
TUDAY, Saturday June 5th and TOMORROW Sunday June 6th Carol Dempeter in SALLY OF THE SAWDUST bere MONDAY, June 7th Sally Neil to DONT It has come to the knowledge of the British Consul a: Colon that certain persons have coin menced to register men who desire to ob.
tain work with the British gold nusa od mining company in Veraguans (Cha Ina Panama Corporation Lid. The eum of One dollar is collected from each person registered under the pretext that a photograph must be obtained, and the applicant is led to believed that he will ultimately secure employment NO PERSON WHATSOEVER HAS BEEN AUTHORISED BY THE PANAMA CORPORATION TO RECRUIT OR REGISTER LABOURERS IN COLON, AND NO MONEY SHOULD BE PAID TO ANY PERSON WHO ALLEGES THAT HE CAN SECURE WORK AT THE GOLD MINES FOR APPLICANTS.
Nothing will be known of the plans of The Panama Corporation in regard to obtaining labour until after the return to Panams towards the end of June of Mr. J. Ider.
wood, the local representative of the Crpouation HUGH ALEX FORD Consul.
British Consulate, Colon, 1st June, 1926, TUESDAY, June 8th Blanche Sweet in THE NEW COMMANDMENT WEDNESDAY, June 9th Buck Jones in WINNER TAKE ALL (COLON)
PANAMA SATURDAY, June 5th TODAY Saturday June 5th Charlie Chaplin in Dustin Faroum in THE GOLD RUSH YOSEMITE TRAIL DAY June 6th SUNDAY, June 6th Pola Negri in Miilton Silben WOMAN OF THE WORLD THE UNGUARDED HOUR MONDAY, Junte Tih MONDAY, June 7th George Brien in Charlie Chaplin in DARWINO WAS RIGHT THE GOLD RUSH TUESDAY, June 8th TUESDAY, June 8th Hoot Gibson in Hoot Gibson in TAMING THE WEST THE CALGARY STAMPEDE WEDNESDAY, June 9th WEDNESDAY, June 9th Carol Dempster in Carol Dempster in ŞALLY OF THE SAWDUST THAT ROYLE GIRL THURSDAY June 10th THURSDAY June 10th Viola Dana in DONT ALONE CAME FRUTH FRIDAY June 11th FRIDAY, June 11th Blatiebe Sweet in Buck Jones in THE NEW COMMANDMENT THE DESERT OUTLAW SATURDAY, June 12th SATURDAY June 12th Buck Jones in Special Cast in WINNER TAKE ALL DANTE INFERNO Several members of the La Boca Tennis Club, including its President, Mr. Clunes, left on Monday morning last and took part in the Tennis Championship (Singles) at the Cristobal court, the Gatun court on which it was decided to play baving been rendered upfit on account of previous showers of rain.
The various tennis clubs alung the lines were represented as follows: Clunes, La Boca; Myers, Red Tank; cope.
Gatan; Robertson, Paraiso; Prescott, Cristobal.
The Tournament was started with an elimination mateb between Robertson and Scope, and er ded in favour of Robertson, 2 5.
The next match brought out Clunes and Prescott; this was particularly interesting playPreseott Clunss. The against the champion, set gave the tennis with Prescott giving prospectators atore master display of nise of being the winner. Clunes tirst serveu, double fautled and Prescott won an easy game, Prescott next served. and although he double faulted, thrice be won his service thus making 1t 0, in bis favour. Clunes won (Continued on Page 8)
THURSDAY June 10th Pola Negri in WOMAN OF THE WORLD Sally Neil in Gret FRIDAY June 11th George Brien in DARWING WAS RIGHT Colon Boys Institute SATURDAY June 12th Harold Lloyd in THE FRESAMAN COMMANDER WATSON EULO GISED BY FRIENDS.
What Is Your Fortune?
ratber to With tears are men to to steal, to to prewere employers upon the Tbe latest from the Colon Boys Institute states that in large Civilizatlon Before. tbe complete elimination of the Kattering of friends, including a relies of barharisin from this Have you tried the number of city officials, visited planet. The fact that disputes now Boer the Boys Institute last Saturday (Continued from page 4) over national boundaries and all afternoon to congratulate the relics of tba past, breeders of director, Watson, on his Caeser Do unto others as you Jealousies are still maintained.
Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Kronen Brau recent court victory and to ex would like them to do unto you.
sh press their his the we not each week for Readers of this paper character and ability to carry on present ordet who as the world from barbaris m, tribal rivalries he work of the work. Therefore this class is of the past. How can we so long we maintain the petty relics WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE the least of the contributory Among the visitors was Carlos clearly separate from the parss9 War is tbe support of the evidences against the gian. CiviPernett, interpreter of the Third sites International differences.
For centuries the These are relies of savagery from lization greatest element of May 28 work and play and are generally of superstition, nicknamed religior, Municipal Court, and be was they spin, ou bot neitber do has bourne, the which civil zution should have The Sign of Gemini the the optimistic, happy go lucky is the channel through which it express their sentiments in an heat and barden of the day, freed us, but has failed in it misTwius slavery and ignorance have been sion. Millions of innocent blogs type. They always have a large predominates in every address.
Rulers and masters are murdered through the abi!
The sign of Gemini argues well circle of friends, are in deryand at There is a true religion and a Watson and praides him for the bave plotted aad planned to keep tion of over zentsuse and comeb Pernett eulogized Director their.
forever being sought on them 19 suhjection, thereby labor good be has accomplished among is detrauded of its wortb.
eous rulers.
born public designed to teach reverence for it. You are versatile to committees under the the incorrigible boys of the city kreat degree and there is Great God and Master, the is searcely Unjust Where can we tind Tue beryl is the stone said anything to which you cannot do, but He advised the school head do conduct of justice and righteousalising at least its inability justice today. Is it kaow among this very fact hinders Your success bring good fortune to its wearer ilgess and the development of and ten wy do vengaipet Chino ba to obtain its right, labor bas no? Oar civil laws sboald mete in anyone thing. The women born he is born during this week. sixni exercise of love among fellowman cently wade. but to discriss the matter and fraternal orgazations, un bending and unjustic. that character of. and the faculty of reverfrom, bis mind and to continu believing that in goity there is che, attribute of God as domestie life for they are ready sweet pes is the flower suid to corience has been prostituted and as met every situation that may the work he bas been doing for strength, but with much disin nature, yet the past six years, appointment, for from within taught and judges nod others to au bority ar se and make excellent mothers respond to the nature of tie Gemini commercialized by religious Sead.
without spies upset their fail to exerce it. Lawyers at Men of the Gemini sign to bis eyes. Director plans brotherly Married life is usually successful lie. to swear falsely, to worshin Watson replied, promisins this love and benevolence, selfishness teremtette er noen dager siden ble douchey not seen to be for persons born during this week, motors alikeblingsacal wood and to use it sro. usuwly to have many hobcharges would only abounds. iuditterence on the deten False religion organized by the ancestors.
carry on what be considers bis iar feeling in employes.
strengthen bis determination to part of employer, develop simi lo defence of the 1000cent, able to specialize in any one busi hecause they are able to adapt stones like our savage until the socalled constige constitutional ness or possession. They are always themselves to any cireumetances.
mission in life.
Disloyal There is no divine rights of tea become a my. Tne turuinz fryn one thing to another Hlewever, suggested dates for the civilized (9) religious readers. he The school master was man bow to vote low that can detend the guity or making investments in some birth of their life partners are the used to encourage the slaughter pared for the guests and played record where a few fellow mor and fail to protectfthe inc. pt is thing entirely foreign to their own last week in August and the last of man himself, thinking at the week in January against the part of hestin hospitable tals were ordained to consider detrimental to the purposes to work same time be la voting for his themselves of special orixin and Civil zutton.
Both men and women derive a (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense owo interest; to keep nan quiet manner. Refreshments right! sterile class, olivom Racently a lawyer used the great deal of pleasure out of their Adams Syndicate. and served robbis children of bread; to and at the same time claiming Bible in his attempt to show the of two wealts make uao believe that wbile bis Grand Opening authority of God to do so. Can justification children are at school they are be that their blood is super tor murderous youths but tlatly de receiving an education of refinement and culture of greatest The officers and members of to that of the humble tailer: nied its sacred authority where Can the worker corn beer master a few weeks later!
defending a la breaking school the Barbadion Progressive and cabbage Can value, wbile in reality they are produce a THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED being taught how to perpetuate ciety organized March 1926 in blood in their veins! Surely no we label such procedure jusica, the city of Colon de. e. wishes the usurpere of the position honor, Civil za tip Tuis a tottering civilization that through medium to extend having become disloyal to their call. Men having falled to te dou dealing in law is univer.
systematically robs the people to their sincere appreciation and If you have any trouble with your keep king upon tbeir broses creatorhave thanks to all those who attended selves in the position demanding cognise the creatar. also failed to and peasant in poverty. Such are th opening of their Hall 10 loyalty to the inselves, and all recognise the noble attribute and the accomplishments of false and Hudson Lane Building 10. 55, who dare to denounce their candot practice it.
