
Hindu Gave The Clue. For Wonder Ray Prince of Wales Lauds Works of British Legion WILL PIERCE SIX FEET OF LEAD AND DRIVE PROPELLERLESS SH.
FOR EX SERVICE MEN farl Hals Advocatos The Form Well Doer Tobacco growing district of the whole world are drawn upon to supply the choice leaf required for Chesterfield.
CHI But blend of the world most famous tobaccos HESTERFIELD calls for the best in tobaccos: the choicest of smooth and mellow North American varieties, enriched by the rare delicacy of costly Turkish.
But fine tobaccos alone are not enough.
For in large measure Chesterfield owes its satisfying smoothness of flavor to the exceptional skill with which these tobaccos are blended.
Change the tobaccos or change the blend. either way you lose that suave richness which belongs to Chesterfield, and to Chesterfield alone.
Dobarlllloan PAIN ENEMY)
Chesterfield CIGARETTES Up to date Jewelry Wonder Ray which wil peperate six feet of lead or set in motion and control a rudd.:less and propellerless boat bas been barnessed by an Eugi army veteran. C. Ibbotson, according to the Barnley Ex press, which adds: The new ray will, in fact, penetrate any known substance, and Mr. Ibbotson can contrul bis model boat through two brick walls and ten feet of earth.
this is the only love of! his minor achivements. Ibto sou can use his apparatus tourn steel into powier, or lump sugar into sometbing wbica looks like cbarcoal Mr. Ibbotson has invented an electrical gun, too, and by using a two millionth part of pw at his lisposal, can fire a bull sevon inches long with sufficient force to bury it in a wall. Such gun could be turned out at the rate of thousands a day, and could be fired contiguously for bours without any detrimental effect to the gun itsell. It could also be adopted to replace those used on battles bips today, and in this respect would have an added advantage, for there is no recoil. and comparatively smal vessels could carry light but powerful armaments. It bigh explosiye shells were required, they could be used as to day, for the cu.
her rent, through; discharging tae projectile at terrific speed, would not act on the explosive insid tbe shell.
Mr. Ibbotson is not very much concerned about its use as a war machine however. If this is fully developed in that direction. he said, war would be far too borrible to comtemplate, and dat ons will bave to find other means to settle their disputes.
With this in mind, bes. about to find how be could e.
ploy the discovery to te nefit mankind lo industry, and the result of his experiments in this direction have also been very ante successful. It has been tho. gbt impossible to weld brass and can do this in fi:teen seconds steel together, but Mr. Ibbotson while agother person is bars of this material together in his hands. Notbing can be seen but the melted steel running into the brass, and the bars are so firmly welded that the joiot cacnot be broken It was wbile serving in the British army in India during the war tbat Mr. Ibbotson first STATE started on the line of researen which finally led to his present invention. He had ob erved a Hindu electrician light a lamp by wireless and he believed that the Dative did this by a method unknown to European sc entists.
GARETTES doing bich helbught out to Wrist Watches, a large schemague in proManufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
developed autborities.
emigia 10 de ore pe sent to the Login Fuller Jewelry Store boldicg THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR NEW BEER ation of Scheme gration.
does more to drive away paine and aches than any other known remedy, that is Londor, May 23. The Prince why thousands of people the world of Wales attending the annual over call it pain enemy conv. ntion of the British Legion Rheumation, sciatica, atie in Queens Hjl to day, was given peck, sore and tired muscles, a rousing reception by the delelumbago, neuralgia, neuritie, gates, who sprains and brui. are in stantly relieved by dreds of thousand sented bun.
of men For the first time Ireland was repreSLOAN LINIMENT None legitimate without portal sented at the session, and nature In a we received speech, the Prince referred to the progress shown by the Legion during the At all drurrats and dealers.
past year, and said the organiz tion tc lay stod as one of the SLOAN greatest in the world. His Roy Highness dwelt on the success LINIMENT the Legion in finding emplos ment for ex service men sbob sald bad be a placed by the thousands in permanent postions, The Prince paid tribute to the co operation of the em.
ployers in this work and ex pressed the hope that they would be rewarded 80n by the long awaited expansion of trade.
