
Attractions at the Theatres evening muito bom my roing wita mean Jim by recom The converticle, it boeting place. il bot. pecial musical problema What Is Your Fortune?
Dr. Johnson, Dental Sur.
8peaking of these days of (PANAMA. COLON)
PANAMA geon, with office in Panama city, addressed the LA dominant materialism, remind me ibat went to hear Dr.
TODAY, Saturday June 12th and SATURDAY, June 12th TODAY. Saturday June 2th a luceday last. Jobnson si sin give his idea of God. Now TOMORROW Sunday June 13th Buck Jones in Special Cast in ly, with the aid ol ebar, task as a matter fact, it was not per Harold Lloyd in WINNER TAKE ALL DANTE INFERNC.
audience around the teeth.
firming wbat migbt and gladly would have done, did not be THE FRESHMAN describing SUNDAY, June 13th their formatio SUNDAY June 13th lieve that the Dr. bad any ides of growth, and the many di ea: MONDAY, June 14th Thomas Meigham in Ged that could interest me. But Perey Marmont in to which they are subjected, to IRISH LUCK Charles Ray in bear the lecture LORD JIM worse of which he said is Pyorcame to pass in this way. One DYNAMITE SMITH rhea Alveolaris which, MONDAY, June 14th MONDAY, June 14th morning while was going to others, is responsible for mapa work for my bonest. bread Cyrus TUESDAY, June 15th Elesine Hammerstein in Rex (Horse) in buman fils, such as radiesta bailec me with, Hello Gas, are THE KING OF WILD HORSE THE UNWRITTEN LAW and many others, and even carSpecial Cast in you going Doot stop me in the cumption. He empbas d on the middle of a conversation like THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA TUESDAY, June 15th no cessity for the greatest care TUESDAY, June 15th 10 :the that, Mr. Elior it is protection of the teeth, laying Cullen Landis in Reginal Danny in stress on the kind of tooth pick, No do not mean that colors. WEDNESDAY, June 16th WHERE WAS PEACOCK FEATHERS tooth brusb and dentrifice wbicb Cyrus, tbe noted produce the best result. He conpathologist of Billvar Street, Zasu Pitts in WEDNESDAY, June 16th Pluded his address WEDNESDAY, June 16th Well, it you did not know that be PRETTY LADIES Adolph Menjou in mending the tooth 2nd gum Harold Lloyd in pathologist, that le pot my.
massage every morning.
fault Yes was saying. JIM THE KING OF MAIN STREET THURSDAY June 171h THE FRESHMAN Doctor was accorded irlaing asked me if were going to hear Dr, Austin give bis ides of Perey Marmont in vote of thanks from en appreTHURSDAY June 17th THURSDAY June 17th clable Audience for truly eduto night, at the Baptist church. LORD JIM Charles Ray in Anita Stewart in cativo baddress.
Ordinarily, would bave tela Jim that the Baptists have to DYNAMITE SMITH NEYER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET FRIDAY June 18th church, and will never have one.
FRIDAY, June 18th Empire Star Lodge.
Eleaine Hammerstein in FRIDAY June 18th They may have Tom Mix in you please, bui THE UNWAITTEN LAW Special Cast in OH YOU TON The Empire Star Lodge No. 2, no church. Naturally, an argo: THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA Illustrious Order of Star of ment woald bare ensued, would SATURDAY June 19th SATURDAY, June 19th SATURDAY June 19th Bethlebem, will bero a Pleasant have beaten poor Jim from an Richard Bartlemebe in eclesiastical point of view. But Bunday afternoon at the Club Dorothy Revier in Zasu Pitto in how about it when have to go boude on Sunday afternoon the THE BEATIFUL CITY PRETTY LADIES THE SWORD OF VALOR to him for medicine? And as it 20th, begining balf past three. of Balbos is, am not feeling duy too Heights will speak, and there bright, Anyway, we decided to KO and hear the lecture, 30 There be no collection soon as the shade of tion, expression.
night had faileo. went to my alay na, yet win trust in Blo Thougb He Mrs. Caroline and Miller Everybody is invited. Secretary Nooly of the Club home, Does the Dr. catch tbe full albPasses Away house will be the Chairman After baving taken my repast. cerity of such an expression. journeyed to the conventiele. It bis imbecible friend was in Madam, Ron. will Interpret Zodiacal Signs All the moun bere bad taken ibor an institution, taking his idea Taboga Outing sesta before the lecturer came. It stands, ble objective God onoh wook for Roadors of this paper Mrs. Caroline Millor aged 54)
It would be great wonder was the darse.
