
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA TRINIDAD colod XOS BARBADOS Barbados Electrocution Case.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD GRAND JURY IGNORES THE BILL iad by fencing premise Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
taken there is prima ODR The Grand Jury at the Criminal Assizes beld recently in Barbados, ignored the Bill against Mr. Brathwaite, drugkist of High Street, Bridgetown, who was indicted for having caused the death of a plectriser old wire aroud bis In his charge to the the Grand Jury at the opening of the As.
siz, Chief Justice Orpen ada verted to the case in the following remarke. it facie evidence to charge that the prisoner electri Sied these public notice that the wires were electrified, even though he may bave intended only to give a slight electric shock you should find True Bill; for any person who places dangerous machine or contrivance of this kind in a be negli stantly passing is guilty of and the person who places such macbine or contrivance is responsible for any in juries done to any person in consequence of such negligence.
support the wires witbout giving Sao people o SS For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT country.
Socks SS SS SS SOVISNOS: 90 os New Colonial Secretary the MR. DR. STEWART PROMOTED FROM FIJI.
The flow Blarche Taylor Possibilities of West THE DERBY.
Indian Orange Trade TRINIDAD sweepstake LUCK BITISH EMPIRE PRODUCERS AS Trialdad won the first prizin SOCIATION ARE ACTIVELY INTER the And ew Grenada SweepESTED IN JAMAICA FRUIT.
stake. Tickt No. 1152 which arew Coronaca is held by Clarencefaylor, a barber at San HELP HOPED FROM MPs.
Feroando. Rodriguez, of Victoria Reference Made by Me. Aspin Square with ucket No. 16, 612 all at Recent nner at West is held in Demerara with cket Duids Lancegaye, ad Colorado Indian Club, London, 11, 425.
Of the total of 6, 133 collected, According to the GLEANER it the auld or the dirst borse will is propo ed to hold an imporust lesiv. 62 146 11. the holder conference of citrus fruit grow ul th: coad 919 193. and the ers of the island in Kingston bolder of toe tid 618 some time during next month to The seller of the tirat borse will decide as to what steps should realVe 122 13, 2d and of the be to develop the industry second 73 11s 111, progressive lines.
Toe sum of 1, 073 will be divi Advices bave baen received deu anong starters.
from Bagland which noint to the fact that the British Empire Pro ducer Association are kenly interested in the matter, and they are in communication with considered a few days ago the certaia influential trades cases two murderers who to see what can be done to give wire recently sentenced to Jamaica oranges and grape frut:e death.
a tilip in the mother In the case of Enos Smith, the It is hopeful that the recent Parliamentary Delelegation to Gordon Town tailor, who was the West Indies will also give convicted at the session of the material assistence in the mat Home Circuit Court for murderMrs. Blanche Taylor Sir ing ter; and the following remarks Edward Stubbs and his ac vi ers Mr Algernon Aspinali, secreta bave decided that the law should ry to the West India Committee, takes its curse, and on the morn: at a recent dinner at the Westing of Tuesday the 22nd instant, lod a Club given in London in Swito was ha gd within honour of the Parliamen a y wall of the Catherine s.
legation will be read wich intei trict Petzor, es. There was a tendency in the The sentence of death which West Indies to regard every dist was passed on James Fuller for inguished visitor to those col the murder of ebard Stewart onies as a deus ex machina who Catherine Circuit Court has been at the last sitting of the St.
on his return to Eogland, wuuld solve the many problems which commuted to one of penal serviface residents in the trepics. It tude for lite.
would, therefore be reassuring, SMITH CREME perhaps, to their guests th night it be expressed the belier The crim for which Eaos hat their friends to the West Smith will pay the extrem Lord Peel and bis es so triendly terms with his victim Indies would be well it penilty was a most brutal one, condemnd man wagon ceeded in securing a steady of immigrants into our grea marria Mainland Colony of of British Guia about 31 years of age.
