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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Starke, The whiteouse which they to man the NEGROES LARGE British Labour Wants Mother of Children MAY OWN NUMBER OF Hour Bill Rejected Property But Can Aliens Waiting Turn to Is Executed in England Occupy it Says Judge. Enter the United States.
Whole Day Sitting of Commons onble despatch from Detroit Doomed Woman Confessed at Direct West India cable des Taken up With Debating Govt. Press dated June 16, and published June 250 states that over 6, 000 by the from. dated Last Moment And Met Death in the Philadelphia Tribune British subjects and about 4, 000 Stoically.
Coal Measure.
says:others are on the waiting list at In this city, the home of the the United States Cipeujate at Manchester, Eng. June 24th. Inside the gray walls of Direct West Indla Cable despatch from London, celebrated Sweet case, the outcome Windsor, for entrance into the uota Stangeway jail, a woman the mother of three children, one dated June 29 state that the entire session of the House of of which to date has guaranteed United States in the new Commons to day was devoted to debate on the Govern tbe Negro right to defend bis year which opened July 1st, The of them a baby, was hanged this morning.
home, Judge wunable to Mrs. Louise Calvert, 33 years old, was executed for ment eight hour bill for miners, designed to replace the just ruled that Negrces may own state, exactly how many visas strangling her landlady, Mrs. Lilly Waterhouse, and then present seven hour day laws.
property in restricted districts would be granted from the Windsor robbing her. To the end the condemned woman asserted Sir Arthur Steel Maitian, who is sponsoring the measure, which they may not legally occupy, office ca the new. quotehave on, ex that she was innocent.
repudiated in behalf of the Government any desire to attack which is going some.
only a either the miners or wages and he emphasized the perilous The opinion was rendered in the waiting list would be admitted tary, Sir William Joynson Hicks, for clemency. Sir William comparatively small percentage of Thousands of persons had petitioned the home Secrecondition of the coal export industry which only has been concertation wit liebe petite belofte med Many hopeful folk are doomed to said he found no ground which would justify him in advisable to fight increasing German competition through wood Boulevard Civic Association by whites and Lakeing the king to interfere with the due course of the law.
subsidy. He insisted that the position would become stiil against Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Among those most energetic in circulating petitions was Mrs.
worse when the Ruhr was completely evacuated.
British Consulate Notice Calvert husband, from whom she was separated at the Stephen Walsh, Labour, in moving rejections of the bill bad erected next to an apartment sell a time of the murder.
argued that the longer hours meant disemploying many building occupied by whites. The would be glad of information as to The British Consul at Colon Mrs. Calvert was taken into custody April 2, and the thousands of miners and increasing the output which was Civic Association regarded the the presºot whereabouts of sentenced death was imposed May Prior to being senalready excessive.
price asked by Mr. Starke as ex Thomas Davis, a native of tence, of she appealed for a stay of execution on the ground Labour members all opposed the bill.
horbitant. The decision of Judge Jamaica, weo some years ago bad that she soon again was to become a mother. jury of Carr is to the eifect that if they cantine in Guacbapali, Pauama.
won sell the house, the Starkes women was empanelled to investigate her claim. The London, June 29. Stirred by the statement issued by the purpose of the Lºkewood Civic live in. medical evidence did not support it.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO the British Miners Relief Committee in New York to the uplifters just the same, Judge Carr THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF The last execution of a woman in England was in 1923.
effect that the workers families were in desperate straits and issued an injunction.
Although Mrs. Calvert maintained her innocence until facing starvation, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty the eleventh hour, it was understood that she made a full to Children has made an investigation the circumconfession of the crime just before being led to the scaffold.
stances. The gist of a number of reports from numerous LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING Mrs. Calvert met death stoically and the hanging was mining centres is to the effect that the needs of children (By STUDENT OF LIFE)
carried out without a hitch. crowd of several hundred everywhere are being adequately met by local authorities No. HAPPINES persons waited silently outside of the prison walls until In many places children are better fed than before the coil Webster dictionary gives this The pursuit of happiness!
