
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 26. 1926 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History ElecCricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 the one lodies or possessions in the West VIGOR TONIC houses take large dairy ecods, JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cider Champagne Lesser Fine Market For Continued from page 2)
FIELD CAN BE LARGELY DEVE too late for its recommendations LOPED IN THE OPINION OF to receive Legislative sanction so Corner 12 Street East Avenue AMERICAN DEPARTMENT ON that they can take effect in conCOMMERCE gection with the fast approaching General We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Election. The ulves too are not without blame AND watches. Our prices are the lowest and our THE PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT anent this matter for were they Workmanship is guaranteed.
As resolute as they should have Writing from been the Government would bave Washington Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Uoder date of May 29th, Olives ago it even that was done at the appoiated the Commission long Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may McKee, Jr. a well known Corres special request of the Secretary pondent says: drsire, provided the monthly payments of of State. If it were the Village interest are duly met.
The lesser West Indies con Councils that had to do with the Summary of Contents: stitute foreign markets whose question, they would have seen History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED potentialities are probably lost it through long ago. We hear sigbt of by American exporters. that the lethargy of the Electives Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
This is probably due to their in connectioa with this importInteresting Report of the 1906 Tour, proximity to the Ucited Sates, ant question will not be aceouat o the opicion officials of ed to them for righteousness at From this date on, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, IR Department of Commerce this the General Eection later in the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual ACTION SALES ld can well ba developed. Ex year. By the way we observe cluding the three republics and that Mr. Walcott, Financial Players will be he every day from a. to p our in the Combined Representative ad con ilering only the Court for Demerara, 1s stating Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall British and French at the meetings that he is Interesting one be pleased.
possessions there a population of ing throughout his constituency he is in chi 11.
brought from the United States year Court. Il we mistake not Suhted States be said the same thing whe, he Price 50cts.
in 1925 products to the value of be 329 777, 592, and contributed to wa to was seeking election in 1921, but our impiris to the va ue of 28, yet it does not seem to him that The best Tonic in the World 269 653. Our seles to these pur bis electors bave a right to be Secure yours now there will be a great rush chasers am voted to wore than disappointed at the fact that at for them, those to Norway, Peru. uguay the end of another General Elecor Venezuela. and to three times tion he has to make the same Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN those to all the countries of promise. It may be that if Mr.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. southeastern Europe.
Walcott is re elected in October Panama ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Especially in the British po3 be might have to make the same Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up sessions, these islanders enter promise at the end of the followa run down constitution tain our tourists, read our peri General Elections.
odicals, patrioniz, our mail order It promotes digestion, impi uves the appe.
and buy from us almost article found on tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system of our domestic retailers. They on the shelves SIR JOHN HARRISON EL GAITERO SUCCESSOR.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or quantities of our our THE and ONLY ELABORATED times a day.
meals products four. umber, cotton The Elective members of the and iron and steel, particularly Guiana met His Excelleney the machinery Combined Court of British tubular products in the case of Governor in privata conference Spanish Cider with its those islands waich sbare in the zuela. They furnisbus, bananas organ zstion of the staff of the petroleum developments of Vene o Goveroment House recently own Carbonic Acid to discuss respices. lily. Services of the Bethlehem Additional Church Services.
asphalt and mineral oils and Department of Scleace and AgriChurch of God Holiness numerous other items which we culture and the appɔintment of a do not produce in suf. icient successor to the late Sir Joho quantities at home.
Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
The Electives expressed their STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL In our trade with the British matter in the hands of His views on the subject and left the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, Sunday 530 Prayer Mreting. West Indies exports and imports Excellency who, promised URETIC AND REFRESHING!
10 a. Children Service; 11 am. are about to Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babevenly balanced, communicate their views to the Trade Mark bath Behool: 11. 15 a. General Worship Divide Service, Preacter, supplied.
amounting to 22 942 281 and scretary of State. p. Sunday School, Superinten. 18543 196, respectively 30 pm. Spanish Clase; 1923 deat p. 7. 30 pm. Goo la the Frer cb group our sales VALLE INA ERNANDE 30 M. Society, meeting pel Srvice, Elder Francis 631 Junior and Senior Standard The usual weekly services will be chases were 387 407. Oar sales 2658 547 and our purHave you tried the S, of attainment Cluss pm. Vespers.