The wom na, not only for the dev bad been living with of the interior, but for th: gev lopment husband and had been in a of the sugar estatus on the coas delicate state of health.
would provide steamsbips Christma: Ese they came to to bing West Indian fruits to ed On the night of the 26. of to nesto and a guarrel transpir.
the markets of the Waited King dom; and if ines Todian sugarcane woman to the dam near would secure December, it was proved that be the entry of couatry free of daty. at Gordon Town and there he With regard to fruit be was was murdered her. The woman bead convinced that there was great was completely bat ered by a possibilities before the West In were found on the body. The buge stone and several stabs dian fruit industry which at pres Doctor had no difficulty in arrivent was in the position of Siring at the conclusion that death Richard Strachan: was due to violence. Sir Richard Strachan th fruit industry with sword un ceased mot ber death at her The de! ence was that the dedrawn is waiting for the Earl own bands: that fiading she was Chatham the steamship lines.
in a delicate she The Eul of Chatham, eager decided to take her life and not to be at em is waiting too, 101 withstanding the efforts of Sm th whu? Sir Richard Strachan. she met her death for which he Oaly rec ntly he had received was not responsible.
from Mr. Cradwick a consigo The Chi:f Justice presided ent of oranges purchased in over the trial; the Attorney Mandeville at the ridiculously Genera! and Mr. Radclif small cost of 6 per 100. They eonducted the prosecution whilst were in such excellent condition Mr. Caroerry defended that he had ventured to send the prisoner.
of them to the King and Prince of Wales. In The jury bad no hesitation in In both coming to a verdict of wilful ac cepted. The fruit was to petfect his advisers have come to the. showed West Indies coulido; babait this conclusion that there are no no industry was to be successful Law must take its curse. Thus sful enuating circumstances and the it was of the utmost importance that regulations be the morning of the 22ad adopted instant Smith will forfeit bis life without delay to prevent the for that which he took.
shipments of icmature, diseased and badly graded fruit.
James Faller, in wh 99 case clemency is extended, was char One Murderer to Die, Stewart by striking him with a ged wiih murdering Ribird hoe in his stomach. His case Another to Serve Life was tried at the St. Catherine Circuit Court before His Honour Mr. Justice Brown with the AtENOS SMITH HANGED ON THE torney nerel prosecuting. Mr.
22ND. FINST. FOR BRUTALY King defended.
KILLING OF BLANCHE TAYLOR The evidence pointed to the taet that there was some provoA SENTENCE COMMUTER, cation; ard taking all the cirinto consideration James Fullar Who Slew Rich the Colef Executive feels that the sentence of death should be ard Stewart to be Incarcerat.
commuted to one of renal servied For Remainder of Life. ude for life. and so Faller w1 be removed from the co moes The Gləsner statas that His call at anish Town to serve tis members of his Privy Coucci loftse G:neral Penitentiary.
Barbados, May 28th. DR.
Stewart, Prir. cipal Assistant Col.
onial Secretary of the Fiji Islands has been appointed Colonial Secretary of Barbados.
NOTE Mr. Stewart who was born in 1886, was educated at Gordon College, Aberdeen, and joined the native Department of Pjt in 1905. Alter bolding various offices he was made Asistant Colonial Secretary in 1917, having acted in this capacity on several occasions. He acted as Colonial Secretary May, 1920 and April, 1921 and Kas made Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary and editor et the native newspaper Na Mata in May 1921. He again acted as Colonial Secretary from September 2, 1922 to January 18, 1924, and as Gorernor Deputy in Ju je and September, 1924.
House Rent Receipt Books also for that her if they would 4 it to this SPANISH ENGLISH BRITISH GUIANA Commission Appointed state TO ENQUIRE INTO WORKING OF COLONY POLITICAL CONSTITUTION.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies specimens Court in December 12: Brabe CAN BE HAD AT The Chronicle of Georgetown, Demerara, in a recent issue says. The attitude of the Government of British Guiana in cornection with the appointment of the Commission to el quire into the working of the Colony Political Constitution Ordinance, as has been requested by a Resolution passed in the Combined 1923, at the Corona instance of the Hon.
nuous ington is most provoking. Fully two years and months bare passed away since the Resolu tion has been passed and the Governo ent have not yet appointed the Commission We do not know of a worse instance recently of disregard wishes of the people of this Colony as expressed in the Combined Court by their repre.
sentatives, by the Government; and the case is certainly one in connection with wbich a complaint should be made to the Secretary of State for the Cominions acd the Coloples. The know Cull the Resolution was moved so early ia the life of the present Court in order that whateverreforms should be decided on muld be de law in time for the pera El ions in Cc oter 18 year.
Yet they beve peisistently neglected to appoint he Commission until it is nearly (Continued on page 7)
of the The Workman Stationery Store Government well that cumstances ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays

    Death SentenceViolence

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