p. 8


PAE EIGUT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JONE 12, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE TO MOTHER Last Sunday Races Emigration Problem To Morrow Races Races! Races! Good Races part; study e fur Asiaties into action in Contra Crespo the right. Continued from page By Horace with an apology to One of those rare race pro splendid race meet which was only marred by an unfor u in charge of regulating and har competent goveroment department Poesy)
grams will be offered at Juan Mother, dear Mother, who loves as Franco Park tomorrow afterDate occurrence when Juror, in so, ported horse, fell in the third monizing the relations between Who, whatever we ark for answers noon by the Panama Jockey event and broke his left front capital and labour and besides out an active campigo Club. It will be a rare event as not so, leg which nocessitated bis being carry JUAN FRANCO TRACK How we long to see your kind, it is not at all times that the shot. There has been study abroad to attract emigrants to dear face, public is given a nine card improvement, for the past e urle their shores. The Argentine for of months in tach cu ceeding example has dedicated nuch atten And be held to your heart in a race, and that is just what TO MORROW tender embrace, week race progran at Jaso on to this problem and to a large we will be having. In addition Fracco, and last Sunday card of extent its rapid growth is due to Sunday, June 13th 1926 Loving dear mother toiling day to this, one of these races eight races may easily be voted this fact Cuba on the other hand bas reglected such a propaganda after day, a tremecdous success.
will be run for a purse of one With never a word of complain to Thousand Dollars and a Cup all together although millions of The raca wblcb arrtacted the dollars have been misspent under say: keepest interest was the ait the pretext of attending that im While Ken and Bibby, Ll yd and to be offered by our leading the main event of the afternoon, portant mission.
daily newspaper, the Star in which Abel, Rata, lan, CaraUowiittingly vie to make her un Herald. For this race, exCUBA SOCIAL PROBLEM bobo, Argentico and Eurla took easy.
Jolly Fellow, now Maracay, Pierrot basing been! And as to our social problems we Dear, patient mother, always up will take up 126 pounds top Ecraicted. el, with Jockey bave never reali ed facts like they Races for Imported horses. with the birds, Gonz les up. won a prettry race. are and given such an importaat weight and try conculsions We would change our moth:r for with Abel who ran away Coming aroued the middle ber feature of our national activities de. and for Native bred Ponies all the worlds, he overtook and passed Rataplap, any importance at all the big Argentino and Titida why bed crea e of immigrants from EuroFrom morning till night in her own with the Mile and a Quarter loving way, last week, and Bandelero: the brokeu in the lead from the ris pean nations forces us to WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE She makes each one happy and last named two carrying equal of the barrier, and won what we are going to do in order to ing easily.
ass ite ourselves against a possible merry all day.
weight with Maracay. The Darden. Is won the first event labour shortage and the entry of When the calm wings of night stea distauce will be over a mile. seven furlongs, paviog 20 desirable elemsnts. Up to now in AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT over the land, There will be two other and 90. He was ridden by the past few years in order to cover Mother site dowa with her thoughts races of one mile each, carry.
Jimen z; Cnqol (Araod. and the sugar cane harvesting necessi in her hand, ties at the Fugar mil we have been Fenomeno (Moore) came second and third, respectively.
in bringing large contingents of Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
And porders and thioks what ing a respective purse of Five best to be done.
hundred Dollars. The first Jamaicans, Hitials and even The second event of four longs for class native horses ha to our social progress. And When again in the sky rules the will bring out Rataplan 126, with manifest Cuba First Race Starts p. Sharp bot burning sum, Bolt 126, Argentino 115, Carawon by the new comer in the meantime the number of At last she remembers the time of bobo 121 and Pereque 90; Excuse Me who bad things he de irable immigrants, Spanish and own way and won easily, paying other European nationalities, has the night, while Spear Blade 126 FachADMISSION When from very exhaustion sleep endo 126, Pierrot 126, and bis supporters 60 for each 82. decreased. The figures just issued Caribs (Aracda) aud Repulse by the Immigration Department Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
dims her dear sight, Then father comes home saying, booked for the other. The Reina Mora 123 have been (Perkins) came ia in the crder are so eloquept that we expect the Not yet in bed! Why?
named authorities to take some And on his great manly breast she latter race also carries the The third event of seven fur the matter.
Jeans with a sigh.
