
indeed, in Soss, SSSSSSSSSSSSSS MISSISSIE The God of Atonement THE WORKMAN (BY PHILIP LEWIS) am not a denominationalist; neither do believe in the teachPublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applica 1028 of eclsiasticism. But WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes positively believe in and acerpt Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited the tun amental trubs of the PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Many sophistical teachwritten on one side of paper only, and ogs been taught.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of still being taught by men who One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica purport to bave studied the scrip Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
tures in the theological colleges Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return re CLEANERS DYERS and seminaries. God Holy 25.
jected correspondence.
Word is simple to the miod, which under its influence, craves the knowledge of d. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue and is plain to the beart wbose affection is for righteousness SATURDAY JULY 10, 1926, and to do the will of God PANAMA CITY The reason for the greater portion of unbelief amongst men PLUCKING THE FRUIT BEFORE are the teachings of false religion. TIS RIPE.
Tbey baving been taugbt wrorg DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING at first, became pufied up and carnal in beart: their visions also became dimmed, and their There is a pitiable condition very evident among a certain class of our people who believe that they are OF THE HIGHEST ORDER understandings and consciences stilled, authority on every question that presents itself, and who Recently, Rev. Austin views with their superficial knowledge of things generally attempt on My Idea of God bave to guide the thoughts, influence and sentiments of all Work Done While You Wait caused much coctroversies in the columns of this journal.
with whom they come in contact. Large numbers of these some bave expressed their beliet people are impressed with a strong delusion to believe a in Jealous God and the God of lie rather than ferrit our the truth of every circumstance TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Atonement; whilst others beve arising. This particular class of reasoners are very plendenied the existence of snch tiful in the present day and balance minded people should God. Well, since the argube well guarded on getting in contact with these Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices ments are about such an impormen and women who breathe the venomous poison of tapt Being, we need not go to Ladies Garments carefdHy handled tbe north or the South pole ignorance and narrow mindedness, by attempting to make to reason them out; but we ll the most odious comparisons between the enlightened protake all the evideoces that gress and culture of one nation and the superficial showing surround the buman family, of another REID Manager coupled with the fundamental truths of the Bible as our basis The improvement and advancement of the one may be for a concise slow, yet tangible and solid, the other may be quick sex SexSXSXSS SS SSB0 98 SEXO0665 was priveledged to bear the impetuous, superficial and may be tne cause of the destruc.
Rer. gentleman in his discourse tion of any people whose intellectual development and on the subject. The text selected from first John, chapter four, experience do not warrant their assumption of a high standSASSASSXSXSXSXSSX 65 SE SOYONO verse eight, was one of the best DEN ard of responsibilities.
he could have selected from the Mal observation of these conditions scriptures; it is as followe.
cause many Gud is Love. beautiful text dangerous mistakes against which we should be carefully which is the fullness ess or guarded in which the error does not lie in the fact that Jehovab! But am sorry to something is unsten but that something seen is seen that he Rev, gentleman did not say way wrong.
say anything on this text. The words of the Imbecile a is Perception being infallibe evidence of whatever is tbe one who takes care of me perceived, the error under consideration can be comcould have been used in the course of his arguments instead mitted no otherwise than by mistaking for conception what ot forming the base of his disis in fact inference. An examination into the vast field of scientific reason will convince how intimately the two are Anyway, it is not my intention blended together in almost everything which is called to discuss Rev. Austin views observation, and still more in everything Descriptive. What bere. But am inviting all inis actually on any occasion perceived by our senses being tellegent ond reasoaable minds so minute in amount, and generally So to a brief discussion on why unimportant a portion of the facts which we wish to ascertain or commu. ATJehovah is the God of atonement, THE FACT AND PHILOSOPHY OP nicate, we ought not to mingle inference with fact; all that THE ATONEMENT.
can be said is that when we do so, we should be careful of At the foundation of the what we are doing, and be certain of what part of the asserChristian religion Hes the doction rests on consciousness, and is indisputable, wbat part trine of the atonement. There on inference, and is therefore questionable.
are three views of the subject, namely: The Orthodox view In proportion to one deficiency in knowledge is generally the Heterodox view and the his disability to discriminate between a superficial and Though this doc: genuine advancement under any form of government; or, trine holds the most imrortant in other words, to discriminate between the inference or thelogy, yet very little the perception on which it may be grounded. Many a mar is understood about it; the various ideas and theories respecting vellous tale, many a scandalous anecdote, owes its origin to SS SSSSSSSSSS Jit are so disconnected and vague, this capacity, and very often a noisy demonstration of gas and the faith built upon these bags may be unguardedly mistakened for real intelligence vague views of such an import ant doctrine, most of necessity or culture, very much like the doctrine of Kaiserism. On these occasions the narrator relates, not what he siw or ADVERTISE The Victim of Love be unstabled weak and faulty, it this important subject be clearly heard, but the impressions which he derived from what seen in all the grandeur accordhe saw or heard and of which the greater part consists of IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS The Victim of Love a acted it in the word of God. as the inference though the whole is wont to be impressed as melodrama of Love, Laughter foundation of the divine plan of matter of fact.
and Flirting, by Nichollson Nichit will not only estabols, is to make it last run. begin bisb faith, but it will serve as a The difficulty of restraining, witnesses within any Wages or Hours.
ning at Cristobal Clubhouse on giude in discriminating truth and moderate limits, the intermixture of their inference with the July 13th, 1926.
