
IT cigarette that knows no frontiers STEADILY climbing in favor way, PAINS ENEMY ct.
Chesterfield stealing it.
Up to date Jewelry COURETTES except themselves. sent any body THE BEER FAGE SIX HE WORINAM SAT! TAS JUNE 26, 1926.
American Alone Won Chinese Hurl Defiance Be Prepare World War Films at Great Britain for that Pain Makes Out.
CHU, IN LEAGUE OPIUM PARLEY YOU can stop excru DECLARES HE ANSWERS INSULT ciating pain instantly Big Par. da Denounced in WITH ANOTHER INULT.
if you will only apply Londonas V, effort to Steal Allies Glory SLOAN LINIMENT READY TO TEAR TREATIES. Sloan Liniment is NATIONAL PUBLICITY pain greatest enemy, and is backed by 40 years Says Army of Milion and a of success the world over.
London, May 22. Extraordin Half Fighters Prepared to Re It is an invaluablo remary resentment has been :ou ed In North America, the homesist Foreign Interference, edy for bere by the American bla Toe land of tobacco, Chesterfield Big Parad, which we shown is outstripping all other tigRheumati Sciatica for the first time at the Ti oli lat arettes in its rate of growth Geneva, June Launcbir Sore Throal Bachache night.
the bitterest attack ever heard Sprains Bruises, olc as According to the British View in the halls of the League o Chest Pains Stif Neck point the film written by North America, in Europe as well Nations, Chu Chao Hin, former It penetrates right to Chinese Envoy to London, and Laurence Stallings, is based on the seat of trouble, the assumption that Amica as in the Far East as man after now Minister to Rom, cbal warms and soothes the 00 won the World War because it lenged Great Britain to attack nerves and tissues, banman recognizes its tobacco qualentirely ignores toe French and Ching in a military or diplomatic ishing pain.
British sbare in the coofl. ct. The ity and tastes its smooth fullness Try it now.
responsibility for deel tipy newspaper comment to day the bristles with vituperation and and satisfying aroma.
before League members and th At all druggists and dealers.
An unusual cigarette, combinworld that China would soo: is doubtful. says the tear up ber uns qual treaties ing without a hint of harshness or Daily News, if any ciher mation regradless of the powers.
SLOAN than Anerica wouid have had the over richness the choicest tobacThe outhurst came before ir LINIMEN?
impudence or the d taste to League Opium Advisory Con.
produce Tha Bg Parade and, cos of Turkey and North America.
mission atter Sir lcolm le like the Daily Mail, it calls the Well worth a trial by any man vinge, British representative, picture a travesty of a great subbad intimated that Chinese swho knows and loves good tocials bad, through corruption They have our money and now authorized the importation in to bacco.
they want our glory, was, acChina of 100 kilograms of cording to the Daily Express, the morpbine.
opinion of a well known novelist.
He is the same official whose and the newspap. add: Not repeated clashes with Stephen only are they after our glory, Porter, American delegate at but they want us to pay them for the Opium Conference. caused the British Government to dis This inigbty and disicinuous patch Viscount Cocil posthaste effort in national publicity, says straighten out the misunder the Express, suggests that the CIGARETTES standings and make peace wit the American delegates in rewar began whes the Amer can troups arrived, after which, of gard to to undiplomatic practice in every form can be seen course, German resistance was among Foreign Office officials.
here at its best See our Heretofore Sir Malcolm bas futile. What the pony ef orts of the French and British rupe bulldozed the Chinese and taunt.
ed their various envoys because Wrist Watches bad failed to accomplish to four years, the glorious be ben froin Manufactured by LIGGSTT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
they did not reprefent the West achieved without ditti Bracelets culty.
Resenting an insuli to the Diamond Rings While landing the film techChinese people and Government, nique as wonderful and the photoMr. Cha realled the Oplum War and a hundred other adorn.
play as gorgeous several on the in which the itish forced the newspapers criticiz: its apparent Chinese to become slaves to ments and you ll recognize OS disregard for the conditions of oplom He added that why this is the LEADING modern Warfare for the sake of for years Britaiz hid authorized JEWELRY HOUSE in town glorifying the American bero.
importrtion of raw orion to wbo tears into the tout line make morphia, which was sola sk prices and you ll find still and rescues his wunded friend exclusively to Chin, and that another reason. expressly against his cfie the practice still con inued.
