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PRICE Cts. Cy.
RUBBER Amazing Scenes in The British House of Lords a half.
from NEW TREATY PANAMA Jamaican Youth Horrible IS READY Death Board German Ship For Signature States Pacts a Mistake Says Ministers Alfaro and Dr. Belissario Porras Morales.
Full Details of Brutal Tragedy New York, Jnna 26. Panama Over Final Stages in Passing Translated from Cuban Paper According to a statement pub would be making a great mistake lished in our esteemed contempor in granting a rubber concession to Eight Hour Miners Bill ary the Stard Herald of yester. Great Bitian because of the world The following is a translation of a report which appeared day the new toonty between Pa monopoly of rubber enjoyed by Direct West India cable despatch from London, dated in Diario de Cuba, of Santiago de Cuba, dated June 16th namna and the United States to that power, according president of July states that the final stages of the Eight Hour Miners to Dr. Belistake e place of the abrogated Taft Isario Porras, former giving fuller details of the report which appeared in the Agreement, is ready for the the Republic of Panama, and at Bill were characterised by amazing scenes in both Houses WORKMAN recently signature of the plenipotentiaries present Panamanian minister to to night and demonstrations, of a very unusual nature in the Yesterday morning one of those hair raising tragedies, of the wo rontracting natioas, it Great Britain and France, House of Lords.
which for their characteristics of cruelty make the stoutest was announced yesterday.
Dr. Porras, who served three During th: past few weeks, by terms as president of Panama and which has been delayed by the Government to bring pres.
The debate on the third reading in the House of Lords, spirits tremble, took place on board the Honduran steamer cable and radio, the troublesome who is considered instrumental in Olancho. The victim. an unfortunate Jamaican called points, wbien prevented the de. Arranging the concession recently sure on the Yorkshire owners, had proceeded quietly in the William Jones, succumbed to the effects of a frightful tor inite conclusion of the draft of the granted to a British corporation afternoon. The four Labourite Peers strongly criticised the ment inflicted on him by the Chief Officer of the steamer: new treasy, bave been ironed out arrived here today from Paris Bill arguing that the behaviour of these Yorkshire owners brutality. The officer in quastion caused the death of the and Panams has authorized its mann Leiningen of Baravia, cousin weapon into the mine owners hands and that from this Commissioners to proceed to sign to the Prince of Wales, who will Jamaican by literally shutting him up between the walls of it spend several weeks with Dr. Por viewpoint the bill ought to be amended.
a small iron room next to the boilers, where he perished Doctors J. Alfaro and ras in Panama.
Owing to these protests the debate prolonged far into from asphyxia and from heat in the most horrible of deaths, Moralee, nre scheduled to sail at It is my personal opinion, said the night. Finally the Marquis of Salisbury, Lord Privy Seal his agony having endured for approximately an hour and soon Sunday, on tietes se Tolos Dr. Porras, that no rubber cor and Leader of the House, declared the prolongation of the for Now Yarito Wasta granted to Eng.
ington to conclude their treaty land. Minerals, yes, but it HISTORY OF THE CASE.
On May 28th last, the Olancho sailed from Puerto that im nediately after the signing urant rubber concession to the while a crowd of Labourite Conmoners listening to the denegotiations, and it is expected be a great mistake for Panama to brought renewed protetsts from the opponents of the Bill Cortes, Honduras. Although flying the Honduran flag the of the document, Minister Alfaro power that now controls the bate from the Bar of the House shouted four hours for you ship is owned by an American Company, maintaining a Otidon Pages) world supply eight for the miners.
service between Central America, the West Indies and New waza works e Sixteen hours out of Puerto Cortes, bound for New MAYOR OF COLON AND PARTY at the Bar should be removed, which was done by attendLord High Chancellor Viscount Cave, presiding. supported the closure measure and ordered that the Labourites York, Captain Hausen received an aerogram advising him that there had been secreted aboari the ship various stow. VISIT NEW PROVIDENCE ants. The closure motion was then put amid further loud aways prior to her departure. search was made and four protests and carried 44 to and the third reading of the bill stowaway were found in the hole, three of Honduran was carried without division.