Thence it will go error in connection with all the narrative of their perception is wel known to experienced te Gatun atun Clubhouse and then to requirements of faitb.
the Variedades Theatre. The cross examiners, and still more so is the case when uninEvery doctrine and theory Writing in June, on the present Miners Strike in Great as is now produced by La. must be brought in, contact with play formed persons attempt to make comparisons of one form Britain, a London correspondent says. cock, gives a ear and striking this touch stone and bave of government with another. It is not the colour and super The average Englishman is not disposed to concern display of society happenings. its proportion of vold or dross ficial extension perceived by the eye that is important, it himself mich ah ut a coal strike in the middle of the sum The action is easily and artisti determined thereby.
is the assimilation of that which gives tangible results in the mer, for atter all the average Englishman is concerned with sally depleted by each and every THE ORTHODOX VIEW actor.
advancement of the governed.
soal mainly in so far he needs it to keep him warm. Trains Violet Castelton, the leading transgr ssor of the law of thordox believes that man There are many a deluded visionary who has actually of course have to be run and factories to be kept at work, character, and George Monterrs God, came under condemnatier believed that he was directly inspired from Heaven but little of the mechanism of that is seern by the man, for who plays opposite ber, and who under wratb; and that God and that the Almghty had conversed with him face to face example, who spends his life in an office, and it is only were pronounced very good by while hindered by justice to which was only on his par, a conclusion drawn from in when the trains stop running, or rather when about half of the pl 580 18, are 100 better (as exonerating the sinner, ference or wrong conception.
was demonstrated at Paraiso provided just redemption for them stop running, that the real effects of the strike in the Clubhouse) anc coal mines begins to be generally felt. At the present challenged by the Duke. with his forgiveness of bis sins through they are now bim, and thus provided for the It is most amusing to hear some men laying down a moment we seem as far from a settlement as ever, though Limey portrayal, and Icilda tbe sacrifice of Christ. The work principle of government to guide the destiny of a nation; it negotiations are apparently on the point of being resumed castleton, who starts the first act of satisfsice justice and making British Government ought to do. in making comparisons reached that will admit of the resumption of work bef re Agoes Supers, who takes the part decomtoated the work of the ome stating what the and it is not unlikely that some arrangement will have en with her pathetic action. Miss the sunner acceptable to God, is with people who are undeveloped, as to the standard by these lines are in print. The problem now is whether of the thirt, an.
which human society should be governed, and these state hours are to be increased or play of a Flirt who realizes the THE HETERODOX VIEW wages reduced, and it is a dignity with which she must ments out as facts. Statecraft is a science; and the destiny of a people course or the other is necessary the miner is naturally more challenges any local girl in that the opposite side; they pre cup on incontrovertible problem much easier to talk abuut than to decide.
Unitarians, Universalists, AgIf one flirt with a society man, and Miss nostics, Evolutionists and scieCampbell, the singer and. ists from should not be entrusted into the hands of fools and synco inclined to work a little longer than to see his week pav phants.
reduced. On the other had at a time when the whole libe. Her posing gives an artistic pose no requirement on the part display of ber ability, Then there of Divine Justice of We as a race have been rared in the highest school trouble in Europe is being caused by an excess of produc is the Saucy Maid whose action for these sinner sacrifice that civilazation has made possible for us. the British tion over consumption so far as coal is concerned, there are reveals the plot of Miss Sayers They ignore the wrath of God Empire. let us be satisfied to learn our lesson well that obvious objections to a change whose sole purpose is to to trap George Monterry and rob as presented in any special selwhen we launch forth we shall have acquired that state of increase production still further. The real need is for an Violet of a beau, tence of death.
Look out for them, They igoore perfection which will win for us the applause and admira international agreement in Europe that would enable some the curse. they bold that man is merely required to abandon tion of other civilized nations of the world. It is not the proper relationship to be maintained between supply and Bin and seek righteousness by demand for a thing but rather the good uses to which it demand. Unfortunately that kind of arrangement takes his own will, and thus gain per will be applied when improved conditions will concede that some time to work out, and the strike in Great Britain is Rent Receipt Books In Spa fection by his owo efford Atorethe denying of due privilege is to an advanced people will having results too serious to make it possible to wait for ish and English for sale at th ment for sin being considered be an injustice.
the setting up of European machinery.
Wor kran Printery (Coetinued on page 5)
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted course.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Bible view. obole Only First Class Ones Need Apply place in Salvation bas


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