
Attractions at the Theatres that sere It claims that of Church La Boca.
win and depredati di Lion is Suoday December 1926. He carries with be What Is Your Fortune?
Crab THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1926 PAGE FIVE The God of. CANAL ZONE NOTES (Con inued from rage 4)
LA BOCA from the standpoint of expiation by the singer bimsel. Fon this standpoint the sin offering or Teacher McCarthy Goes on Ranson os our Lord Jesus is Leave.
conated of no avail on muo be.
CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR bulf. But if this was so man shouli have buen ft ed already Teacher Edgar McCarthy, from the present position of mis(PANAMA. COLON)
PANAMA well known aod respecied mem ery, poverty and desth But ber of the teaching stat under mao kind is still under the curse TODAY, Saturday July 10th TODAY SATURDAY, July 10th TODAY Saturday July 10th Principal Walters at te and cannot free themselves.
Government school for coloured Richard Talmadge in Evolution theoro devies Bill, Cody in and the full children, left on Thursday lasi to of man: denies that he never was TOMORROW Sunday July 11th THE NIGHT PATROL FIGHTING SMILE sail for bis home in Trinidad, wi in the image and lieeness of God Special Cast in TOMORROW SUDAY July 11th TO MORROW SUNDAY, July 11th den es the was never in fit THE WANDERER Mr. McCarthy is well known conditions to be on trial before Leon Errol in Lon Chany in as well as all over the letbibe bar of exact Justice; deries MONDAY, July 12th CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE THE UNHOLY THREE mus. being hard worker and that he never sioped in such a baving indentified bimsell with Earle Fox in trial, and that he never was sen.
MONDAY, July 12th MONDAY, July 12th several progressive organizations tenced to ath. THE LAST MAN ON EARTH Charles Ray in Harry Carey in such as the NL. the Panama death so far from being a penal.
Canal West Indian Employees PERCY DRIFTIN THRU ty is TUESDAY, July 13th is but another step in the Association, the La Boca Atbeprogress evolution; it holds Harry Carey in naeum, and the TUESDAY, July 13th TUESDAY, July 13th Peter that man, inst ad of falling from THE SEVENTH BANDIT APA Norman Kerry in from the Art Acord in he is an active member te e image and likeness of God in has been UNDER WESTERN SKIES THE SET UP in all the other organizations; be WEDNESDAY, July 14th of rising from the Dorothy Revier in WEDNESDAY, July 14th WEDNESDAY, July 11th responsible for the splendid development of the Gamboa monky into more and more of WHEN HUSBANDS FLIRT the image and likeness of God Special Castin Branch of the church and is an Richard Barthelmess in THE WANDERER The logical forther step of the active member in its THE BEAUTIFUL CITY School work. In the euployees THURSDAY July 15th theory would evidently be. that there could be noi e no jug ize on God Leon Errol in THURSDAY July 15th THURSDAY July 15th association be is a foundation member and active membar of part in condemning man for ris. CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE Earle Fox in Jack Holt in the La Boca Di triet; he was ing from lower to a higher THE LAST MAN ON EARTH? THE ENCHANTED HILL elected as one of his District plane, and denying consequently, FRIDAY July 16th that Justice could not accept a Charles Ray in FRIDAY July 16th representative on the Board of FRIDAY, July 16th sin offering for man, when there rectors for the term January PERCY Harry Carey Buck Jones in had been no sio on man part to THE SEVENTH BANDIT THE MAN WHO PLAYED SQUARE.
him credenuals from the Execu6. goire with this thought, it suen an offering. Conse SATURDAY, July 17th tive body of the association SATURDAY Juiy 17th SATURDAY July 17th which entitle him to recognition claims that Christ was not a sin. Buster Keaton in Dorothy Revier in Wm. Fairbanks in as a brother worker by the Trini offering, not a sacrifice for sins GO WFST WHEN HUSBANDS FLIRT FIGHTING YOUTH dad Workingmeo Association except in the same sense they of wbich, it is understood, be would say that any patriot might was also a member.
sacrifice torbis country; namely, that he laid down his te in belping to lift the race for Mrs. Worrell to Wed ward into kreat liberties and previleges.
race was the annulm nt of tbeir ATLANTIC SIDE Mrs. Anestsia Wortell, widow But we tind the word of God death sentence, and the placing of the late Ellis Worrell of the most absclutely contradicts this of the fallen race beyond the entire theory, so that no harmo reach of divine justice and unMadame Renee will Interpret Zodjacal Signs Cymkana Sports Sun who died almost suddenly a year ply is possible between tbe der tbe special supervision of scripture ago, will again wed shortly, it is teaching, and the Jesus, who also undertakes the each week for Readers of this paper teaching of Evolution Sclerce instruction, correction, and restiday with July. sald. Mrs. Worrell second husWATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE band is to be a late arrival from lieves in the Evolution theory, their desise for hormony with as Jamaica AT BASEBALL PARK, COLON, to that extent disbelieves the God.
