p. 8


PAIE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JONE 26, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Musical Program. Canal Zone Notes To Morrow Races Races! Races!
JUAN FRANCO TRACK fore Good Races orgunist was learned the tape Abel et ihe halt year.
Westerman, a came the cler The Workman BOOK STORE care. AT ST. PAUL CHURCH (Continued from page 5) Eight races, two for native The biggest race meet ever held in Panama took place at community in which she was borses and six for imported Juan Franco Lippodrone on Sun On Sunday June 27th what prom well eskemed. Numerous thoroughbreds. wake up the doy alteru. on last before by far ises to be the greatest musical treat tokens of sympathy have been program for tomorrow afterudon the largest most fashionable and cfreceut months will be rendered in received by Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Juan Franco Park most distinguish the form os ap Afternoon Musicale gathering The fta:ure event is to be a mile race for class imported that had ever made its appear at St. Paul Church, in this city ance at any previous meet on the by the well reputed choir of the Athenaeum to Elect horsts, Rataplan. Pereque and breezy Park President Chiari, Church assisted by the Panama Officers. gentino are booked enter accompanied by Mrs. Chiari and TO MORROW this competition. 600 purse is Symphony Orchestra.
a staff of aides arrived just bef All the items to be given by the offered by the Jockey Club.
the third race. The Chief Exe orchestra are uew and will be renSunday, June 27th 1926 Next Tuesday evening the La Bit. Burlesco, Cicero and cative of the Nation was given a dered for the first time, by this Boca Atbenaeum will bold its Reica Mora are in line to take rousing welcome. He and his combination of players, half yearly nomination and elec the field in the fifth, tbe second party occupied sp cial box Talented performers from Colon tion of officers, Having compeleted most important event. This will reserved trom them. Tha pro will contribute important items to more or less busy hall year be a five furlong race.
gram was in every detail an ex the Programme President DeSouzy, who is are There are seven entries in the cellent and cost erj yable one. Samuels of Christ Church serving bis second consecutive sixth, and these include Glad The most acted event of the Colon, will give term will not stand for re;elec Knight, Poncbo Roto. Novicia, an organ solo; Mr.
tion, Smitn, noted Flutist, will it day was the Bolivarian Classic No intelli Cclonese. Translate, Sta. Cecilia his Races for Imported horses gence as to who will be the next Jingoe: while in the eighth, Icone and one balf miles purse tient the andience to one of a Cup rend tons and Mr incumbent of the hörored posi fante, Picbicuma, Silver King Charles Lowe, the popular Chinese and for Native bred Ponies tion, bas been received, but it is Towello and Meddler will leave inported th Raul Espinosaed bts Son modest bac Soprano from Christ Church will hoped that ex secretary Collins the over six and one balt reputed champion of the turf, render one of his famous vocal present to the Society of a copy WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE furlongs.
of Roberts Rales of Order; Coplapo, who was matened with colo In the native Division the Rina Mora, Pierrot Cabo The same owner, Mr Onko, the rich tenor of which has passed through the first and second events. Baby the Cathedral of St. Luke Ancon, tands of several Presidents of Pergy, Renown, Dardanelli, Bandolero and Ritaplan. won will also ve one his be utiful AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT ubis respected body, will at the Chiqui and Candlewood baye this classic event in the best tenor solos, while Miss Ramena next installation of officers be been matched for the first; and form. Moving over the paces as it Simmons, one of St. Paul lady handed to one who will not fall for the second there are nine with marked precision, the great pranos will sine for the first time to keep the fires of literature entries: Zapa, Cacocha. Barba borse, with Gotzales in the as soloist. Miss Shand and Miis Everybody will be there. Don miss it. burning brightly during the next Rj, lecomeno, Caribe, Harold, Dictador, Ruso and Repulse.
saddle, took the lead in the very Re, ist alio of the choir and early running and was never well known soloists will contribute First Race Starts p. Sharp caught nor very seriously chal pieces.
Patronal Festival At St. Quiet Wedding at St.
lenged. Time 40 5. Track he choir will render torce beauslow. Abel finished strong tiful which will be among Peter Church, La Peter s, La Boca.
Maracay came in in the order tie Messiah by Handel.
second and Reina Mora and the famous Halelujah Chorus from Mc. Du Ricamood will play a Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Members and friends of St.
