p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JOLY 3, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE CHURCH SERVICES To Morrow Races Last Sunday Races The Bolivarian Races! Races!
the Exciting Races second The 0, 20, the wood.
speci The Workman BOOK STORE (Coo inued from page 1)
There were no unusual bappear relations the principal that every Fifth Sunday Aster Trinity Nine races, three of which AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE are for native horses, are ings at Juan Franco Park on Sunday afternoon last only that act violating the recognisel princi(Anglican Catholic) entered on the program for Pereque with Jockey Moore up, ples of International Law ard of St. Paul Church, Panama tomorrow afternoon at Juan won Ibe feature avent, a one leuding any one Nation shall conmile for imported stitute an offence for all and should (Rev, Nightengsle, Rrotor) Franco Park.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK Ba. Holy Communion The Rootor The feature horses of class This was a provoke common action on the on the card 10. 15 a. Matias will the seventh event when good race between the winner part of all. This resolution was 10. 30 a. Holy Eucha ist sermon Abel.
Rataplan being sponsored by Dr. Harmolio Arias, and Argentino Uruguayan delegate, and subseMaracey and Reina TO MORROW badly left behind on account o quently led to a discussion of the The Recor Mora will take the field over bardiness in starting, Argentino Possible formation of the League of p. Church Behool.
and Pereque took the course, Sunday, July 4th 1926 30 Choral Breasong, armor a mile and a quarter for the The Rector, Chesterfield Cup and a 1000 latter following close behind, and Latin American Nations, wben Aranda on Argentino made One of the outstan ing features purse. bad guess by running wide It of the Centeoary celebrations was There will be another Cup St. Alban Church, Paralso the last furlong, Moore brought the unveiling by President Chiari Race, the sixth. In this are CANAL ZONE.
up his must in time to capture on June 22 of the monument booked Pereque, Burla, Rataerected to the memory of first place and win Argentico bs Liberator and which stands in the of the great (Rev. NIGHIENGALE, plan, Argentino, Infante and a length.
Prieet in Charge.
Aranda was the the star jiekey pl za Bolivar, opposite the main Spear Blade. The distance is the San Francisco Races for Imported horses 11 am. Matins addrets Catrebiet. one and one eighth mile and of the afternoon, winning three entrance to out of five mounts and taking piece of art, the work of thə Spana master3 Church School and Coufirma the pruse 500. The Presi.
place in one.
He. and for Native bred Ponies tion Clare however, find 20. 00 in the blib ish sculptor, Mariano Benlliure 30 Choral Evensong addrexo dent of Colombia Cup goes to the winner, race on Mr. Osborne Catechist.
complaint of jckes the cost being contributed to by WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Nine native horses are Hidalgo who rode ina Mor several of the governments partielthat came in second, that beparing in the Centenary. Don entered for the third event.
forced bim outside when making of the Congress, was the principal Samuel St, Matthias Mission Lewis, one of the organizers LAS BABANAS Five native horses, Dicta.
the bome stretcb. In Aranda rode Bolt who wun.
speaker of the occasion.
The size of the largest amount rian University was another import inauguration of the Boliva.
Priest in Charge.
and Caribe are entered for paid in the parimutuel was the curtain raiser and for the bui p. Church Scbool la first race, on ant event marking the opening of a last event Excuse Me, the Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Renown who was given mas new era in the stu! y of intereation 30 Evensong Mr. Richards Satecbist.
unbeaten Bocas flash, will terly ride by Hidalgo, bestiog al problems. The ceremonies First Race Starts p. Sharp take the field against five Dardecela, Baby Peggy, Candle place in the Auditorium of the National Institute and several of others over a five furlong and Chiqui over six furthe University delegates to the St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca stretch.
lop Rs.
Infante in the last race of 63 Congress spoke in loudest praise of ADMISSION Tomorrow program is cerfurlongs for three years Jlds the movement.
American Episcopal (Anglican Comatainly a good one and the and Sister Cecilia in the sixth In conjunction with the li Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
usual enthusiastic crowd is of four furlongs, paid the second varian Congress was the Inter Matins and ddress 11 am, Mr. expected to be present.
and third biggest pool for the American Congress of Women, of Hunter, Lay Reader.
atternoon 8, 10 and 30 res wbich Mrs. Esther Neira de Calvo Church School p.
was organizer and president, and 30 Choral Evensong, sermon.
