
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres This and bat bhe lecture.
be himseli the pre obserre July man lo What Is Your Fortune. 1: you bere or New York ber leaving for a year who flung a million bas That it is a lawyer.
Approximately 550 bɔys and girls, pupils of the Government few weeks ago, had the (COLON)
school, will automatically start PANAMA (PANAMA)
occasion to comment on Dr.
on their annual three months Austin My Idea o God. The vacation Dext Thursday, July TODAY SATURDAY, June 20th TODAY Saturday June 26th Dr God was the old tribal Gd TUDAY, Saturday June 26th and 18t. With the pupils, Principal Bill Cody in Buck Jones in of bate, the alous God, the God Walters and his staff of ten who visits the sins of the fathors TOMORROW Sunday June 27th FIGHTING SMILE WINNER TAKE ALL teachere will also be given three upon the children unto the thi Richard Barthelmess in months oft. Whether any of the and fourth generation ard above TOMORROW SUNDAY June 27th THE BEAUTIFUL CITY TOMORROW SUNDAY, June 27th teachers contemplates boldiok all, the God of the atonement. Lon Chaney in Percy Marmont in summer sessions as in previous Gd rejected as cruda THE UNHOLY THREE years, has not yet been definitely LORD JIM MONDAY, June 28th ant Promorphic. In the pres.
known The summer sessions ence of Me. Hunter told Jack Bolt in MONDAY, June 28th MONDAY, June 28th usually belp to keeps fair per Mr. Smith of my rejection. Не THE ENCHANTED HILL Harry Carey in Elesine Hammerstein in centage of the vacationists occuagreed with me that the DRIFTING THRU pled for at least two of the tbree THE UNWRITTEN LAW God high order TUESDAY, June 29th months.
and expressed that he Buck Jones in TUESDAY, June 29th TUESDAY, June 29th was not please with the Yet on Saturday 19. of the THE MAN WHO PLAYED SQUARE Art Acord in Cullen Landie in A, sent month Mr. Smith comes out THE SET UP PEACOCK FEATHERS with an article attempting to WEDNESDAY, June 30th WEDNESDAY, June 30th criticizə my comments on Dr.
WEDNESDAY, June 30th There was a fairly good attend.
Wm. Fairbanks in ance at last week business Austin. The reader will Harold Lloyd in Richard Barthelmess in meeting of the Panama Canal that Mr. Smith never tackled FIGHTING YOUTH THE BEAUTIFUL CITY THE FRESHMAN West Indian Employees A380any of the points that caused me clation, and some important to reject the Dr God THURSDAY July 1st THURSDAY July 1st am put THURSDAY July 1st decisions bave been arrived at Charles Ray in ting the question straight to Mr.
Loo Chaney in Jack Holt in with regard to development of Smith: Do you Sir, believe. DYNAMITE SMITH the District. The next business God of Dr. Austin? In private THE ENCHANTED HILL THE UNHOLY THREE meeting is fixed for the ninth of you made me believe that you FRIDAY, July 2nd FRIDAY July 2nd did not. Let us know where you FRIDAY July 2nd Buck Jonen in Special Cast in are. It is evident that ihe gentlemon wants to enter into a discos Harry Carey in THE MAN WHO PLAYED SQUARE THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA Miss Edna Allen Died In sion on the existence of God. He DRIFTING THRU New York.
says, find that the au bor is SATURDAY July 3rd SATURDAY July 3rd rather inclined to tɔ be a mber SATURDAY, July 3rd of men who quesWm, Fairbanks in Zasul Pitts in Mrs. and Mrs. W, Allen of that group of TO BE SELECTED FIGHTING YOUTH PRETTY LADIES tion the existence of God. No of the Quarantine Annex were competent to testifs the recepient of the sad news by cable, on Wednesday evening against God unless be can prove last, of the death of their daugbthat be knows all thing. Can you ter Edna, in New York on Saturshow this puzle passage from day last and her burial on the article wherein tes! tied you know why these men are so Court Atlantic No. Wednesday.
My dea: Sir, do not callous in their ways? They beBut God?
for or ogainst your God. lieve in God, and they believe Miss Allen was well known in believe in that doctrine the 9914, the cohabsah ment wil, save them. Why should Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs social and religious circles bere tid, openly tell you that such as well as in Panama City, baving been Being does not exist: But will they ba good when the blood of white each week for Readers of this paper place beside your proposition Christ can make any sin wh and at the time of HAD DOUBLE FUNCT. ON. Charen bermember of St. Peter another one that reads something as. now. After exhausting yours WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE like this: No man can trstify for sell with first from astronomy Os Saturday night the 19th ago to join her sister Mrs. Dyer, very enjoyable time was spent at was member of St. Paul God except he knows all ttings you explode with. Writer, Juño 18. 24 will always have logical reasoning this unique Court of the Ancient Church, Panama City. The news maintain that my proposition is you say to back it.