Peter By Toe Sea, La Boca, Last Sunday morning presisely at violin solo and Mr. Harper a solo His two entries having lend the on the Violincello. Other features are hereby notified that the 30 o clock the Rev. T, Mulcare field in this event, Mr. Espinosa, as it resting as the above wili Patronal Festival of our Parish united in Holy Wedlock Mr, one of the most popular men mark he progrumme will be celebrated on Tuesday. connected with the Spurt of tbe 29 Tae crehestr will accompany be Kiegs in these parts pot ooly the choir in the rendering of Miss CALL IN AT Choral celebration of the Holy Geraldine Indian Patellae, and Communion at for the biggst end of Haude Hallelujah.
in o at 7, a. and that bigtly esteemed organist of st the 10, 000 purse but also an alAdmission, fifty cunts for abults; most anerding stream of con and twenty tive cents for children.
clergy present will be Revds. Peter Church, La Boca. The Arthur Nghteogale; Bride was presented by her father, gratlations after which he and us Melcher, and the Mr. Geo, Westerman, while the bis prized animals were subj cts Rector Rev. Mulcare; groom bad the honor of being of the camera and movicg picure NEW BICYCLE LICENSES Canon Melcher will be the princi supported by Mr, Geo.
men, Cop apo was not entered in pul preacher. We expect to wel ton Westermin, the Bride brother the pool.
come YOU, especially you. After the ceremony tha bridal party were enterained at the The afternoon program also fasured the second eve to five Rectory by Rev. and Mrs. Mul: The Chief of Civil Affairs of Cristobal Silver Clubhouse.
furiongs for nadise borree. Tols the Canal one announced that No. 93, Central Avenue race carried a 300 burse ar dibe private Canal ne bicicle li Short address were delivered by Watch has been found and Rev. Mulcare, Mr. B, WesterIllustrated Press Cup and was censes issu during 1925 and won by Mr. test Navor ro first half of 1926 will not be valid ASSORTMENT OF turned into the office of this man, Mr. Springer, and the Clabbous: The owner may re Groom.
Excuse Me, a promising rative after the 30. of this month Rev Mulcare spoke in Lorse rec ntly ceive sate at any time by call glowing terms of the Bride, who bought over tags are now being issued by from Bicas del loro. Ibis is the e vision of Civil affair, GOOD STATIONERY ing of the oftice of the Secretary, for five years had beea bis organist.
third cousecutive win for Mr. Room 301, Ad Dinitration Build giving description, Number, BC, The wedding breakfast over, the Navarro entry ing, Balboa Heights, SOUVENIRS, couple motored to Pier 18, Also was the seventh event a The price of the license and erament lannch for Taboga, to feature one. This was a one mileltag is and it is good for the part of their honey moon.
handicap fur class im orted Giscal year beginning Joly 1, 1928 (Continued from page 4) Many valuable gifts were received horses The purse offered in and ending June 30, 1927.
The excellent work which is by the popular Groom and Bride ibis race amounted to 500; ip Bicycle owners desiring Little Lessons on. to CHURCH SERVICES carried on by Mr Watson to them our heartiest felicitations addi. ion was the Chilean Cup to pu chase license taga by mail in Colon is a striking example are extended the winner, Mr. Eduardo Valen.
of what right meditation, and cia is now the proud owner of should add ess the Division of (Continued from page 1) Fourth Sunday Astar Trinity right action could Civil Affairs. Balboa izbte, Coilean Cup and the biggest end furnishing the name and produce Court Pacific Elects do not believe in preachers who AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB espehose who are in authority, if such be supported Officers.
of the purse as bis horse Intante serial number of the bicycl; the only preach for a livias, they are (Anglican Catholie)
by name, place of iedenc, apt to be hypocritical and inco iSt. Paul Church, Panama and position to do so At the regula: meeting of the Winners in the oihar event and post oftice address. Ramil stent; think that D should Rev. Nicht ngale, Reet tinue to contribute many more to manage affairs for the term above named Court held on Juge trust that have another source Ball will con 21. 1926, the following were elected tance by mali is preferrei in the yielis First race: Şix furlongs for form of pust office money order the daily a. Holy Communion The Ractor read and butter, should all preachers a. 10. 15 a. Chor 19 Matins unself and class native bo: ses. purse which should be drawo payable students for there is none so lowlv 10 30 ly Euchs ist serm 2n will in due season receive the useful articles in July December 1926, the Workman, and that they A, Green, Chief Ranger 250. Candl wood, second Feno to the Collector, The Panama stule The Ree or Th meno, tbiid Caribe. Hynes, Sub Chief Ringer, Canal, but mailed to the Division that another may not learn some consideration they merit, bear.
truth of him.
12. Holy Baptiem, As for my religion East mond, Treasurer (reThird rc. Six furlong follof Civil Affairs, Balboa Heights, it is akin to thit of the old Jamai p. o. Musicale.
ing in mind that they who climb eeteci)
class import borses purse Canal Zone.
the hill must begin at the foot, 30 Cboral Evansong, sermon can who when questioned as to his 300. First Renteria, secord Robert Atherley Secretary spiritual beliefs replied: Ay reli. with procession, Preacher, The Rev. Belgrave, Senior Woodward Sistec Ücc. lia and third Poncho Mr. Edgar Miller Return gion is ons dat do an hinter fere Fr. Conper.
P, Blackburn, Junior Woodward wid de rejoirement of ather!
LEGAL NOTICE A, Phillips, Senior Beadle Fourth race: Five furlongs for Thanks.
three year olds imported borses.
It makes me sad whenever read Caby, Junior Beadle.
purse 500 Zambo, Bomba, To: of a cathedral or church being St. Alban Church, Paraiso Mr. Edzar Miller tak this erected at the cost of haadieds of CANAL ZONE.
