
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands is 100 Labourer Relieved of His Savings.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD artimenest the passengers who Mary.
the incidents to police.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. train nin Says the GLEANER of the 29th ulto, there is a garg of wily rerple, who work not, nor wart still operanting round the wharves and fleecinx ignorant latourers returning from Cuba of tbeir hard earned saving. is curred from an incident which only a few days ago.
on the Rimlik Thursday was Charles Oldbam of 1field, SU When he stepped off the boat he was met by man xiving his name as Ralph Anderson who solicited his patronage for his hotel.
Oldham all onsuspecting took Anderson into his contidence and when he was asked if he had any guns or machettes iu bis possesson be said he tad a gun sewn up in a pillow. Aaderson persuad. Oldham to give it to him tt at he ceuld hood wiok the custom officer, and this he readily did.
The couple then went to the Wakefield Hotel and Oldbam was shown his quarters by bis acquaintance. Some time afterwards Anderson returned and that the deception had been discovered and the landing waiter had demanded 55 dollars for a settlsment or else be would bave Oldbam arrested. The man was terrified at the idea of being arrested and be parted with the money.
The countryman seemed to have become copsious that he had been duped and be at once reported the matter to the Police The electric For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT said that Saxovesse Sko wil!
TRINIDAD of cheap mo Divorce Bill ulto.
JAMAICA Bogus Cheques Changed For Cash Suggestion to Increase The Giesner understands Tram Car Charges that within the past two or three weeks quite a number of gentlemen who neither work nor waat PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY AND bava arrived in Jamaica from a THE RENEWAL OF THIR EX. peixbburing repub is and they ISTING LICENSE bave joined bands with a certain Dar set of gangsters. The result has been that several young ASKS FOR MONOPOLY. women have been fleeced, and out of shame realizing the trap into which they have fallen thay Opinion Also Expressed as to have refrained from reporting Responsibility for Road the Maintenance.
The modus operandi of these criminal is to arm themselves with a ch qu book the leaves The GLEANER states that of which hiye been printod out side the island. The head of the tha licose of the Public Service Company for gang takes up his abode in a the running of the vay lodging house in the centre of pvetem is now under the const she city, and his operatives atderation of the Goverurent. Kiosston Some of these rustica tend at the Rxilway Stati There they meet the The company operates the train unwary way and the lighting of the eithe municipality u der the dit either come to Kingston with a view of going to Cubs or to find terent licenses the teose as employment in the cits videz Incompany license; tbe cense for variably they bring their savings the electric lighting of Kirgston and the electric ligti g, of St. with the and the confiderca Ardrew. The ipe, mer seem to have no difficulty in. which is a perpetual license, getting money out of them. They are imformed can only be ter ter are promised all sorts of employ minated in the event of seriou ment and to ba given luck, Cuba Then if they are going to failures on the part of the com different ideas about the new tual, obligations, or with the then. It is only when they are pany to carry out its sonras: El Dorado are impressed on consent of both the company and relievid of these cash that the. the Government.
Todo poor dupes realize that it is all in connection with the Tran mistake. Three or four cases way cense it is understood that have recantly occurred, but the The company wisbes to charge most gliring was an instance more than 21 per ride in the where a woman deposited with prescribed areas now covered by one of these gangsters fully 30 80 that fare. The company and was gvan a bogos cheque ask for a monopoly of the cheap which, on pre entation in Cuba er passenger trađic in the muni cipality. This means that in the gangster, are prospering in mooi was found to be no good. The event of mother busses (apart Kingston and it would not be from taxis) ever being adopted as surprising if they were soon the new form motor con rounded up veyance, then the company would have the sole righ to put sach else being allowed to do so. It The and the also believed that the company will not undertake to keep Police Force.
order any part of a stike through which its lines may ru.
