
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA Libel Action Has Been Abandoned.
CASE OF THE LABOUR UNION fruit, Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
totter Court libel Unlon Jollicer bastelFor Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT frat.
Solo Soxo0 SC The following is taken from the Demerara Daily Chronicle of May 11th. Among the cases wbich came up to be fixed for bearing before Mr, Justice Berkely, Senior Puisne Judge in the Supreme for esterday was the claim as damages for which was brought by Mr.
Critchlow. Secretaey. Treasurer of the British Guiana Labour against the Daily Chronicle Ltd. and Mr. Webber On the matter being calle Hon, Browne, stated that originally he had been Instructed on behalf of the plaintid by Mr. Dinzay, solicitor, wbo was now dead but whose portion in the case he thought had been filled by Mr. Clarke.
Hon. McArthu. instructed by Mr. King then entered appearance on bebalf of the first named defendants The Daily ChroniBrowne said the Dally cMe had gone into liquida.
tion under the law if it was desirous to proceed with the action they could not do so unless they got the Court leave. He did not think however that anything could be gained by pursuing the action and suggested that it he struck out in as the Chronicle was concerned.
ber) had appeared in person The second defendant (Mr. Webbut now that the Company bad gone into liquidation he did not think that his friend (Mr.
McArthur had any right to appear. Mr. Webber was also not to the Colony neither was he represented by anyone then. He (the speaker) had no desire to continue.
Mr. McArthur suggested that they should consent to the action being abandoned without costs, the suggestion having been agreed upon, the Court made an order accordingly.
JAMAICA BARBADOS Immature Fruit Being Intoxication Leads Shipped to Market To Sad End REACTION WILL SET IN AS MAN WALKS INTO SEA AND RESULT LATER ON IN THE IS DROWNED YEAR The evil of excassiye participFRUIT MAN VIEW.
tion of spirituous liquors WEB demonstrated last Thursday night, when a young man about We uuderstand that while the 30 years of age, and identified as banana trade is at present on the Fred Harvey, a boatman of Rich bcom owing to the price being mord Gap, was drowned in the pad for the fruit, and the great sea bebind the Reet grou ground, demand for same, there is an Harvey appeared at the Reef Important factor that must not grounds in an intoxicated condibe overloɔked, namely the cat. tion Tharsday ght about 10 ting and shipment of immature o clock. He was first seen by and the reaction that is 97 Prescod who was on duty at year it we continue to ship a Ing manner towards the eea. The bơund to set ia later on in the the Market, walking in pour grade of fruit to the Ameri officer shouted to him and asked can market.
him what he was doing about According to information which there. Harvey replied with an reached the ears of a represen abusive remark and continued tative of the Gleaner yesterwards the sea. Dissatisfied wih day, the head office of at least Harvey reply tbe offi one firm has cabled out about ed toward bim, but failed the poor condition of the tuit reach bim before he entered the which arrived recently from water. As though he had prev. Jamaica ously designed his course, the Last week it is stated that man walk out to sea until he dis500, 000 stems were shipped, and appeared under the waves. Pres on a tough estimate about cod quickly notified the Habour 150 000 stems were immature Pol. ce of what had happened and a diligent search was made, but pointed out to our representa ed ashore near the prominent fruit man bas with no result. The next day Harvey body was found washtive, the high prices will soon spot where he disappear, and what will happen The body was removed to the pen was seen to bave entered the sea.
after if the trade is ruined by Public Mortuary and an immature fruit? He pointed out into the cause of death was held that for the the prices bave been better than mo clock yesterday morning immature fruit is shipped the of District and a jury. After tur many years past, but it by Mr. Jackman, Coroner result eventually will be dis the evidence of 97 Prescod, astrous.
was taken and that of persons The position is that the da, who incentified the body was mand for fruit here bas in drowning was returned by the taken, a verdict of death from creased considerably owing the conditions jury STANDARD.
lons obtaining in Cen and other setbacks.
tral America, what with drought The tempta.
tion to the local grower is to sell anh Barbadian Wins Prize e no according to tbe demand fruit aco that might not be cut for a week Mr. Cyril Wilson, a young or fortnigbt bence while the Barbadian bas woa the gecond price is good, but what of the prize, worth 500 in the Hall of after efect? Few seein to realize. Fama Competition promoted by GLEANER the New York Daily Naws Mr.
