
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Pain Enemy MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS home das they morning to toifat his lite for Workman Station ry Store Lunatic but THE BEER Glia be might escape dah POWER when we Up to date Jewelry ea be The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best.
Condemned Man เรา toor or irriไม (Oith tone Britionibrio Ruth Day GalebraDanced His Way to tion in Panama City The Gallows (COMMUNICATED)
Qaite unique formation ENOS SMITH TWO STEPPED AND OFtook plac at the Star oft SANG SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO Isthmus Lodge Hall, 21 Stre HOME BEFORE HE WAS HUNG.
Central Avenue on the 15 da of June, when the members Housebold of Ruth 961 HAD FEIGNED MADNESS, IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF F gathered to cele brate Ruth D. This being Paid Extireme Penalty Yester day Morning for Brutal Mur.
in this city, it was styled as der of Blanche Taylor, Ruth Bridal day.
Precisely at p. Sister S claimed the world over as Lindsay, of Househoid being Pain greatest enemy.
Dancing a two step and singNo.
981, called thas. eu bli to Multitudes of people use and ing Show me the way to go th recommend it.
says the Jamaica processional Hymn order, while the band plenils Rheumatic aches and pain, GLEANER of the 23rd ulto, were Gleams Our Baber, them instantly obey its command about the last acts of th murSuitable for Lodge Business bers of 961 and disappear derer Enos Smith, before be went 82, and Juvenile Seely 1416. It penetrates right to the on the gallows in the District then entered in proc. ssion kr sore spot. No need of rubbing.
Prisou at Spanish Town yestering time with the sweet strain It does its work thoroughly. THE that pealed iorih from the bard Give it a trial.
after which, 10ocation WS One bottle will convince you che Taylor offered by sister R cardson, At all druggists and dealers.
The condemned man had been Prelate of No. 961, afer a very felgning Insanity since the sen.
inspiring welcome address from SLOAN tence of death was passed on one of the Javentis members.
LINIMENT him. He was placed under anggota gongue augu gogoangarregangan ang mga gumagama sister nddsay introiuced sister Williams, of said (PAIN ENEMY)
medical observalion by the Prison Household as coairlady for the Surgeon, Dr. Blair, and evening.
Dr. Myers of the Asylum went down on two occaSister Williams on acceptit sions to see him. The medical SSSSSSSSSS the chair, in ber usual capable men agreed that Smith was only manner, gave a very short and shamming Smith kept up instructive address, which rehis game day and night, barking sulted in great applause to ber and bowling like a dog, hoping credit, following Dext was the no doubt that even at the last origin of Rath by Sister tens, NG wbo kept the mome pot until he got on the 12 SUPPLIED BY audience spellbound, as she 11 and the rope was being delivered the historical facts on adjusted that he sbowed that he the life of Rath the God woman; Tully realized what was happen surely we can say at sometimes, ing that there was no hope, we are sleeping we are for the fatal moment was at band.
wasting time and loosing experi Thea be dropped down by the ence Among the items that in every form can be seen warders held him up and in an added splendor to our evening here at its best See our other couple of seconds the trap door was released and Smith bad programme, was the present. tion from the Juve 1: Society Wrist Watches passed into eternity.
The No. 1416 to Sister Smart, ont arrangements went through of their supervisors, for her Bracelets without a bitch and deatb was nine years of faithful service.
The instantaneous.
materials obtainable Diamond Rings Secretary of the.
ATE BEARTILY TO END. The Was made by Society, Sister Smart responded and a hundred other wdorn.
For a couple of weeks during It is specially suited for this climate in an able manner, stating ber his incarceration, Sunith was put ments and you ll recognize pleasure in receiying such on a punishment diet but after not because of its value, but to why this is the LEADING bis death warrant came down be is superior to all imported beers sold know that her service was JEWELRY HOUSE in town was given diet and a half aurih acknowledged by the members ask prices and you ll find stil!
ate heartily up to the end. There here and it sells to the public at of the Juvenila. Other presenta were noticable features in his tions were made to the houseanother reason: general conduct that went to sbo: that he was playing mad HALF the price.
hold, with flowers and fruits by sisters He usually slept from p. in Thompson members of the Juv.
am and then he would start bile brench, representing the 122 Celnral Ave.
the barking stuutaod keep it up TRY OUR NEW BEER products from their Phone 629 1or a few nours, then go back to sleep again.
Among the most interestir The Rev.
feature for the evening, was the Canon Jones, Chapcutting of Ruth bridal cake by M. WILKINSON lain of the Prison, did bis best to ate, NG, ana reason with, aud pray for, the Brother u. Bowen, condemned man, but he declined the members joined bis ministration, Oa Monday in Contractor procession around toe room with the night be barked almost the contracting parties in the rear SUPERIOR TO ALL and Builder whole night and when they keeping step ch with a march started to sing Everybody is played by the band, finally dolog It now. Diog What? Fox assembling around a tabie io House No. 20 trot! Foxtro!