Fenomeno won the second race which was attended by the pick of The Rector CALL IN AT INDEPENDENCE DAY of five furlonge, winning Barba Woman intellectuals from the Confirmation Class Wednesday and ja and Ruso wbo came In Americas, Education, Child WelSERVICE Friday 30 pm.
second and third respectively, can relations were made ely, fare, Legislation and loter Ameri: Evening Prayer and address Wedaceand five otber Class rative can day 30 At St. Paul Church, horses. The pool paid 30 and features of their deliberations, the T. MULCARE, Rector 50. on the wicDer and 60 Child Welfare group being respon sod on the second and third which was USD Resolved: That sible for the following resolution Services in observance of borses.
adopted st. Simon Mission, Gamboa the American Independence The third race of five furlongs by the Congress of the different Ibo Litany, Holy Eucharist and Day (Fourth of July) will be was won by Renteira with Car the governments armon 10. 45 a.
held at St. Paul Church, rillo up; while Bomba took the Ameri aa countries be askedreno No. 93, Central Avenue Church School 30 m, Panama, to morrow night, fourth from Spear Blade and establish juvenile courte led the Belle Sauvage wbo came in in JT MULCARE Priest in Charge commencing at 7:30 o clock.
juvenile offenders (one the order named member of each court to be a woman) and also the establishment At St. Parbaba s, Empire; St. Bar The flag of Great Britain, ASSORTMENT OF tholomew. La Caedade; and Bt. Panama and the United States of houses of correction where such Retraction And. Jude Summit, Matine and addrees, will be carried in procession, offenders could be trained mentally Church School, Confirmation Class and and morally GOOD STATIONERY Evensong will be held at the usual time and the National Hymns of On the whole, the Congress can by the y Readere.
these countries will be sung (Continued from page 1) well be considered a tremeodous SOUVENIRS, MULCARE Priont in Charge by the choir and congregaforsaken Me? These, surely, are success and it is expec :ed the re tion.
not the words of a mar, who is will sults will be far reaching. The ing to die. The doctrine is wrong, delegates all been impressed special Independence Baptist Churches because, the penalty pass upon bational Holidarity the mutual desire for inter. Day sermon will be preaphed Adam is still in force. Man only evidenced Old Timer Is Barred by the Rector. the Rev, eats bread by the sweet of his face. throughout the ses ions and il Canal Zone Notes (Under the auspices of the Soutbern Baptist Convention. Nightengale, is wrong Christ everything works out as planned, for beiug innocent, it was immoral to the next ineeting of the Congress Maria Luisa Duran, after liv Colon 11 a. Descon Crooks; Him for the (which is likely to take place (Continued from page 5) iog in Colon for about ten years, of Red Took the city innocent. Venezula in 1930 in commemo rasline Marie Balwine teembol para visited her relatives tom. co ta 15. Rev. Jordon of the Bible Large Number you cannot panish an innocent use tion of the 100th anniverary of maa. The doctrice is wrong because, Bolivar death) should see Latin Da, Miss MacGillivray was pre tica, leaylor Colon on or about Society.
it presuppoes tbat can 9, but when she returned Chorrillo 11. Pastor Witt. 15 (Continued from page 1)
sin against God. Whereas, man America well in the forefroat of sent and acted as referee.
on Jnne 27th, she was prevented Teacher Elie of Calon.
Ellis Island was no strarge place can sin only against man.
like world politice In like from landing at Cristobal obal by the Calidonia 11. Deacon McIntosh to these 140 men and women.
manner, he can only do good to bis Grand Pttriotic Rally and Quarantine odicials. It is alleged 16 Pastor Witt.
Most of them bad passed through fellow man. The animals pot in at La Boca Clubhouse, Red Tank 11. Supplied; 16 the buildings, as they came over for Costa Rica, bad been living (p. co: Deacon Russell.
the argument. The doctrine is SPARKLETS it makes the effiz in the restricted District of Colon here in the third class cabins. But Gatun 11 a. Deacon Crawford. while they of Christ death depend upon and bad about 21 offences to her 15 Deacon Crooks of Red Tank months ago as a way statica to the buildings the one belief, Matters not how Under the auspices of the varl. credit on the Colon Police re Empire 11 a. Desc Cummings. land of scarlet are your sins, if you believe Continued from page ous organizations of St. Peter cords: opportunity. they 15 Descon Browo.
Grand Pano the same buildings yesterday those who, instead of Church, La Boca, in the doctrine, your sins will be as churches New Providence. 11 am. Deacon as milestones on their way back to white as e as snow. This looks to me as making his father house a house triptic Rallyc and Dance will be Panama Canal Earns Over Broome.
held in the at the lands from which they fled.
putting a premium on wrong doing. of worship hade e unverted it into on Thursday the 15: inst. This 142 Million Dollars. Pueblo Nuevo 11 n. Leader TulThe first 140 to be brought from died a den of thieves; it From the opening of the Panama lough; 15 Mr. Pote:kin.
one the interior for deportation reprewith the fact? If reformation is the that He ever preached agaiust the an opportunity to every one, who to the close of business on June 30, sented many classes. There were end of punishment, then Adam and elasting of workoper Fedifices for work which the Church is doing vessels have transited the Canal LEGAL NOTICE were not above reproach, and there is a duty, to supports the 1926, a men who had violated the laws; Eve should be Christianworship Frankly, we time ne position restored to their oneIn other lands.
ware driven out may reject inuch of what is handed of the they were inade to down to were both men and women who as being contradictory, Tbe couatries and Islands thae paying 142, 134, 397, 95 in tolls.
had failed to return at the exipra.
eat bread by the sweat of their and impracticable but there is will be represented at the Rally Jitney Driver Held In Notice of Pendency of Suit tion of their passport priv leges to. and above all, they were that fadele tasuflet det ha. Justice wound with even the ordinary common states, alica, Panathe, Jamaica, Britain, visit relatives for six 50000 Bailed.