Notice of Pendency of Suit wello and Capoul came in in the medium of returning thinks to all thousands of dollars; what taber. Rov. F. NIGH PENGALE, BOLIVARIAN CONGRESS (Continued from page 1)
order named.
Faith race: Six furlongs hand, their expressions of sympithy, di open spaces; what choir sing more friends and acquaintances, who, hy nacle could be fairer than the wide Priest in Charge.
UNITED STATES DISTRICT DELEGATES DecoraTE TOMBS cap for clase imported COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE OF BRITISHERS horses purse 300. First speed such to buoy him up in his recent, eweetly to the Great Creator 88. Holy Communion.
sud bereavement praise than little the Blade, second Marcela, third He is alsu deeply indebted to the folk in ihe surrounding trees? Why Betlehem. p. Ann versary Service, Star of feathered Balboa Division On Thursday the Deligates to the Bolivarian Congress decorated Celia. Workman. for their publication when one can whi per softly that pm Church School.
CIVIL No: 769 to the tombs of two members of The last race was a one mtle given; and bag to assure all con thanksgiving that wells in the 30 Choral Evensong address which HUBERT SMALL. Plantiff, the British Delegation handicap for class Cimpurted cerned that his gratitudº is beyond at sight of a lovely landscape, a Mr. Osborne Catechist.
attended the first congress of 1826, ho ses purse 400. This race his power to express, matchless sunset; should he erect and who died in this city on July was won by Per que, second ELIZA SMALL. Defendant, temples that in beauty cannot com 14, 1826.
Argentino, third Baladron.
pare to these, instead of using that St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Extraordinary Session Candlewood in the first race Minister to Panama, money to alleviate the sufferings of American Episoopal (Anglican Com Divorce his brother man? Tis simply love of the Honorable Charles Bratibwaite.
and Ren en eria in the third paid Wallis, received cablegram from the biggest pool for the day 11. 40 pomp, eye service.
To ELIZA SMALL: munto)
the British Foreign Minister, Sir respectively An Extraordinary Session of the You are hereby notified that The preachers like their cousins The Panama Jockey Club reap. Isthmain League of British West Holy Communion 6, 80 a The ne 9th, 1926, the above named plain Austin Chamberlain, requesting tiff tiled in the above entitled court him to convey to the Congre and ed a a praise for the Indians will be held on the even be lawyers and doctors have en Rector. harvest Holy p ism 736 a petition wherein he prays for an the Government of Panama, the creditable way in which they ing of Thursday the first of July, usted their doctrines in all sorts arranged for the comforts and for the install tion of officers for of intricate terms and creeds which sb Lituny, Holy Eucharist and absolute divoree from you on the expressions of gratitude of the statutory grounds of Desertion, 10, 45 a, Rret British Government for their action accomodation of the Delegates the ensuing half year, and the if patiently untangled reveal the sormon ad you are further hereby notified in connection Church School p.
with the above to the Bolivarian Congress and handling of unfinished business, simple, old, neglected tru b: that you their ladies, who att oded as on the third the ladies of the Dor: kind. 30 Choral Evensong, sermon. appearance in writing in the office of ceremony.
Toe Ree or the Clerk of said court at Ancon, SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAS BELL.
well as for the splendid decora. cas Society will entertain the other members of the League at their forConf. mation Class Wednesday and on or before July 20th, 1926.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto tion of the stands.
mal örening in the regular meeting Fr day 30 pm.
If you fail to do so within the time On Thursday the Bolivarian ball of the League.
Members are requested to Members of Evening Prayer and address Wednes aforesaid the said petition wiil be taken Congress approved the idea of a be day 30 es confessed, and the petitioner will society of the American Nations 000000000000000000000000. prompt. T. MULCARE, Rector and demand from sala court the TRY (Continued from page 1)
fundamental relief applied for in the petition.
to the ConThe con British Consulate Notice KRONEN BRAU SHEIBLEY sermen and Procession will be the At St. Parbaba s, Empire; St. Bar gress of Panama. Phe Govtere Government final service of the day. At this tholomew La Casdadas; and St. June 19, 28, and July 3rd.
Clerk. of Panama, according to tentative service the Rev. Fr. Cooper, Simon Mission, Gea boa, Matine, The British Cousul at Colon rector of Christ Church by the Church School, Confirmation Class and to be selected ON DRAUGHT Initiate the preliminery negotiations would be glad of information as to sea, Colon will preach the Anniver. Evensong will be held at the usual time the present whereabouts of Joseph sary sermon. hearty invitation is by the y Renders.
Rent Receipt Books In Span for the convocation of the project.
OR BOTTLES In our next issue there will ap.
Wilson Sealy, a native of Brittons bereby extended to the public to Ish and English for sale at the pear a full summarized report of 0090 0000000000000000000 Hill, Barbado.
attend these services, MULCARE Priest in Chetgo Workman Printery the entire Congress, NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Barona ielre they took the gove spend onner D. Wert: that the heart vs.
aod 11 and which aspiration of Bolivare gave plans, is likely to


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