Mirrors or Reflectors religion through the hypocritical Hall on Sunday evening authority are branded as traitors Victor Both 1928 and all those and disloyal citizens.
Treacherous With dis ase.
ecclesiastical system which now May the But we sickness and death on eve y send them to No. building, 12th wbo contributed to the success see tha king business is on the paca, the medical doctor abouid Any bonest hearted regligionof their program; soliciting your wape.
find place in numan society. October Street, Guachapali, where they ist who may arise to upset the hearty cooperation in the future.
Degenerate Schools and Col Bat just think of it. Niter cena Apple cart by telling the truth, We remain yours for progress. leges should have srst place in turies of prac ice with bilions will be carefully and substantially repaired is branded as an Heretic, a liar ny system of vlization, for organisms, this profession shi uid GEORGE HARRIS, Seducer Bat after investibackbone have of nake a stage second to also new ones made to order at moderate gation it 18 President.
invariable found the education is the very ecclesiastical complainers are falsi MORTIMER MC BREWSTER, note that the mind of our youtbe the reclaining of the society. But alas. It is sad to none.
Summing up the share of the modern professors share in prices. If you want to have an estimate ders, full of in fangs Secretary buwan are as polished and dimmed, and and are breeders of of superstition the fact they become sneak family, we are compelled to quste of work to be done, send a card to and ignorance which engenders and subsidize rather than be trom Dr. Gregory o Ediegu Jurga slavery and crime. This false untainted with the of who said; olety nije out of one BROWN system co operating with the Odd Fellows Annual Ball. Civilization, Education has be bandred medical facts are medipoml politicians and the money Kings come commercialised. Free press, cal lies, and medical doctrine Ancon PO Box 1223 preach men into misery and poyThe members of Loyal Emanuel tree specch, the greatest foes ot are for the most part stark, erty out of which grows batred, staring nonsense. There are malice strife and murder.
Lodge are busy making arrange barbarism have again been throt sta other numerous quotations that Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United The foregoing are conulasive ments to hold their second Appual tled and chained.
States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
proofs of the failure of the giant Bell, Saturdgy night July 3, at Murderers One of the royal can be riven. It is a wonder for members of the same told to civilization to reclaim man from Liberty Hall, corner of Eleventh lawn that wa: given to the Jew. So barbarism and savagery. But be Street and Broadway. specialist Nations in the year BC 1615 so seriously charge the proR cently an alleged Committee has been appointed to was: Thou shalt not kill. Today sbameless attempt has been whose right it is to reign is gradbally spreading look after matters pertaining to the civil laws of Civil zstion is made by this system to bribe the of civilization.
become useless to the people; be beams over mankind, and soon same, and from all appearances, said to be built on the Jewish laws editor of magazine with a Sellish Man was made a king being bribed by the money kings bta kingdom shall over spread the a dollars to and was given Whole Saruh. The beet of its kind ever pulled off on anotber, be is countrymen upon dropless method 18 do law laid dowa that he money Kings be bonest and put wine of its fornication shall be tried refraim from publisbing articles everything in the universe. There Put away the politician. Let the be then fully dranken with the be Atlantic Side.
before twelve of his it found lovitations be issued in a be forfeits his coring disease. Add further, this should be dictated to by obers in exscatoa the golden tale. condemned and destroyed. Man fewo and those invited can be lite as puniatment for his deed editor was warned tnat if he re with selfish desires. Can the Taat is the only thing that will kind will then be released: Under assured of spending an enjoyable Considering that mankind is fured they would spend half a world go on without politicaos! belp to prevent the crushing of peareful and righteous King time. high clase orehestra will one family limited to this tiog million to pat bie publication out why spend millions of dollars to civil zation.
Uaboly We need not go be bliss for which he was made, but dispense the latest hits of the sphere of the universe, the object of business, What shameful secure election for a certain lod enjɔy the happiness and of mundare civilization should be cou: se for prominent members vidual who after bis election youd the point, though it is not deprived of for centuries.
lighter we or this exists.
and a reached a of polson their.
bis bealing guilty, man will season.


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