July What you do, you do to the best of. 1) Though originally the only extent they hold the theory of The Sign of Cancer, the your ability and what you have Visiting the Ellis Family you make the most of.
As an innovation and novelty to Evolution to that extent they separating influence between are off the only foundation for God and man was the civine The number of persons boro Upright and scrupulously honest, the sport loving public, the Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ber.
faith wbich God has provided to sentence, now after six thousand during this period who have reach. you will eventually win a potable Management of the Cyclone Club that extent they are prepared years of falling deg redation and ed fame point to the favourable reputation as a worthy citizen no has arranged for Gymkana pard Ellis this week were Mr.
for further errors, which the alienation from God through sin, position of stars at this time. Presi matter where or what you chose as Pay at the the Baseball Park en Ellis brother and his wife, Mr.
and adversary will be sure to bring sed because of ignorance super dent Calvin Coolidge, Nathaniel your niche in life. You have 19 Sunday commencing at p. Mrs. Ellis of Silver City It was forward to their attention.
stition and wiles of the Adver. Hawthorne, Chief Justic Johoactive mind, much originality and the 10 mile walk between Long most delighted with their stay at sary and because the divine THE BIBLE VIEW Marshall, Moe George considerable pride.
and Copley Johnny, Kid Frederick and the Pacific side Silver City. plan been The Bible doctrine of the misrepres nied to men, tina are some of the many well known Marriage with you will probably Davis, but it has been supple: they returned on Tuesday Atonement teaches clearls:accomplished persons wbose de most crngenial with some one mented by other (a) The man was created per cue message of Braca and for birth dates are included in the torn during the first three weeks in are truly comical and will prove giveness unbeeded. Althougb week of July to Orpheus Club Meets.
fect in the image and likeness of God freely declares that he is March. This type is geoerally not very attractive.
Some of the God; that man, an earthly being, now ready to receive sinners Born during this week, was the moral and intelligent back to barmony with himself a strong, over powering personality be guided by your superior judge en run on the same principle on Wednesday evening last and you have opinionated and will be willing to events are Team Cycle Relay Race Teams of The Orpheus Musical Club met image and likness of his Cre and to eternal lite since the of will. Yoo are cautions and care and are likely to rule by sbeer forcement.
a or; but fell therefrom, through Ranson is accepted, nevertheless The stately lily is your flower and as as the 440 flat relay: Each man discussed plans in connection wilful disobedience, and came the majority of mankind are ful, always mean what you say and the onyx is your lucky stone riding a lap. with his team mate with their expected visit to the under the sentence of wrath, the slow to believe, and correspond is placed in you. You will never bel (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. pletion of bis predecessor and month. The Club will present worthy of waiting in readiness for com Atlantic end on the 24th of this sentences of death. and thus ingly slow to accept the condi content with halfway measures. Adama Syndicate. tbe the entire bunun family became Bo on, until the 4th, and final lap: tree act comedy drama, The children of wrath. subject to Patb Across the ful which 440 relay race. Obstacle Race, Pat destb. Eph. 2:3 Some bave become so deluded Boot and Shoe race and some of scored a complete success bere. b) While Justice executed they do not be lieve there is a by the sophistries of Satan, that the regular cycle and flat even to the Atlantic side folk on the against his disobedient buman NOTICE Some ef these events have never 24th, at the Cristobal Silver Clubbeen seen on the Istbmus yet bouse.
Son (Adam) the sentences of bis God. others believe in him as a law death and that without out love and syin athy, ready and due to their novelty must great powerful adversary, with surely appeal to all. There will mer 19, yet, nevertheless, bland and anxious to torment them to This is to inform the Public that Mr. MUSThe Athenaeum ed with this Justice and fidelits al et raity; others are con used be a small admission of 15 and CHETT has been separated from the COMPANIA to principles of righteousness, by 25 cents, well within the reach ot PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ as an employee in was the Spirit of love and com by the Badel of conflicting reH. Russell Phillips of Panama one and all, so please da potlet that plt have reached them keep you away from seeing Long Athenaeum on Tuesday evening will be Installing Master at th this city, effective June 30, 1926. Therefore all per substitutior al arrange ter, and know not what to be sons and Corporations are notified not to treat with Johnny beat the stuffings out of ment or plan of Salvation, by him as an Agent of this Company any longer, as he Frederick and Davis, also wit pext, according to information which God might still be just, lieve, and are bindered by their ness some very interesting and given out at last Tuesday meet.
fears and by the and carry out bis josts Coos quently, as a matter of ignorance. has no faculty to receive money nor to represent the comical athletic events.
ing of the Society. Mr Phillips to install in the office, ofticers against singer. and yet be the the number who have availed Corporation in any form whatsoever, for the term July. December, justifier of all who believo in.