notice of the execution was posted when they quietly disstrike began. Nevertheless, the Society finds there is in definition of the word happiness. Ipersed How sweetly those words fall creasing need for the replacement of shoes and clothing state of enjoyment, unstudied upon the ear, how nice they look The condemned woman saw her baby boy on Monday Extracts of the reports received by the Suciety has been groce, good luck, good fortune. in print and yet what a myth they after which she was visited by several relatives. Her huscriculated. These agree that no case of hunger or even of The truth is that happiness is are! For happiness is like an alter band and her six year old son, Kenneth, bid her farewell shortage of food was discovered by the investigation. The sinply state of mind, it has shy youny more you last night. The little boy was not aware of the grimness food supplied by the public authorities was good in quality gothing to do with the poverty or pursue him the further be flees of his visit and was overjoyed to see his mother. Later he robes, fame or obecurity, and from the marraige bal er; or like and abundant.
people who attaio it are those the will o the wisp always just proudly told several persons who took a friendly interest in There never was a strike carried out along such who refuse to take the world or beyond our crasp. ve never him that he had come on a long railway journey to see bis humanitarian lines says a statement of the Society which likessbatinisogearamouche are is deadly earnest to search for themselves seriously, folks who seen a person who, having set out mammy.
adds. There is no reason for asking American assistance. born with a gift of laughter, and a happiness, has attained his goal.
sense that the world is mad.
No siree, happiness is not the SPARKLETS hirteen housand Death of Robert Sooner or later, if you are not reward of extensive quest, if you too egotistical you ll come to the want it, you ve got to dig deep (BY Stewart realization that as a human atom down of your own Lest Wo Forget.
ance is the cornerstone of a you are insignificant and don heart and brain to secure the rich sustaiaed commou understanding, Live In Panama Canal Was Well Known in Westorinion, and that doesu count at nu sppreciation of nature bouaty. toe often exhibit a tendency to nuggets of Being a people in the making, we The heights by great men reach and all. That what your position in you ve got to smelt away all the it were, believe that we should were not attained by sudden flight Quarters.
Indian Circles. life is now won matter a hun wortbless particle from the ore, adopt the policy to exterminate dred years hence; uuless of course such as self pity, envy, jealousy. those whom we imagine are work.
In nearly all of our orations and According to the report of the The Grenada Colony on the you happen to be a genius literary efforts we not only find Governor of the Panama Canal for Isthmus lost one of its much re then, God wot! posterity will land malice until you get the pure ing against our plans for our early inspiration in the works of great uoalloyed gold and complete social and economic favourite colour in sox and the month of May 1926, the num spected and greatly beloved mem whether or not you chew gum corner on happiuess but in those similar punishment on those No one race, or people have a freedom; we men but we employ quotations would administer from their works for the specific ber of persons including men, bers in the person of Robert w speaking of ordinary human women and children, occupying Stowart (Bobbie as he was fami whom purpose of lending emphasis to our Panama Canal quarters May 31, liarly known) who died last beings and with that view will of tropical climes it is more spon. We believe have made the slightest thoughts and for the further pure mistake in their efforts in helping 1926, totaled 20, 519 of whom 051 Wednesday afternoon following a come another, that God, nature, or convincing our bearers or were Americans, 188. three days illness from an attack whomever you credit with yon as he told it to to bring about this freedom, With pose of and 13 280 West Indians. The to of partial paralysis which tak guidance of the universe has shared me the story of Tom. a mess hoy this attitude we are mistaken; this readers of our concepti so as to the.
tal number of persons in quarters deprived him of crnsciousness things pretty equu. ly after si thered on one of the tourist boste post is not the way the other peoples best means of reforming our fellow.