native of Jaunslen, from the And if the im1mWATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Parish of Clarendon, breathed There will be an outlog to the Sid or the Lady member does beclle was left to go at largo, be ber last at ber residence 031 Island of Taboga on the Bftb of not catch out the Addisonian bad mapy Gods, or no Gud at all. Juno 10 tone. remained ou taldo wait. submit that the first two words will strive long to attain. As Avenida Melender, on Thursday July, in charge of MaCauley dealer in merchandise, an advertis morning, June Hir demise Bayne, well known promoter of ing for my friend Cyrus Hein The Lord prayer, Our Tho Sign of Gomini tho ing writer, a journalist or an official came shock to never turned up. That is Jim si Father, are for and away saperher annual excursions to Panama Twins over. He never made a a promise or to anything that bao ever you have fair chance to attain numerous friends and acquaint bealth resort. It la quite a little phenomenal success, Roces, for, until late Wednesday while since opportunity has that he did not live long enoug to come from the lisping lipe of Entertaining, witty and fond of break. It is going to be hard on any imbecile. God Spirit, out door sports, you will never be afternoon, deceased was minio been given the residents here to Peacock blue is your soul. color. tering to the wants of sick bave dip in the enchanting that boy at the last day. was says Corist, and it takes more ithout admirers. The sign under and your lucky stone is the sapo friend Wednesday night, she waters of Taboga, and those wbo just about to retrace my step, than an Imbecile to improve on which you were born bae decrend phire, which reflects the sparkle of went to bed, apparently in the desire to make this trip should when heard 802e one said, were be popularbut 1)Gas, come to bear the abstract idea of God, would go care must be taken that you do not. bit about Mr. It was Anglio, got to Those horn under this sign should night sbe for Arose, complaining. indications are that there will be Matthew Arnold Literature kuow him fourteen years ago, and Dugma, and take out the constantly forsake old friends You are inclined to erave the mate in Libra or Aquarius, as the Aid was summoned, but by one no last minute bookingere We worked together at the spirit that maketa tor Right attentio of the many while caring natures of the latter while interest o clock. be bd crossed the. course, that If this is not the little for the lasting friendship of the ing side which would tend to stabi.
ing and varied yet have a steady Grot Divide Junior Memb rs, Evening story. bardly ex. most changed greetings, when a coact betr sublime espersion a few Consequently, while you have Abstract iden, lize the fickleness of the Gemini: Funeral rites were performed drove up and some one alighted. know which it!
like to many admirers, you may, by your börn.
Gemini perples on the whole by the Rev. Cousins, and The Junior members of the That the Dr. mys Anglio to crude and anthropomorphic itew real friends. Fickleness in your life Children born under this sien evening at Deceased was pleted the arrangement of a good Thu Dr e. God own fault, find that you have too unilare fortunate in their home the body was interred at the Mount Hope Cemetery, Thursday La Boca Athenaeum bave comme, let us go inIn we went He lo still the jealous God thature must constantly be com are restless and eager, but brilliant well known on the lath muo, program to be rer dered on Tues Wint lead us into pray. God who visit the side of the bated.
and need careful and sympathetie coming here as early as 1908. Hymn was given out, the sing father upon the cbildren anto dap bigbt next. It will be Your effervescence which in due supervision.
ing staried, and a lady kindly the third nod fourth cederation, to the influence of tha planet Mer.
She was an active chorob met decided to allot one nigbt.
membered that tbe Society bas offered me hymn book, wibch bis is sbe God who bates curtain cary will carry you a long way ba more kindly refused. Copyrighted 1925 by Henne ber and in June 1928, married month to ite Junior members, at Bhe thing, yet liuse while before toward success, and may bring you Adams Syndicate. Nr. Edgar Miller, one of the which time they will be given smiled aympathetically at me, as the Dr. told u that Stewarda God made Ibo Wesleyard to Il te Poor tellow, he cant everything, 01 course, the guins which more plodding nature Methodist Church of blch abe charge and present their own rond. cated to tell her that make God to have some of the WAS member.
program with sboroweI can read alright, but cant owe creation, too bad. Rr.
porary officero presiding, per slog. Now it Jim had come, the Austin. God, to the Gud of the The sympathy of the entire Tuesday, Mion situation would have been saved. onoment.
OIA community in extended to the preside, while her slower Gallos THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED husband in these. times of grie. mina will act a Secretary.
he He can sing alright, but he cant ut God this one of the Sbo slao leaves a daughter. Mr. contents of the mean that in spite of bio is the lowest of the low. ItourEtbel Jettroy of Net York City heen given out but the young program glasens ho ant to read. Any passat me to think how a roon way, we would have been able to able in a believe in such If mourn her loob, to whom she store promloo. pleasant and content work have any trouble with your you out a scheme. The Dr. was brutal and unjunt duolrive. The was dearly atracbed.
introduced, and 10 was the first man who expect to proudly Other serviving relatives are Athenaeum extends through the Mirrors or Reflectors three slotero, aod one brother, medium apecial lovitation to time that noticed that there enter the portale of beacon with was not a piece of work of art in the precious blood of the lono no residing lo Jamaica. the yondk men and women of the o In the whole place. do not know cont Jesus dripping ott ble foot, Jamaica Papers please copy community, aloo to parenta aod how any one erold Worsbip in is fit for the deepest bell The send them to No. building, 12th guardians, to attend xt Tuessuch drah looking house. The Dr.
mind. October Street, Guachapali, u here they The Alliance Literary and day meeting and is en to the juniors. Meeting starts at p. o.