Colon, June 30, 1926.
Colon Wesleyan Methodist 1926. Those who are to earry on Jesus, Rom. 3: 36 By this Plan themselves of the opportunity of GRIMES, JR. Church.
drawing nigb unto God through all tols useful work for the ensuing the condemned ones might be Chris Christ is a sentences one relieved from the term are: Neely, President; General Superintendent.
sacrifice without any violation of Jastice, for sin is for all and is part of.
William Jump, Vice President The friends and well wisbars Clitford Sewell, Sacretary; And with such display of divine the Divine program that all men of the Colon Wesleyan Methodist Raynolds. Assistant Secrelove and wisdom and power shall ultimately know the good Church are reminded of the tary, Gordon Smith, Chaplain; wɔuld bonor the Almights, and tidiogs of their privilege under Grand Sacred Cencert to be held Wesley, Critic.
prove a blessing to all his crea divine grace to return to Ai onein the Cburch on Sunday the 18th Wedoesoay even the 28th of tares, human and angelic. by THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED July at 30 this monto the members will evealiog to all the much diversi ment with their Maker through fied wisdom and grace of God the Ransom Sacrifice of his The Choir of the Church will journey to Panama City where Beloved Son Christ Jesus.
contribute two Anthems Oh they will render a program b: Eob. 10 Diaog.
Come Let us Sing and Let the fore tbe Panama (c) It was in the carrying out (To be continued. If you have any trouble with your Righteous be Glad. both by Christian Endeavor Soc ety in of this program of Atonement to John Witty.
the latter Hall.
the divine law, for its transgres.
Mirrors or Reflectors Mrs Olga King, Panama Gold sion by father Adam that Christ Medalist coot. ibute two Patriotic Rally and ance at died a Ransom for all to be Life Savers to be Hunoured.
items. The Atlantic Orchestra testified in due time, Tim. 6.
send them to No. building, 12th Under Mr. Lawson, includLa Boca Clubhouse. d) But the sacritice for sin ing ñor Prado, Violinist; On Sunday 11th inst, at the does not complete the work of October Street, Guachapali, where they Messrs. Lambert and Once more we beg to remind our Atonement. It only met the satis hour of p. at the Silver ClubJosephs, Cornetiste; Mr. Law good friends of the grand Patriotic faction and claims of justice bouse, Gatun, two Vellum CertiRoyal Homane will be carefully and substantially repaired rence and others will be respon Rally and Dance coming off at the of Ransom sible for the rest of the program. clubhouse, La Boca, on the evening to justice, a full transfer olmasa Saciety, London, u be present Coulson also new ones made to order at moderate Revd. Cousios will pre of Thursday the 18th of the present account is made, and his indebted to Messrs. James side. Admission by ticket fifty month. Elocutionary medalists edness etc. is wholly transfered and Allah Rasb for their gallrn.
prices. If you want to have an estimate cents Cy. Programs will be and other well knowo local orators to the account of the Lord 808 try in saving the lives of Mrs.
distributed are slated deliver stirring Christ; who gives to Jastice the Horton and ber three children of work to be done, send a card to addresses for Great Britain, the full satisfaction of his claims on the 24th October, 1925, at United States, Africa, Panama, against Adam and bis Thus Jusus by reason of this The public is cordially invited. BROWN.
Have you tried the Murray Orchestra will fire the purchase with his own precious Ancon Box 1223 with the latest and cleanet is now in consequence now Boer umbers in his line. Doors 19 the owner, master, Lord of all open at 30, o clock, Get your ticket Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United Rent Receipt Books in Span Rom 14:9. Kronen Brau and be on time to join the crowd. e) Thus the one obj. ct of this Ish and English for sale at the States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
NEXT THURSDAY NIGHTarrangement for Adam and bls Worlat Printery Don forget it!
were Sand and events, which Dile four. metroos. ports that of fact Neverthelstatively smali AS We leyan to aims. Gatun race.
hall by blood,

    Death Sentence

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