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son Nothing of mad Has the Negro Any Right to Democracy?
Better Housing for Negroes Pressing Need in neighbour on by laws Cuba between immigratory ments EMIGRATION RESIDENTIAL Amass Wealth Should be PROBLEM SEGREGATION Facos Country Says Supreme Court Slogan of Colored Race Cuban Newspaper. Refuses to Act in Case.
Interracial Commission Outlines Havana; May 26Dianio de la Washingtion, May 24, Holding Twelve Billion Dollars is Esti.
MARINA writes the it had no. Su Steps for Improvement Plans Problem which requires Care preme Court today refused to pass mated Wealth of Negroes in fal Attention of Growth to be Mutually og a test case, involving the right We recently published figures of property owaers in the capital United States.
Agreeable which clearly show that a decrease to enforce an agreement barring of the number of immigrants en Negroes from owoing houses in tering Cuba in the past few months certain residential sections, THE CHARLESTON MESSENGER a states that the latest estimate of the combined wealth It is interesting to note that recognition is being taken bas taken place.
What reasons exist for desirable court injunction against the sale of of the Negro race in Ameriea is twelve billion dollars. While high rentais, and unsanitary conditions, as the following come to Cuba and prefer our blood, the court declared that wealth, for a race only sixty years removed from slavery.
a republice? Without none of the constitutional rights there is no gainsaying the fact that had the Negro fully press despatch from Atlanta, Georgia will showdoubt to a large extent the econo citd by the appellants had been used his opportunity in this direction his wealth today Recognizing the very great importance of a wide mic crisis we are suffering, because violates, in would have far exceeded this amount.
spread program of better using for Negroes, both North the man that emigrates does so search of a a nation where he can and South, the Commission on Interracial Co operation at find more remunerative work and were strength or can be arrangement extent that he will not support his own efforts in the busChe injunction had bee o obtained by residents of nearby houses, on The fact that he is fearfully lacking in race pride to the its recent annual meeting gave special attention to this better his position.
subject, and in its findings set forth the following recom Perhaps the decrease is also due the block, pledging against sales him a race of servants and paupers, and such he must signed by all property owners ia ines world, has been as a millstone around his neck, making mendations: to negligence and lack of forezight, to any one not of white blood. remain, until he learns his lesson, as other races have people, since it intimately affects the health, morals and Ecated social tries, whicles poule the highest court might decidere the only formidable weapon that will break down barriers. Housing is fundamental in the home life of any of our part, The Spanish worker, like nearly The case attracted wide atten learned. This is a materialistic age. There is no denying tion because of the prospect that that in this land and country, wealth is all pɔwerful. It is economic condition of the family. Therefore. Logical and mutually agreeable plans of growth good treatment and elevate his question which has led to contro and open doors of opportunity that seem, impenetrable. The should be mapped out for Negro neighborhoods in growing position. Ia has done versy in many cities, The residence nothiug yet and the few social laws in in question is on cities. street, North lamented Booker Washington clearly realized the truth2. Municipalities should be influenced to developer beave a contro a rule, never obu portion but the were block from that fulness of this assertion, when he advised his people to Controversies of the street where Secre first accumulate wealth and all other things will be added some of these neighborhoods into high class residential labour and capital here are tary Hoover Low lives and to wbich sections where nomes of which the owners can be proud often settled with arbitary mea. Wood: ow Wilson retired when he Tanto you.
can be built. These neighborhoods should be protected by sures. This naturally harms Cuba ft the White House, This can only be accomplished by the Negroes entry adequate improvement laws aud supplied with all city and keeps good Under the pleadings in the into the business and commercial world, on a large scale, currents awav from our shores. present case, said the Supreme with the added support of his people who must be made conveniences.
