quickly summoned and after renderin first aid at once ordered Worcell to the General Hospital He was admitted to this insti.
tution by Dr Ida Guillaume and ordered to the Surgery but expired before reaching that Da.
partment about p.
The tragic ocurrence was quickly spread and the bride who was already dressed in her tineries was about to start for Speightstown when sbe wes apprised of the unhappy occurrence.
The matter was reported to the Coroner who tixed the haaring of an enquiry at 480 m.
THE INQUEST The Inquest was held by Mr. Jackman Corner Dist and a jury at the bospital 4 30 o clock.
THE EVIDENCE Leach Worrell, a shopkeeper of Westbury Road and civol tte deceased said that he saw him about 10. 80 a mat his shop at Westbury Road. He showed him a ring which he said he had made on order for 10. He remained about fifteen minutes and then said that he was going away to send home drinks for bis wedding. He next saw him in the we bouse of Laura Griffith of Mabor any Lane about 12 noon. He had been call to Griffith place to see the deceased who was lying on the floor flat on his back He went in and saw deceased with a spoon in his mouth and hot water bottles at his sides. He asked him if he knew him and be said yes. He then said Give me a little water and turn me on my side and let me die. was told be had spasms but bever saw any while was there.
The police van quickly came and took him away. He was always cheerful and bappy He did not know of any one who would do bim any harm. When be asked him to give bin some water he thought the deceased was in liquor and only tried to get him up to go on to bts wedding. When he went to the house deceased blouse was on the bed bis shoes under the bed, and his cap on the floor, He did not koow bow long he had been there.
Laura Griffith, a middle aged looking woman of Mabogany Land said that sbe was a washer woman for about eighteen police.
men. She only wasbed tunics.
There was one other woman lizing in the house with her. That woman name is Lilian. Sbe was not friendly with Worrell.
He visited ber bouse occasional, ly, sometimes with his reputed wife with whom she was also friendly. His reputed wife and be were there on Saturday last, She knew that be would be mar.
ried on Wednesday, She bad brought drinks from Roebuck Street for him Monday. She gave these drinks to Worrell father wbo was waiting for them in Tudor Street. He came to her bouse at about o clock on Wednesday morning and spoke with her neighbour Marie Knights and told her that he was going to be married at one o clock but he was frightened (Crntinued on page 7)
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