To Inaugurate School Service.
nationality and one a British subject, the victim of this tragedy Асен һу актор of beset teachers of the young, we Enthusiastic Welcome Admitted to Bar of the In accordance with American law, the stowaways were ladies du cinema Dambering further pledge onrselzes to do our to Ex President Porras. Canal Zone.
handed over to the immigratior authorities, who re shipped approximately forty live, the ma best at times to assist those in them on the same steamer on her leaving New York on the jority being taches to the valtion of the task with which they President of the Republie, who Soux, employee of the Pana.
charge of this school, in the execu ons educational Doctor Belissariu Porras, Exestablishments of return voyage to Cuba and Central America.
We congratulate Mr. William Panama THE TRAGEDY.
Don Hector Coate. Mayor of and Colon, His Worship, are entrusted.
With best wishes for your contin served his country wich credit for ma Canal on his being admitted to three successive terms, the latter the practice of Law before the According to what we have been told by one of the Colon paid official visit on July ued prosperity we are, ship officers, Jones commenced to give trouble scarcely for the purpose of inaugurating the 11th instant to New Providence, THE WELFARE COMMITTEE coding with the begining of the pre Courts of the Canal Zone, he hatha had the vessel sailed from New York, this, not withstanding local sehool service in the recently upil also read the following sd. Minster to Great Britain and and 23th May last in the Law Master Walter Harvey, a former abroad where he was Panama which was held on the 26th, 27th seot administration, returned ing passed the required examination the fact that the stowaways were not harshly treated and erected sehool building dress in which he landed the edu France on Monday last and receiv Library at Ancon, Canal Zoue.
that his three companions in adventue were willing to do Arrivinst Ponors Landing. cational facilities of the country, ed a ropular welcome from his Yonng deSouza is a graduate of became insubordinate, and actually destroyed the furnitune Mr. Viret of Colon, the party were bope that the day is not far dis Isthmus. at both ends of the the milton College of Law and be care of the cabins, and struck one of his comrades, on colonists. carrying the national intellectual equa of Shakespeare gay to receive the ex chief, almost of Mr. Willian desouza well known received school shall be the was of LawsHe has recently received the degree of arriving at this port, the stowaways were handcuffed to pre flag and other anders. of England and other French and vent their flight from the ship, as the latter would be subAfter the singing of the National Spanish men of letters. Address)
every building along this popular Pharmseat of this city and project to a fine of 100 for each that escaped. According to Anthem, a processional march, led Honourable Nr. Bector Conte B, routs presenting some conspicuous prietor of the Ideal Phariasey at indications of good will.
and distinguished visitors.
the report of the officer referred to whose statements the by a band of music which his wor.
Captain later corroborated. Jones refused to be handcuffed brought the use in blage to the new ship. REETINGS:Attorney deSouza will opeo temand the presence of the chief officer was thereupon required. school building where the inaugural this high function in which many JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO porary offices at No. 29th Street am grateful to participate in THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF Est, Calidonia Cuatro and can be (Continued on page 6)
exercises were conducted.
bad ou Phone 458.
In an appropriate speech, Sefior distinguished officials of the gov SPARKLETS Cecilio sistemaja member of med gathered here for the inauguration THE WEST INDIAN CONFEReroment are taking part. We are Natirual crostabulary, welo of our. the visitors. Señor Manuel Rod. these gentlemen in returning to (BY Señorita Virginia de their homes will be able to talk of Cordova (teachers in charge) also having a good time in New Provi.
ENCE IN LONDON Brother Sam Whyte has extrae ments; but like Mr. Baxter they delivered which they dence.
ted another carbon cony of J, appareatly will not throw a pebble pledged themselves to do On June 4th the Delegates to the gates were introduced individually Baxter stated. position on both in our way if they believe it wouli anche letos promover er helt mark one step higher in the in ing the report, laid rent biet the Room. The chairman then address tbe moral trust that this school will Il est Indian Conference, after sign to Mr. Baldwin in the Cabinet mian Indian problems, retard of our already weak intellectu Señorita de provement of this colony. Only by foct lems, published in the loeal press It is only a thousand pity that Cordova who seemed overcome by means of education can we main the the Cenotaph in Whiteball, ed the Prime Minister, explaining s writen opinions on our prob lel orts to improve our condition, vouthful charges.