31. 1925 was 20, 609. never to be regained within one has been mo dibertinention in his. sed through the Canal, and restauranger en are on Pucely supplied with mature se voru In the same report a tabulation passed away.
or disc vered the happiness looking fact that, as comof the Gold and Silveremwuich he ran away from home to munity, we ought to bave a comtionary and otherwise, eich author Bobbie, whose residence on the The blue of the heavens is yours contributing in his own way his seek. was always a discontented mon platform upon which to stand bit. At this point another poet. has as and from which to branch off into and 9, 959 of the res rective em cally during the past year or two, The crystal rain for each doth fall 1926. shows that there were 853 really not been too bright player. And the beauty aust of a butterfly child; he told me ruefully. Truly various activities that with this piate comes in with: Knowledge dwelle wings compari ons are odious, and they form is weak its offshoots our other men, wisdom in heads attenin heads replete with thoughts ployees, or a total of 12 812 em yet his death camadas a shock to and the self same end awaits us all.
hood wretched individual and organized on Canal on many friends countrymen other fellows had nicer homes, bet are destinied to only mushroom the heights to which great me tive to their own. But as the gov that date. For Muy 1912 there were as he has not recently been heard ter clothes thao (or 80 ve noticed that great wealth agined) a finer education, beingin 12, 138 employees. of whom 2, 903 to of.
and were old and 9, 235 Silver.
In fact, he was apparently happy, hence the phrase happy towards me, secretly accused him as electric drop lights to tbe plan to wbich we are aspiring, it is we?
hearty up to the noontide meal on medium suppose.
of condeseo ion, it be did nt set which generates the nower. As a for us to penetrate into the tre snobbisbess, sed weak plant supplies dim lights, so Sunday last, which he e. joyed. The former bas too many cares it down to The Wanderer and then started out to pay a few and the latter just many. With mu away from home and went out is our efforts dwarfed if our com. meaning of, and what was app: friendly calls at about 30 the wolf constantly at the to sea, and here ve learned what inon platform is uastable, In other rently die poet thoughts when the attack vertook bum one thoughts are concentrated college never would bave words, out of the strength of the penned these immortal lines heights by great men reached ar Tonight Saturday and tomorrow Upon the advice of Dr Fairweather soley vpon ways and means to me, fint that all you can get out central plant of our intelligence, night Sunday the Cecilia Theatre! who was called, he was taken to evade him to the exclusion of all of life, is a living, secondly, that initiative and energy depeods our kept, were not attained by sudde ions community. Well informed ions slept. were toiting onwa the Wanderer a picture that will se 30 that evening, but his relatives espiritual quality in mot allowed. podelise as our little that mund te Isthmian West Indians, or rather times of the legality Negro lear movie on edge from start seeing no chance to and learned to realize matter thinking a new to finish. Persons who are acquaint. had him removed to his home on the mind and heart. Great geniuses how much moruy, how old a name, wil hot find many trouble in res paper, the PHILADELPHIA TH ed with bible bistory must remem Tuesday afternoon, where be con are never happy, because their or wuat position au individual beric the story of the Prodigal sootoued to siuk gradually till he accomplishmento seldom come up possesses that does not vouck date cognizing that common understant eller bo op holidephia, USA. editor shows forth nu. Wanderer portrays the prodigal His body has been stored in the content which by some has been blessings of this hfe than you, that three of the center stakes on which young and attractive Rirl og divine like a taskmaster so long as your stomach is fuli, our platform should stand; that good family arrested in a raid og is returning home to bis father. This Aucon Morgue from where it will keeps urging them on to greater your heart light and you have a we cannot be clannish when we bouse of ill fame. as her exe a special paramount production and teems with action, yet pathe be removed tomorrow morning to and yet greater efforts in Street, order to place to lay your beud, no one in lack comman saderstanding and for her presence th re she gave: tir. The Wanderer must appeal Court Paradise, 24th to every one possessing a soul. Be Guacha pali, for interament in the satisfy their own critical sense of all this beautiful green earth can cherish hate; that self respect is thought it would be an easy way make money. Ao easy way a be better off than you. We delude indispensable if we are to respect make money seems to be prele perfection.
afternoon at.
at the Cecilia tonigiit and tomorrow night and see the picture that Robbie, who though, a tailor by Contentment makes for happi ial success is an attribute of that respecting people bave removed by the majority of our people.
ourselves into thinking that mater. God and our fellowmen.
ness; but if we were all content the of the greatest handicaps out consequence has been with will satisfy your taste. Continued on Page 8) world would stagnate. Continued on page 8)
of their way of success, aod toler (Continued on page 8)
in the mine West Indians kept tantous. ove on May made my efforts If no growth, these and so taught while their compa ve one


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