Epistle of John and the the first told that he could concelte of Dabating Society Elects New sharp.
ebapter of the Gospel acenrdin God with parts, and can conceive to John were evasolted. Up that of Bio without parte, He will be carefully and substantially repaired Quarted Officers point there was nothing new. out to also new ones made to order at moderate The Path Across the Hill The same old firm ran by tbt an idea te da se bo we could have thulle of God. He took Bro.
The above bamed Soclety held same old name told us that Witt as an Iample, but before very interesting meeting at the you want to have an estimate Balboa and Pedans he was half way through. be at Tickets are now on sale for the Cristobal Silver Clabbouse (1. third presentation of the comedyand some other angle ing spoja nped to of work to be done, send a card to meeting place)
Monday nixbt drama The Path Acrosy the atheists. There was notbing new and never remembered to return. to June 7th, The Programme was The Play scored the exof two fold interest:man in the world has adopted on the atheist do not believe that BROWN The election of Officers for the Friday night and will be repeated pected success at Paraiso on of these positions. After warning here is a God bor au se, he can itical us not to bring any Ancon PO, Box ensuing term.
1223 bere on the 19ıb instant.
to bear on the nighw die pot prove the moment that Literary Programme based on the Life of Tennyson.
courae, or to put it in his owa began to be.
Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United Then be triumphantly tbander.
words. You cannot fod dnt ed to the amazed congregation, Officers elected were as folGod by your understanding. Nu mao kuwa when he of bim States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
low8: Ponso. president, Tennyson as a Poet by Mr. Which means that you cannot sell began to be. At first glance Rayside, Vice President Whittingham.
fiod opt God at all. He told us this argument looks liks sophism. re electeo) Whittingham, On Monday night June 14th, that the best definitiva that he when you tara over in your Theist, there must be first ature and Dogma, can stand. tant Secretary, McAllister, There will also be an interestin Secretary, Quarless, Assis the officers will be installed.
has ever beard of God be got his mind, you will see that it is sheer cause. Again the Atheist re Spirit that maketh for Righteous. Treasurer.
from an imbecile, It is not true that the minds his friend that, science Dess, But your jealous God.
debate taking place on this infakes. care ol me. And this to atheist doubts that there is. God Literary Programme Night portant subject Resolved that witb TennysonProbibition is an intringement the idea that be says is the best moment God beran to be. Honest universe shows no algo tbst la visits the sins of the fathers upon Plano Selection by Mr. upon the rights of citizenship the children unto the third and tbat be has ever beard. Whittingham supportly God is. The fourth It is unimportant for a mao to the stonement. we reject. Your ed by Mr. Penso says, will Plano Selection by Mr. the Affirmative of the by And Austin is a doctor of the Thetst starts to prove his to be. The question is beyond a peal to the very ignorant. Your Mr. Thomae.
question, while Mr. Raysupported by McAllisdivinity. Does the Doe wanted to be the beach and even the double Merando en Decorate y discourse, character ze este fine Recitatation Ode on the ter will defend the negative.
that of suo, moon take. cordial invitation is extended Hebrew prophets never reached very earth that we inbabit.
These think, therefore, Pam. No, plece et incoherent and revivalis Death of the Duke of Wellington by Mr. McAllister.
such a bigb idea? One who takes thlage are, and everything that Dr. Austin, your idea of God does we rant.
to the general public to listen to Surb of time is not sufficiently ls, must have had a maker, and not appeal to many of Cod. We Address. Early life of a keenly contested battle of comprehensive to embody the be grios. Toe Atheist, rently bave risen above the God of the Tennyson Blake.
pository arguments. The winter Rent Receipt Books In Span And coming as it reminds that he had said a mo Pentateuch.
The God of Christ Address Tennyson as an of this debate will be determined God idea.
Imb cile, it is ment before that, God is: Ergº can stand. God is Spirit. The Ish and English for sale at the Author Penso, by majority vote of the audience.
hypocrisy. Listen to a conscien No no, ries the bewildered idea in Mathew Arnold Liter Workman Printery Paper Oritical comment Meeting starts at shaap.
Culd Storage. in COUDEN otber and Bro ot Labor Jardin ram bave not rond.
Dr. hea wonderlal prices. If the people are Agnostics, Iof. dels faculty but it wbo nonsense Mr your God of Lowbar.
Then be challenged the con Thest the poeition is this: The bad a beginning.
champion him side and ther


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