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British National Seer Forecasts Another War ol repre Also, says Old Moure there will be an earthquake or walker Covercome colmes politisk syge meget godt ing troved the per They John for a were GRAND LARGE West indian Is Victim PARADE NJ MBER OF Will Feature in Celebrat. Aliens to be Deported Of Most Horrible Murder ing the Fourth of July. From America.
Says End of 1927 Will Witness an elaborate program has been cable despatch from New Locked in Room Above Boiler arranged for celebrating the York statrs states that young criSigns For Great Armageddon Glorious Fourth on the Carial minals of the worst type, old perAnd Scorched to Death.
Zone, on Monday the 5b inst, song from almslouses and yourg Londýn, June Preparations for anather war will be parade made up of contingentshem except illegal entry into the The opening event will feature a girls with nothing charged against The following sensational story is taken from The well on their way next year, according to Old Moore, from the Army, Navy and Marine United States were upload on Ellis Pilot, a weekly paper published at Santiago de Cuba, of Britain national seer, whose al manac for 1927 has just Corps which will march through Island yesterday. The collection of June 20: been published. The outlook is so dire that it is suggested Baibca.
140 prospective deportees Once more Cuba is shocked by the inhumane barbarity that the League of Nations should immediately go out of Navy bande vill form up anak ane under the new bill calling for the re of an atrocious deed, in the perpetration of the most horrible The parade headed by Army and sented the first general clean up business and cease worrying about another Disarmament Thoa Railroad station and turn of allen law breakers to Eu and ignominious crime.
march through the principal streets per of Balboa on to the Clubhouse and The lot was gathered in the Mid over the brutal tragedy committed by rritz Gehler, GerOn Tuesday, June the 15th, Santiago was consternated Not that there will be another war in 1927. That is through there a review will be tc be taken to the island. As the man chief mate on board the Honduran vessel, the Prado to the review. die West and arrived at Jersey City reserved for the following year, but the first signs of the ing stand new Armageddon will be.
conducted government cutters carried the het Olancho.
William Jones, a West Indian, one of four stowaways, two. One will shake the Canal, Colonel Burgess, Jersey shore many attempte! to was the unfortunate victim of the murderer caused by his wreck Tokio.
Engineer of Maintenance, Dr Jump into the Bay, Following the session of a Liberal to the Labour Party to Pnnuma and high ranking offi countrics Some of the old persons. nis companions. In the presence of Captain Hausen and their native protest of being shackle, while lighter duties were assigned (the prophecy is supposed to refer to Lloyd George) a cers of the Army and Navy and and there were quite a few who had other officers of the ship, Gehler said he would fix Jones.
great success will be scoredlby Labour.
the Panama Caoal.
become dependents before taking No sooner than the Captain went ashore, the mate cleared April, May and June will be comparatively peaceful and Formal exercises will be con out citizenship papers sat with harmless months, though tlere will be a number of strikes. aucted at the Administration. tears and prayers mingling as the one of the scrap rooms situated above the steaming boilers, Stock Exchange collapses, treachery in Araibia, sedition in Building in the evening under the prison buildings of the Island ap hocked Jones away in the unvehtilated cellar and put the keys in his India and France will be discontented. There will be direction of Mi Frank Wing, prouched.
Master of Ceremonies. Cotinued on page S)
Shortly after this incident Jones was heard battering rioting in July.
the doors of his prison and pleading for air and water, but in California and persia will be veke with a series of great. RETRACTION AND, NEW fainter the voice diminished. Overcome by the fierce heart Saturn is going to cause troubd in. Spain Fainter and evils and disasters. Mars at the same time, will consiRELIGION and suffocation he finally succumbed.
derably upset Turkey. Russia will about this time become a menace to England. By GAHRIN)
Hearing no sign of Jones, the cook insisted that the mate open the door and there on the floor the prostrate November will experience inadehuate food supplies, bad trade, an attempt to liberate prisoners in London, in proper, have to make a retruction opinion, but have nothing but Before entering upon my subject ways respected another man form of a lifeless body lay, baked to death.
addition to losses at sea and an outbrek of plague in some of my article of Saturday ltet. Mr. content Startled by the horror of his accomplishment, Gehler parts.
man ignor resorted to artificial respiration, but it was too late. Every December is to be the most remarkable month of the represened the facts when said the persons to whom we have got On lifting him on deck one drop of blood fell from the de Smith complains that have minance or prejudicas. And these are part of the body he touched the skin remained in his hands year, for the signs of a new and great devestation and that he did it agree with Pro Aus to send our children to be taught ceased, leaving an indelible stain on the ship.