Ingenio Santa Rosa Cup, Tongs for imp rtel horse was It is necessary to face the prowon by Dandy (Hidalgo. Dhole May God help them through the Renown 132, Fenomeno 108 (C. Goi zales) and Meddler (Per lem and seek an immediate su ution to the same. For the evils of undebattle of life, kins) came in second and third, sirable iminigration are evident in Candlewood 95 and Dictador And always father cherish his go will take the course over a respectively. Pool paid 70 apa sweet faced wife. 50 on the winner and 40 and the ever increasi wave ot crimisMay they help us always to walk seven furlong stretch for th 20 on the record and third ality anp of litera y although rein the first of the day; while Transnor es, respectively.
garding crimes we mus: not forget THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER And scorn to do wrong though out late, Clo Clo, La Garzona, Fourth race: Six furlong handi were granted by that prodigality with which pardons of their sight.
congress is greatly Belle Sauvage, Tango, Altacap for inported hors 8; won by responsible for the same also When WITHOUT AN EQUAL HORACE PARKER Jimica nera, Colombina aud Celia Zambo Hidalgo. Fachei do a shortage of labeur exſets the im are book to run over five fur(Gor ziles) aid in acte (Moort)
came in in thao der nam Puol where and in that sense in order to perative necessity of seeking some Don fail to try it False Accusations longs in the last race.
paid 20 and on the winner do something of benefit to Eu a we Tomoriow program proand for place.
should attract desirable im gra.
mises a real treat and should (Coetiaued from page 1)
As stated beforp, Abel on the tory current to Cuba, such us those not be missed.
dtth race, establishing a record departing from Spiù and o. tier No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
medal at the hands of the Gov.
Juan Franco ever the Mile European Latiou ernor of the Province of Colon for nd One Quarter distance. He nis services rendered for the beneSWELL NIGHT AT PARAny European countries take aid it in 08 5 Previous recurd, measures to protect the emigrant, fit of the community, whicb is well known to the public ISO, TUESDAY. 09 Renteira witis Quiroga up won ganization which sees that the endi Italy for example, gets a speci or Owing to our absolute imparto couutries where they tiality the sixth race of bave furlongs for grants CALL IN AT we began to consider the Grand Fansy Fair at Clu! class imported ho ses; Novi can find remunerative work and following: Watson is a West ho ise Indian, Jamaican bv birth, and the cia (Ea za) second and Sister even makes arrangements for bis that Ceellia (im nez) toir. Po. paid employment. We believe after whole publie of Colon is well se with the fanner that he The young ladies of St. Alhan 30 and 200 on the winner studying the figures nentioned Comenced his functions in 1920, Church, Paraiso, have made all and 20 or pl. ce.
aboved we should take sters 10 recruiting all kiods of wayward arrangements for a Grand Fancy Seventh race; Five furlongs protect the imm grant and a tract boys that were a menace to the Fair to be given on Monday night, foa Year Old imported by the desirable elements because other community; a home 1415 inst. at the Silver Clubhouse, Jockey Club. Raisa Mora with wise we will never be able to count for these boys; he teaches them to Paraiso. The fanction will take Hidalgo up won easily; Occur with anyth! ng else but imtaigiaut read, at clothe them, begeing aid pirca codate of the uncertainty of in doors in the spacious hall rercia second and Poloneuse from Haiti, Jamaica aod, Chiua.
third. Pool paid 40 on the No. 93, Central Avenue from Canil employees and on account winner.
chants of of Colon and succeeded in weather conditions for an open air TE geting their subsistence by the aid entertainment.
The last race was a Six furlong ASSORTMENT OF of several cumpanies, and for Joho Murrays orchestra will handicap for class Imported The Salvation Army which he has gained the good wll offer their usually high class horses and was won by Translate of the Government, and in 1921 and fascinating numbers, giving (Chaliz. with Altanera (Batz)
GOOD STATIONERY the Honourable Governor of the the very latest in dance musid when second and Olis (Perkine) third. Continued froun page 1)
Province of Culon, Doctor Dem. the tringers will find the greatest Pool paid 15. 20 and on the conducted in the wincee and 60 for place.
Wesleyan thenes Arosemena, aided nim with pleasure in sliding over tne beauti Methodist Church kindly cffered SOUVENIRS, a grant of monthly for for the occasion by the Rev. upkeep of the institution. Thes stall will be attractive and NOTICE Wade, Minister and Superinten.
It is to be into e nsidera entertaining, such as Fancy St. lt dent who will also preside. very tion that Watson has to handle Fishing Wells, Beauty Parlour cordial invitation is CHURCH SERVICES some of the worst class of boys of Refreshment Stalls and the excit.
of The Ex Kaiser Wants to which a percentage were ing, fun broducing key Tai in of the The Isthmain League of Brit friends and well wish ended to all extremely ccrrupted, and as tse Joke, regular meeting in Paraiso on Mrs.
