
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 12, 19 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 vending.
recently VIGOR TONIC Interesting West.
vehicle to JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cider Champagne Prince of Wales Visits BARBADOS Slum Area.
Hawking. Fruit, Etc.
Londor, May 17. The Price JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP of Wales in the early hours of In Street Saturday morning, paid a visit to Corner 12 Street East Avenue the rolice of Limehouse, probably the most notorious of Lon by Qu the following appears Under the Caption Tottings We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also don slom areas.
In a recent issue of the STANDAND watches. Our prices are the lowest and our The Prince apparently decided ARD.
on his visit shortly before a.
Workmanship is guaranteed. Magistrate Collymore is mak He spent two hours insresting ing praiseworthy efforts to break Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you the Limehouse station, one of the deadlock which exist in the Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages the best equipped Lordop, matter of huckstering fruit and may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may after which he made a tour of other small commodities under drsire, provided the monthly payments of the building and addressed the existiag regulations. Briefly interest are duly met.
police, congratulating them on there is no market accommodaSummary of Contents: their work during the strike. tion which the sta trader can History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED The Prince was told that many be expected to put up with, and Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
of the meo had done more than yet there is a law in existence double their ordinary duty dar what is something of a forbidding the iticerat Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, ing the past two weeks.
From this date on, ence to the public, and Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, means Before leaving the station be of livelihood to members of the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual ACTION SALES shook hands with most of the poorest class. This police inspector accomzealous and men Players will be he every Thuisday from a. to p, conscientious magistrate panied the Prince throughout mada no secret of his disapproval Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and bis visit.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall of the effect of the law, to the letter of which be be is bound by. his Interesting be pleased.
service obligations to conform After it fi Icting practically bonPrice 50cts.
inal penalties at a recent sitting Why pay double price of bls court, be invited inqu ry into the working of the present for inferior imported The best Tonic in the World regulations and expressed an Secure yours now there will be a great rush Beer when you can earnest desire for a just set Stue tlement of the problem. think for them, the sea buy a superior Beer is to receive such as BALBOA. for) legislative attenilen very shortly. Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
and my advice to the bucksters half the price.
Panama is to do their best to conform to ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, the letter of the law by conduetImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ing their bargaining under the a run down constitution shelter of some kindly marchat hospitality, and simply carrying It promotes digestion, improves the appethe articles to the customer tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system afterward. Il all the baggling which EL GAITERO DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or nearly always precedes a trade times a day. Continued from page 2)
were take place on the public THE ONLY ELABORATED street, we should bave ample evidence of the dire necessity for the Spanish Cider with its Storm Tossed Barba baal regulation which works so badly in the absence of proper provision for enforcement. The dian (Sailors, Standard has been in a bit of conown Carbonic Acid Services of the Bethlehem troversy recently rememberAdditional Church Services.
over this matter. One very use Church of God Holiness THEIR EXPERIENCE ON SEA ul citizen drew an analogy beAND LAND.
tween this trouble and the Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st.
question of estates produce on the road. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting.
Tattered and torn and with URETIC AND REFRESHING!
Bat bath (Saturday) 945 am, Bab 10 a. Children Service; 11 am. appearance indicative of the storm tossed men of the sea, two To Change ElementTrade Mark bath Sekool 11. 15 a. General Worship Divine Service, Prencber, Supplied. 30 pm. Spanish Class; p. Sunday School, Superinten dusky ycuths. George Hayes 18 480p. Y. M. y Society meeting pel Service, Elder Frencis.
dent 6pm. 30 m. Goe but looking older than his years, and Claude Gorrell 16 called yesary School Hours. VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ 63 Junior and Senior Standard The usual weekly services will be fordeler mother, where they re boarsch is contemplated by the morning at in oftainment Cles pm. Vespers. conducted on Tuesday and Thureday lavda rahetie tale of their Elucation Board, and with VILLAVICIOSA Sunday evening 30 Stere night, at 45 a opticsa ciue. The betal public is SPAIN recert experiences in a sterm. view to obtaining the feeling of cordially invited to turn out in large 11. vine Service Supplied.
BEULAI 30 a. Prayer Meeting tossed reest! and on the Main teachers on the matter the folDumters.
land of Venezuela.
lowing circular to the Supervis. 90 pm. Sunday School, Superinten ESTEBAN DURAN The youngsters glibly. told ing Ministar of every clementary dent. p. Gospel ter vice. Bro Smell their story to a Gazette reporter. School was recently issued:SOLE AGENT Seventh Day Adventist Church Thursday night, Bible reading and They said they had formed part EDUCATION OFFICE of a crew of tive of the British Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Prayer, Bro. Webley.
16th April, 1926.