Qiesos 90 and Souw me front of the altar, on which was the way to go home.
placed the Bridal Cake, ne ode 28th JV. STREET, Smitb was determined not to Biess be the was sung one SAN MIGUEL have anything to do with the while the contracting parties Chaplaid but Canon Jones over slowly and gracefully slid tue theleue sto by and offered knives from top to bottom in a Box 411, Panama, prayers.
manner that the end of the verse Another stunt which Son to put on while being prepared for the both completed at the same time Plans and Specifications Free end was that be was riding on a indeed this was an interesting grey borse into the sea and as item. Intermission then fol the borse reaen the sea it started lowed, when the friends and well First Class Workmanship to sport and Smith started snortOf every description wishers were treated to toothing like a horse some delecacies providing and be: Satisfaction Guaranteed, The prison officials present in fitting a bridal occasion. mean cluded Mr. Bernaad Toole, Diwhile the band reminded them of their rector of Prisons: Inspector Mr.
mer next door neighbour which wbich Sullivan, Dr. Blair well enjoyed in FLOWERS and the Rev. Canon Leo the banqueting ball. Toe second Jones, From an early hour crowd part of the of curious persons assembled opened by Brother Pate, bet. Abogado. Attorney at La y outside the walls unable to see or ter known as Bob Pate, who OFICE: No. 44 ST hear anything until the black readily laid a foundation for his Aug was hoisted atter the ex c0AT THE followerers, wbicb was used as a BOX 36 PANAMA CITY tion and they dispersed slogan: TELEPHONE No. 1347 coroners inquest was held at Go on, go ou, go on, go on, the prison at noon by His Honour Go on, go on, go on, Practicing before all the courts of Mr. Yurke Slader, Coro Go on, go on, go on, go on 619 Republic since April 1914 ner for St. Catherine, and a jary, Go on nine sixty one.
the usual verdict of deale by strangulation in accordance with (Sung to the tune of Auld Lang the sentence of the law betog Syne. recorded.
This was followed by Brother STORY OF THE CRIME Reynolds who supported The crime for which Smithing at the cor clusion tba: dat wprder; and the Governor and the remarks of Brother Pate, was due to violence, his advisers came to the concluDR. HOFFMANN paid the extreme penalty was representative of Lodge No. 2166, HOUSE 912, LA BOCA fooihat there were no extenua.
and further strengthened the most brutal one. He was on The defence way that th: CANAL ZONE.
og circunstances and the Law has transferred his clinic to 37 zeal of the members of 951 in a friendly terms with bis victim, deceased mit her death at he sbould take its course.
Central Ave. upper floor of La change of words which conveyed (Opposite the Restaurant)
Blanche Taylor married cwo bands: that foding hat sb: woman, of about 31 years of was in a very delicat sta e of Mascota in front of the Alcalde the same meaning: Office Hours: a. to p. Entrance between La Mascota Forward be our watch word age. The woman had been living bealth she decided to tak he. to pm.
and Preciado Book Store. step by step we join British Consulate Notice with her husband and had been life and notwithstanding the efDAILY in delicate state of health. On forts of Smitb she met her ath TELEPHONE 991. Seek the things before us, Christmas Eve they came to for which she was not respon The British Con ul at Colon And not look bebind (applause)
PHONE 1941 BALBOA Kingston and a quarrel trans sible.
would be glad of information as to So Wanted After the Completion of th: Specializes in all the branche: pired. On the night of the 26 December, it was proved that be The Chief Justice presided the present whereabouts of Albert address from e various repre of Dentistry.
Jured the woman to the dam over the trial. the Attop, ey Davis, a native of British Guiana, for the Lega was brought to sentatives of the order, the very head at Gordon Town and there General and Mr. Radclitte who is stated to be in the leather beard ardered her. The woman conducted the prosecution abila boutin coland whose address is said tion, Panama, Apply to the Brtiish a close by Brothers Bowen given and to let the life of Rath be. Consulate Generaf between the of DG. No. 40, who nd Naomi be our guide. vote head was completely battered Mr. D. Carberry defended by hours of and p Only those commended us for the spirit of thanks from the Chair brought a huge stone and several stabs the prisoter, Rent Receipt Books In Span who have had experience in garden exbibited at this particular fun.
were found on the body. The The jury had no hesitatio in ish and English for sale at the ng need apply. References re tion, and en treated us to line u be function to a close, while ihe and showed the way to go doctor bad no diffficulty in arriv coming to a verdict of wiful Workpian Printery uired.
to the teachings and instruction home, until Bardley and Fuiler Jeweliy Store garden.


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