p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JOLY 10, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Little Lesson on Races! Races!
vindicuve Exciting Races a and apprecable kiedya held in his mount silver too he noon was paid on atheists Contra Crespo You Colonese.
ne in turn run the To Morrow Races The Open Forum We do not hold ourselves respon(Continued from page Turfites visitinng Juan sible for views expressed ia these The weekly race program beld at the Hippodrone at Juan Fran all striving the truth is that the bappiness towards which we are Franco race track tomorrow Columas.
co on Sunday afternoon last dia inajority of us are not looking for will be treated to another not draw the usual large crowd happiness so much as a place in classy program of eight races Ts EDITOR, THE WORKMAN: nevertbeless, a fair representa. the sun, we eling fondly to in which most of the best Dear Sir Although am not JUAN FRANCO TRACK horses in the racing game will an agnostic, por rationalist in the ed the program through. Tuere that bliss must come from climbing palar detinition be featured, meking it some terms, yet, beg leave to take of ibose were some so pleasanoess, how to greater heights than the average what difficult for fans to ew phatic objection to teacher ever, due to the decision of the man, of compelling his grudging judges in the tirst race. Repulse, arcussing his envy! And then as se, admiration bis eringing adulatio. TO MORROW place their kale.
Sailb incolerant, running against Caribe, Ruso: Shakespeare so aptly expressed it, Sunday, July 11th 1926 There are seven races for and calumniating utterance as Dictador and Cococha in bis race we find either that, We are perimported horses including a sd sppeared in your issue of tha was apparently a loser in the car. lied up in istening gri and wear inst. in his reply to Mr.
a special and one for native Gaskin, as follows dowo with ly running but came up wheu a golden sorrow or that, Princes turning the bend into the home bred ponies. The feature race the agnostic, the rationalist and 18 stretch and caught up with Cari have but their titles for their. be, both borses running neck glory.
nech for imported horses bringing inly barking back to the dark An outward honour aud neck race to the post where for an out such good ones as Rita luitera ces do not at all bespeak ages, and it is evident that such to all appearances Caribe was inward toil and for unfelt imagina, beaten by a close shave. The Lions Taey ofteu feel a world of plan and Renteria coupled any tangible Races for Imported horses judges declared this a dead beat. restlees cares so that between tseir with 126 and golbs respecti degree of real progress on these It was also claimed that in the titles and low name there nothing vely; Maracay and Carabobo lines of infinite and permanent second race Jockey Jimenez par that differs but the outward fame and. for Native bred Ponies with 121 and 114, Bolt 116 importance in which Mr. aith The sauce of appetite will not interested. Jesus and caused him to be left at grace your board becsure of its and Pereqne 107. This race potessedly Dever taught that.
ine post, the jockey bring the expensive viands, it may forsake WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE carries a cash value of 500 Lat me pertinently and courte owner of Sister Cecilia who run your well appointed table to add mile eusly als. if he in this race and won. This, bow zest to a rabbit stewed by a tramp route.
is truly aware of the fact that, evor, could not be proven. in a wayside ditch, sleep kind AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT The next race of importance help al, allant and brilliant men the vast majority of the most The two cups offered were nature greatest bounty does not is one of six furlongs for a ot ancient and recent times, such won by Mr. Raul Espinosa Abel discriminate between pallet of and General Juan Gomez straw and a silken couch purse of 350 and will be as lo Copera. cus, Lamard, Bruno, taplan. Abel was ridden by Why should envy Ford, or Everybody will be there. Don miss it. contested for by Baladron 126, Gallileo, Herbert Spencer. Tyn.
IN Rolando 124, Renteria 111, Huxley, Garrison, Darwin, Emer dale. Grozil and won a bruiliant race Rockefeller, or ary of the bigafrom Reina Mora: Maracay, tbe hat crowd? Life does not yield First Race Starts p. Sharp Fro Frou 109 and Spear son. Abraham Lincolo, Edison, other horse tinishing a bad tord. them anything thavit denies me; Blade golbs.
those poor poppy cocks Marconi. Ingersol and others bigg st puol for the after why The other events of the numerous to in bayı nt a thing over me except a enumerate here, on Baby Personale de pie worries! They hav at oue ADMISSION tha fifth imported division are all of and whom have become real. furlong race, distance for native horses; the sense more than 1, my power of Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. more or less exciting interest benefactors of mankind, were all winner backers were rewarded enjoym at is equal to, if nüt and will surely give the fans and agnostics by religious zoalcategorically pronounced with 16 70 on each ticket. greater than their since it has all the excitement necessary. ots and fanatics?
The convenCandle wood who ran second paid never been dulled by eatiety; they 10. 10. la the last event Darda have nt a whit more dealib than Of more than passing in tional detinition of the terms nella paid the Dext bixgest possess, and like any young terest is a special race for os tie deando atheisti such good ones that are out believe, which, is irrational and amount. 12. 40 on each win millionaire ve been to almost every who believe vicket, in the well known world; so of the native class but cannot abg smith is a foundamentalist where the odds?