Order of Foresters when the of her death came as a shock to as reasonable as yours any day. Izing suns Into space and fixed The Cusp of Gemini and their orbits by the immutable Cancer You will be dignified and re officers for the new term were her parents, as well as the says rule without excepion, that he law? challenge the personal served, but will have great installed and the retired Chief (Continued on page 8)
who treats religion or any of the photo e Science Come of coo trait which is usually, found in weed as a public speaker, a teacher made a Pest Chief Ranger.
Inconsistency of character is a magnetic power. You should suc Range. Bro. Saunders was. It you know that these those who are bore during a cura or nees, and irreverence, carries a plane:s were ilung by person, At p. the meeting was seltish heart and is not fit to be why not till the scientific World The waning sign of one month stili The color of your soul is a pale called to order and after minor Colon Boys Institute the bosom friend of any man. Teaching 18 your ltue your infor exerts and influence over them. submit that man who believe matin may be gadly acepted. while the rising sign of the thexy green, and the shades which be business was transacted a walling in religion or in any of the ordi: Up to now all that the poor astro: month may bestow characteristics come you are those which comple the arrival of the visitors from Commander Watson of the should not treat e mrs have to go by is, the entirely at variance with those of ment it. The Cat Eve is the Panama, the installation cerethe first mystical gem which is supposed to movies were begup by Bro them lightly, neither should such Nebular Hypothesis bring you luck The white azalea Cherry who acted as Colon Boys Institute begs to man treat bis fellow man un You who are born during this the flower appropiate to this week. Installing of ticer assisted by Bro. anello the general public that Come out Mr Smith, dont hide week will undoubtedly retain the Colon But what do see?
with one Batchelor, RBoys Institute which should kindly.
You shtuld mate sod Baylis that men have alwage persecuted into Corozal. These doubters apt to have a more costant and February if you wish the greatest y history tell I tind your talents. Then came a quy brilliance and versatility common who is bora curing the first part of POR of Court Atlantic. Bro. have taken plice on the 16th day el tied tion that would land any one to the Gemiui born, but you are September or the last part Cambridge was installed because of circumstances over of May last but was postponed in proportion to religious bellets, and they have been teltish water the beatles of matter conservatie nature. Your active domestic happinesses you wanna get as Chief Rasger with the followof seeing new fields ly, however, find a congenial com bis assistants. Williams which he had no control, will in the direct proportion to their but can they explain how matter to explore, will concero itself with panion in whomever, you sleet. CR, Milne Tres. Steer take place on the 8th day of were ides of accepting the ordinances of their created itsel. saying that matter is eternal, pondering upon things of the point as you are easy to live with and Wiline Wine, Jules have been given out for the 16h Secty.
Cadet w, Sis August 1926 commencing at 30 God.
precludes the of to devise new reasons. The invitatioas that 11.
a compass, take the Jews and mordern science to day, that be a great aid in preventing too Just by way of keepink within created itself. It is a maxim in for clinging tº tradition Pousons are fond of home and family. and McLeod (Copyrighted 1925 by Henseof for After the installation the Coristians, Christiarity had matter and force are eternal. If Steer was asked to take over the August le to expected that of the Jordon, fore the Jews, there is your next chance for im.
no sooner appeared on the banks you know that they are created, radical changes, for your opposition Adams Syndicate. degree work which was per shis anniversary will be the best formed with the help of the visi sion has been specially asked for.
of fall as tbis date for the occamen who accept the ordinancet mortality. Yes, Mr Smith, ting Past Chief Ranger. thus He that tight and run away may of God, and in nowise treated maintain that it is sheer consense raising Bro. Sunders to live t) bigat an vther day, but he religion lightly, persecuted the to man as he cannot know THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED the rank of a Past Chief Ranger, that in the battlefield Door followers of Christ. One the moment he began to be, and Saul of Tarsus headed a band of still be believes that he is; it The entire. in like membership and religionists and ordinances men, manoer he does not know the the visitors were taken to St. slain will never live to fight Charls Lodge Room where the and stoned the Christians.
If Ai moment that God began to be, you have any trouble with your.
banquet was prepared. This was the stoning of Stephens this but can still believe that God of the most enjoyable Teacher Takes Charge of Night same Saul was there looking on Is. We dont bave to know ube functions Mirrors or Reflectors beld for some time.