Chsirman saying. lay this the aims and the work of the frem time to time, have been these men are in such a ridiculously emotion closed ber address with tain an aspiring government The wreath on behalf of the Colonies ference, and indicating the uspira always taken by the writer as com small majority.
presentation of a beautiful road to success of the great nation represented at the West Indian tion of the West Indies to take an Panama ing from an open heart and more has col. Conference, in, memory of the ever increasing share in inter ImOne of our young men who took Hector to be a symbol of lege. or less self explanatory; as he has part and won either a each prize or Do, quet of roses which she assuredlere and schools of arts where Glorious Dead, while the Hon. periai trade, and occupy a place hundreds of citizens are and Rev. A, Barclay, of JamaiNority of themselves in the Im never on any occasion given us to gold medal in a singing contest enexpressed sentiments, believe that he is on our side. held at Liherty Hall some time ago system, Mr Preceded by little OliveMay reached the goal of education and trained every year but we have not ca, added. Baldwin, in never harb red any sneaking when the promoters promised cash McDonald, a youthful colorist who reply, referred to the ancient glories Father in Thy precious keeping, of the West Indies, and expressed des either, that he was on our prizes and a a gold medal for as high presented His Worship with we can never do so antil we proside, but always thought and still as 50 for first prize, gives among bouquet of flowers trade Messrs. duce men which be compared with Snakespeare of good reasons for not linking Moore and David Johnson, Presi The delegation then waited in and the between these Colonies a sing biok that he plays fair game; Oceat now with others of his fel dent aad Secretary, respectively of Cervantes of Spain and Mirabeau deputation on the Secretary of Country.
He expressed his we, on our own oars, are able to make apy 00 toe good good work for better conditions the following address in Spanish culture to heights sublime. will lonial Office, when the Chairman of the Conference, and he ped prestige or among his people here that he is and English.
now return to our in perter ol pub formally handed in the Report. Sir it would mean the beginning of a his pocket book, he would never mad with of those whom we give Edward Davson reviewed the work new era of progress in the history Wilberforce did not who are higher up. and Mr. Alcalde, Mr. Inspector of rich applause for his beneficial part of the Conferense, presenting to of the West Todies.
bother us. We.
there Public Instruction, Ladies and in this work, and also to the Wested below and explaining the is unaumious and that it recoma resolutions It is understood tnat the Report trounce his countrymen for keeping fore, does not intend to Gentlemen: chattel slaves because he felt that in of their affairs even very duced, halus On behali of the people of this young in its organization, but reasons for the conclusions come to meads the establishment of a that case of abumanity, done he money he realit: berlod colony, we the Welfare Committee who ru members helped to make and the objects with this the Center. Standing Conferences to be called be slaves, five dollars, had earn and received, through one who is this a success, ence in mind. atatement The West Indies Conference, thized with the poor devils; the now an officer of the Employees Fully realisinz the far reaching me gentlemen, to make having been supplemented by yre being the Standing Conference of a cvilization was to be Association, and in addition he is results of this inaugаral ceremony mention of these distioguished marks from various Delegates, Mr. British Guiana, British Honduras, advanced! And white man persons. the the prestige dae at stake There are unable to collection less than twice today, we pledge ourselves to sup. today, am sure that they occupy with the resolutions, promising his Indian Islands. Such Couference quite a few proud Cacasians on the that amount from the Isthmain port this institution which you positions in different branches of assistance is endeavouring to give would he purely an advisory body, with no executive powers, to meet isthmus who sympathize with Amusement Association or some shall have inaugurated, being of the government services, and effect to them, West Indians. Unlike Mr. Baxter name that sounds that way. He fully assured that, on its success some of them have great responsiMr. Amery theo led ihe Dele at regular intervals, and performing thinks that both are at fault, espec children, depends the future welfare of our bilities resting on their shoulders; gates across the road to No. 10, for its crnstituents functions analothey do not have to guts to say so if in their faces enthusiasm is Downing Street, the Prime Minso in public or at opporluae mo(Continued on page 8) Realising the difficulties which (Continued on page 8)
ister residence. Here the Dele (Continued on page 8)
when Dative sons a riguez Dod address in do all the young keave we now our loved ones sleep his wish to see an ing.
may of England, that is, if up not materialaxian proud Call jeopardize most.
mery the reprowhich any likely, howearned ever Permit me cause of


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