
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JU 3, 1926 soo The Open Forum THE WORKMAN We do not hold ourselves responsible for views expressed in three Columns GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted desire ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply ate on human.
Editor. fev bert, their sendaughter.
distinctly sphere of Gatun.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica The EDITOR, THE WORKMAN: WAAROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Dear Sir: As a constant reader Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
of your indispensable weekly, PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be permit me the privilege of exwritten on one side of paper only, and pressing my unmixed approbaRates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of tion of certain important fonds.
One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicamental questions that are being Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
discussed, cot only in the Work.
Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reMAN, but by thioking and IntelliOne 25 jected correspondence.
gent individuals throughout the unfolding and developing world. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS To begin with, ardently to congratulate the SATURDAY JULY 3, 1926. ATwriter, Bell, for those brilliant and admirable ideas inculcated In his or her truly THE MINORITY EXPLOIT THE illuminating articles of the last MAJORITY.
or four weeks. The latter idle dealt specifically with the article unfortunate boys and girls on the streets of the Cities of this In making a racial comparison of the earth population, Republic. Sach enlightened ideas are indeed founded on wellthe GOLD COAST TIMEs observes that the colored people matured observations and convic.
of the world is estimated at 1, 150, 000, 000 while the tion. The realizztion of such an white population is estimated to be only 550, 000, 000. And imparative necessity impelling if we deduct tne population of Japan, estimated at 60, ibe recommadation for the estab 000, 000 and which is wholly free of white domination, and sessies xxx 30 lishment of an Industrial and that of China, estimated at 400, 000, 000 and but partially Educational Institute under white influence, we have still something like 550 itarian lines, when accepted and millions of white people dominating some 690 millions of 689865 NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES demonstrated, caunot but bo unquestionably advantage us to cotored races. The reason why the white people, the THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED sil conceraed advocated the smaller proportion of human beings. have been able to rule On the afternoon of the 25:h of same views in the columns of and keep down a larger number of the human race is that last month a pleasant birthnight your paper Mr the former are well organ. zed and have developed their party was given by Mr. and Mrs years ago. It is very ue that physical, mental, and material resources to a very intense If you have any trouble with your George Henlon at thelr new often we are confroated with bome, in honour of Mr. Hib remarks about children on the degree, and by virture these ces they are able to son in law from etreets, which are sadly lacking over awe and to exploit the colored peoples under their Mirrors or Reflectors Gatun. Mrs. Hibb rt, the only in tender, sympathetic and sway. But the colored races are at last awakening from daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henlon arous sentiments, and which their long sleep and are asking themselves questions, and send them to No. building, 12th entertained very pleasantly thos: clearly show that the individuals who came from various parts to making use of them are ignorant are also trying to answer those questions in the only way in which submerged races in the past had done when they October Street, Guachapali, where they attend her husband 32nd birth of the deplorable environmental day anniversary conditions and the laws of cartoon were about to free themselves from foreign domination. In will be carefully and substantially repaired Among those present were: beredity, etc.
the East events threatened to take a more rapid course, Mr. Buchanan and Miss Now, also desira to say a few and there can be no doubt that if China ever succeeds in also new ones made to order at moderate Simpson, from La ca; Mr.
and worda on Mr. Gaskin article Mrs. Mc Brown and their which appeared a week ago. nl organizing her strength and her resources to anything like the scale reached by Japan, it will be difficult for the prices. If you want to have an estimate cousin Miss Stewart from personaliy Gatun: Mr. and Mrs. Henderson gentlemen in the intelectual over heard some European powers to retain a footing in Asia.
of work to be done, send a card to and Mi Francella Anh Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. Peart: erantly, that because of certain saying intolMr. Boyce and members ei of his statements he should be Britain Through Other Eyes. BROWN bis bome; Misses Lindo, stopped. Now, am not at Elvey, Elves, Elvy: Mos detending Mr. Gaskir, as he is all Ancon Box 1223 McPherson; Mrs. Nelson perfectly able to defend himself.
Now that foreign papers containing aacounts of the Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United After entertaining games bad British strike are beginning to arrrve in England it is could no: conceive, nor bad the time to ascertain, the dat been played, Mr. Hender ticular statemeat possible to realise as never before the tremendous interest States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
which son who acted as with which the industrial battle fought out in Great Britain brought the pleasant function to offence. I, however, came ts the a close.
conclusion that was being followed ty readers in other countries of the as thesa gentlemen seem to be strictly orthodox, world. The average Englishman is not a particularly good the statement of Bro Gaskia that linguist, and papers in Spainish or Italian make little appeal Convention. tke vicarious atonement doga a to him, but he can of course read the journals from the brutal, ght have been the ground of 10 United States as easily as his own. And he has the curious so it ought The International Bible Stu to be experience of discovering that at a moment when he him.
individ stinctly obvious to those dents Association has arranged to by virtue of their self knew hardly anything at all about the strike except so nold a two days convention in the highly educated and profound.
that are millions THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER much of it as he could see in moving about the streets, for Chree Sisters Lodge Hall of the sufficient reason that no papers at all were appearing in 4043 Street Colon, on ly devout people of every race England, the ordinary citizen of the United States could WITHOUT AN EQUAL uly 5. 1926.
who sweepingly and follow its every detail in the columns of telegraphed mesMany delegates will journey denounced, and are denouncing sages which were appearing in every newspaper within the Don fail to try it from Panama City and other the blood atonement dogma as, a places along the line, also from monstrous atrocity and cruel borders of the Union Englishmen returning from America Costa Rica, to attend the convan adsurdity. The Rev. J. Campbring back the same story, The most striking feature of ion.
