
25 respectful want up Ones there are Only First Class Ones Need Apply public wbere parents THE ATTENTION agamapa Friendly MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS ComThe Open Forum We do not hold ourselves responTHE WORKMAN sible for views expressed ia these Columns Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica The Editor, THE WORKMAN: Sir. After reading with great WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tlon. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
concern the letter from Parent. appearing in the Star PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Herala under of June 9ih. written on one side of paper only, and cannot belp but express Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of deepest Sympathy for ht this One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaperent; la fact for all parents Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
who are trying to train their Three We do not undertake to return rechildren in these days of lawlessОзе jected correspondence.
Dess, rudeness, and meaness, on the part of the masses of Negi The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS children now on the Isthmus, SATURDAY JUNE 26, 1926, But let us pause long enough to ask ourselves, why are we so beset with these masses of disLET WAKE UP AND CONSOLIand disreputable children, and who is responsible?
No one of course.
child iu the way you want him to go. That is just what the parents The following article taken from the editorial column are doing in the home to day.
of the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE is so appropo to local condiThey are the who are traintions we readily give it the same honored position ing the children to do just what they are because we feel that among West Indians here in Yes doing few children who show sigas of Panama every line can be applied to ourselves by having come out of bomes in merlely substituting the word Philadelphia wherever it live parents who are in occurs, to read Panama and altering the figures from terested in the and education of the young. But millions to thousands. Here goes the timely article:blic conduct wouldn hesitate to say that Every day in the year, including Sundays, the colored 90 of the Negro Homes on the citizens of Philadelphia spend 205, 479. 40. At the end of ricono di nome del contractantibi Isthmus to day, are unworthy three hundred and sixty five days they have passed across to be called homes, but rather the counters of Philadelphia merchants Sexenty Five Million sore spots in the know Dollars. tremendous buying power, Sufficient money, por munit: care less about restraining chil.
if properly directed to break the economic shackles of the dren from engaging ic, and ereatacol Philadelphia Negro. Enough of the golden shekels pass log all kinds of disgraceful through the hands of colored people in this city to take OFepisodes in the Community. In them out of the beggar class The sad part about this fact it is commonly known that Seventy Five Million Dollar Story is, it simply passes Societies and Secret Orders most parents approve whatever malicious through. Very little of it remains within the group that wan acts their children may commit, quickly believe what sweated and toiled for it.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF comes from their lips, and sbield Where do these Seventy five Million good American them from being corrected by any one dollars go? Who are the real beneficiaries of this tremendous buying power. Does it add to the financial The school teacbers, who are quite familiar with conditions in stability of a poverty stricken group? Are there Negro the various communities, as the merchants who prevent the flow of the golden stream back result of their experience, bave from whence it came. Do Negro financiers take it and labored earnestly to stem tbe use it for the ultimate gooi of Negro business? Has Negro tide of of Ignorance, to impede the brain harnessed this wealth so that thousands of young onrusbot rowdyism, to brink peace out of men and women may be given employment as clerks book.
corfusion, and to Suitable for odge Business establish an understanding bekeepers, typist et cetera. tween the bome and the educa Colored people purchase more than one hundred thous.
tional institutions of mo the and pairs of shoes in Philadelphia every year, There is not. AT THEmunity. But their efforts can one shoe store in Philadelphia owned by colored people.
of bostile homes. They amount to nothing in the midst More than two hundred thousand hits are purchased by the they are liable to be hailed loto that same group every twelve months. Where is the court at any time, to be convicted colored store that sells hats? We can find it. One hunor shamefully reprimanded for dred thosand suits of clothes are taken out of the stores of some act which they earnestly Philidelphia every three hundred and sixty five days by augno ad and To SD VOAD DAD DADDAD AA gardanap gogorarangoeroarangan go pramoga pangarap ang mga believed was in their line of duty.
They are compelled, therefore, members of the colored race. Women dresses? There to close their eyes and stille their is no way to check up on just how many. But there are conscience to the evils which millions of dollars spent by colored women for dresses NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES are every year. There is not even a colored clerk in the stores estige of onleece from the li yes that sell wearing apparel. From Our Correspondent)
Our peo Some of our very good Minis Something must be wrong. The money is hereThe Sunday School Anniver. ters and a few others bave said, a Seventy Five Million People who must wear shoes, hats sary of the Wesleyan Church the Clubhouse worse place and clothes two hundred thousand of them.
We must came off on Sunday the 13th in the Community But the look elsewhere for a solution of our economic problem.
THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER inst. as was previously an writer says, the Clubhouse, with The element that seems to be lacking is business acumen.