Summary of winners: be really classed with the imFirst racu: Four turlongs bandi. ask me my recipe for happi ported horses proper. The so called, fundamentalism like cap for native borses, purse ne well here it is. Happiness entries in this class include real atneism is a form of dogma. 100. 00. First Repulee, second cones from love of life in living THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER Caribe (dead heat)
every moment of every day vouchsuch well known ones as Top the result of the closed mind.
Science knows on tinal decision, Second race Five furlongs safed us, in keeping in tune with Sargeant, 126 Lackland 114 Kug forward constantly tobandicap for class imported the universe, in a sense of humour, WITHOUT AN EQUAL Peter Pan and Pansamiento wards new evidence. Science is horses purse 200. 00. First in being at peace with one couIcoupled with 107 and 104 simply to tensified common sense, Sister Cecilia, second Novicia, science.
Don fail to try it third Ponebo Roto So you have it, the secret of respectively, and Hope 107. and our knowledge of the deveIt is expected that this race stands in no more antagonistic lopment of life Culled Third rece: Five furlongs happiness from one who knows.
evolution, bandicap for olass imported I, BELL.
will create the greatest ex relativa to religious feeling than horses purse 200. 00 First citement.
doos astronomy, geology, geogCappoul, second Marcala, third No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. On a whole the program raphy, chemistry or physiology.
CHURCH SERVICES for tomorrow is one that all of which bave in Fourth race: Six furlongs turfites should and otner gavotle, of opposing handicap for class imported fonndaD based ou tradition or horsesse 300. 00 First Sixth Sunday Aster Trinity followers of the racing game igaulaaca. he colisiou of ideas Rente la second Doole. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB Counterfeiter Gets Ten should not miss.
nich whicb discoveries have brough Four furlongs bandiMiss Winifred Gordon Toneroun: is oot, strielly speaking, a wara (Anglican Catholie)
cap to natives purse Years.
Visits Panama St. Paul Church, Panama fare or religion and science. It is Dr. Wendehake Oorst Baby Peges, second the inevitable strukgle between dis Labule wood, third Fenomen, Rev, Nichtegale, Rector Tat bank at Cristobal having tradition and knowledge, between sixth race Mile and one tightbox. to Holy Communion. The Rector detected a fifty dollar bill to be Miss MEDICAL CLINIC Winifred Gordon of conventional beliefs and new bandicap for class imbrud 10. 15 Matino Me. At well, counterfeit money, Julio Or Brooklyn, N, formerly of Pa 7, 025 Front Street Colon polnts of view demanded by new burses purse 5000 and the Catechist.
OPPOSITE STATION denez, me boy on the steamship raiso Canal ce, wbo bas develevidence this conflict exists, not Columbia Cup. Woo by Ritaplan 10 30 a. Holy Gomm nion, The Colombia who save it to a Colon oped ber vocal abilities to the in PHONE 11 church and state, but second Intante, tord Spear Rector merchant in payrent of fiiteen extent that she has become an in the mind of every goowing Blade.
12 Hly Baptism.
and forward lookiog man. nama hats al each was located accomplished sing r, sailed from Seventh race: Mile and a quar pm Church School.
and arrested by the Cristobal New York on the 8, ManchuPhillip Brooks who, was an ter for a purget 1, 000 and tbe Wedding Bells.
and arrived here on Thurs. 30 Choral Evensong, sermon Police.
orthodox but a very broadChesterfield Cap. First Abul, The Rector, Five hundred and fifty dollars in of a few months with her reladay. will spend a vacation minded Christian, said: The only at Cina Reloa Mora.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso in atmospaere Communicated. strong, bogus money, in 100 and 50 bills. tives and friends.
Eighth race: Six furlongs for CANAL ZONE.
were found on Ordenez also about class imported horsesmanly controversy, which is one very pretty little wedding of the noblest activities on earth, Miss Gordon will give a series purse 450. won by Bolt. Rev. NIGHIENGALE, two cances of crude opium He was ot Recitals during her stay and it was solemnizad, at St Bernapas can truly live snd floatish is the Baladron second.
Priest in Charge.
accordingly charged with bringing will be a pleasure to the resi Church. Empire when Mr. Per. atmosphere of toleranc. 20 Ninth race; Five furlongs for sm. Holy Communioa and sermon inte counterfeit money and narcotics cival Boyce of Paraiso wa wa dents Zone; was of Panama and other class nat. ve horses. Won by. Rev. Nigbtengsle.
atmospuere whose elements are ried to Miss Ruth May McCoury resp. ci for personal qualities and guilty in Acting District de places on the Isthmus to hear a Dardenala, second Candlewood, a. Holy Baptism trust in the power of truththird Excuse Me. p. Church School and Confirma Wednesday last and sentenced to Blaekburn Court at Cristobal on iormer resident in her perform of Las Cascadas.
ance on the stag. There was a large gathering of honour the skeptic, the faithful tion Class guests and friends at the church and devoutskeptic.