In our continent and even in court, the only constitutioual to realize that every success of the individual, means sục In order to relieve the congestion, high rentals and Europe countries are not lacking qustion involved was that arising cess to the race and broader opportunity for the masses.
unsanitary conditions of rental sections, private capita, which are suffering from a labour under the assertions in the motions We are often forced to wonder what other races think should be encouraged to eng uze in building re ital houi. es the worker through good social covenant which is the basis of the of a people who will not support their own enterpris :s that are return a reasonable per cent to the investor. The rate at wnich the ambitious Negroes are buy protection. Nearly all these nations to and forbidden by the fifth, give their business and patronage where they aru barrejmeasures affording them the fullest bill is void, in that it is contrary afford empləyment to their sons and daughters, but will ing homes indicates rem irkably praisewor hy progress and besides these. lewa count witb a itirteenth and fourteeoth amend except from the most menial occupations.
should be stimulated by mobilizing both white and Niger (Continued on page 8)
Small wonder we are a despised and persecuted race, capital into building and loan organizations and morts when we show such utter disregard, of all the laws of self companies specially devoted to the finance af Negru horn SPARKLETS and extending credit for less than the usurious rates.
help and appreciation of those things so necessary to our peace, prosperity and development that will make us Efforts for housing improvement have been made factor instead of a piwn, in the scheme of things that conmany local interracial groups, beginning with the carefu (BY study of housing laws and conditions. In a number of Nervous Leaders.
stitute American civtlization.
as to the best and most dependable Twelve billion dollars is quite a sum in the aggregate, cities the facts brought out by these studies have been laid before the authorities, with the result that marked improve: wzakness developed from weak obtained.
Ne vousness is a form of mental Ways by which real great things are but it looms almost infinitestimal, as representative of the ments have been in colored residential areas, in the matter nerves; th patient 10 is afflicted wealth of upward of twelve million people, when we conOne of our peculiar weaknesses sider that the combined wealth of just a tew individuals of of streets, sewerage and other public facilities.
oeing easily agitated and is sat is, either non ti support a leader or some races in America will exceed that amount.
In the city of Panama there is great need for such a ject of undue exctement Nervus to support him regardles of his commission. not interracial) to regulate the abnormal high ess is a disease from wrich, if a policy an attitude which wilt only after all, unless the black man can be made to realize that So there is nothing so inspiring in the announcement rentals which aim a death blow at the very core of business leader suffers, his chances of succeed in holding us where we are each day, it is becoming more necessary that he rely upon in this city.
ucess is greuth minimized; in th nearly all tha chances of modtagere tronders by ng roup of people interest of the Negro wa are to have work of a nature, oth ar th in the mɔst menial, it backward, in. his fforts in every line of enhvy. If his children incompeteut load any THE SALVATION ARMY men but toe mob.
be served when he is led by cool is he that must provide an opening.
My idea of Mareu: Garvey headed leaders, who are not sub eadership is that wi ile it carries Jects to which the If he wants admission to the best schols and univerFarewell of Commandant Mrs. Marti corbe sound philosoply, inability to přgo sities of the country, h: must be in position to contribute nethods he propund for the tiate or our botterment ei her with something to their upkeep as other races are doing. The Toele has been a great stir say farewell to brantiful Panama Ichivement real in the ranks of the Salvation Army hod its people, after nearly two conspicucusly uosta be; this are ourselves or with the more ad curtain is about to fall on his role as an object of charity and vanced peoples is annexed, Ab pity to whom spacial concessions must be made, and it is in various parts, math elobe of gears of stron nowe Jabor io love the enery beigne due principalader with coal handwlodge a backed up to him to meet the test of his ability to stand on his late, Panama no City; wa have erown to nervousness of the.
exception coming in for its share, its poseen many among whom a great amount With a the past few weeks there best made many friends, and Finding himself in a position to do derived from an actual study of him own feet, as other races have done.
good for his is a most efficient weapod with Twelve billion dolars! It is a lot of money, but not have been a couple of changes in wo labord turn from a life of people, his over anxiety to act and which our leaders shoud aru enougat, to even make a dent in the formidable walls which the local ranks Adju ant aud Mr me to honour, righteousness see them free, developed into acute themselves.
confront him in every part of our land and country.
