
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 10, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Interesting West. Girls Regains Speech While Family Prays. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History 38 Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 VIGOR TONIC believed JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
The facts Cider Champagne deat home. Continued from page 2)
the erection of the sbed. The Milwauke, Wis. June 12. movement. It is interesting to Aretbare sucb tbiogs note. bugan as a result of the dis miracles?
Corner 12 Street East Avenue covery by some of the members The Bible tells of the mireles of be club who were teachers in of Prayer hundreds of years ago, We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also elemen ary schools, of two very but people of the present work AND watches. Our prices are the lowest and our poor children wbo were in great day world of bustle and bustle Deed of food.
are prope to believe there is to Workmanship is guaranteed.
such thing as a miracle oor ever Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you BRITISH GUIANA But in Milwaukee to day there Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may is one bappy little family that desire, provided the monthly payments of Indications of Oil In power of prayer to irg about believes in miracles and in the interest are duly met.
miracles, Summary of Contents: The Country.
for througn their WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED prayers a miracle was worked History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years la their own home. This is the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
little family of Mr. and Mrs.
Georgetown, May 17 That Peter Tarantino, No. 869 Mar.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Berbice possesses vast mineral shall Street.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, From this date on, potentialites wh ch bave not yet It was a month ago that fourbeen tapped is a fact that can Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual ACTION SALES scarcely admit of denial. Within teen year old Frances Tarantino Players recent years thie has been sorly midnight on Monday, and as was stricken dumb. It was will be held every day from a. to p. demonstrated. It was cojecVáluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall De family was preparing for tured about three years ago Interesting be pleased.
wbether the Berbice river could bed, Frances started to speak pridoce diamonds to any re tab To ber borror and that of her munerative extent and after torts, but all sound, was gone.
family no sound came, Frantirenewed ber Price 50cts.
the girl serta of investigations and experiments it was agreeably disa There was little sleep for the covered that stones can be foud The best Tonic in the World there in paying quantity. die family that night Secure yours now there will be a great rush to the The followed days and nights for them, presence of a mine al more of despondecy, Frances herself valauble tban amonds but this sank into the mire of diepair and Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN This elegant ſonic preparation is highly recommend has to some extent been over telt that life was not worth while.
looked. When an expedition Why don you get rid of me Panama od in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, visited the river in search of you will all feel much happier, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up mineral deposits, they reported and so will 1, wrote the girl one that indications were favourable. day to ber father on her little pad a run down constitution Quite recently another discovery of paper which was her constant It promotes digestion, impt uves the appemade wbich it is companion in these days.
ved to be the coveted and tito, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Physicians were consulted in invaluable commodity of ol. The Milwaukee and Chicago. Scienindications instead of being found tific methods of all sorts were EL GAITERO DOSE. One small Wine glass before each meal or in the regious of the bin terlaud, resorted to, but Frances still times a day.
presented themselves THE ONLY ELABORATED on the remained speechless.
foresbore of the colony. The location is an estate on the West bas always been deeply reliPeter Tarantino, the father Coast of Berblee about ten miles glous man and has all the faith of Spanish Cider with its from New Amsterdam.
the religious in the power of circulated are that prayer. And besides there were own Carbonic Acid. Mr. Marbarally, the owner of a signo, Services of the Bethlehem well boring plant, while operat For instance, shortly after Franseemingly beaven sentAdditional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness log it, came upon traces of either ces was sticken dumb sbg found petroleum or oil of some kind. tiny rosary case in front of ber After going down a couple bun. home on wbicb was the represen.
Soventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA ured feet below the surface certation of the sacred heart. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL taip gases emanated from the few days later her father machine. Bome one in the com tound almost an exct duplicate (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday 530. Prayer eting. papy applied. lixbted watch of the rosary case in front of the URETIC AND REFRESHING Babbath (Saturday) 948 am. Bab10a. Children Service; 11 which at once Igalled ard gaaAod then, week later, Frances Trade Mark little grocery store be conducas.
bath School: u 16. General Worship Divine Servior. Bro Wesley.
very brilliant Alsme. While p. Sunday Sebool, Superinten continued sounds similar to those found still another of the sacred 80p. Spanish Clase; 30 Y. Society, meeting pol service, Elder Parkinson p. 30 pm. Gon of an earthquake were beard fheart rosary esses near her VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ after which the flame was e 80 o. Junior and Senior Standard extinThe usual weekly services will be guished and the deposit sllowed S, of stainment Clone D. Vespers.
cOnducted on Tuesday and Thursday to run in a To Peter Tarantino, this was a Sunday ever ing 80 Stero night, at 45 to. Leighbouring each.
VILLAVICIOSA Fire was then put into the treoch sigo so one night be summoned opticas Lecture. The general publie SPAIN BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting Watch which continued to blaz: until his little family about him, and cordially invited to turn out in largo 11 Divine Service Bro. A, Swal jevery drop of the substauce was kneeling about the family talbe numbers. 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten water. The spot was quickly Sacred Heart. they supplicated removed from the surface of the upon which were placed images of the Blessed Virgin and et the dent. p. Gorpel service. Bro. Small covered and well boring opera God to restore the voice of the ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT Seventh Day Adventist Church Thursday night, Bible readings and tons were contigned in another place. went by.