For the Republic of Panama GAMBOA MISSION 11 am and Gazette readers may recall same the Education Board to say to Elfreda Luise, which Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Dear Sir: am directed by School; 11. 15 sm. General Worship p. Bupplied.
to grief in Venezuelan waters rou that it has been proposed to 30 Young people meeting Elder T, C, PRANCIS, not so long ago. The vessel was them ibat the hour for opening 30 Vespers Pastor in charge. owned by Donald Cobbam and the morning segsion in the Sunday trening 30 pm. Preaching skippered at the time by ementary Schools might with Servior. You are cordially invited to Ebenezer Church of God Herbert.
advantage be changed from 10 to attend these services and bring your Holiness Haynes said he joined the ves am. The School hours will friends, Nə 46 CALIDONIA ROAD sel at Bridgetown, Barbadus as then be:sailor and Gorrell as cook; the Morning School Recess AfterA Regular Assortment of Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin craft left for Grenada on the noon School 11 am 11 pm The Church of God 11 Divice Service Preacher. 25:6 August last reaching her 3 pm.
destination after a run of twa Sim of the advsotages to be Panama, Arosemena Street, House 25, of good weather.
gained are as follows: San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Sunday School Superintendent. eoda the voyage was sonday to scbool fresher and better able p. Programme under (1) The children would come meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
to Trinidad but on 730 Gpapel Service, Preacher taken SUCH AS and 30 Sunday School at night a ou. sea to work Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Supplied.
Tuesday 30 Grepel Service buffetted and toasted as it were angry and the craft Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People (2) Parents before leaving Tonics, Soaps, Vanishiſg Cream, Meetina.
Wednesday at 30 Note. Other Se vices for the week from pillar to post bad her meia ensure that their children, went bome for work could better Cel meeting. Thursday at 30 in will be given from the pulpit.
sails torn to ribbon. She drift Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Open air meeting. Friday at 30 pm.
Elder ODLE eventually our la formants gald to school.
Prayer Meeting (3) Children turning bome at Patsor in charge.
for twenty five days and with no 11 o clcek would meet their pa.
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Bro. PESSOA. is charge. In eight things lokid Red Tank, Canal Z0. Sunday Scho The Salvation rmy gloomy do the rations bezan Jerts and get a substantial midgetting thio.
etc. etc. etc. p. Gspel meeting on Thursday Toe day meal. They would also be began able to belp in the domestic work at 30 pm.
and the position botero sie GRAY PANAMA CITY CORPS, did not improve when the ballast before returning to afternoon Services are as follows: got down to the keel there sy re New Providence. Gospel Meetings a (4) It might also be possible to tarding any little progress the The Workman Printery am, Early Prayer Meeting.
11. 30 am and 30 Suncay Shoo the attendance of ebildren craft was able to make at pm. Wednesday at 30 10 nm. Children Directory Meeting years of age at afternoon Wails attempts ind Brigade United Open Air Meetipg pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 m, Prayer were being scbool.
ilm lineas Meeting to be con made to bale the water out, a tug The Board therefore ask that Bro. McDONALD luoted by by Commandant Martin.
came along and towed the craft you will be so good as to bring from this matter before your School p. Y, Company meeting and to safets, some miles Panama City.
Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting Carupana. The captain and crew Managers and the Teachers at 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Nude Brigadee Open air.
Bobool at pm. Wedneedsy 780 pm p. Junior Open Air.
were then put into communica under your supervision and after tion Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air Customs official. Haynes acd the Beard know as soon as pobal with the Harbour and the discussing it with them let the Pra ee ting de ting, Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting. Gorrell did not seem, bowever, sible whether you consider the Other notice for the week wi be to enjoy a happy lim; for with proposed change a desirable one Colop. and Streets: Gospel mee gcant clothing, and hungry, they or not: Ings at 11. 30 sm and 30 Brodas given from the pulpit.
said they approached the itish am Sir, School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 LA MARTIN. Commandent Consul for assistance but were Yours faithfully, Gospel Mooting Friday at 736 politely informed that instruc T, MAHON Prayer Meeting.
Notice to Correspondents.
uloos bad been given that no help Secretary Why throw away your old, but no was to be given to British ves meeting of Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Contributors and correspondente sels ia distress in those waters. Teachers, Association was called doubt interesting, books when you water Salvation Army Hall, are asked to send in their contribu Aftermuch our intions not later than Thursdays to Florauto Bald. ibe Canent by the Teachers when views were fortermuch pressure, gave epxreseed thereon The Suggestion can have them neatly bound at insure publication. This is inpera them a few cents to be divided met with strong opposition and LA BOCA CORP tive must be between end was THE WORKMAN 30. Knee Drill.
they were sent to Yrapa whence the procedure was sald to be 11 a. Holiness Meeting, after a rough and hard time they somewhat disorderly It does not 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. Sunday School.
6006 Blood Tablets safer than secured passage on the Vene appear that the change will suit 80 Open Air.
606 Money back guarantee zuelan boat Virgin del Carmen on the children of poor parents, and Opposite Cecilia Theatre 80p. Salvation meeting, Price Particulars free. Welsh which they worked their way especially in the case of country We ostend a cordial ir vitatoa to all. Medicine o. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. down to this port. Gaenette, schools, Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Bupplied From the sea became storm broke land in Craft to do ship water remit under Book Binding!


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