Armageddon will become visible. The war fever will assertiones de nition of God. He say that he When 18 very sorry if Chriut came on this earth, itself, wrongly impressed, for he accepts de bebe hardhe hele hearts immediately taken. Examining the room, pieces of the skin On the arrival of the port authorities, statements were He had to tell certain Jews the definition as given by the Dr One who care of me. He if Mos gave them such a precept were found adhering to the walls and shelves, indicating THE BOLIVARIAN CONGRESS believes in a jealous Gol, a uod Jr Meri Smith is still hard of heart, the excruciating pains suftered prior to his death who hates, a God who visit the is what Christ or slow of. By C. Gehler was arrested and is now awaiting trial.
sins of the father the Saviour meant, of the third and fourth upon the children He has to come again for this school If there was ever a time when the gallows was needed, From the 16th to the 25th of not war in the in sold there wilt the it is now. He should be made to feel the same tortures the father upon child? Is our disput consistent with the so inhumanly extorted in his fiendish act.
Kuiety and activity due to the under date of December 7, 1824 rather follow the prociple that that way, how will the devil act?
of justiec? If God aets in Majesty presence of the delegates attending a Circular Letter invitin2 pl nipo wrong, than to be many operor me such a devil and keep your reads: devil will say, t every SPARKLETS Lt the Bolivarian Congress who repre tentiaries from all the American hok that it was man answer for his owo sin Bleu tiny wenty or more countries. Suates to a Congress which Napoleon who said it would (BY been invited by the Organizing already soxted met this Committee of the congress headed deity 100 an impossibility to eradicace relie God, Mr. Sunith.
neared years attended by ago.
delegates ates gion from the human breast.
our illustrious and ener etic from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and religion, the Einperor meant to the stonement is the grarest blot Some Revolutionary Ideas. ity if it were dir cted to ser huthat one can place to the account Secretary of Public Instruetion, Central America only. For of In last week issue of this paper manity in any other way. As is the De o. Mendez Pereira for the par rerron, neither Argentine nor cante Tonites, whicho u think that is what old he doors to our pride in Brenk there are some remarks modelady, tam not a member of any he meant, it would be a regrettable sia lish 100th electrd to send representatives, thing for the progress of the world. Baned, and came short of the about the church, by two valued the very bear future, but have runs thus: first parents pose of celebrating the churea and bot intend to be in anniversary of the first Pan Amri while the US. delegation failed to We wellusver be on a sure road of glory of God. Whatever that correspondents, Bro. Gaskin, Christian foundation gainedly can Congress which, on the invita arriva that the church as a of the tion of the great Liberator, General part cipate in the neliberations. By progress until we shall bave re ea08. The whole hum o face place for Christian worship should fitted me for life battles than al.
Simon Bolivar, met on June 22. speciul invitation, repre entatives placed theology by bumanity. In is adder condemnation.
be an appropriate ar bitectural weave But God is AL Sever made in the sciences, lave Hal. now forming part of the present as bgervers.
the ses male iu direct opposition to to his lost position. Mary is con Norks of art, This ides of a church thrice a year am firm as a rock in willing to restore man the sa cred edifices about twice or buildings occupied by the La Salla.
is to a very great reason College ia this city.
tries were represented: Argentine, make his Goi in his ow image Danlood. In the fulness of time the other, who is both a human beings and more or less Automibiles flying the flays of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, aud it is natural for blm to clothe he He is crucified the countries represented could Dominici, Eeudor, Guated in all the attributes of hu. purpose of restoring man his lest article on upon a cross for the valued and vesatile writer, in her elastie in our views of life we every in her Religion, tells us, now and then nurse daily be seen convying the dele Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, position, providing that conception as to the relative lieves the story.
gates to the sessions of the Con Nearanu. Pru, Pauama, Salva munity.