Leave Doorn. Continued from page Institute is a penal. establ shment Thy princes of admicsion are: the 16th instant and in this City Central Hill Kingston, Jamaica St, Matthias Mission he was compelled to ob erve on the 19th.
have been selected and appointed LAS BABANAS aus kinds of discipline and in such in. 35 ceats lo lies 25 cent an!
children to succeed us in this command discipline was the well known This entertajnment promises to SPARKLETS They are coming with the best of (Rov. NIGHT ENGALE, Berlio, May 10. Former Kaiand crossed be tre grandest function of te credentials. They are officers of ser Wilhelm and his wife would Priest in Castge.
arms etc Suassa. Come, and have a good wide experience, both in spiritual like to leave the Doorn abode Fortunately for Director Watson tine, p. Church School (Continued from rage 1) and administrative matters, and the Dutch mists ard move to 30 Eveprong the Corrt found that he was not Government of Great Britain or the We bespeak for them your praea warmer, sunnier climate.
Mr. Richards Jatechist.
guilty of the charges made against him; and they were dropped.
British Consulate Notice standardization and strength of the They bave set their bearts on This is not a matter of defendiog American Dollar have not been tical sympatby dod heartiest co.
accomplished in just a little operation. We pray that their in living on the Swiss lakes near the man, but we are guided by a The British Con ul at Colon while and at the command of a coming may be fraught with much Locarno, it is learnt on good iirit of Jus:ive, and not because would ba glad of information as to nervous King of England or Presi nood to the community and that authority.
Baptist Churches the man in Nerro we shall con the present whereabou of Albert sent to ruin his moral life dent of the United States respec their stay amongst you may help he About a month ago the deposed to give the spiritual and moral life has tively.
e Davis, a native of Bri:ish Guian, provided for tb. benefit of the who is stated to be in the leather There are leaders of our race whol of this important city an all round Hohenzollern royal house sent a (Under the suspices of the Southern Baptist Convention. community a means of reducing business and whose address is sai!
the bad and criminal tendencies of to be Colon, gover. mert asking if Switzerwell as those of the Devil to help All being well the Adjutant and land would object to the former.
Colon 11 am. Tescher lis; 15 the ray ward youths of Colon.
them clear out of their way all his family are expected to arrive Kaiser residence within its Pastor Witt.
Social by St. Paul Women obstacles so they may be able, in here on Wednesday June 16th; and berders. Since former Prince Chorrillo 11. Mr. Gallimore: The Anglican Provincial Auxiliary just six days, to lend us on equal their public welcome will follow Loo old of Proasia already is 15 Deacon Yearwood.
Calidonis. 11 am. Descon Stewart; terms with other races. We have shortly after. Give them a proper livieg in Locarno. It is probabla The Woman Auxiliary at St.
to class them as nervous leaders, it is authoritatively known that the come, and let them feel at home. refuge near bird, 48 Panama welcome when they do that the ex Kaiser would seek 16 Descon Smith.
Paul Church in this city will give Red Tank 11. Dar con Crooke; The provincial synoi of the Ac. the annual entertainment in the process by which those obete cles Farewell. 16 Sargeant Brinkley.
may be removed must be slow and The Swiss Government is reglican Bishops of the West Indies schoolroom next to the Church on Gatan 11 a. Deacon Edwards; will commerce at Bishops dge Tuesday night commencing at ported to be somewhat embar 16 Mr. Ganz muller.
gradual effective lines Jamaica during the third week rassed by the request. Theoreto eloek.
followed by ali DENTIST HOWELL great leaders, ically it has the right to decide administer the Lord Supper 7, 30 Thursday. 17th Pastor Wit will in June.
An orchestra will discourse deTE we, as a community or as a The Archbishop of the West lightful musis while the ladies will on the question without asking people on the whole, are to acbieve Bags to bereby notify his pat. the advice of other governments, Indies, Dr. Hutsod. will p:eside, ser re refreshments at the various Empire 11 a. Pastor Witt. 18 and it is expected that six bishops stails.
wortb while ends our present posis rons and the general public of but practically it would not wish Dene a Cumminge from the other Islands will be The almission will be, adults tion demands leaders who are able La Boca that de has transfer red to take action withoat consulting New Providence. 11 am. Deacon giving to Jamaica. The synid 25 cents and childred 15 cents.
to exercise enough care to steer bis dental Parlours to building the allies and may even bring Broome.
is likely to last two weeks, The Just come along and bring your clear of being subjects of per No. 912 opposite the La Boca the matter before the council of Pueblo Nuevo 11 Deacon Melo last Synod was beld in New friend with you for a swell time.
restaurant on front Street, the League of Nations.
toeb; 13 Mr. Minto.
York In 1922.
Dancing will be in order ac.
The Workman BOOK STORE Watson found the ful floor. 150 00 taken into Tirge bread water. resonable.
and along similar as those


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