
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1926 Civilization Before The Bench THE WORKMAN SAN MARLBORO MARLBOROS NOW for a tion Weibe MARLBORO VALENCIA PHILIP MORRIS The civilization is THE ATTENTION but Friendly Societies and Secret Orders (By Philip LEWIS)
According to Webster, the Published on Saturdays by 1: Rates for Advertasemen on applies word; civil zat on means reclaWALROND, at the office No. 23 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited mation from savage state. from CIGARETTES barbarism, prcess of refining All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama culture. The word beuch means written on one side of paper only, and a seat, a judge seat, a court Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of THE MILDNESS OF of judges. Therefore civiliza: One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaAMERICA BEST before the bench means, Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
order of society in which we now Three Ce.
We do not undertake to return relive after claiming its emergency One 25 jected correspondence.
from savagery, has become so degenerated as to be arraigned fore the Divine Judge to The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS show cause why it, abould not be condemned to everlasting desSATURDAY JUNE 5, 1926, truction It stands like a migbty giant.
Our system of refinement and MORTGAGING THE FUTURE BY culture producing such a civiliztion, bas signally failed of its SQUANDERING TODAY.
objective; hence we conclude it must have been based upon a false, premises or was faulty in its construction, and has been Debt means poverty and Poverty means Misery. In Recommended by untrue in its teachings.
The spite of what sages may say about the beneficence of There are twa questious: Is civilization fit for further exist.
Poverty or the uses of Adversity don believe them.
Agent ence? If not, why. As we go Poverty is a set back to the right enjoyment of life. through a few of the numerous Disease, crime and suffering attend in its train.
evidences, we will be able to prove the charges clearly. As specialist dream of a time when this grim horrow shall be still existent, removed from our social Economy is based upon a realiza a concise and impartial trial tion of what it means to keep the wolf from the door.
Will freveal all the necessary to nie wiem co tanto cotidiano de carte de todo Cine evidences for correction. ThereBtore facts must be carefully Individually, we may not be able to contribute largely noted to the bringing in of the Golden Age but you can at least Civilization is charged that protect yourself and your family from want and if you fail otetime within the period be.
ginning from to the to do this during your years of productivity, you will cer OFwentieth century, did falsely tainly be unworthy of even the cold and questioning pretend to reclaim mankind from barbarism and ssvagery, bas patronage of organized charity in your declining years.
failed; and instead, have develop Thrift is insurance against Poverty. When you run ed tae human family to be disinto Hebt for things which you cannot afford you are IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF bon st. disloyal. degenerate, murderous, u just treacherous.
mortgaging your future at a terrible high rate of interest.
selish and unholy, contrary to It is natural for appetite to out run income but men the prescribe laws for its guidance.
who curb their appetites for expensive luxuries in this their Every human beart cries and day, may possibly be able to afford them later on.
grons under its oppression. The cries and groins daily increasing Indulge in them now and you are overdrawing on the in intensity, in proportion to the account charged against your future. Detts collect heavy industrial slave.
immediate cl cumstances of the toll on future income. Cut out this habit. Don worry to Hence disco tent, distress and restlessness keep up with some one else. Try and live comfortably on tbe part of the majority which exist whol sale, will be revealed but carefully. Buy intelligently. Make every dollar go as by investigation.
far as if it were your last. AT THE Investigation usually result in quashing. Facts revealed are Thus will you be ensuring your future and that of the usually hushed up, but it won coming generation; a reasonable insurance against the woes continue so. We bail the courage and and bon sty of the few in wbose of want and the carking cares which vex the soul.
heart the chord of sympathetic Waga 09. 909 Tuspo 20900 aradan aparaan at ang apapun gagnganga nga gongo naga magaganap anggone stru feelings for their fellow men are strung, and who refuse to remain silent in yiew of the atroci Snapshots ti practiced in the name of civilizition. All honor should be 2010 Soxo0 Ossos Accorded to to courage of this sort, for it provides us with the neOur thoughts are life streams; which refresh and encessary data, warning us of the liven: obstructed by evil intluences they fl in the wrong impending conviction and sendirections and are subjectively and objectively detrimental.
cencing of civil zu zition to oblivion, Our emotions are important life streams which, confined to that we may make proper pretheir natural channels, make for enrichment of our own lives paration for those under our and helpfulness to others. Great harm results from the responsibility. By careful ex.
amination of the ing overflow of emotional life streams when they are obstructed gainst the present order or and turned aside by evil communications, unwise associathings as revealed before our gyes, we may be able to detertions, unwholesome incitements and groveling thoughts.
