
MARLBORO the elder where caught hold of their drowning The body of the THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret. Orders ana tbis is MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS to all NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES (From Our Correspondent)
THE WORKMAN sad occurrence took pl. ce bere on Thursday the 3rd inst, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies At about 30 pm. Elida Ro 2, VALROND. at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes years, daught of Sinar Juan Ruiz, Police Constable No.
Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
All copy for publication must be CIGARETTES 429, in the lako; PO Box 74, Panama NOW for a written on one side of paper only, and abe was sent to to scbool, but Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of apparently feeling the heat of THE MILDNESS OF the westber sbe went for a One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaAMERICA BEST together with her two smaller Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
brothers; the water at the Three 6e.
We do not undertake to return reprint where they went to bathe is Ose 25.
jected correspondence.
very deep, and all three of them The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS would have been drowned had the two little boys not been SATURDAY JUNE 12, 1926, rescued by Miss Amelia White, who was also bathwith them. When Ellda dis.
HAS THE NEGRO ANY RIGHT appeared below the surface, her 10 DEMOCRACY?
younger brother was trying to the two brothers rescue her, but the smaller of both Under the above caption, not so long ago we, belabored were also ning; Amelia this subject in these very columns in exten so and today in seelog plight swam out and similar vein under stress of existing adverse conditions we dragged both together ashore.
are forced to revert to the not very pleasant task and repeat Much credit is dne to the little Recommended by that the statesman of long years ago has decided the interE. VALENCIA heroine White who did not pretation of democracy from the political standpoint, is lose her wit at such a time, and Government of the people, by the people, for the people. PHILIP MORRIS bas saved the two boys from Agent This is an undisputed right of those who constitute the deceased was recovered and was national sovereignty in our modern system of government, burled at Limon the following all those in the national life who are discharging thé duties day, attended by the school chil of citizenship, and have not vitiated this important duty dren from New Providence and from the committal of political offences, felony, or physical devis ondicions de Limon. The entire colony sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz incapacity; under the Constitution of all civilized governin their sad bereavement.
ments, have the right of suffrage. One of the most important demands on the citizen is, that he should pay national contribution for the upkeep and maintenance of the Sunday School anniversary services will be held at the sovereignty. civic, judicial, and administrative expenditures Wesleyan Church tomorrow in connection with the country in whlch he exercises his OF(Sunday) 13th Inst. at 11 a.
political rights, and 30 The Rev.
The broadened view of those who are the political Cousins, Pastor of the church, will officiate, and Miss Doris leaders of the advanced countries have laid down, that in a Russell tbe organist is busy democratic country, there must be no taxation without IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF preparicg the children representation Representation implies, the right to particichurch chair for the occasion; the pate in the functions of government by popular suffrage.
everybody know what The citizen has certain well defined rights and duties to means. very cordial invitation perform and the exercise of these rights, are regulated by extended to come and make this ap er joyable day both constitutional privileges; no man can honorably or honestly morning and afternoon. Collec.
take from another the provisions of equity, on which the tions will be taken up on beball national sovereignty is based. Among the incivilities by of the Sunday School work.
which nations or individuals provoke and irritate each other is the withholding from them the opportunity to enjoy the Suitable for Lodge Business It is regiettable that the telenational privileges of equal rights.
phone rosts at a short distance One of the most distressing of all selfish positions is from New Providence village that assumed by one class of people in denying others the. THEare flag one after very rights by which they succeeded in their national another, and are allowed to remain 80 for several werks, development There is scarcely an epithet of abuse found thereby obstructing the foot in the English language with which some men have not path made by the people here, loaded on the Negroes, because they seek to develop themand making it more difficult for selves through the same channels which brought others up Biman and beast to travel along.
to a standard of wealth, intelligence and influence. Every angoaran Taman TNI AD TO ADD TO ano ang napada na ang pangang abang anyo nga ang pangarap naman ang The law which provides for the thing which rancour, prejudice, ignorance or knowledge stablishment of this Colony, cound suggest, is poured forth in the copious fury of hatred; to be given by the government, also for road facilitie because of the belief that man has property rights in man.
without which 80 many people That men should take up arms and spend their lives in an would not have been influneced energy to prove, not to maintain their rights, but to prove to come and settle down here.
and we are loyally that others have no rights, is an entirely new species of the requirements of the discovery, and suited to the paradoxical genius of some of our present writers, who hold that one of the evils of said, law by getting a road to cur taxes but instead of democracy was, it is likely to be common. Every faollitate us along the line of people must be competent to the purposes which its occaprogress. the foot path which was sions require. When a man ceases to be his power, and ourselves bave laboured had to make is now intercepted by the his wants ceases with him; and having no longer any parti government telephone wire, Has Sipation in the concerns of this world, he has no longer any the law becoafe (to usë the Gerright to the demands of citizenship.
man phraseology) a mere scrap of paper. There was a time when Kings disposed of their crowns All the telephone posts which upon their deathbeds, and consigned the people, like beasts were supplied by the men of for the field to whatever successor they appointed. This is.
