
Says Menace Even Groter Than In 1914.
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diers Counterhostem, says the felony. cable despatch from Berlin dared May 11th states that in launcbing campaign for the establishment of a pan Euro eao deration the Austrian Coun von Coudenbove Kalerg 80nounces in the Vossische itu that Europe is on the 18 of another war, Toe war menace be declares is greater thao in 1914. One day rope will bay placed before ber the alternativ of war or a general re olution as a countermeasure to a new out.
break, and this mua 18 uiduit ly the smasbing of the present loog bas been a leader in the movement in favour of the organization of a United States of Europe.
He declares the Western Alsace Locas solved by th Locarno problem has been peragreements, but says in its place at least a doz u Dew Alsace Lorbave cropped up Eastern Europe, which are located in the volcanie zone responsible for all Europe wars since 1871 He cupten that al present the main saleguard against war 18 general povery which bowever, is not considered insur mountable.
concedes that the League of tions also represents a certain prophylaxis.
The Count asserts that Bessarabia represents the principal fuse to the European powder barrel, involving conflicting of Rumania, France, Great Britain Germany and Italy. Still another menacs be says, threaters from Italy, the objective of wbose avowed imperialism and militarism stil is uncertain, wbether directed towards Africa, sia or Europe. PAIN ENEMY raines in Chesterfield Mr. Juremiah MacApCIGARETTES Up to date Jewelry cupermes Ruosia policies Manufactured by LTGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. A: table ness SS SS SS SS SEKSS SO OSNSDXC CONFERENCE Formally Opens In House of Lor.
Smoke Bomb Thrown Be Prepare.
at the Prime Minister for that Pain INCIDENT AT ARBE DINNER You can stop excru ciating pain instantly WHICH MIGHT HAVE HAD if you will only apply SERIOUS RESULTS.
SLOAN LINIMENT IASSUMING MAN. Sloan Liniment is pain greatest enemy, and is backed by 40 years D: enco Submits That The of success the world over.
Charge Ridiculous It is an invaluable One to Put Forward.
ody for Scotia Sore Thru Bedade London, April 28 At the CenSpel tral Criminal Court yesterday, Ches sed betore Justice wlat, Horb Daly, 24, a cellarman, was It penetrates right to indie ed for rasting cela tho seat of trouble, destructive su islaves at warms and soothes the tbt Prim. Mister sodorp nerves and tissue, banishing pain.
wilo io eat to do grievous Try it now.
ally barm, and bavior in his possession OUD At all druggists and. Dg8 with intent to commit dealers.
The occasion was the dinner of the Four Prov. 00 UI SLOAN Ireland Club at the Hotel Cecil un. Marcb 17.
Mr. Pic val Clarke appeared for the Director u: Public Prosecutions. Mr. Richard Sullivan appeared for the detendant, wbo pleaded Not Guilty.
Opening the case, Mr. Clarke said that Daly, who was in the wallery, inquired of a reverend gentleman side him whether it was the Prime Minister when the chairman Mr.
Valgt, was speaking He peared to get bez vous about the rising of Mr. Baldwin and when the Prime Minister roue to speak be threw in bis direction, either at him or someone wear, what might have been described as a In every form can be seen bomb. It was a card board per. here at its best See our forated cylinder with lighted fuse attached, the fuse passing Wrist Watches, in The missile fell on the near Bracelets to wbere the Prime Minister was journalist, Miss Clare Jones, on speaking, striking a Diamond Rings the left cheek and shoulder and a hundred other adornanother press repr sentative, Mr.
William Finch, picked it up and ments and you ll recognize threw it on the floor, where it why this is the LEADING was extinguished by syphon JEWELRY HOUSE in town of soda water Daly started to leave the ask prices and you ll find still gallery, but Father Evans, who another reason. bad seen his arm in the totion over to the police.
The accused said. You hrve 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 made a mistak. He was taken to the detective ofiice in the Hotel Cecil, ond be the said that be came from Bailyshannon.
Father Evans, in his evidence M. WILKINSON described bow saw Daly arm in the action of throwing and how Contractor be seized him.
In reply to Mr. Sulliven, the and Builder witness said Daly made no attempt to escape.