Wilson is an old Combermeriaa who went to the United States Barbadian Cricket of America six years ago.
Team Visit Here Is The General Hɔspital Postponed On Wednesday at a special The GLEANER stater that from Ganeral Hospital Dr. Gibmeeting of the Directors of the information now to hand it bons, the lately appointed Jucior seems practically certain that Resident Surgeon, refused to not be visiting this island in July accept the post of Senter Res!
or August as had been arranged. ference in salary was not com y dent Surgeon because the difIt is probable bowever that they measurate with the responsiwill isit here later in the year. bility attached to the office. Dr. abort time ago a cabl gram received by the Cricket Council to the effeet that the visit an accomplished fact. Mr.
visit was postponed but that a Morrison, however was entrusted letter was following.
with the making of enquiries.
It is felt in certain quarters that the Barbadians will have difficulty lp getting together a Record Purchase of side owning to the fact that both Austin and Mr. Challenor Bananas Last Week, Mr. Austin is a delegate to the West Indian Conference it is Last week was an exceptionunderstood that he be staying fout for a time. Wheat ally busy one in banana circle, says the GLAANER of the 21st lenor will be playing for the ulto. What with the drought in Io the o to the circumstances the Honduras and Costa Rica, larger GLEANER learns a letter sent suggesting that instead of purchased here both for the E1gof banana are being Tai quantities were both 10 and August they should the Wish and Americau market; and Gleaner tour oft until the following was reliably informed on Saturthen these two gentlemen day that fully 700, 000 stems of could come direct to Jamaica and buanas were bought here dur jointhe team here. It is believed ing the past week. This consti that this is being acted upon. tutes record a prominent There seems every possibilitv banana man the writer of Capt. Jameson, who was that at no time in the history of here with the C. team in the banana industry had there the early part of this year bring been such a large purchase in ing out an amateur side next one week. The price went up to year and the Hon, Morrison 3 per bunch, and it is expected who is in England was asked to to go even higher during the make the prelimisary arrange week.
ments with him.
In the meantime representa.
It bas been stated that the tions have been made to the Australians will be coming to Government that a quantity of Jamaica on their way back home immature fruit is being sold and from. England, but it is very it is urged that the authorities doubtful whether this will be should set up a machinery proaccomplished. The arrangements pided under the new Produce have been made for them to go Protection Law, to check this.
across Canada and it is hardly to The view is, however taken by be expected that they will return others that if the producers did and then come to Jamaica. find any buyers they 50 far House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH KING BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION.
w8s Order Books The ceremonial parade of the Local Forces in British Guiana on King Birthday was abandoned on account of showers of rain which fell almost continuously throughout Wednesday night and never ceased until about 11 o clock on Thursday, The Artillery Company at 12 noon, fired Royal Salute of 21 guns from Fort in bonour of His Mtsjesty the birthday. At the same time His Excellency the Governor Sir Cecil Hunter Rod well, held a Levee at the Pablic Buildings which was largely attended, despite the rain. The garden party which His Excel(Continued on page 7)
Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies are away in and wi was month was CAN BE HAD AT Weatherhead was then appoluted Senior Resident Surgeon.
Mr, Chester Cumberbatch was also appointed to the newlycreated post of Junior Clerk at a yearly salary of 50.
assurod The Workman Stationery Store The contents of the stomach of the policeman Cyril Worrell who died under very suspicious circumstances on the 28th ultimo and which were sent for analysis to the Island Professor of Chemistry, disclosed the pres.
ence of strychnine, while the facts connected with the death of the ill lated man point un.
mistakably to suicide; as at the resumption of the inquest evidence was given by a woman named Susan Browne to the effect that the deceased bad borrowed from her a tin cup in which he mixed something which he drank, afterwards returning the cup to her with instructions to wash it very carrfully. The of suicide.
ADVERTISE het barn er en stor round here to not be able ubat is termed In The WORKMAN it Pays loopened dues returned a veräles great deal of money to make the immature fruit.


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