
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUYL 10, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands sosokos TRINIDAD Venezuelan Oil Eoom.
RUSH TO MARACAIBO Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD ma e Trinidad Labourers Seek New Fortune, exported 16 stens Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Inpurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
person recent issue of the WEEKLY GUARDIAN states that Maracaibo.
ao Ioland town of Venezuela has become the El Dorado of the unew ployed and those seeking to better elr positions financially following the discovery of oil deposits in large quantities, first by the Stanoard Oil Compary and subsequently other oll prospectors.
The oil boom is attracting from mary of the West Indian Islands and its pupulatioa wbleh before the boom was only ut a ten hundreds bas, by leaps and reached the ten thousand mark 003rk. Trinidad ha has contributed considerabıy tow towards this influx and last two bandred and thirty persons left bere for Maracaibo. Thirty one left on Wednesday in the BienF. Pellerin de Latouche on venido and thirty three in the the same day wbile an equally large number bad completed preparations to leave in the Horn line steamer, Bolbaug.
bounds month For Sale at all Drug Stores man And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Alastrim Stamped Out ten as a topic ATTENTION!
The outbreak of alastrim in the Colony bas been stamped out by the Medical Authorities with the co operation of such of the public as would assist them the and disease is is now almost forgotlarge number of men who were employed in emergency work has been disbanded and the hand cam paign bas ceased, while the Colo.
by is no longe no longer a suspected port this issuing of clean Bills of Health. having been resumed some weeks ago, by the Babour Master Ofice.
Water Restriction Ended.
JAMAICA Lost Life in Trying to Rescue a Woman Hat Activity in Our Banana Market Jamaica, June 24. fatal accident took place on the Spalish Town Road sbortly before In the GLEANER of the 21st two o clock yesterday morning, ulto announcem nt was young man named Gilbert that there had been considerable Hamilton, it is stated jumped activity in banana circles during from speeding motor truck the many as 700, 000 stems of fruit had blown off, with th: result that he been shipped for the week both back of his head, tron which be sustained severe wound at the to England and America, died within a few minutes.
It is interesting to give some Hamilton and other persons figures concerning the banana trade of the clony, In 1907 we were passengers on the motor million of truck which was being driven bananas; and in 1911 and 1914 we by Reginald Alleo, from Claren sent away similar quantities. don to Kingston Os nearing Last year we exported 11. 971. the two mile post on the Spanish orto Towo Road, 000 stems; but it is note wortby bat Vera Walters that up to the 12tb of Juse dropped. The dec ased was covering a period of five and a asleep at the time, and it is said half months. Wa Bent abroad sad she aroused bim and told bo 7, 203, 000 bunches of fruit against about the hat. The chauffeur 4, 656 000 stems for the corres was not told to stop, bot Hamilponding period of last year. Toe to who appeared dazed, jump.
price of bananas is keeping up ed from the truck. He fell to bale it is claimed that a good deal the back of his head, The chau: ground of immature fruit so far as the four stopped and the injured American market is concuraedwas taken up bleeding is being shipped profusely. He was placed on the truck and the driver rushed to the Smith Village Police Station Threatening Letter to and reported the matter. Bat when they arrived it was found City Engineer. out that Hamilton had passed away.
The police took charge of the The GLEANER of date June 22nd body wbich was conveyed to the states that during the discuselon mortuary, where the Hon. Dr.
of the question of the restarting Lawson Gifford. MO. for of the street reconstruction work Kingaton, performed the post yesterday meeting of the King: mortem examination.
tion the Mayor made startling Corporal Robinson arrested statement that a threatening letAlles on a charge of murder.
ter bad been sent to Nrs. Neil and be will be taken before the Court to day, 800, wife of Mr. Robert Neilson the City Engineer.
The body of the deceased was taken to his home at Cnapelton The Mayor reads extractal yesterday for burial.
from the letter as follows: Thy told me it is your husband keep ing back the work to suit him Plan to Remove King. Tell him to do some work as ston Hospital to may be left heres widow, Any way a man die it is right even on It is learnt that a movement is the gallows for the good of bis Cuntrymen.
