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Cuban Government To Stop West Indian Immigration favour the the island.
Labourers in Cuba Are DEAD MAN CAYMANIAN SUED BY FISHERMEN Suffering Pangs of Hunger Fiance For Breach of Held at San Andres, Promise to Marry Colombia, Released.
Immediate Construction of High breach of promie suit for We are officially informed, says Flimsy Complaint That They ways is Suggested For Two ted in the Suffolk County Superior Chamed Affaires at Bogota bas Cause Trouble and Keep Down Provinces.
Court, the intimated by the estate of a man who committed suiVice Consul at Carthagena reports Price of Labour.
cide a few hours before the time that reconsidered judgment has LA PRENSA writes in the Habana Post of June under fixed for bi wedding. been given by the Tribunal in of Caymanian fishermen HERALDO DE CUBA, one of the principal nwspapers the captiɔn, regrettable Situation, as follows: Sophie Station claims in her suit who were detained at San Andres published in Havana, in its issue of May 22, printed an In Camaguey and Oriente, due to the lack of employ that the estate John Jack by the Colombian authorities on a article relative to Antillean immigration into Cuba of which ment hundreds of labourers and their families are suffering much as Jackimovicz himself would in Colombian territorial waters. El imovicz is responsible to her as charge of alleged turtle poaching the followi a translation: the pangs of hunger and misery. Such a statement is not have been haa he liv and failed forts are being made to secure the No entrance in future for Antillean immigrants. So ours but has been made precisely by the congressmen. of to carry out his pramise to marry men immediate departure from declares the President of the Cuban Republic to Congressthose two provinces, who in a recent meeting discussed the ber.
man and General Delgado, the Secretary of Agriculture.
situation of distress reignin in the eastern part of the The wedding was to have trken The dang rous Antillean immigrants whose authorisaprovince.
place on Oetober 24, 1925. Guests tion here has caused so much protest from our natives resid. To speak of unemployment in the two provinces arrived only to fiod that Jack. Children Given Prizes at ing in our interior that they are terrible to compete with imoviex had crmmitted suicide by Cecilia Theatre.
which annually import thousands of workers for the sugar intuling gas.
as labourers is to be stopped. Due to graft of the former crop, may sound strange and to refer to hunger in the fertile administrations they have been allowed here but the preszones of Camaguey and Oriente may appear an exaggeraHal Wardlow, manager of the ent Government will not permit it.
Cecilia Theatre, announc. that tion, but unfortunately that is not the cape. The Path Across the Hill beinning last evening. prizes, could not avoid, for the getting of labour to take off the General Machado signed only such permission, as he Such statements are not made in a secret meeting of consisting of toy automobiles, vio present crop, labour agitators but in a hall of the House of Representatives lins, dolls and permit the coming in of Haitians and Jaand the President has been petitioned to take immediate action so that this state of affairs will come to an end.
The Orpheus Musical Club will play tings will be raffled off omong maicans a field labourers. But he has since made the folprerent the light comedy drama. obiidren attending movies at the lowing important statement or declaration to a number of In other times an economic crisis, never would have Cristobal Silver Clubhoue on the ing the Theatre will be given a be the last people in the future to penetrate our national terThe Path Across the Hili, at the Cecilia Theatre Each child enter Congressmen and General Delgado; That the Antillean will reached the proportions of today, but then our farmers used 24th of next month The Play has numbered ticket; the number will ritory, at least while he is President of the Republic, as it is to plant fruit trees and vegetables and commodities did not been given splenoid reception on be drawn on the stage deciding cost what they are worth today. But to our misfortune in each of the three occasions on faveur of five lucky children each his sole intention to declare them undesirable. These which it on. labourers have not the least moral sentiments, are uneduthe past few years our rural properties were transformed cated, actually savages; and for a plate of food will cause the into immense cane fields and fruits and vegetables were sub stituted by sugar cane.
LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING labour against our natives as labourers, causing, great sufgreatest trouble in our fields. They lower the price of Today mangces are an article of luxury, we have to (By STUDENT OF LIFE)
import corn from the States and Argentina ana in our coun: No RELIGION This honourable step of our President which he try which only produces sugar, so to speak, the sweet product is also expensive intends to take will have the co operation and applause of a have never joined a hurch. society and wealth. used to large number of Congressmen who know the harm done by In order to alleviate the sad plight in Camaguey and oth versione comme vente de noi lepo berwarna ses from aspiring her be these Antillean immigrants in our interior and in the fields to Adventistisin. ilfe of luxury and ease; consider the Oriente provinces the immediate construction of highways fact it was only a heated argument much usel text It is eaier for known here as campos.
is suggested. If misery is so intense as reported, in that concerning a certain historic fact a camel to pass through the Won West Indians wherever they happen to be get case the benefits will only be relative and soon Antillean that deterred nie from becoming acedle ey e etc. to keep them together with a determined effort and unite to confront labourers will be employed because they work at lower Trael. The Last Remnant of their places there in the place that these outrages and unwonte abises aime la can indéfen: wages and again the natives will be succumbing for want a minority clecting themselves to have no intention of joining a a superior sphere, decided was of work. Therefore while we do not combat the initiate sive and law abiding people who through no tault of theirs are forced to seek a livelihood outside of their native land, of the public works as a means of improving the difficult church, but if ever do, think thens, ll become a Millenneum Dawnict Every burning injustice, was conditions in those two provinces still in our opinion they although know very little about plastered by the thought that after (Ed. will not bring about the results that are expected and are their tenets except their optimi tic all it was a privilege to be victiby no means the definite solution to our wues.
view that day by day, the world is mized in this world as it ensured a SPARKLETS getting better and better like that idea even though its truth nied me ia heaven, and the joys de.
one here in four fold abun (By Bolivarian Congress Members of St. Paul sl. come what dubious, judzi. from dance; and best of all like Lazaru the be Incorporated, Notes.
Church ever mounting erime wave in cach mizeries of their opprus ord! That The Chemical Hall Incorporated is West Indians should not come into dvilies that herald the latest, in un look down and glaut upon the The Chemical Hall Inc. nurtured by the financiare helped edition brings us back to the human desire to be another Isthmian West Indian being and stand out conspiciously 15, 000 FOR DELE. PLAN ANNIVERSARY CELEI believe that if each of us came for revenge, in spite of Jesus ad veat that should not fail to as a leading West Indian establish GATION BRATIONS honestly to the conclus on that the monition to turn the other cheek attract the attention of well think ment which will not only attract world is getting better, and did our and the seventy times seven idea, ing West Indians in these parts; as the support of West Indians but of level best each in his timely sphere the of is to be a corporation which will the spending public. good fieli According to late cable from Sunday, 27th, tortures of the the Chemical Hall, the for doing business is abont the only items included is deficiency ap Panama propriation bill reported on by the and Friende of the parish will cel rejected the idea of heaven and those who abu e us the majorilectionery and perfumery establish for us to just wake up and make eine med Beaumont a memorable day at St Paul Church, to ne kete betonte doubtful state. affering the would a fact was. or stil is) the oue well known patent medicine, con thing lying loose around liere; its the It is some years low since ve hope that makes us patient with ment was brate the tenth anniversary of the whicb Ourselves felt.
a year ago Representatives 15, 000 to defray the expenses of ordinat on of the rector to tiehell. The latter is too atrocious for of being little in spirit line was where it had been first estab The Franchise sane belief, to cherish the thought of getting lished many years ago. The premises the United States Delegates to Priesthool, and the eleven:h anniin woich the Chemical Hall carried Say what you may, gentle reader, the Bolivar Congress sitting here. versary of the conseration of the Although ve a vngue under. even sooner or later!
standing that certain chemical many years are now but while we remain under the services will b: held elements go to comprise the human prsachers and Sunday nigher. whose ne dav.