conducted on Tuesday and Thursday therefore xe eged Sunday ever ing 30 Stere Digbt, at 45 our VILLAVICIOSA purcba res by about 1357 per cant, a favour new Boer SPAIN optican Lecture. The ginetal public in BEULAH 30 am Prayer Meeting able cordially invited to turn out in large 11 a. vine Service Supplied. Dot exceeded which is probably by any other of ou Kronen Brau Dumbers. 80 m. Sunday School, Superinten foreign markets. A: an entrepot ESTEBAN DURAN dent. p. Goepel service. Bro. Small: for the oil fields of zu la the SOLE AGENT Dutch West Indi»s ship to the Seventh Day Adventist Church Thursday night, Bible readings and United States lark quantities of League for Peace, and Freedom For the Republic of Panama ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON Prayer. Bro. Webley, mineral oils and buy from us a at Geneva. nder tha lea dership, GAMBO4 MISSION 11 m, and great deal of oil well machinery of Mrs. Lawrenca scores of Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Bebocl; 11. 15 a. General Worship p. m, supplied and supplies. In 1925 the parElder T, C, PRANCIS, 30 p, Young people meeting chases from the Uted ates women soaganizations have been amounted to 1176 781 against soon will sweep er listed in the crusade which Pastor in charge. 30 Veepers sales to us of 9, 298 067, of Sunday evening 30 Preaching mineral cils data accounted for Women organiz tion of all Dearly Bervior. You are cordially invited to 6, 300, 000 It It is Interesting to parts are participating in the attend these services and bring your Ebenezer Church of God Holiness note that our 1925 imports iroa Pilgrimage. Many working wofriends, the Virgin Islands were 159 per join the Pilgrimage marching a men who cannot loave their homes No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD cant greater than those of the Regular Assortment of few miles with them with a blue pre reding year, while our ex: armlet of peace Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin uon The Church of God their ports to these islards lis. year 11 a. Divine Service Preacher were larger by 15 per cent than sleeves.
Panams, Arosemena Street, House 25, supplied those of the preceding year.
Sir Harry Lauder joined the Sun Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer p. Sunday School Superintendent.
Pilgrimage for a tim. Sybil meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a. p. Programme Thorndike and many other SUCH AS and 730 Sunday School at p. 730 Gospel Service, Preacher prom nent actresses are taking oday at 30 Testimony Meeting Supplied.
Women Peace part in meetings wherever they Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Tuesday 30 Gospel Service have the opportunity.
Tonics, Crusade Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Meetio. Wednesday at 730 Note Other Be vices for the week Countess Cecil, Lady Bal our si nel meeting. Thursday at 30 Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 0, en air meeting, Friday at 30 m. will be given from the pulpit.
of Burleigh, Lids Volet haPrayer Meeting Elder ODLE MOVING UPON LONDON WHERE of Oxford and Asquith and Dime Carter who is a daughter of Earl Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Patsor in charge BIG DEMONSTRATIONS WILL Willicent Fawcett the ve eran Red Tank, Cipal Zo. Suuday Sobos BE HELD, are actively etc. etc. etc. P. Gepel meeting on Thursday The Salvation rmy Surfrage Wmvement. The supporting at 30 WELCOMED BY BISHOPS.
London bas Bie. GRAY the use of Falham Palaca grounds PANAMA CITY CORPS, Neu Providedor. Gospel Mertinga al to the Crusaders for demon Services are as follows: Direct West India Cable Stration June 19:b. Dr.
The Workman Printery 11. 30a. and 80p. Ancay Snhool at p. Wednesday at 30 Early Prayer Meeting.
despatch from London, daed Norwood Minister of the ates that 10 a. Children Directory Meeting June 11.
Woquen pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 o. Prayer Temple, the largest Free Church and Brigade United Open Air Meeting Peace Crusaders are moviag up93 CENTRAL AVENUE Meeting.
in London bas taken euch great Bro. McDONALD 11. Holiness Meeting to be con oa London fron every part of interest in the movement that the itish Isles. Countesses are bis six months boliday will be Panama City.
Gatun, Canal Zone, Gospel Meeting ducted by Commandant Martin, 3p. Company meeting and trudging along country roads devoted entirely to peace adat 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday with charwomen.
dresses Bohool at p. Wednesday 30 pm. Brigade Open ait. p. tm. Junior Open Air.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 45 separate Brigade open Air Igrims in their Cathedrals and welcoming the Pra Meeting Meeting, The value of Englaod exhibits wisbick them Gudspeed. Nun at the Serqol Centennial InterBro. GEORGE GRIPFITH 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting. conformist chapels and estab national Exposition to be beld in Colon. and Streeta. Gospel meelOther notice for the week wi be lished chorches are being thrown Philadelphia from June to Ingo at 11. 30 a. com and 30 pm. Sunday given from the pulpit.
open to the foot sore travellers December 1, is placed at 30, 000, Behool at 8pm. Wednesday at 7:30 read their peace 000 by pm. Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
in every towo add add the names sioner of the British section of Why throw away your old, but no Notice to Correspondents.
of the places to their. in sbow their itinerary.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Contributors and correspondente Philadelphia.
doubt interesting, books when you On June 19. the Crusaders are asked to send in their contribu will enter Loodon and gather in Salvation Army Hall, tions not later than Thursdays to Byde Park. men speakers can have them neatly bound at insure publication. This is impera from 20 platforms will demand DR. HOFFMANN LA BOCA CORPS tive and must be adhered. THE WORKMAN. 30. Knee Drill Peace saying they are Diplomats. has transferred his clinic to 37 11. Holiness Meeting, 6006 Blood Tablets safer than bave united in this anul war de Entrance between La Alascota British women of all classes Mascota in front of the Alcalde Central Ave. upper floor of La 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. Sunday School, 606 Money back 30 Open Air.
guarantee monstration. The ides started and Precindo Book Store.
Price Particulars free. Welsh last January at the meeting of Opposite Cecilia Theatre 30 Salvatio meeting.
ne ziende cordial ir vitaton to all Medicine. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. the Wonens International TELEPHONE 991.
Were a 66 lato London.
of which Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Bishop of Kranted City Bisbops are Book Binding!


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