The with all my serve ten years in the Gamboa WORKMAN jos 80p. Evensong address SAD DEATH OF the Shortly after the hour fixed for soul, am no scorner of the man penitentiary.
numerous friends of the success the ceremony the bride a ived who, without scorn, tiods it imMr. Osborne. Catechist.
ful young lady in hoping that her leaning on the arms of Mr. possible to accept that which to (Continued from page 1)
St, Matthias Mission arrival and stay will be pleasant Sheene. while tbe organi my soul seems to be the absolata LAS SABANAS Notice To Members rendered the hymn. The Voice truth After you have conquered craft, has seen service for many that Breatbed er Eden.
years with the Dept. of the (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, or outgrow all your un willinguess Anniversary of Guiding Priest in Charge.
The bride charmingly attired prising and dangerous ways you should thiok in Panama Canal as a lumber checker ta enterThe Isth main League of British and just before his death was emStar Lodge West Indian will held its regu3 Church School a dress or georgette plored with the Grace Line Coat lar meeting in Piraiso on Wednegwith beads and pearls, wbile her turn and look in on yourself, only to 30 pm. Evensong Balbea. His was a nice quiet, Mr. Richards. stechist.
day the 14th ard in this City on The many friends and well wish weil of Spanish lace was caught ind your soul full of uncbaritable unassuming disposition, gaining thoughts towards men who still Satrpay 17 ib.
for him the esteem of all with ers of the above named Lodge will with orange blossoms, carried a be interested to know that on Sun ferns. She was of coffee roses and are keeping the reluctance which attended by you used to ttel. Until whom he came in contact, especial. St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca you get ly the children of whom he was a SPARKLETS.
day July 11th. They will hold their eight brides wald, while Mise rid of these thoughts you are not ite Anniversary Te American Episcopal (Anglican Com at the. great le leaves a sister, Lodge, llene Kirton was chief bride. fully tolerant. You may feel in Sea munio. Hall, on 20 Street Central Avenue. maid, and Master Bellamy acted bus blgotry the high quality of Martin of the Salvation Army.
Holy Communion 69. The Rector (Continued from page 1) Your presence are required without page and the Misses persoual sincerity, and you may than three weeks ll. ny and Gelfath neted as cordially own that not even so Matins end Sermon 11 a The exception:s, disastrous And it re fail a bumao time is anticpaited flower girls minds me of an old Jamaica philos Dovleasant a usurper as bis birfor duty in Rector.
British Honduras, another sister, Church School p.
phy. Ling road pull sweat; but Leaving the church, the happy otry must be attacked with aoy Mrs Brooks of Gatun, Z. a niece 30 Choral Evensone, sermon. shawt road draw blood. There is ORSOGODDDDDDDDDDDDD married pair were showered other artillery but reason. So Mrs. Donald who sides in 22nd. Pres ber, Canon Meleber. really do short road to successor. with rose petals, on their way. you may be tolerant even of TRY Street, Guacu apali, and a host of cordial invitation to all. at least the kind of success which The reception was held intolerance To tell an honest friends to mourn their loss. Confi mation Clase Wednesday and the right thinking Negro has in the home of Mr. Bellany at Lag unbeliever that God will punish Members of all Sister Courts are Friday 30 pm.
contemplation windfall je not KRONEN BRAU Cascadas.
bia for oot beleiving that which hereby invited to attend the funer Evening Prayer and address Wednes considered succese io its truest of guest. The (Mayor) bis mind can see no sufficient Mav he rest in peace.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirton, Mr, and reason for accept. ng that, it day 30 pm sense it is height reach but seldom ON DRAUGHT T. MULCARE, Rector Mrs. Griffith, Mr. Sheene, Mr. he is a rea 0. aa, only fixes him kapt. What is lightly got is little St Jude Mission, Summit. built on a foundation of economy valued. Initiation and energy Swaby, Mr. Sam Frith, Mrs. more crrlainly in unbelief.
OR BOTTLES McDonald Green, Miss Robinson Yours Sincerely be Litany, Holy Communion and and thrift will take us a far way Master CHOLODUCHO Mrs. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. July 5tb. 1926.
Green (from Empire)
Why pay double price THOMPSON ad tress 30 a. Rev. Mulcare, lon the road to economie freedom for inferior imported JT MULCARE Priest in Charge and solve many of our vexed social John Griffith, Mr. and Mrs.
Beor when you can At St. Barnaba s, Empire; St. Bar.
British Consulate Notice Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Sealy, Mrs. Bu, ke and many tholomew. Las Cuadadae; and Bt.
Have you tried the buy a superior Beer cther well wishers called in later.
Simon. Gamboa, Matins and address, such as BALBOA for Church School, Confirmation Claes and The British Consul at Colon new Beer half the price.
Evens ng will be held at the usual time Rent Receipt Books in Span would be glad of Information 89 Rent Receipt Books in Span by the y Readers. Kronen Brau ish and English for sale at the to the present wbereabouts of fish and English for sale at the Charles Noland, a native of Ja Workwear Printery MULCARE Priest in Chetgel Workruan Printery malea Furib race 125.
Class aione She which into the Canal found Judge that men in bouquet wife of as who not more ago left the the Isthmus for Lista al


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