For the Republic of Panama Ird STREET BROADWAY, COLON Prayer, Bro. Webley.
Babbath (Baturday) 45 a. mn Babbath GAMBOA MISSION. 11 am, and Then, still undaunted, Peter The time is opportune for the Sobool; 11. 15 a. General Worship p. m, dupplied.
matter to be lovestigated as it Tarantino once more gathered would benefit the colony o It was 11 o clock at nignt and Bro. WEWLEY, 30 Young people meeting family in prayer about him inestimable extent if paying 5, 30 Voepeno cting Pastor in chrge. quantities can be found. Perserom Frances was sleeping in an adBunday evening 7, 80 D. Preaching toe rature of the report circo jining room. They sent their You are cordially invited to lated, It would appear as it the prayers to heaven for an hour, attend there service and bring your Ebenezer Church of God ancient country will be produc and as the clock was striking triede. Holiness tive of one of the most valuable twelve, Frances walked into the commercial products of the preroom No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD where the family. was sent time. Regular Assortment of gatherad and said: The Church of God Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin What are you all doing?
11. Divine Service Promotor. Demerara Fruit Gan teen days, and the sound of ber It was her first word in pinePanama. Aromena Street, Houre 25, Bupplied Hop Miguel Sinday at m. Prayer Sunday Sehool Superintendent, voice startled the girl.
meeting and Gospel meeting at 11 am. p. Programme ning Industry. It all seemed like a dream to SUCH AS and 30 Sunday School at pm. 730 Gospel Service, Preacher me explained Frances. 3 o. tn. Teatim. Meeting Supplied.
Tuonday at 15 pm. Young People Georgetown. May 17 Among Tonics, Soaps, Tuesday 30 Grepel Service the passengers who returned to Vanishing Cream, Meetin. Weddonday at 30 pm Genel troting. Thursday at 30 Note Other Se vices for the week the colony was Mr. Fuz Greaves Open air meeting. Priday at 30 pm. Will be given from the pulpit.
Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine who has just after twenty years British Consulate Notice Prayer Meering Elder ODLE meritorious service, resigned bis BRO, C, PESSOA. ir charge. Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Pateor in appointments Senior AgriculThe British Cousul at Colon Red Tank, Opal Zo. Bunday Soboo Department of Science and would be glad of information as to to the etc. etc. etc. D. to. Gapel meeting on Thursday The Salvation rmy Agriculture, after obtaining big the present whereabouts of Joseph at 30 pm.
months leave of absence which wilson Sealy, native of Brittons Bis. GRAY be spent in Canada PANAMA CITY CORPS.
The Hill, Barbados and the New Providedor. Gospel Meeting a United States el America. He Services are follows combined business with pleasure 11. 30 od 30 Sunoay Snbool 2. b, Early Prayer Meeting, and has returned with much 0000000000 p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting Friday at 7:30 Prayer 10 a. Children Directory Meetin valuable information for local TRY 93 CENTRAL AVENUE and Brigade United Open Air Meeting agriculturists.
Bro MeDONALD 11 linee Meeting to be con Mr. Greaves left the colony in dueted KRONEN BRAU October last with the idea by Commandant Martin, Panama Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Me ting City.
of at 11. 30. and 30 pm, Sunday Brigades Open sir. Y, Company meeting and getting all the information he Bobool at pm. Wednesday 80 pm.
in connection with the ON DRAUGHT p. Junior Open Air.
Goepel eting. Friday at 30 tn.
canning of local fruite, princi5. 45 m. Separate Brigade open air pally the pine apple for the pur OR BOTTLES Pra ee ting Moting, Bro, GEORGE C, GRIFFITH pose of establishing a local indus7. 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting. try for export. In this respect 800000000000000000000000 Col a and Streete Gospel mooi Other notice for the week will be his edorts met with much Inge at 11 30 a and 30 Sunday given from the pulpit.
succe. as not only bas be ob: for the growing of the special Sobool at 8p. Wednesday at 30 tained the information be sought plant required for distribution to pt. Gospel Meeting Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting, Notice to Correspondents.
chinery for the establishing of During his visit to Canada. Why throw away your old, but no Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Contributors and correspondente succeeded in securing an expert principal purchasers of coconuts the industry locally but he has Greaves Interested one of the doubt interesting, books when you Salvation Army Hall, are asked to send in their contribu market for the product ipſ Cans In the Dominion in the local coco tions not later than Tursdays to da. He also obtained all informa nut Industry and it is very can have them neatly bound at insure publication. This is impera tion about the broom making likely that ere long local coconuts LA BOCA CORPS tive apd must be adhered. THE industry and it is understood will tind a market in Canada, 30. Knee Drill.
contemplates establiisbingit 11 a. Holines Meeting.
bere, at an early date, The 93 CENTRAL AVENUE p. o. Sunday School.
6006 Bluod Tablets safer than pecessary machinery has been 80p. Open Air.
606 Money back guarantee. ordered and the Department of Rent Receipt Books in Span Opposite Cecilia Theatre 80p. Salvation meeting. Price Particulars free. Welsh Science and Agriculture bas ish and English for sale at the We extend a cordial ir vitaton to all Medic pers. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. been requested to import seeds Workman Printery girl. bis Barvior.
Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Moday at charge The Workman Printery Meeting could Book Binding!


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