De mine the outcome. Let us view CLEVELAND HERALD the few out of the numerous points of modern civilization with which we are surrounded.
The people of our race shuud not despair. Every race Dishonesty Toe labourer 19 that God has made is capable of improvement, of elevation.
worthy of his bire. Give unto If we observe the laws of progress and apply them as other Caeset the things tbat are people who have succeeded, we shall succeed in the same (Continued on page 5)
manner. We are not creatures of luck and fortune. We are not Jehovah favorites for whom some predestined high000000000 00000000000 way has been thrown up for the purpose of enabling them TRY to reach the desired goal. We must fight, if we would win. NASHVILLE CLARION.
KRONEN BRAU ON DRÁUGHT OR BOTTLES The Sesqui Centennial at Philadelphia.
VOYO BOLO0000000000000OOL MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store Surana evider ces GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply of that day, those who woke me Boom of guns that roared out when the United States at o clock as stated above, were was born 150 years ago sounded another more peaceful sleeing oit the effects of their message on Monday, May 31, when the Sesqui Centennial President official spokesman, and Secretary Hoover will bours by some of those societies wid night dissipation in the International Exposition opened in Philadelphia to continue are too common in various com address the assemblage.
in full force until December Advanced information states munities on the Isthmus Some of them are communicant that they will signal the arrival at the Exposition grounds The stadium ceremonies will give way to a luncheon Pagama; they have their places mmbers of the Wesleyan and of Secretary of Commerce Hoover and Secretary of State for the visitors in the Auditorium, which seats 20, 000 in all coun munities, but it wouls Baptist Churches, and on those be opfair to classify them as days their places in the churches Kellogg, who head President Coolidge commission to persons followed by a tour of the vast grounds.
supervise the Government 2, 186, 500 participation in the An inaugural ball at night, followed by a colorful ing the best of the organi are vacant.
zations on the Isthaus because Wa do not read in the Bible, century and a half celebration of the signing of the Declara pyrotechnic display and night flying by a squadron of of their du ability. Come let us make man in our tion of Independence. The Exposition opening ceremonies airplanes using smuke screens and giant searchlights, will One Suaday morning durlur own image; we read, Let us were held on Monday, May 31, because Memorial Day complete the day program.
this past month. was awaken make min, etc but it means was observed on that day, out of my sleep by a loud noise, Cu yperation. clocks that strikes has two and Dignitaries repteseñting Great Britain, France, Japan. three, it was the noise of men springs, and both co operate and on down through the 28 countries whose participation The Open Forum estad in this important subject, men and women members of a with each other, and they are makes the Exposition truly world wide in its scope, will We do not hold ourselves respon as a critic, but rather es ap auxi: nized) returning home from the more power than the other. The desire to say a few words na lodge (some of whom reg. equal io quality; but one bas 18 be among the 250, 000 persons expected to enter the sible for views expressed in these liary to the writer Perbaps Ifunctions of their lodges, shout clock is like the world in which grounds for the opening exercises.
may b: right it say that being at and jesting with one we live, and the springs are like Either the Los Angeles or an Army dirigible will fly Tas Editor, THE WORKMAN: New Providence, seems to be a member of one or another. It took me some time mankind. Co operation, there.
more featernal societies, and it to fall asleep agaln, and yet, bad fore, would put the entire maover the 100, 000 seat Stadium to drop President Coolidge Sir: read in your last issue so, be knows what to say what to be up again at a. as do chinery in good working order.
welcome message, which will be read by Mayor Free an artide under the headling of about them. As a matter of fact, every Sunday for family prayer. Yours faithfully, and Kendrick, of Philidelphia. Then Secretary Kellogg, thel Co operation and am inter perpetual disturbances to neigh have no doubt that at a. MARKHAM.


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