dis:inguished Epis this transatlantic reporting was the series of pictures transTte public is welcome to the copal clergyman of England, mitted from Britain to America by wireless. They were No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. arious sessions of the conven saldo ordinary pre supofievangelical Christinot the sort of pictures that would have appeared in an On Sunday July 4th, at 30 anity ara utterly absored. The English or American paper using the ordinary process of e Mr. Louie št Hill will de doctrine of the vicarious attonedirect reproduction from photographs, but they were better liver public lecture on sub a It must be than anything of the kind that has ever been achieved might firem at first like rather seriouslynear the adoption set of The Kingdom of Messiah. ad mitted that the theory that off, or before. When there arrived a picture of the Prime Minister of a definite attitude in an industrial dispute, but the Prince What it is like, and where it will bad man can get there was no need to put a title under it, for the portrait cheque that whatever might be the rights and wrongs of careful in be get oft, from the consequences of his guilty acts by making a was quite clear enough to be entirely recognisable by any: the strike itself no one could want to see women and Ordered Out Of Costa been kind enough to provido a sert of a deal with who has cne who knows Mr. Baldwin when he sees him. If it had children in danger of starvation.
kind of sca; ezpat, is repugant not been that the strike itself so dominated attention the Rica to the bitter feeling of all rightrapid improvement in the method of transmission of picminded people.
tures altnost instantaneously by wireless would have Differences in The Liberal Party aroused a wide and lively interest.
Port Limon, May 15. The Rev. C, Tinsley (MathodThe failing fortunes of the Liberal Party in Great The Government of Costa Rica ist) said: The present peciod has decreed the deportation of demands new theory about Britain have received a further grave blow as the result of Stephen McLeod, a West Indian creation and religion. The story Royal Baby dissensions that have broken out between their leaders He arrived in Costa Rica last of Adam and Eve is a myth.
over the policies advocated by them during the General year and advertised bimaelf as a This is a day of science, and the Strike. The correspondence published between Lord Ox medical practitioner and surgeon. breach between the church and The Royal Family occupies a strange and signularly ford, still better known under his original name of Mr. He succeeded in influencing a educated people is widening great happy place in the national life of Great Critain.
many of The Neither Asquith, and Mr. Lloyd George, has created something and King nor Queen nor anyone of their entourage interferes of a public sensation. Strange to say the general opinion medically, women, to whom he attended satisfy thinking people. The Caristian Bible is a very emactively in politics but they fill a place in the regard of their in the party appears to be that Lord Oxford, has, almost Not only in the medical line barrassing book late Rey.
subjects that would be very empty if Britain ever turned for the first time in his life, made a grave strategic error. Metode lopedopaded in the socha alist, said. do not believe that his specula Lyman Abbott, itself into a republic. which it shows not the smallest sign The differences between the two leaders on the immediate tions. He of doing. At the moment the member of the royal family point at issue are not entirely easy to define and the view Miss line too. He wooed and married the christian Bible is inerrant Louise Dyson, of a and infallible, and decline to most prominent in the public eye is the latest addition to it, is rather widely taken that an opportunity has been deli wealthy home. The alliance gave claim for it what it does not the baby daughter of the Duke of York, the King second berately created to force an issue on the long contested him the power any man can ob claim for itself. do not believe birth It is christened in the private chapel of Buckingham Palace, not strike, Lork Oxford objected to the tone of an article Mr. sowed a bad seed with Benjamin Tes. edo by sending time of the News million colonies. Bat McLeod had Deatment historians. Jesus only by the chief dignitary of the English Church, the Arch Lloyd George had written on the subject in an American Sankey, the banana king. This never referred to this miraculous bishop of Canterbury, but as was fitting, by the Archbishop paper and Mr. Lloyd Geogre objected to the tone of state seed developed a plant of malice birth; the Apostles never menof York, who takes his title from the same ancient city as ments made by Lord Oxford and Lord Grey, in the offical which fruit resulted in a judicial tion it. It is not referred to in the child father. Water from the River Jordan was used British Gazette while the strike was in progress. How Investigation. This investigation any Apostolic epistle. the and the names given to the baby were those of her mother, ever good or bad the reasons for the breach may be the proved Stephen MacLeod to be a Baldeberti Newton Episcopal.
law breaker was He. The that the Bible her grandmother Queen Mary, and her great grandmother, breach itself is a solid enough fact, and there seems little undesirable, and therefore. Infallible is shonla ha Queen Alexandera, wife of King Edward VII The de reason to hope that it can ever be healed. All of which ordered to take himself out of combated.
Christianity as an mocratic tendency of the royal family, by the way, is forces more and more on the public mind the question of the country.
shown by the fact that the Duke of York, who stands next whether the Liberal Party in England is destined to survive fall gross inconsistencies, to the Prince of Wales in succession to the Throne, has as an organised party at all, or whether its supporters will attenmpts at settled down in London in an ordinary house in an ordinary not have to split and seek expression for their views in the piecing out of the ethics of Have you tried the Paganism. It is a shame and disrow of houses, and his letters bear no more distinctive left wing of the Conservative Party and the right wing of grace to the church that it is no address than 19 Bruton Street. Another democratic touch the Labour Party respectively, If that should happen it will new Boer farther advahead along the lines is seen in the recent action of the Prince of Wales, who be an astonishingly rapid decline and fall, for no longer ago of human progress. What an has sent a donation to a fund raised for the relief of the than 1910 the Liberal Party appeared to be at the zenith of Kronen Brau utterly batfliog puzzle is the vives and children of miners at present on strike. That its power. Continued on page 5)
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