New Providence are in good so exploded as scarcely to be remembered, and so order, those which Ale falliqg monstrous as hardly to be believed. It is this unwilling: down were supplied by the con tractors.
ness of some people to grant to the Negroes, the very principles which brought forth an Abraham Lincoln, as will continue to perpetuate injustice, set up discontent and disThe Banana Industry affection, as to result in revolt against this propaganda of continuous slavery which is acting as a cankerworm among For the month of May, 215, 845 a certain element of humanity. What utmost stretch of bunches of bananas were shipped to San Pedro and New Orleans, by imagination can conceive; what possible obligation can exist, that one people should hold absolute sentiments of San Blas Developing Corporation, the United Fruit Company and control over another, even to the point of demanding that Lee Ward and Diaz, banana grow fair and honest intentions of living to the standard of ers on the Gatin Lake, The ship.
modern requirements should be denied those of an opposite OKKSSK Sex ments ouver from May to May 29 and were taken away by ten ships.
race or nationality, greater absurdity cannot present itself to the understanding of man in these days of enlightenment shipments by and progress than the keeping down of any people. Under changing and the opinions of men change also; and as gov CHURCH SERVICES were United Company. 098, 63 how many subtilities or absodities must the Negro be told ernment is for the benefit of man, all are supposed to par. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHUHCE bunches: San Blas Developing Cor (Anglican Catholie)
poration, 102, 002 bunches; Lee and that democracy was not intended for him and that he is take of the benefits provided in the natural and political Diaz, 15, 207 buachese.
still a slave. These sentiments when expressed serve to rights of all men.
St. Paul Church, Panama demonstrate how necessary it is at all times to watch For a nation or people to love liberty, it is sufficient Rov. Nightedgale, Rootor) a. Holy Communion The Rretor against the attempted encroachment of power, and to pre that it is known, and to be free, it is sufficient that we 10. 15 Matin Mr. Atwell, ooo3000000000000000 300g vent its running to excess in our human selfishness. It must will it to others. How dry, how barren, and obTRY shows that the right man as interpreted by Abraham scure is the sentiments of those who believe that the 10. 50 Holy Bucha ist cermon Lincoln is yet imperfectly understood. There never did, Negroes has no right to democracy. Every history of The Rector 12. 30n. Holy Baptism, there never will, and there never can, exist any proper or the creation, and every traditionary account, whether KRONEN BRAU pm Church School.
moral rights to hold a people down by abject slavery from the lettered or unlettered world, however they may 30 Choral Evensong, sermon under, any kind of pretense.
vary in their opinion, or belief of certain particulars, all ON DRAUGHT Man, has no property in man; neither has any genera agree in establishing one point, the unity of man; by which The Rector, OR BOTTLES tion a property in the generations to follow. At no time in it is mean, that men are all of one degree, and consequently St. Alban Church, Paraiso the world history was the Negro a subjugated people. He that all men are born equal and with equal natural rights, 0900000000000000000008 was the unfortunate child of circumstance and force; ini in the same manner as if posterity had been continued by (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Priest in Charge.
tiated by those of a very selfish and degraded nature. The creation instead of by generation, the latter being the only m. Holy Communion and sermon DR. HOFFMANN weaker any chord is, the less will it bear to be stretched, mode by which the former is carried forward; and consehas transferred bis clinic to 37 and the worse is the policy to stretch it, unless it is intend. quently every child born into the world must be considered Rev. Nightengale.
3p. Church School and Confirms. Central Ave. upper floor of La ed to break it. It requires but a very small glance of as deriving its existence from God, The world is as new dich Dinotructions Mascota in front of the Alcalde thought to perceive that there is a systematic plan to keep to it as it was to the first man that existed, and his natural 30 Choral Evensong addrene Entrance between La Mascota the Negroes down. It not by legislation by harsh. senti right in it is of the same kind.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist. and Preciado Book Store, ments. The circumstances of the world are continually (To be Continued. Continued on page 8)
TELEPHONE 991, EVO down Workman Stationery Store complying with GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATS ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply CANAL ZONE.


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