command and attacks a German SUPPLIED BY He character d Sir Malcolm Fuller Jewelly Store machine gun nest sioglehanded attack upon the integrity of This is froin the Daily Mail, Chinese officials as an insol: wbich continues: We who remwbich could be ans sered only 122 Cernral Ave. Phone 629 member how long the Allies with an insult, troops fought there will tiod CHALLENGES ARMED ATrather impertinent the calm asТАСК.
sumption that we sball love to RM, WILKINSON Voicing his deria ce of Erg.
watch the Americans telling us how they won the war off tacir land, Mr. Chu said. You can reply to me by an Contractor Most of these articles are beaappeal to diplomeer or you can is brewed from the best and Builder de How. America won the war apply by an appeal to arms.
China will welcome your attack. in the film.
Tae Murcing materials obtainable You have attack dimy country, Post even uses the subh adiog and am not afraid to attack House No. 20 American Uber Alles, and you, the official For 4, 000 rears China has 28th NOV. STREET, asserts fila, taken care of herself and she is It is specially suited for this climate Was turced War again able to SO, in America because there were SAN MIGUEL In the no American troops as Yprcs.
is superior to all imported beers sold opinm War she way forced to Like the other newsp pors. bow to England, but she 18 Box 411, Panama, the Post points out how America to strong enough here and it sells to the public at refuse now becanse of its virtual film monop hereby publicly assume the oly, can spread its propaganda responsibility for declaring that plans and Specifications Free HALF the price.
ev ry where.
China will soon tear up the We are powerless to prevent unequal treattes fo ced on her. Today, for the ret time the aggraudzement of America First class workmanship Chinese representatives in Great Britain and in our domTRY OUR NEW BEER the courage to make such state. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
inions, and we are impotent to ments publicly agriast foreign con reciprocity in th.
ted States, it say Mr. Chu charged that the Not in years has the English FLOWERS Internatinal 11 Opium Asso press been so unanimous in its condemnation of ar ything. The ciation at kin was dirested by Coronicle even has satirical an Englishman, aud declared the Abogado. Attorney at Law committee could draw its own wording in its advertisement ol SUPERIOR TO ALL conclusions regarding the assoOFFICE: No 44 SE the picture as foll ws: My we win your war? Consukas ciation from whese charges Str BOX 30 PANAMA CITY time of trouble. Rfer your goios SXS 55 Seskses SSWOSKIS Malcolm obtained his informaTELEPHONE No. 1317 Armageddon to us for settlement SOSOS. tion.
Enemies in any countries TOLERATION NEAR END Practicing before all the courts of dispatched instantly.
Concluding with a reference to a boy:o t, he said: th Republie since April 191 According to this newspaper.
Mrs. Williaca sor, the lo If you can find a single man novelist, has now gone to Am la in China in whose brenst there erica and is trying to obtain the does not wat anti British feeling support of the American Legion he is not a can Dentist Howell for British war bilms duly adap.
officially inform the committee ted for America, In the meantithat the time when China will me, we shall owe grateful tolerate foreiga interference in HOUSE 912, LA BOCA thacks to America, not only for her International affairs is winning our war, but for telling nearing i:s end.
us about it and charging us to Of every description After the meeting, Mr. Cha (Opposite the Restaurant)
informed the correspondent Office Hours: a. to p. that he was ofticially authorized British Consulate Notice to p. to make these statements. While DONE the Chinese are In the midst of DAILY domestic turmoil, they are united The British Cop ul at Colon in their foreign policy.
DESPATCH He PHONE 1941 BALBOA would be glad of iaformation as to out that the present whereabouts of Albert 1, 500, 000 trained fighters, well Specializes in all the branches Davis, a native of British Guiana, armed and drilled, who, although of Dentistry.
who is stated to be in the leather business and whose address is said AT THE Boite one spother, would against inst Invaders.
to be Colon, As far as war materials are concerned, he disclosed that forelga boycott, be said, hsg they are being tarned out in nerely begun.
He declared Rent Recelpt Books In Span Peking, superior in quality to Hong Kong is only a sh lola Ish and English for sale at the seen along the Western Property nov. with a population or during the war.
but 200, 000 against 800, 000 a year Workman Printery The effectiveness of the anti ago.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
own bat. Ypres, down do so have insist on KRONEN BRAU Chinese.

    EnglandWorld War

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