G, Wiggan of La Bera sailed and peace; some of whom are now nervousness. It is not And nervoue leaders, more often forw contatican dwar auch bei mele salvation Army, mobile others are bin splendid succes in having lied with mistrust use in med ago again to pery wee openly than not, are suspicious, They are Martin of the Panama Corps have gone to other denominations directed the attention of the cauea doubt the tincerity of their FALSE ACCUSATIONS are under sailing orders for Bri according to their owo choice, sian to the fact that it is only a ablest and most sincere supporters; Of Alleged Immorality Dismissed by Court tish Honduras, and will leavi. measure of success achieved matter of time whea force of and the worst of it al, they aze The on Thursday next for their uew bas been gratifying, and for weiate acknowiedge the Negro us his which the best traders are sub an article published by the Spanish bonds that disturb the tranquility circumstances will compel him to uable to stand the criticiso to The following is a translation of of the threatering gang of vaga field of labour, via Jamaica, Comandant and Mrs. Martin. ppointed od. Now that we are brother man. we praise to the command of our jceted. They waste valuable tim newspaper Es Motivos at of the neighborhood. This is the during their short stay of nearly work in British Honduras which is My idea of the way or the route fighting imaginary seme Colon in reviewing the recent opinion of Motivos of Colon in two years in Pa ama bave made located on the east coast of Central by which to acquire greatness, is many entiends whò will indeed be Americaie we disiree to express our for one to first develop athe abiity President Calvin Costidura in. Watson of the Coos Bəyə Insti brought against Director Watson The cool headedness with which charges made against Commander connestion with the recent charge mang tropate with them aud the heartfelt er atitude to the Com: to work with cool bead cato be ters the affairs of the United State. rute, and which was sent us for here be aforementioned persons be familiar in and a tout come city of extended to our work from time to tiongineGreates may bearinly be to tem. He too much in the Watson, Dircetor of the Colorata familiar fizure of munity splendid tolerant yet firm in his convichas commended itself to the worl! publication:fore Circuit Court of Panama will be greatly missed for time.
imagined as within hearing or philosophy, six days the Lord Color Boys Institute, was recent be mediators of four boys who a to feeling distance, but it may be estely said of him that We thank all our friends out to it 15, la most cases, otarmade Heaven day. He is alive to Mrs. Stevens, members of year ago were expelled from the and Earth and reste he ly seeused by E. Muchett and was the friend of all, and the supporters for the assistance afenemy of none.
forded us during our sojourn here.
immeasurable distances, Mr.
the fact that man, by by bis tunity of bidding the Commao. WORKMAN and The PANAMA Breatness if he were not ner Vous; this mundame sphere to his slags with beya under his custody after being expelled made shameful The WORKMAN takes this cpporto the STAR HERALD, THE ey might have achieved more real empty wish to reform the peoples of the Colon Hum 1ne Society, offistitute on account of their corWe having carried out immoral deal rupted manners; the boys having statements the against the City, we beg to tender sincere bas, up to now, succeeded in bring that it the peoples are ever Director of dunt and Mrs. Martin bon voyage AMERICAN Newspapers of this busy yet do wɔnders, Heiseness and at his will, fails Under the circumstances, if be to practiced in their new sphere of labour, dheir extended courtesis and thanks and warm apprecintion for accusations could be proven, it the Institute in that he dabit own words bis and Nire, work here.
Below we give in the. Commanvices rendered in relation to our to achive real greatness he will for which he has nct been openly one purpo:e, it must necessarily be community and consequently bring with the youegsters under his car, It happoned that these accusa.
Martin farewell to the people of On Tuesday, 15th June. 80, have to fase the cold facts that everuthe actual time alotted for the who, since the yaar 1920 gained tions were made against Watso evolution of Padama:ljust about the time when he was from the Guru It is with mixed feelings that Our fioal Farewell will be one cannot defy, wi, bout coase to the fact that the stability of the privince of Colul euch pro er about to bave received a gold quent trouble, rational man conMrs. Martin and myzelf kave to (Continued o Page 8) ception or his practical knowledge (Crntinued on page 8)
ti to clul Jut the city of Culo tutti. ced on pa e. best aervuusness the inevitable Testilts are of to of hi and the actual on the seventh.


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