Dounced. The Rev. Cousins real presided.
the We need and must have men with the ability to develop WITHOUT AN EQUAL Owing to the inclemency of Community where each by and business institutions. Needed at once men and women with the business brains, men with vision who are aggresDon fail to try it the weather, the service was not girl, and each individual, may bogun until about pm. The feel safe from insults and assaults sive, men who will work and not steal, For the want of Sunday School children assisted without due punishment to the tbe intelligent business brain power Seventy Five million by the church choir rendered guilty party, and where dollars flow through our hands annually a moment ours several beautiful songs anthems.
and rights of every one and the honor The children gave tegrity of the race are game of the Community and the io.
then gone forever.
No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
several excellent recitacions and tegrity of dialogues, each one playing his and fearlessis Does the above article strike West Indians in Panama as being all too true? Then what are we going to do about where law breakers, splendidly, and withKarded, out any hitch: young and old are taught a few it? Do we intend to remain indifferent to these rigid facts Several visitors from the other rights of others.
lessons about respectiag the and continue to stand apart instead of consolidating and minds as well as the bodies of the emancipated go free.
churches and Sunday Schools make a start to pool our resources, never mind how small were present, but the attendance We can never expect, my dear they be. was not as large as was expected parent, anything else but law.
Just now an opportunity is being offered for thinking What is accomplished by wrangling over unimportant on account of the beavy rain, but les ness, and rowdyness, yes West Indians to wake up and do something. good busi details, anyway? Sometimes you get what you want, every one present was delighted worse than that, uotil we can with what he or sbe had Sania the the attitude of the hones ness concern, The Chemical Hall Incorporated, has taken the more often you do not, but in either case the result is and heard.
Miss Russell our untrained and deinitiative and has complied with all the local legal require son who remains calm under annoying circumstances has gratulated for the banned in the Community, and not enough affected but little through wrangling and fussing. The per young organist, is to be conchildren.
There is too much division in ments for selling stock. There is no excuse for keeping a better mind than the one inclined to fly off the handle wbie bo to be trained the children effort on the part of the leaders out; there is no risk, it is already an established business at a moment notice. CALIFORNIA VOICE. witdout much. to and only needs more capital to further its earning capacity.
make the anni gersary a success.
to correct the many evila which Invest in the Chemical Hall Incorporated and let your are constantly arising. In other words, there is need of a general money earn you substantial dividends. read in your last issue an awakeing on the part of Com.
Let this be the first step in the turning of the ways for Neither Selling, Leasing Nor Lending article by Belly under the leadership select their own West Indian solidarity financially and otherwise in Panama. Crying Need. may say that to my mind it is No ma a There is but one channel through which we as a people can man bas ever proven himhope to gain frespect and consideration in this community Under the caption Candid Comments by Dut sbell it is the Golden Text people of whom he himssle is not most interesting article. in selt capable or it to be leader of a and it is through the avenue of business preponderance. Monteith the following appears in the June issue of the ot that inste of the Workman. apareader what they are teachers. use This is not the time to hesitate and consider the whys JAMAICA CRITIC It certainly deserves the atten tion and consideration of every operate in helping to solve the and wherefores of getting together, or reflecting on the fail With regard to the sale of Jamaica to America under parent or guardian of children troublesome problems of the ures of the past. It is seen for all these years that stand that it is definitely booked to take place either a hun on the Isthmus of Panama, Community, to establish peace nothing has been achieved by West Indians individually; dred years after the Millenuium, or when the island is in whether the individual bea and good will among our groups then let get together and try if anything can be accom the hands of her last man. Who the last man will be is Panamanian or not, and whether and confidence in ourselves!
uncertain; some people think it will be a shoemaker as they non ofacial. irrespective of race, co operate with any organization be be rich plished collectively.
The writer is always glad to or poor, are all last mean; while others think it will be either class, or creed.
conduct H, or the Member for St. Thomas who has been The article contains good lead monthly programs for the pur Snapshots standing on the brink of Eternity so long that it will be ing thoughts, and it is worthy or pose of changing the prevailing difficult to dislodge him now. If by accident, however, it favourable comment. The rising conditions to our Communities, Slavery is but half abolished, says the DENVER Star, happens to be me, America will have to fight, ahd fight hard generation of young people and creating a sentiment of selffor this island. am neither selling, leasing, nor lending cannot in their youthful years respect rnd confidence in the emancipation is but half completed, while millions of freethinks and plan for their future leadership of our own race and men with votes in their hands are left without education.
happiness, and so they need men selection.
Justice to them, the welfare of the States in which they and women wbo possess the ADAERTISE spirit and qualification as the live, the safety of the whole Republic, the dignity of the writer of said article to think Rent Receipt Books In Span elective franchise all alike demand that the still remaining and plan for them.
Ish and English for sale at the bonds of ignorance shall be unloosed and broken, and the IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS (Continued op Page 8) Workman Printery Workman Stationery Store Contra Crespo 18 the race falra, is the only place bead of or her part seen our ceptive a to


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