UNITED STATES DISTRICT demand restoration without the sense.
Anarchists were included in the end Thats were 107 and Barbados band. There were men and women COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE with unbalanced minds who had of not apparent First Class music will be fur. After apreliminary examinmaa who can believe in the doc psuedo form Christian of Balboa Division been able to deceive the immigra.
should be the that of a Missionary accepting pished by the well known Jobation in the Balboa Magistrate from friends tion inspectors when they came.
Murray Orcbestra.
of any poor eighty year Court on Wednesday lass, Segun. think that it is full time that all in return for Christianity or resch entrance fee is within the do Romero, Colombian, was held old The lady ber all and There were bootleggers who had CIVİL No: 769 of everybody in 5000, 00 bail to appear before beard tales of the immense wealth we strip ourselves of all the superDoors will HUBERT SMALL. Plantiff, open at 30, Conal Zone District Court on the promotion of bram dances to be found in this profesion. stition and ignorance of as the ancient your eyes on these columns a by means There were white slaves who had to produce great bodily world, Why should we be bound a means to collect money from the for more information about this offorce of assult ELIZA SMALL. Defendant, left this work in Europe to try it and injury, Io bere, because it held bigger profits theories! We stand in need of a The charge grew out of an in a land where it is forbidden, automobile smash up on Bolivar pew religion, based upon purely while the application of the Dance.
Divorce Tbere were men and women who humanitarian lines. God will be whip would we in order it is believed that spent Highway on Monday last is con To ELIZA SMALL: bad landed in Canada only to cross our Ideal. No petży jealous god for the erection of places for christ Cristabal Silver Clubhouse sequence of which one passenger You are hereby notified that on the border without premigion.
wood and Immigration officers looked on who is Is in the Ancon Hospital in a Jone 9th, 1928, the above named plainrevengeful enough to visit ian worship is well applied. Christ critical condition.
tiff Aled in the above entitled court the criminal element without sins of one man upon the shoulders ianity as is given to us bas its wherein The regular monthly Rally on of Romero car is said to have absoluto divorce from you on the It was the picture the and as an itsti of another, No god who delights defects, and the Church as help less that moyod them.
For in the sacrifice of his son. Our God tution has some defects, likewise, in the Atlantic side will be held at crashed into Dodge bus opera statutory grounds of Desertion, 10 And you are further hereby notified there were many wbose only offense will be that Spirit that maketh for the administracion of its affaire. the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on ated by one Jose Santamaria, Righteousness. For Hihatonot what we belieye that to point to now and then, but up the program. Among those takThese little flaws we may be able Saturday July 3rd. at O clock. Panamanlan, shortly after seven that you are required to enter your was inability to support them.
Tho Nannie Burrough Club has o clock on Monday morning. appearance in writing in the office of selves. They had become paupers the Clerk of said court at Ancon, and public charges and from poor counts. Rightecuness alone exalt to now have we been able to Canal Zone, and make answer thereto farm and alms houses the Federal.
eth a nations.
stitute anything just as good, leave to part on the program will be Wanted al one better, than the church for Mrs. Praddy who will give a talk If you fall to do so within the time authorities had gathered them to British Coisulate Notice moral suasion?
to the girls and also Mr. Bradley gardener for the British Lega aforonted the said pealt on veido be taken 50 back to lands where philatwho will address them.
as will tion, Panama. Apply to the Brtiishuke judgement against you by default thropy is not so well organisd as it The British Cousul at Colon At 12 30 there will be a volley Consulate General between the and demand from said court the is here. These were the ones who rowould be glad of information as to gistered the despair as the govera3 Rent Receipt Books in Span ball game between the Marie hours of and p. Oaly those relief applied for in the petition.
the present whereabouts of Joseph SHEIBLEY ment bolts made the short rua Wilson Sealy, native of Brittons Ish and English for sale at the Balwin girls and the St. Agnes who have had experience in garden Clerk.
ing need apply. References refrom the Jersey shore to Ellis IsHill, Barbados Worknian Printery All friends are invited.
June 19, 28, and July 3rd.
land, haye The doctrine puoisn Him map Jode saw the wrong, because looked us weeks, hrane, ali such reach other.
bosom African the case VS.
Keep Aged pity quired,


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