Mr. Dupre, Home Office 28th NOV, STREET, Reserch expert, blated that the SAN MIGUEL cylinder contained an infiamable mixture which was badly mixed.
It bad evidently been intended Box 411, Panama, smoke bomb but the malo charge had not been ingited.
There was con dnuger Plans and Specifications Free from fire as it was. Had the smoke part ignited it would have cleared the ball, and people ght First Class Workmanship have been injared unless tbt ball was clearad very quickly. Satisfaction Guaranteed Detectivi Bergent Cummins of Scotland Yard, in the course of cross examination, said that Daly was described at bis lodgleseni FLOWERS ings at Hampstead as a a quite Steady unassuming man. He bad an excellent character at bis Abogado. Attorney at Law place of employment.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
At the close of the case for the prosecution, Mr. Sullivan BOX 36 PANAMA CITY submitted that there was no evTELEPHONE No. 1377 idence for the jury to consider, but the Judge ruled that there Practicing before all the courts of was.
the Republic since April 1914 Mr. Sullivan, called no evidence to the defence, and in addressing the jury, said it was necessary to prove that Daly Daly would merely have been threw the missile, that the misdealt with under the Public sile was a destructive substance Meetings Act of 1908.
i, bat it was 10wa maiiciouslyand The jury returned a verdict of intent to do grievous bodily Guilty.
barm to the Prime Minister for Mr Justice Rowlatt, in passing some other person. As on the ser tence, said the defedaat had occasion of the Boat race there thrown flaming package wbich certain amount of play on St. Patrick Night, and dress on fire, which night bave horse might bave set any woman although the action of throwing caused stampede and a pani, the missile might have been a and which contained materials was ridiculous that a charge ot woul ignition felony punishable servitude for live abould be inade bappened before the room could fumes, li that had asphyxiating against the accused. Conseil have been cleared, there might done Minister in the charge, ard sug a tragedy might very well havo tion of the name of th Prime Me and limb of people there and rested shae it was pou there in followed, order to prejudice the minds of He passed a sentence of twelve the jury. Had the police known months imprisonment in the all the time what they knew now, second division.
e dbcowing. veza bit more Fuller Jewelry Store THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable banded It is specially suited for this climate is superior, to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
for considerable TRY OUR NEW BSER Direct West Indis Cable despatch from Londou, dated May 13, states that the Secretary of State for the Colouies to day presided over the formal opeaing of the West Indian Conference convened with a view to the establishment of permanent coufereaces for the British West Indies, British Guiana, British Honduras and the Bahamas.
The ceremony was held in a chamber of the House Lords, and was attended by a large uumber of peers, members of the House of Commous, and others interested in the West Indies Mr. Amery welcomed the delegates on behalf of the Govern ment and stated that be regarded the meeting as the pening of a new chapter in the history of the West Indies, emphasizing the be nefits to be derived from co oper, tion and con ultation us exempli.
fied by the Imperial Conference.
Sir Edward Davson, Chairm.
of the Conference, in reply meu tioned this as a historic occasion as being the first tim that the colunies concerned bad met for con sultation under the roof of tbe Mo tber of Parliaments DELEGATES MAKE SPEECHES Sir Edward also dealt with the origin and aims of the coaference He was jollowed by other speakers, who included Messrs. Buri Bahamas; Austin, Barbados; Wils liam Morrison, Jamaica John Bromley, Leeward Islands; Hu: gins, Trinidad; Lutfite.
Windwara Grey Win, British Honduras; and Ŝir Alfred Sherlock, British Guiana Among those present were: The Duke of Athol, Lords loverbaru, Olivier, Queenborough and Ryl sant, Sir Howard Egville, sir Robert Rutherford. Sir Samuel Wilson, Sir uibert Grindle and Sir Campbell Stuart; Messre Orsmby.
Gore, Carlyon Bellairs, Arthur Eyads. Jacob Tinne, the Master of Eliback Aspinall and DePass.
In the afternoon the first busi Bess meeting of the conference took place in the committee room an of the House of Lords.
KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR 70 ALL జ Islands, JOB. PRINTING and 10 ad with Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH we Was hate better the mounded With penal would have AT THE be grotHave you triod tho etter tow Boerers ove SALE Kronen Bray. WORKMAN PRINTERY


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