School, without murmar. And they moment any maa began to be, who stoned bim laid down their that point is unimportant. Men Bro. Cadet gathered a lew of the members and made an impromptu Prof. Harris a well known clothes at the feet of send them to No. building, 12th young are, we can see them. We cannot choir which rendered appropri: teacher in this cits has taken mao whose name was Saul.
comprehend man by any o! our ate songs and dittles after each over the night teaching at the malntain that belief in God senses, but God excludes us also October Street, Guachapali, where they was proposed and drank. Institute. Mr. Harris, says Comdoes not make a man true to his gether. We do not owly not knox 30 Sunday morning mander Watson, has been teachfellow man. Look at the Christ when he began to ba but we do will be carefully and substantially repaired when the national anthem was ing in this city for over 25 years.
ians when they came into power pot know that He is. It matter.
sung also new ones made to order at moderate 80 now there is both a Spanish in the 4th century: Court No. 9914 Atlantic not allow a witch tobou sbalt oot to me if the Baptiste bave a live, one church or is one pot; but from of the ordinarces of God, wbich Ancient Order of Foresters will and an English (excher for the prices. If you want to have an estimate Institute that thry bave not. But bave a concert on Sunday afternoon at the America Theatre, As bave carried out to the letter, that is a question for Chorchmen of work to be done, send a card to.
usual th organization can be Thanks to Sympathizers.
Thousands of innocent old women. oid say that the place had not a relied on to produce something have been put to death because piece of work of art. The few BROWN Out of the ordinary and the pub Coramander Watson begs to of this ordinance of some peo places of worship that have of reil musical thank the many sympathisers ple God. The pious gentlemen attended in my time are alwaye Ancon Box 1223 treat.
and friends jof the Colon Boys who founded the trqu sition were beautified with the paintinge of Judging from the sale of the Institute, who had been so interall believers in God. The first the masters, bence, was sur: tickets a full house is expected, ested in his trouble of the past Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United did dut when ship that brought Negroes from prised whe and the O sigo has already law weeks. did not know said Africa at slaves, was charteron mark was only one of ngs in this house. My reStates, Costa Rica, and Panama.
heen printed, for though very Commander surprise Watson, that Bisbop of the church by a litile advertising has been done were surrounded with so many asked me if know that the thought that all christians loved it would appear that on Sunday friends, but today can say that earth is only one of the paintings. Any way, my contenplanets that travel around the won like that of De, Austin to Lodge says: The whole system read it, and asked the astronomer ready been secured batandior white sympathizare than my own evening, it tickets have not al this lostitute can boast of more 1n? Yes, know, and know we cannot know God by our bas evolved itself arond mere Where does the God of the uni room only will be available. people. know that understanding, but unlike moving matter in accordance verse com) in his system. The of moro Giordano Bruno told the Austin I refuse to give Him with the law of gravitation, and astronomor replied, Sir, The program is replete with this lastitute is the people of my Kood pumbers. Just to mention a own race. During the past few men who believed in God and attributes. d unlike Mr, Smith, there is no certain siga ot dither have manigd without that tew. The Atlantic Orchestra weeks was weary of answering religion that such was the case, we caanot know by blade beiginning or end. This dean of hypothesis And so it is in the under the direction of Mr. phone calls from all parts of grass. refuse to delleve that science gros og to say: From whole the at the stake, for ot scientific world. Handel Lawson, Mrs. Olga King, Zone enquiring of my trouble tebing them that truth. know this universe is governed Shin everlasting to everlasting the physical and chemical interpret. Mita H, Whyte medie, of other and telling bing how much the still more. when Gallileo tola intinito intelligence, It this material universe ralls on your fellow believers that the world is made by design it is im have searched through theation is given the scheme of need any introduction, neither have sympathized with me. The the possible to account for mons heaveno, say Lalande, so great things. When Mr. Smith tells will the other high class enter natives of this city was full of earth was Son, they placed the old man on trosities. Toere is not a trace in astronomer, and now bere bave us that the millions of suns were Tickets are 50c. half price for their own personal affair. It is a great indignation and made it blem bending knees and made him the universe that it ever badI found a trace of God. flang by who, and that he children. It you are looking for a good thing always to do good recant. Ard to day believers take beginning. No scientist will Wben Laplace, the great toss God in a blade of grass; he wonderful time you will be there even when we think that we are assert that it was created. Her scientist, constructed his scheme is only adopting the role of an a ticket from any member of the Beyond every dark cloud there credit in these things at p. Sanday the 27th. Get not appreciated by others there is a God live exempi rybert Sp Doer says that the thing of the universe, he showed it to gnorant but well meaping street Court or see Mr, Came lies a silver cord of deep apprebelieve that mo wbo accept that lives? Sesrob your. ils. And dulis unknowable.
Aod Sir Oliver the Emperor Napoleon. Napoleen preacher.
bridge, ciation Dances of to tell a bava one tast was It the Jews and the Christiana Apostolic point of viewolne cap prove lic is assured see such paintings we 10 that.
they burn: an tainers Do you


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