This is the doc among other things that she is But reason and common sense triae of the atonement in a nut a cathedral or church being doc made sad whenever she reads of value of of services grees, which were held in the dor United States of America.
which which forbid us of thiakieg of God as shell.
rende. ed for the being Auditorium of the National Insti Urusay and Venezuela, is tute, or to the many and rarel to Jugh last, al habetically was by only mignified man Our in every detail in which doctrine erected at the cost of hundreds of humanity But these differences their no neang lenst, being the birth thoughts should be of the highest should be right of dollars: what choir, social tunet ions arranged The Christians she maintains, siog more sweetly Christine as to the ethies of the búnor both in tn se vy and or the place of the great Liberator Eng when it comes to God. Those claim that the life, suffering and to religion also exsisted to banat 2ohe Finds and buntines have replaced on by Spodnie were qualities that we coudeme in won. de habere christ were foretold by the little feathered folk in the sur scriptures and so whether praise than with those who penned the Holy Cere a lo lavishly displayed from again repres ned by spevi re. we should never attribute to God, the Hebrew Prophets. Nothing is rounding treee? Why, when one other ba cone along the Central Avenue quel.
while at night the illumination of The inaugural ormonies tock have tight as not to hate. Christ, Th There is not a passage in the can whisper softly that thaukazivan eye for an eye still remainit the cathedral and St. Am pace on Friday evening, June 18 setjinemets to loves the remote whole of the old Testament that sight of a lovely landscape. chat meniny mofles of the value to the ing that dwells in the heart at the a controversial question, plazas and princ pal public buill the Na icnal Theatre, wh. ch was and to pray for those who tres ted Christ. In a court of law the testi beauty cannot compare to these, ed place lènjoiner us our enemies a akes reference should he in ings drew crowds of sightseers from packed to ite ecpacity, the iaatlus unkincily, Yet Mr. Smith tells mony of the prophets concerning instead of using that money to true relatiou to an institution for e for Christian worship, in its Shortly after the defeat of the Pr :sident Rodolfo Chiari after Whe. reject this God; Spanish Royal st force at the Bat. which the head of each am told that am inclined to nation. According to Jewish ister ther man?
Tis simple love of coucerned, opinions vary; but it tle of Ayacucho (Peru) by which was called upon by the President of Congress, D: Mendez Pereira, be cited that even a free and intestify aganist God.
pretation of their prophecies Christ pomp eye service Then am waº not recognized as the Messiah, have always listened, although might not make for us the kind of inay discriminate distribution of Spanish America was for ever freed toad reas the assembly, eachas ed to believe that God is jeal It does look Christians to tell the red ears to the singiog of the little people we would have. If we look like bare faced audafrom European domination, the to victorious General Bolivar, anxious spe iker being praeed by the ous. Jealous cus of the finite? Let Jews that they, the Jews, cabo feathered folk and am now left over our Sunday school the city for the Can the perhaps with uamusical or untrain beo of infinite be jealous the National Anthem back rf the of ihe couatry he represented.
us look into this commandment uuderstaud their owa literature. in Wonderment as to whether their one of the leading cathedrals of the republics and fearing a possible from which the lies the old colonial regime of cheese laticas adopted by make the devels are told eat to my Christ willingly sinais do the truest sense of appreciation as well.
jealous theory was This doctrine is wrong when it music a it music ever really appealed to my day that the unto themselves any graven his life for all mankind. In the as that of the bird, superior man, when a boy to discuss with the greatest at once conceived the idea of a the Congress the following is Christianity Jesus Christ weat confederation purpose of mutual belo Rasoi ved. That the Natioas o hyself to them, nor serve them for be passed away. And upon the also leit me wondering whether toe best that Jesis once whipped Stat protection, for the instituting the New World be asked to adopt the Lord thy God kamor je lots cross He cried with a loud voice mouey which is being spent to erect and chased from one of their governments on a funda policy in their Gud. Here of the uni My God My why hast thou cathedrals of the mental basis and the establishnet (Coutiqued on Page 8)
verse is represented as being jeal.
of the principle of arbitratiou and ous of a graven image, bave al. Continued on. page 8)
fact, be of better service to human(Coetinued on page 8)
So in giv louement. refuse to make any chan act Follow better to be manly is ver Sven Give had ia Tbe doctrine of by our some arrive on one, infers which has bet er W: way most ano a רמן little mishat man beartit are in thousands to to Be who that as World a well all parts of the city.
delngatia lates money of whom?
playing for the safety return of Count


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