business not methods proper to allow the little fellows body By a large majority vote, the Hoy Communion wll be celebrated ascertain the exact substance from tent to forfeit desop dog, are con enabled them to compel the pro. free hand at all and sundries, ve never been able to ups, we like of men in cownection with the Boli: Nightengil s, when Inter. American Congress the wood by the Rector, the Rev. which the soul is made and ve world for the shadow of one, the price de ground in thehe macour. Hru Optimists who believe that the myself that it is To near when approve on education. Cubi parishioners will make their com. Jasbestos, since that is the existence of which we are not quite all appearances, dur had been thing else are losing precious mental it varian caly certain Heaven the many equal before the law and in every may be a reality.
but Zone mother and worker among Mating will be sung followed with a destroy. Is tam pretev cerewin that alloted us frem the directemente carrying on business in its recently caerly and in the meantime het 10:15 knowo substance that not to it had not done ing to deteriorate valuable red girls believed that coHigh Was ce rimental to the best devel 112h Eucharistie Celebration at in spite of the Methodists, ll not grave, in which we are provides a thriving business, at least oot as blood corpusles. Take gamonds 10:30 a. and sermon. next roast in my own fat (of which to ran the grout of human emo: het could withstand the for example, This opmeat womanhood. immoral practice from the Orientals. In this does not really love to procreate our kind and Musicale at pm when several ever and ever peasant education as well as a Repre and Colon will contribute beautiful, ed relief and afterwudnjoying its we are living an eternity now, that we will never be able to hold our wnen the franchise to conduct the sentative of the San Jose Colle on the program will be a Gran havn a superfluous amount) for tions, to fight for existenee, to Serdoa has been taught when it is alleet the pea strongly in favour of co well known artists from this city That conclusion brought a bless de. li we could only realize that West Indians here; a lesso practiced or directed by a lesson that the intelligent and wealthy but centatives from Cuba; they claim numbers, amoagst whom smyte balm for some time, the into making, that God is our conscience. cuoreration and the ability to know laborer a most desperate situation heaven and helt are of our own that to education was most suc mentioned. Mesare hereSuomela that in the span allowed us we ourselves. The proprietors of the created for everybody. Some own except by organization and game is givea to the band to mouth cessful in the College and in Cuba, Sm th and and Charles respectively.
over it the Colon, and Mr. Ooken, tenor more forcibly it tenor the inore ponderosioded me of the than the generation preceeding us must strive to be just a little finer Chemical Hall UNVEILING MONUMENT TO The Panama Symphony Orches Aesop BOLIVAR the dog and the hat eternal life is to b:queatballsson, bence the Chemical Hall franchise to the common people brought home the stupidity tra will mandar seran entirely new local busing fort The unveiling the nume Mieses Ramona Simmun, shadow. After pieces all and physically to our offspring to rapid progress in the face of super men are entitled to be given an to Simon Bolivar, which is erected Regist and Wilehemina life wanita and one los. This we cannot to qualities of ours relle all the Americas, featured Tues. der vocal solus, while Messrs Flemitent spiritualists no che tas in them, and so on ad iniinitum gat; therefore would it not be to Order is heaven first law; and this The ceremony was attended by all a duet, The programm promises the truth of metafilor beball as we have an ideal civilization, the prospectus of the Chemical Hall some are and must b: greater than the the opher high Government cficial will be by tickets which may be sorrows its injustices and kiudli have still enjoyed the substance of in the prospectus; and with men that such are happier shocks all the Delegates. President Chiari to be a brilliant one and admission this present one, with its joys and heaven is beyond the clouds we Incorporated? In point of tacting More rich, more wise. but who infers corporatioa shall be worthy of admittauce, and concern. That is also borne out proposed including off cals from the Canal purchased at the door.
Zone, attended.
Evensong at 7:30 pm, with Heaven was, and still is the bait, at its head with keen business (Continued on pgae atinued on page 8) that preachers, representing (Continued on Page 8) knowledge, there is no reason why sin our enemies it is to be a the incorporate members less House of on for WOMEN APPROVE CONGRESS CO ED At am Congress, The as a Lowe of from št.
PerLuke what do we 08 aud woºthless reflected confessed rest; from hence this globe.


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