Please read and on foot to remove the public gedigest this letter.
neral hospital in Kingston, to wh tis considered a more suitable Have you read the American Bite, History of tbe late President McKipl«y? If he ain do somIt will be remembered that this bing for the poor people to re: Medical Commission investigated was one of the matters wbich the start some work then one of us has to stand as a martyr. It may few years ago; but that body be me as well as others who are would be a mis ake to remove the came to the conclusion that it suffering. If a man and family is suffering through one man to St. Andrew and to run then just as well to pat him away an emergency institution conwhich it very easy in this therewith ia Kingston, 25 was proposed by certain parishes The Mayor and his colleagues Commission.
who gave evidence before the denounced the writing of such representative of the Gleaner a letter by the anonymous writer has been informed, that Dr. WA.
and it was disclosed that the leiter bad been forwarded to the one to the removal of the bospison, the Superiate ding Medical has been given considerapolice.
tal; and what recommenda ions be will make to the Government Startling Incident Oc. on the subj bt remain to be se It is, however, elt that it curs on Highway be a mistake to remove the bo.
pital from its present site and the matter will probably bave to Jamaica, June 24 rather be finally considered by the startling and somewhat surprie Legislative Ceuncil.
jag incidant nccurred in the yicinity of South Camp and Melbourne Rady yesterday JAMAICAN LADY DOCsboruly after midday, much to the amusement of quite a numTOR.
ber of spectators It appears that a woman who News has been received of the was selline coal hailed a cart success of Miss Dahlia Wb tladen with cocranuts and asked bourne daughter of Mr. and to buy one. She Informed the Mrs. Whiibourne (late of man who was selling that she Kingston. Miss Whitbourne would not pay tor it unless it bad won the Jamaica Scholarship jelly in it.
Tbe man took a nut from Wolmer in 1920 apo from his eart cut it open and entered the Medical School of handed it to the woman. She than the Royal Free Hospital for discovered Sbe bas now she wanted and refused to pay obtained the degere of Bachelor for it. The man then got down of Medicine and Bachelor of from bis cart and started to Surgery from the University argue with the woman, He ap of London as well as the diplopareatly failed to get any satis mas and faction so he took off bis shirt England.
and vest and commenced to beat (Miss Wbitbourne is, we think tbe woman. He tore her clothes the first girl from a Jamaica off ber back onul sbe had practi School to become a Doctor. cally nothing on whatever failing to get what he wanted hol he let the woman go and then turned to his cart and picked up cutlass. The woman, who was Why pay double price a coal seller and bad left ber for inferior Imported baskt on the side walk, realised Boer when you can that discretion was the better part of volour and she ran buy a superior Beer away The man then took up the such as BALBOA for basket wbich the woman bad left behind in her hurry, and half the price.
eut it to pleces with the cutless.
House Rent Receipt Books hospital to Tbe rainy season seems definitely to be set in, putting an end to the restrictions with regard to the use of water in gardens etc. and other mer.
sures of water conservation. To those who love pottering about their and taking a delight in watering the plants are restricted use of was somewhat Irksome, while some of those who risked the temptation of disobeying the Municipal order were prosecuted.
gardens the water Dected SPANISH ENGLISH country.
TRINIDAD CRI CRETER Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies Mr. St, Hill the Trinidad and all the West Indies bateman, was recently present at the office of the Sporting Chronicle with a bicycle, the proceeds of a subseriptio raised in app eciation of bisa erling bating perform oces du the ish of M. team to the Wet Indies, Mr. Maillard me the pres station.
CHEAP BREAKFAST Fur Trinidad School Children CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store and public Trinidad, May 26. Tbe Coterie of Social Workers entered upon a new phase of activities eays be Triuidad Guardian of the 19tb lost. when they tbrew open the gates of a new and roomy sbed No. 52 Edward Street, for the reception of children attending Elementary City Sebools for the purpose of providing them with adequate breaktast daily at the nominal charge of one There was representative atpenny tendance of citizens workers including Dr, E, Bass, Mayor of Port of Spain, the Bisbop of Trinidad, Mr.
Marriott, Director of Education, and several other important persons of the Port of Spain comThe ceremony opened with the blessing and good wishes of the Bisbop procounced in a short prayer, after which the Preeident, Miss Jeffers, reviewed the circumstances which gave rise to (Continued on page 7)
Still ndoto munity ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays


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