When the period came he asked that they give the Legion an opportunity of supplying some of the extra laboar.
In the Presidental address to delegates, Field Marsbel Earl Haig, called on the Legion to work in unison with the British In every form can be seen Empire Service here at its best See our ma of ewigra, with co operation between the home and dominion Without such coBracelets individual operation, Earl Haig sald their effort toward further Diamond Rings lon would bear do Rood results while expansion in the and a hundred other adornLegion activities, was shown ments and you ll recognize to the report. There bad increase of 159 branches in the why this is the LEADING Legion during 1925 according to JEWELRY HOUSE in town the report. In the women sec ask prices and you ll find still tion of the organization 161 new brancbes bad been established.
another reasonA message of loyalty to to Buckingbam Palace and His Majesty reply expressing deep 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 appreciation was read before the conference. remembrance service was beld this afternoon at the Cenowith more than 10. 000 persons atter ding. rº WILKINSON Contractor Agitation Over Chang and Builder ing South African House No. 20 Flag.
28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUEL PROTEST MEETINGS BEING HELD AND ARE SUPPORTED BY Box 411, Panama, R, THOUSANDS. irect West India cabl. Plans and Specifications Free despatcb trom Cape Town, dated May 22nd states that agitation First Class Workmanship against the proposed Sooth African Flag is growing. Protest Satisfaction Guaranteed.
meetings are being beld all over th country. Union Jacks are appearing everywhere outside of ad be sbous and on motor cars, many men are wearing FLOWERS Union Jacks pinced to their coats. protest meeting was beld in Abogado. Attorney at Law the Town Hall at Durban last OFFICE: No. 44 ST night and the Hall was packed an hour an abalt before the BOX 38 PANAMA CITY meeting opened. The Hall was TELEPHONE No. 1377 filled almost to suffocation and the crowd inside and outside Practicing before all the courts of pag was estimated at 10, 000. Intense feeling was mapifested against the Republic since April 1914 the Government Bill for a National Flag that cortain the Union Jack. Bemessages from Mayors of other towns and from various socialist organizations protesting against the new flag were read HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA to the gathering and were loud CANAL ZONB.
ly cheered, lengthy resolution was pass Office Hours: a. to 1p. ed at the meeting protesting to p.
against the proposed flag, on the DAILY ground that it entirely ignored the sentiments of a very large PHONE 1941 BALBOA portion of the white race of South Africa and is an alfront to Specializes in all the branches the British section of the of Dentistry.
country The Cape Town Times statet that the Hertzog Governmens will not proceed with the Bili Rent Receipt Books In Span proylding for the flag at this session of the House olish and English for sale at the Assembly Workman Printery Smoking Privilege is Withdrawn.
KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL On focicios so XXX Providing JOB. PRINTING will no mães speeches the meeting: Dentist Howell London, May New rules for the treatment of prisoners awaiting trial at ass s and quarter sesalons have just been issued by the prison commissioner.
The governor of all p:isors in the country have been lostructed that prison off als must observe the following regula ions in deal.
ing with prisoners awaiting tral: Smoking will be absolutely pro bibited.
The ugof alcoholio liquor will be problbad.
Visitors will be strictly limited to auch as may be (a) authorzed by the court or the governor or deputy governor of the prison; and (b) bonafide visitors for the purposes of the defense.
The commissioners circular adds that arrangements should be made for the officer in charge of the prisoners to be supplied with bottle of stimulant medicine for the use in cases of emergency The new regulations do not apply to the police, and it is understood that there is some dissatisfaction among prison officials. cigarette has often kept a obstreperous prisoner contented with bis lot, and the abolittion of this priviledge will make our Sask more difficult sald a prison warder to a Daily Mail reporter.


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