Its contention is that this liabil. Mr. Raman Philan writirg ty shɔuld not be under taken by from Buenavista say, that the tram cars company. In the past breaking up of the is when such liability was as suam had native bora officer wbichia for the best. Toe Roglide at ever mule and horse power was ployed, and the boofs of the ani something to ba pitied. The nd mals did inflict a certain amount should be turned on to the of damage on the road which no police who should plar three tram ble times a week in the Victoria car service could do The obligation which the Park The band should play bac West India Eectric Com ans the entertainment of the pablic mand for broadcasting purpose. predecessors of the Public Service Company) andar Referring to the police force, between the tram iines repaired car stables are dressed in a fishthe our a slun lir way to the other in which is against all the laws portions of the roadway adj cont. of Hygiene and economics. belt The Public Service Conpan y con around a policeman waist is uotends thit this was a u Istak neces ars. All his ege egalom :nt can and consequently an effort is be carrid in a pocket de for being made to bring about a that purpose in his trousers. change.
baltless coat or jacket gives a The whola matter is w be polic policeman a chance of being fore th, Government.
more active is of bis de dury and does not stomach Heary clothing tend to create irritation of the skin and 1884 onitorm like that worn The police should Stabblng Afier Brothers Row. the blue with black stripes and a peaked for Lucea, May 25. very sad and on every day duty, occurrence was reported to the and helmet. Our correspondent Sunday white clothes police here last night from th says that he has ea told that district of Jericho wbich led to the arrest of Percival Raid a bor force never get any further than Jamaica who in the police of about twelve yeass of age for the killing of his elder brother, the rack of sub luspector. He Abel Reid.
recalls the case of one with Scoth parentage who had to resign From wbat can be gathered rather than stay down for ever.
the facts of the case are as fol Mr. Pailin notices that the traffic lows: The two brothers were policemen acts like a dummy. He playing at marbles in their yard thinks that the police officers when the accused complained of should be given leave of absence the unfairness of his brother to tudy police methods not only play, in Europe but also in America. contention arose during In conclusion oar correspondent which blows were passed the points out tha, there are two accused being the greater sut biggest cities which are under coloured regiments in America ferer, They both then went to coloured officers, the chief officer dinner. After dinner the deceas.
ed seemed elated at his triumph employing the rank of Lieutenant and continued to tease hts Colonel (Gleaner. brother. The accused then drew his knife and stabbed him in the chest, right over the heart.
West India Chemical The deceased was able to reWorks.
port what had happened to his The mother called to the neighbours The West Inda Chemical for assistance but within hall an Works located at Spanish Town hour life was extinct. The mat whieh have deen closed down for tec was reported to the police over months will resun. e opəraHouse Rent Receipt Books.
the emPossibly Jamaica SPANISH ENGLISH in the pursait of his Hess hot, cramp Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies control The Port of Spain Gazette of Tri.
nidad in its issue of the 9tb says: By his suggestion that a law of Divorce should inter.
duced in this Colony Mr. Reilly has shown that he is A: possessed of a sense of public duty which inspires him to hrave controversial stor which bis motion must inevitably precipitate.
Tbe notice of motion reads: That in the opinion of this Council it is expedient that the Gwernment should introduce a Bill providing for judicial a suparation and for the dissolu tion of 0, marriage in certain cases.
Laws for judicial sepa ration and the dissolution of marriage already obtain British Guiana, and some of the neighbouring Islands and so far as Trinidad is cor cerned a divorce law js long overdue. It is certain. ibat, perhaps inside the Council and certainly outside, there will be strenuous opposi.
tion to the proposal, but that is no reason for evading the issue which is, in plain English whether the people of Trinidad are entitled. in Cormon with with other enlightened com a unities, to be emancipated from ecclesiastical in one of the most important conditions of their lives. Trinidad is the a part of British Empire affairs are controlled from the centre of it, where the law of divorce is divided into three classes, namely, declaration against marriage, restitution of conjugal rights and jadicial separation and divorce.
mentioned class, we preeume, is the one Mr. Reillys notice of motion is intended to cover. suit for judicial separation does not dissolve marriage wbile a suit for divorce proper, if successful, dissolves the marriage contract altogether and teaves the parties at liberty marry again. Either party may petition for judicial separation on the groued of adultery, or cruelty or desertion witbeut cause for two years or upwards.
In such a claim damages from the copetition a busband may respondent: Very often a decree for judicial separation is made the ground of a petition for divorce. Where partial or complete divorce is sought relief can cnly be obtained upon proof of offences under the ecclesiastical law or under offences by statute. Continued from page 2)
сар wbɔ. e The last CAN BE HAD AT The Workman to Stationery Store ADVERTISE to In The WORKMAN it Pays now in custody in Lucea.


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